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diacope 2

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  1. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to InstantRockstar in Thank You Post - VHL Edition (Theme Week)   
    Typically I am a GFX person, and I thought about just doing some lame GFX thanking one, or two people for my experiences here in the VHL however there are so many amazing people I've met over the years here, I figured even with my shitty English, I'd type something out to just show my appreciation to everyone that has made my experience absolutely phenomenal. Without further ado... 
    @Beketov @McWolf @diamond_ace@Josh@Acydburn@rjfryman @Victor- I think every appreciation thread should start with the top of the 'chain of command' and that is our commissioners. I've dealt with every single one of you at some point through my recent stint here in the VHL, starting back in like S61 or S62 when Josh took me on as AGM, and then it went from there. D_A and Bana (Bana will get his own section later in this) took me on as San Diego GM during expansion and really helped me feel welcomed back to the league with my first GMing role in years. I then got to work with Acyd & Victor as the VHLE became a thing, and I once again was selected after a long wait to move up the rankings and takeover the newly created Rome Gladiators. I've had the pleasure of knowing both of these guys for years (especially Victor) so working with them was always very simple, but they really made the E experience fun. And then of course we have Bek, who has heard me complain a million times about not getting a VHL GM job, wondering why, the usual back & forth, but also always being professional, and good at what he does. I've always appreciated the humble nature and the role that you play in the league, so thank you Bek for really just being there for the league, and keeping it a fun place to enjoy for all of us. 
    An appreciation post wouldn't be an appreciation post if I didn't show some love to my AGM's over the years, the people that helped keep me afloat and make the GMing experience even more fun than it has ever been. 
    @MexicanCow123 - My first ever AGM, you've gone on to achieve amazing things since you left the position and proven to be a very capable person in your roles. From becoming a GM yourself, to an updater, a simmer & so much more, you've done incredible things. I really appreciate the time your time in San Diego, it'll forever be an amazing memory to me. 
    @Minion - Another AGM that really enjoyed the role and made my role as GM much more enjoyable. Constantly wanting to help, being present and just throwing out suggestions, you helped make Rome what it was. I was so very happy to see you move into a GMing role as I know you deserved it, and I truthfully always want what's best for you in the league. Thank you for helping me succeed in Rome. 
    @Baby Boomer - Another excellent member, excellent AGM, someone that once again always stepped up and was available when needed. Rome was successful with a lot of help from you, and while we didn't get to be the dynamic duo very long, as I would depart Rome, there was a big reason I chose to push for you to get the GM job there. You're going to do big things in this league and I am very excited to see where Rome goes from here. 
    @comrade cat- No AGM regonition post would be complete without my current AGM, right? I had the pleasure of being your GM in Rome for a little bit before I moved on to LA, and when the AGM spot became available & you chose to apply, you made my decision quite easy. You've always been eager to learn, asking a lot of questions to understand the GMing role and always wanting to be involved. I'm very happy & blessed to have such an outstanding AGM. 
    Now... I know I had more AGM's in-between but either their account is gone, or they have unfortunately gone IA. I'm very blessed and thankful for all of those AGM's, but I won't do a huge write-up on the rest from there. 
    Let's move on to ALL the friends and people I have met in this league that I actually talk to either on a daily basis or... regular basis. Don't worry, if you don't fall in this category, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you, there will be more
    @Banackock - Probably one of the people I enjoy talking to the most, just always around & willing to chat, never someone who takes life too seriously and can just shoot the shit whenever. No matter the reason we first met, you've become someone that I truly do trust in the league and enjoy having regular conversations with. You've been my commissioner, my GM and I would absolutely consider you my friend here as well, so thank you for all you've done that has helped shaped my time here in the league and made it full of enjoyment. 
    @Rayzor_7 - While the conversations aren't AS often as they used to be, I'll always have appreciation for you just simply because you've been someone that has always chatted with me and we more or less became GM's together, and worked our way through the system together also. We were at one point the longest reigning 'duo' of GM's down in the minors until you ditched me (traitor lol) but now that I'm in the VHL, the duo has been reunited. I look forward to what the future holds. 
    @Acydburn - Surprise... you're on here twice! While I appreciate what you've done as a commissioner, I've also enjoyed the "non-job" talk that we've had over the years. Whether it's talking about our teams recently, or just talking about really anything, I've always enjoyed our conversations and appreciate having someone around that can just listen when needed. You're a good person, and I feel like maybe some forget that beyond your roles, but just know I appreciate it. 
    @FrostBeard - My comrade, and someone that I would absolutely consider a friend. Like Rayz, we grinded the rankings together through various leagues and always managed to stay in touch along the way. You've always been humble, honest and someone that I can rely on if I ever need advice. You're an extremely loyal person, and quite frankly I cannot wait to see you make it to the VHL, so we can GM together once again. Thank you for being real, and thank you for always bringing that competitiveness out of me. 
    @a_Ferk - Another person I've known in the league for quite a while and still chats every now and again. While I know you've been a little more busy recently, it's always nice to chat & catch-up when the time allows for it. I've had the pleasure of getting to talk to you over the years now and it's never a dull conversation, always a good conversation and one that I thourgouhly enjoy. Thank you for making my time here that much more enjoyable. 
    @STZ @jhatty8- I'm grouping you two together because you both have helped me so much when it comes to creativity & my gfx work. You've always been more than willing to answer my questions no matter how simple or dumb they may have been, and because of all your help, I've grown so much in making graphics, and for that I am forever grateful. You two have such a gift for creating digital masterpieces, so thank you both for shaping my gfx into what its become today. 
    And now onto the final section, the people that I have so much love & appreciation for even if we don't talk that often. These people have made an impact on me, the league & my experience within the league during my stints here. I likely won't go super in-depth on this one because... there are a lot of people! 
    @Molholt - Am I dumb for tagging someone I absolutely betrayed the trust of? Likely... but my sim league experience all around would not be the same if it weren't for Molholt. We became friends years & years ago, and you've seen me at my highest, as well as my lowest. I made the dumbest decision of my sim league 'life' when I betrayed your trust, and for that, I truly am sorry. No amount of apologizing or anything can excuse my actions, and I don't expect you to so much as read this, but just know I truly am sorry for doing what I did, and even without forgiveness, I hope one day way in the future, you may be willing to forgive me for what I've done. For now, I will just leave this here, a thank you for being real since day one, and being there for the highs and lows. 
    @Dil @fishy@samx@Baozi@dasboot@Dom - Collectively, I'd like to thank the mods for doing what they have to, in order to keep this league in order. Your job is never easy, and I'm sure there is some resentment from those that don't understand how tedious the job can really be, and unforgiving too. While I don't talk to many of you super often, I will always have a respect and mutual understanding with everyone in the moderator team for simply keeping the league safe & enjoyable. So thank you for your work! 
    @thadthrasher- The man, the myth, the legend now known as ThaddyDaddy within the VHL haha. I've enjoyed our talks, while sometimes brief in the league and enjoyed watching you grow both as a father, and person, as well as a GM. You're tremendous at what you do, and I'm really glad to see your life is headed in such a bright direction. 
    @KaleebtheMighty @Advantage - The other pioneers of the VHLE movement, and the guys I was lucky enough to make history with when the VHLE was first established, really fortunate to have had such an amazing crew to develop the league & make it as enjoyable as it was. 
    @Alex @dlamb @Enorama- The rest of the GM's that I haven't already spoken about (well, most lol). Ever since I got promoted, I've had nothing but encouragement from most of you, if not all of you, and I really appreciate the warm welcome to the position. Most of you, I've also interacted with prior to becoming a VHL GM, and it's been nothing but positive interactions, so again, I really do appreciate those times. 
    @Nykonax - Known you also for quite a long time, while I could've thrown ya into the "GMing" post I figure with how long I've known you, you should get a section of your own. We've not talked a crazy amount but in the times we have I've always felt the interactions were positive. You're an awesome member, good GM and despite the whole Meta bullshit, you are well undercreditied for your achievements. 
    @Ricer13 - Another GM I go pretty far back with, in this league and many others. Similar to Nyko, we don't talk A LOT, but our talks when we do talk have always been positive & bright, and I do enjoy getting to catch up to you when time allows for it. You've been an awesome GM in your time as GM and always been an excellent member to the league. 
    @Spartan- In the infamous words of DJ Khaled... anotha one. While you're GM, we go back quite a while WELL before either of us became a GM and we've both had quite the lengthy tenure within the league. In that time, I've gained nothing but respect for you and enjoy our chit chats while not frequent, they are always positive & fun. You're a great person, and truthfully I hope you never change. 
    @DollarAndADream @Brandon - Two more guys that deserve a lot of recognition for their graphics work. While I may not always get the chance to comment on your work, just know I really enjoy seeing the work and having known you both for so long, it's honestly amazing to see where you've come and just the amazing work you can put together. I almost feel like we SHOULD talk more, but just don't lol. 
    I'm going to cut it off here, maybe make a part-two when I have more time to type things out, but for now, this is it. 

    To those I left off of part-one, don't be offended please. I'm typing this while dealing with quite a bit of family emergencies only some of which people know. Just know my years & years of being here, have been nothing short of amazing, and while some of my time was wasted here by being an absolute jackass, I regret nothing because I've met so many amazing people ❤️ Thanks to all for being a part of my VHL journey. 
  2. Woah
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Unlocking the Satanic Messages of Halifax's New Logo   
    This may end up being more of a media spot than a VHL.com article, but it's all I want to write about at the moment and I need my last 2 TPE for the week. Let's get to it.
    The Halifax 21st recently unveiled a new team logo recently, which looks like this:

    While everyone is looking at this new logo, it's occurred to me that this may end up distracting people from the fact that HALIFAX IS A SATANIC CULT, and our new logo is no exception to the rule. What we have here is direct evidence, nay, proof, of the devil-worship the league has seen in Canada's easternmost major city (at least, easternmost as far as I'm aware of as an American). To start, let's take note of the fact that the ship on our logo has six windows, as we see below:

    Count them! That's right. Six windows. Six is a Satanic number, and when we take a look at the numbers even further, we see that the meaning is somewhat deeper...
    The team name is the "21st". 21 is a multiple of three, as we see, and three sixes in a row gives us THE DEVIL'S NUMBER ITSELF, 666. 
    Let's not forget about the number multiplied by three, though--seven. You've got that right, the six windows in the picture, combined with the team's name, give us 666 repeated seven times. At once, this is a symbol of the seven deadly sins, the surest way to the fires of hell, as well as being an open mockery of God's seven archangels, one of whom, Michael, famously "shouted 'BEGONE THOT' and yeeted Lucifer from the kingdom of heaven" (that's what it says in the Book of Revelation, look it up). 
    As well, let us keep in mind that the eyes are the window to the soul, and these windows are colored black, signifying spiritual corruption and affiliation with the Devil.
    Next, let us turn our attention to the background--not the background of the demonic picture of the ship, but the background of the logo itself, a blue cross on a white background. Look at the logo again and notice it...

    Coincidentally (or not), this background is the Scottish flag, with the colors switched. Have a look at the Scottish flag and see if you agree:

    Now, a bit about the Scottish flag here--the white cross represents the patron saint of Scotland, St. Andrew. To switch the colors of the logo is to make a mockery of the nation of Scotland, its patron saint, and by extension Christianity--something that a true Satanist would enjoy and a blatant symbol of the spirit of the team, whether in spiritual nature absent or outright evil.
    Back to the logo, anyway...

    Notice that the ship in the logo is steam-powered. You know how old steam-powered ships work?

    Yeah, you see that. Coal gets fed into a giant boiler, which ultimately provides the heat necessary for water to evaporate, and you know the rest. Well, check it out--the steam-powered ship is a Satanic symbol. First of all, in the above picture, we see men working. Working in the boiler room on one of these ships was backbreaking stuff, with long shifts and high temperatures. Sound familiar? Sound like hell? You bet. Not only this, but coal is made of mostly carbon left over from dead organisms, such as dinosaurs or trees or one day human beings, making the boiler itself a symbol of Hell and people burning. 
    Look at the logo again, I bid you:

    Notice how in the middle of the ship, we have a large wooden mast. This can be taken as nothing but a direct mockery of the large wooden cross upon which Jesus died. Need further evidence? Jesus died between two thieves, just as Houston's chances at the cup last season died between @McWolf and @Thranduil. Need further proof? The mast is the centerpiece of not one or two but THREE Satanic symbols, as we see below:

    A large arrow can be drawn by following the lines created by the mast the front of the ship, and the shape of the waves in front. This is symbolic of the intended direction of those representatives of Halifax (straight down to the fiery depths of Hell), further emphasized by the fact that the same arrow follows a line through the smokestack and into the boiler (see above). 

    A pentagram can be drawn using the five extremes of the ship's outline, with the mast bring right at the top.

    And, finally, we can draw an upside-down cross by following the line of the mast down the front of the ship and crossing it with the line of the ship's deck.
    So, I bid all of you people, BE ON THE LOOKOUT for the DEVIL'S TRICKERY which is alive and well in Halifax.
    Hi @jack
    @Motzaburger sorry I didn't get to your logo, but I'm tired. Maybe some other time.
  3. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in Riga Reign Press Conference   
    1. Not really, I wish there was a way to +5 or +10 instead of just +1.
    2. I'm fine with it, I think it helped the team out.
    3. 7/10.
    4. Lemorse could be you, he could be me, he could even be Beketov.
    5. VHL addiction is my best guess.
    6. Sad USA noises. We were so close, but lost it in the end.
  4. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to MubbleFubbles in The Board Game Clue On Skates Is Unable To Experience Because It Is A Board Game   
    Unfortunately that scout couldn't be reached for comment, since he discovered his wife in bed with BGCS he has moved out of the hockey circle and is now currently a line worker at Asmodee Editions tasked with making a board game that can compete with BGCS
  5. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to MubbleFubbles in The Board Game Clue On Skates Is Unable To Experience Because It Is A Board Game   
    “It looks like it’s seen better days”
    “It looks even worse than before”
    “Has anyone stopped to consider that maybe a fairly small inanimate object attached to a pair of fairly expensive ice skates is 1) a waste of money, 2) a waste of some nice hockey skates and 3) just generally an ill-thought out idea?”
    The saying goes that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, but this is only 50% true in the case of The Board Game Clue on Skates as board games do not have bones to break. However, depending on the size, shape and weight of said sticks and stones, they may ultimately wind up denting, perforating or damaging the structural integrity of the cardboard shell that The Board Game Clue On Skates does not call its body as it is a board game that is incapable of effectively giving itself a description through standard human means. However, the fact that it is a Board Game does mean that it is going to be unaffected mentally heading into its rookie season by the amount of dissenting opinions currently being thrown around about its horrible play.
    Heading into the World Juniors Cup, there was a lot of expectation surrounding The Board Game Clue on Skates and for good reason, as it had recorded the third highest amount of goals in the VHLE in Season 82. However, these goals were scored as a result of envy and jealousy of its teammates, who were hitting several shots a game at full force at The Board Game Clue on Skates, leading to it scoring a lot of goals through deflections. When the off-season was reached however, the VHL (under pressure from league advertiser Hasbro) made a rule that would effectively limit the number of shots per game hit in the general direction of The Board Game Clue on Skates. As a result, The Board Game Clue on Skates went from a scoring sensation to a board game that, for some reason, had some skates attached to it overnight as its performances in the WJC were a stark contrast to the ones we had seen in the VHLE the season prior.
    So with these rule changes, what can we actually expect from The Board Game Clue of Skates heading into its rookie season? We asked one scout about the matter and he said “Absolute shit”.
  6. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to VHL Bot in [S83] NTC: Yun Chiang   
    Yun Chiang has refused to waive his/her No Trade Clause (NTC) with the Riga Reign.

    The trade involving this player is hereby void.
  7. Haha
  8. Hmmm
    diacope 2 reacted to Shindigs in why is there still a vhl trivia thread   
    Maybe it's the new secret Thunderdome: Trivia Edition?
  9. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Moon in Quarter Finals: Games 3 & 4   
    Series 3, Game 4: Houston Bulls vs. Halifax 21st 
    This contest saw no goals through the first 20 minutes of play. Halifax opened the scoring in the 2nd period, and Houston responded with 2 goals of their own to bring a 2-1 lead into the third period. The third period saw a crazy amount of offense. Halifax scored two, followed by 4 unanswered by the Bulls. Halifax would go on to score another pair and the game ended 6-5 in favor of the Houston Bulls. Sam Tombstone had to enter the net in the 3rd for the 21st after their starter ChickenLittle allowed 5 goals.
    Series 4, Game 4: Ottawa Lynx vs. Mexico City Kings 
    The Kings had a very dominant series but finished this one off Jets vs Oilers style, as it came down to the wire in the end. Both teams got a lot of their offense out of their system in the first period. The score was 3-3 after the first 20 minutes. The 2nd period saw only 1 goal from Ottawa, and the Lynx would add another early in the third. A few minutes later the Kings responded with a goal of their own, and they went on to tie it with 3 minutes left in the third. The game went to overtime, in which Tomas Sogaard scored the game winner for Mexico on a short handed goal.
  10. Haha
  11. Sad
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Shindigs in Riga's Rookies Have Disappointing Seasons   
    We were doomed from the start
  12. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Shindigs in Riga's Rookies Have Disappointing Seasons   
    I mean @nurx did jinx it about a solid dozen times. So it was to be expected, I guess?🤷‍♂️
  13. Hmmm
    diacope 2 reacted to nurx in Riga's Rookies Have Disappointing Seasons   
    yeah in hindsight maybe a Riga player wont get Rookie of the Year.... UNLESS THIS FINAL SIM LEDUC GOES ABSOLUTELY INSANE AND SCORES 50 GOALS AND TAKES THE LEAGUE BY STORM!!!!!!!
  14. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from animal74 in Games: 530-544   
    Game 535: Helsinki Titans vs. Chicago Phoenix 
    A backup game for both teams that went about as poorly as it could have for Helsinki. At just 18:37 of the first period Xavier Booberry entered the game as Helsinki’s bot backup was pulled. He allowed 3 goals on 15 shots. Helsinki scored a single goal in the first and it ended 3-1. In the second Chicago once again opened the scoring, but Booberry stopping the bleeding there and allowed nothing past him the rest of the game. Helsinki responded with a goal in the late second and one early in the third, but Chicago held on to take it 4-3 in just their sixth win of the season.
    Game 542: London United vs. Malmo Nighthawks 
    London and Malmo faced off in a game that didn’t mean much for playoff implications on London’s end, as they look like a lock for first. However, Malmo is still fighting for a wildcard spot. They are currently in 4th but Moscow and Warsaw remain within 2 points of them. To open the scoring London scored 5 straight goals, with Malmo unable to respond until a little over halfway through the second period. Heading into the third period with a 5-1 lead, the United pulled a Toronto Maple Leafs and Malmo came roaring back with 4 straight goals to tie it. It was all for nothing however as Juice Box scored for London in the late third and the London United took it 6-5 in regulation.
  15. Love
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Agito in Zdeno Chara ? Retired ? WTF ?   
    Goodbye my friend. It was great having you in Saskatoon. It seems so long ago now
  16. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Agito in Zdeno Chara ? Retired ? WTF ?   
    Hello this account is now inactive and out of use. 
    I think I've done the trick within VHL and many things here don't interest me anymore! 
    Here is the message that I brought to some people as part of my departure. 

    Thank you for your confidence! It was a pleasure to play in the VHL 
    I'm leaving because I feel like I've done it all. I also feel that there is an inequality in the VHL for those who don't really know how to write articles or make graphics. There are people who make almost 30 TPEs every week. And I'm not talking about the staff who earn TPE! They can afford to have crazy stats in such a short period of time while for a player who does press conferences and welfare. It doesn't give much of an option for the player who doesn't really have the photoshop skills. It's not always easy to find more than 3 sentences for a graphic either. 
    I would say that this is one of the sides that makes me leave the VHL. 
    I know how to do some things but nothing more and I think it's a shame because you can't really explore the field hockey side of things. 
    I think the VHL could add a side like Hockey Dynasty. It would really have a Hockey feel to it. Right now it's just randomly generated stats based on the lines sent. Overall it lacks a great RP side that could improve the VHL. I feel like I'm going in circles. And I think that many people think like me. We can see this with the player activity. Most of them are the same for several years. New players come in but don't stay long for some other reason but I think there is a reason to go in circles. 
    Anyway, I'm not here to complain because I had a great time in the VHL. But I just wanted to express myself on these points, sorry for the long text ahah

    The VHL remains however a pleasant place where I spent a good time in company of several nice people. 

    Special mention to the following people. 

    So I'll start with you! I would like to thank you for the experience you have given me at VHL. You are a great leader! During the several months that I was in the Moscow locker room you were there and helped me to get into TPE. It's easy to talk to you! You are a very nice person despite the fact that you take for the penguins #Gobruinsgo! Ahah I'm kidding! Take care of yourself! 
    @KaleebtheMighty and @Spaz

    Next I will introduce you to two very nice guys with whom I enjoyed spending time! 
    So I'll start with you Kaleeb! Before entering Istanbul! You were someone who intrigued me! You may not know the story, but I had a buddy in VHL! He joined your team. He was banned for his Discord image I think. Afterwards I heard about you from several people in the VHL. "You'll see Kaleeb is a great guy" I was told. I can confirm that Kaleeb is an ultra great guy! You can talk to him if you need to! He will be there! Stay as you are and remember that no one will forget Victor! The famous player of this forum! 

    Hi Mr. Spaz! Zdeno vs Tobias were talking in the locker room! You're an engaging person! We can confide in you! With you it's not only about field hockey! Stay as you are! You are really great

     So we'll move on to Thad ! I think that among the people I worked with! Thad is the one I enjoyed working with the most! You give him the STHS software and he makes you a cup! He won all 3 cups in such a short time that day! Despite your light time! You are truly an amazing person! I can't say otherwise! You also now have a mini-warriors! Stay as you are!

    Let's move on to the Minion 
    For the little time I spent with you! I can tell that you take your work seriously! Being a GM is not easy! Sometimes you have to make choices that can be difficult! And you manage to do it! You are a nice guy! Stay the way you are


    We will finish with the one that allowed me to take off in the VHL! The one who has been my mentor! The one who made me discover what the VHL is all about! 
    I would like to thank you for your involvement in my player but also in my life when it was not going well. Field hockey is my favorite sport! The VHL has been a way to release some stress that was common in my life! Every one of us at least for 5 to 10 minutes to find out what the VHL was all about was fun!  Really stay the way you are! You are a really great person! I'm glad I met you! 

    About 10 months ago I joined VHL through Google Play and I come out of it with experience and better English! 
    You will remember me because I brought a translator named Rita to VHL! 
    It was Agito under the player Zdeno Chara peace! 

    I will come back to the forum one last time to see if there are any answers and if not you can add me on Discord if you want to discuss with me.
  17. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to thadthrasher in VHL's Newest Player...   
  18. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Spartan in (S84) D - Scoish Velociraptor Maloish, TPE: 80   
    I hope you are never VHFL relevant
  19. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to BrutalBoost in Hockey question   
    Ok, I was just watching Steve’s Hat Picks and saw Patty Kane score from behind the net and this question popped into my head. If you played hockey, what would be your most memorable highlight? That’s the question.
    Since I asked, let me start off. My Junior year high school I started to play Men’s Hockey with local park district. I was not allowed to play high school hockey because I was 18. I never been held back in school. The park district had 2 leagues. A “H League,” which was a house league that hat 4 levels H1-H4, and a “C League,” competitive league, C1-C3. The director of hockey placed me in H1, the higher level house league. I played for 10 games with them, scoring over 23 goals. Then the director though I was doing to good and decided to throw me into a C1 team that no one thought will make playoffs. I wasn’t doing as well, only scoring 5 goals in 17 games. But that team made it to playoffs just barely and we actually made it to the finals. The finals were best out of 5 and we were tied 2-2. In the final game, with 3 minutes left in the game we were loosing 6-5 and we were on a penalty kill. The team captain called a time out and out me into the game, the puck draw was in the offensive zone for us. We won the draw and a just straight blasted the puck past the goalie, tying the game. 1 minute before end of game one of our defensemen gets a penalty. The other team calls the time out. The captain tells everyone he is going to pull the goalie and I will be going in. We won the face off and the defense dumped the puck. I get out there and bust my ass to get to the puck. I didn’t make it but I managed to strip the puck off of the defensemen and dump it back in. After chasing after it, it was just me and 3 defensemen behind the net, we were right by the trapezoid area and none of my team mates were there. So, I decided to send it and hope for the best. Some how it went in and no one but me saw that, so I was the only one celebrating until ref noticed it and blew the whistle. We ended up winning because of that. So, that was my most memorable highlight.
    The following season I shattered a Talus bone on my right ankle and never play again. That was 8 years ago.
  20. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to ROOKIE745 in My greatest achievement in my gaming career   
    I have reached 100,000 gamerscore, my life is complete. I can die in peace now lol.
  21. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Shindigs in I find this lack of Forum Content (and Career Tasks) disturbing.   
    I did my PSR because of the time window but the junior review doesn't have one. (I'll get around to it eventually)
  22. Woah
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Shindigs in I find this lack of Forum Content (and Career Tasks) disturbing.   
    I don't even want to do them haha. I have a junior review I haven't done yet and it's my third season in the league
  23. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Ian Kingston in The Chicago Phoenix: Burnt to ashes   
    When you see the Chicago Phoenix play today and you think that they're a couple of guys from a beer league team being thrown out onto the twice a night. In fact it might be an insult to the beer league team. They're not even trying and are out tanking the real life Arizona Coyotes.
    But where did it all go wrong. Not to long ago they won the Continental Cup in S75 in only their 2nd season in the VHL. Well you could trace their futility right after the cup win. It made them think that they could go all year in and year out. Trading for aging entities like Julian Nousiainen and Kasper Kankkunen. This left them with very little draft picks to get impact prospects.
    So there's still free agency you say? How about giving a lot of money to Spencer Elsby who retried in the middle of the season. As for everyone else
    Austin Towbaker was a goal scoring machine for the Lynx LET'S GET HIM! (plays in the VHLE instead)
    Pekka Grubauer is the backbone we need in net! (also goes to the VHLE) I guess he's just too good right now.
    Alright.... how about the twig that is Sunrise, Freddy, aaaaaannnd.... a game board? Guess they really have gone mad.
    They better hope to god that a board game will revive their franchise. Maybe then you can stop having auto generated players on your team.
    Like a phoenix they had a blaze of glory. Now their ashes can be found in an urn.
  24. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Josh in Is Discord over moderated?   
    Before I begin my actual comment, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency. I am not a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca which unfortunately leads to me making numerous embarrassing mistakes being made whenever I attempt to communicate using this language. Whenever I am reminded of how I lack the ability to convey my thoughts in an eloquent manner, I feel as though I have committed a cardinal sin, as though every English teacher in the world is simultaneously shaking their head and sighing due to how utterly disappointed they are at me.
    Although I know that saying sorry to those of you who are reading my comment will not change the fact that I fail miserably to write and speak perfect English, I am writing this as a way to deter a certain type of people who cannot stand poor English (Also known informally as Grammar Nazis) from mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessary comments detailing my every blunder. In my humble opinion, making grammatical errors should be perfectly acceptable as native speakers should not expect non-native speakers to be able to communicate in their second or third languages eloquently. If you are able to completely understand what the other person wrote, is there really a problem with what they've written? No, because the entire concept of communication is the exchange of information between other intelligent beings, which means that no matter how the exchange of information is made, as long as the information is accurately shared there is not a fundamental issue with their ability to communicate. To see it in another way, remember that someone who isn't fluent in English is fluent in another language. When you think about it this way, isn't it impressive for someone to speak a second language in any capacity? Having empathy and respect are qualities that are sorely missing for far too many people these days, especially on the internet.
    That being said, I am aware that not all netizens who correct others are doing it to ridicule and shame. There are some who do so with the intent to help others improve and grow. However, displaying the failures of other people publicly will cause the person who is criticized to feel negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that their mistake has been made obvious which severely undermines the point they were trying to make in spite of their unfamiliarity with the English language. In most circumstances people are not looking for language help when they post anything online. Most people just want to enjoy themselves and have a good time on the internet which is why I would not encourage correcting other people regardless of your intentions. If you really do want to help others with their spelling or grammar, I would highly recommend you to help via messaging privately because not only will you not embarrass anyone, you can also go more in-depth with your explanation which I'm sure the other person will greatly appreciate if they want help, but I digress. I know that I've written a bit of an essay, but I hope I've made my points clear.
    Anyways, here is the comment I wanted to make:
    no u
  25. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Ledge in Is Discord over moderated?   
    Before I begin my actual comment, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency. I am not a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca which unfortunately leads to me making numerous embarrassing mistakes being made whenever I attempt to communicate using this language. Whenever I am reminded of how I lack the ability to convey my thoughts in an eloquent manner, I feel as though I have committed a cardinal sin, as though every English teacher in the world is simultaneously shaking their head and sighing due to how utterly disappointed they are at me.
    Although I know that saying sorry to those of you who are reading my comment will not change the fact that I fail miserably to write and speak perfect English, I am writing this as a way to deter a certain type of people who cannot stand poor English (Also known informally as Grammar Nazis) from mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessary comments detailing my every blunder. In my humble opinion, making grammatical errors should be perfectly acceptable as native speakers should not expect non-native speakers to be able to communicate in their second or third languages eloquently. If you are able to completely understand what the other person wrote, is there really a problem with what they've written? No, because the entire concept of communication is the exchange of information between other intelligent beings, which means that no matter how the exchange of information is made, as long as the information is accurately shared there is not a fundamental issue with their ability to communicate. To see it in another way, remember that someone who isn't fluent in English is fluent in another language. When you think about it this way, isn't it impressive for someone to speak a second language in any capacity? Having empathy and respect are qualities that are sorely missing for far too many people these days, especially on the internet.
    That being said, I am aware that not all netizens who correct others are doing it to ridicule and shame. There are some who do so with the intent to help others improve and grow. However, displaying the failures of other people publicly will cause the person who is criticized to feel negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that their mistake has been made obvious which severely undermines the point they were trying to make in spite of their unfamiliarity with the English language. In most circumstances people are not looking for language help when they post anything online. Most people just want to enjoy themselves and have a good time on the internet which is why I would not encourage correcting other people regardless of your intentions. If you really do want to help others with their spelling or grammar, I would highly recommend you to help via messaging privately because not only will you not embarrass anyone, you can also go more in-depth with your explanation which I'm sure the other person will greatly appreciate if they want help, but I digress. I know that I've written a bit of an essay, but I hope I've made my points clear.
    Anyways, here is the comment I wanted to make:
    no u
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