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  1. Like
    fishy got a reaction from JardyB10 in Jardy's Nodesode #5: That's a Bannin'   
    i was really wondering, when we got all the way to the outro, why i was mentioned in this podcast
    thanks for the shoutout. @Shindigs (cough cough grandma) calling me out on the number of times i say fuck was really eye opening for me. i'm not gonna stop, but my eyes are definitely open
  2. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in fragmented thoughts with fishy #6   
    1. today i learned that the vhl wildcard series is best of 5. who am i to claim that i have ever been a veteran on a team when i had literally no idea. i found out because fantasy zone was asking how many games (3, 4, or 5) would be in the series. i’m so glad that i didn’t message youloser and ask if it was a typo bc that would have been one of the most embarrassing moments of my life
    2. one team has scouted me since my aggressive podcast last week. it’s working, folks. they’re either reaching out or too scared to. just the way i like it.
    3. i don’t like that resign (voluntarily leave) and resign (re-sign) are spelled the same way in the vhl. the latter is supposed to be re-sign. the two have completely different meanings, and we use the same spelling for them. what’s wrong with the dash. why can’t we just use the dash. it throws me off when people are talking about re-signing but saying resigning because they’re talking about returning to a team but, prescriptively, talking about leaving a team. but i won’t get started on my text-based communication pet peeves. i’ll be here all night.
  3. Like
    fishy reacted to Shindigs in Jardy's Nodesode #5: That's a Bannin'   
    I mean fuck changing. Just be you! Who fucking cares how many F-bombs you drop? Still gonna complain about it though, gotta get those boomer points somehow!😅 Also may have totally forgot to listen to all the podcasts yesterday as I got carried away in the JST. So still need to listen to the new one.
  4. Haha
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in Jardy's Nodesode #5: That's a Bannin'   
    i was really wondering, when we got all the way to the outro, why i was mentioned in this podcast
    thanks for the shoutout. @Shindigs (cough cough grandma) calling me out on the number of times i say fuck was really eye opening for me. i'm not gonna stop, but my eyes are definitely open
  5. Like
    fishy got a reaction from fromtheinside in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    1) If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to go and why?
    probably nowhere, considering the pandemic... But no pandemic? I have no idea. The world is so big yet so small
    2) If you were forced to eliminate one of your senses which would you choose?
    Taste. My first thought was smell, but if I do that, then I'm knocking out smell and taste. The other four senses make my life easier. I don't want to have to learn ASL, I don't want to have to learn how to navigate the world without seeing, my sense of touch is helpful for keeping myself physically safe. Smell brings me joy.
    3) The season is slowly winding down to the end. Who would you choose as the New York Americans MVP this season?
    Is this even a question? The only right answer is Rhynex
    4) If the league was to make an expansion team, which city do you think should get a team?
    Please no more expansions. Let's put it in Hungary. My family is from Hungary
    5) Last week I asked which team had the best logo in the VHL, this week tell me who has the WORST drip in the league?
    Toronto. It's not terrible, it's just so much of one color, and it doesn't match the other ones. I think I've discovered that I like the esport logos
    6) If you could go into a time machine and teleport to any year in the past or future, what year would you goto and why?
    Time travel would scare me too much. I don't want to mess anything up, and I don't really want to die in a timeline that I'm not supposed to be in.
  6. Like
    fishy reacted to Beketov in 12 Days of Christmas Raffle Results   
    We’ll send out messages but generally the easiest method is for you to send us proof or purchase and then we’ll reimburse you. We can ship a physical copy if you prefer though.
  7. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Daniel Janser in fragmented thoughts with fishy #6   
    LOL yeah that makes sense, english is a germanic language, so there are some fundamental similarities.... french, however, is in a completely different language family, so i get the hate
  8. Fire
    fishy reacted to Daniel Janser in fragmented thoughts with fishy #6   
    I called one member (who shall remain unnamed) out on that, as I was confused by the announcement and the ensuing cheering in the respective LR. And since I am not a native speaker, I asked whether I missed something and whether 're-signing' should not be written with a hyphen.
    I mean obviously if you talk, different syllables are stressed, but one cannot see that in written text.... so yes please, to avoid confusion (and the spread of rumours), pay attention to that little difference (which actually means a big difference as to meaning of the sentence)...
  9. Like
    fishy reacted to Shindigs in a huge fucking win   
    So that's why we were getting weird reports of Board Games circling the block, looking like they were up to no good and starting to make some trouble in the neighborhood!
    Will get to the actual podcast after I finish work. Then I can put on my grandma pants and complain about the F-bombs, even though I swear like a sailor myself. Because why not?😅
  10. Like
    fishy got a reaction from v.2 in LA Stars Press Conference   
    i can't believe this thread just got made in november 2021? what were you guys doing before then? LA definitely existed before that time?
    1. What is your favourite pass time/activity during the holidays?
    i like looking at people's christmas lights on the night or two before the actual holiday. people put a lot of time and effort into that, and i feel like i'm doing a favor by appreciating them.
    3. Recently we have seen a bit of an uptick in bans for users multi accounts/players. Why do you think people are driven to do this?
    people get excited and addicted. i don't think that most people have an interest in breaking rules per se, they just want more of the league than they can get with one account. or so they think.  
    6. Did you monitor your diet during the holidays or will you worry about that when back with the team?
    i am YOUNG WILD AND FREE i don't pass my days with a DIET!
  11. Fire
    fishy reacted to MubbleFubbles in a huge fucking win   
    Yes, for my podcasts I absolutely avoid doing them whenever someone else is in the house, not a chance I'm talking about a Board Game playing hockey if I know someone could be listening in!
    So yeah that's why I do podcasts while driving, although sometimes that doesn't stop me nearly getting caught. Was heading back from playing golf yesterday and was recording the start of my podcast for the drive back home when I see my playing partners walking round the corner near to my car and I just cancelled the entire thing, wasn't taking any chances!
    So I do mine mostly on the journey to and from work, which is about a 12 minute drive, which is fine for a VHL Radio, but means I have to do extra laps around the block if I want to do a 6 TPE one. 
  12. Like
    fishy got a reaction from JardyB10 in a huge fucking win   
    beware your ears. the sound is all over the place and could eliminate your hearing
    realizing that as i become steadily, increasingly unhinged that i swear a lot
    count how many times i say "like"
  13. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Nykonax in The Great Artist Formerly Known as Meta Debate   
    i've largely stayed out of this conversation because i feel like i have no idea what i'm talking about, but i'll throw something in here for the sake of keeping the thread going:
    - I've decided I don't like the archetypes approach. One thing I appreciate about the VHL is that I can appreciate it as someone who doesn't really know shit about hockey. If we'd had archetypes when I joined, I would've felt like I was drowning in things that I didn't understand. There are a lot of reasons people have listed as arguments against archetypes, and I'm just adding one more. Keep the audience wide if there are other solutions.
    - I like the hidden attributes thing. I appreciated the idea of the gap attribute, but that felt really confusing. I think that the "hidden attributes" would be a better, simpler way of accomplishing the same goal of keeping a slimmer difference between passing and scoring (etc., etc.) without the whole thing feeling convoluted.
    - I agree with dooms in that I think that the salary brackets for the VHL need to be updated to reflect the ranges of TPA that are actually represented in that league. I do, however, feel like that's a separate conversation? If I'm missing something, then please, steer me in the right direction and I'll share my initial thoughts on the above proposal
    This feels like changing something to say that we changed something/addressed the issue somehow. I think it'd be better for rainbow flavoured unicorns to try to push a solution through to have implemented by the beginning of next season as opposed to throwing a used-bandaid-equivalent on top of the problem.
  14. Haha
    fishy reacted to Spartan in fragmented thoughts with fishy #6   
    I actually asked lol
  15. Haha
    fishy reacted to dasboot in Bear hungry after 1 year rebuild   
    Why the fuck am I tagged as the boat
  16. Fire
    fishy reacted to solas in mulds.   
  17. Like
    fishy reacted to Beketov in The Great Artist Formerly Known as Meta Debate   
    So another dominant Vancouver season and other teams looking to be headed the same way, shall we revive this discussion @BOG?
    I get there’s no perfect solution but I don’t think doing nothing is quite correct either.
  18. Haha
    fishy got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in S81 VHFL Top Users   
    is there an easy way in your silly little excel sheet to pull in the user's rank in the group onto this list? i kinda liked seeing that
  19. Fire
    fishy reacted to Spartan in S81 VHFL Top Users   
  20. Like
    fishy reacted to Enorama in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    I'd love to scout, if the portal worked!
    I've extensively scouted every person I've ever taken in 1st round and I'm fairly certain I've done so with basically every 2nd or 3rd rounder as well. 4ths+ are a different story though.
  21. Cheers
    fishy reacted to KaleebtheMighty in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    Thanks for the great listen! Not sure how other GMs in the E do things, but I usually build a google sheets with some other data points before I start sending out scouting messages. And I love google forms to export as a .csv to give me a big draft hub in one file. So I'm just quietly creeping in the corner until I have a good idea who I want to pursue 👍
  22. Love
    fishy reacted to JardyB10 in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    This was some spicy fish and I love it
  23. Fire
    fishy got a reaction from JardyB10 in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    this is the most natural podcast that i've ever done.
  24. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Garsh in Random New Year Question   
    i've watched at at least two high school musical movies on NYE for the past three years. idc about the countdown, i just like that i created a tradition that disappoints my parents
  25. Fire
    fishy reacted to Shindigs in Random New Year Question   
    At the end of the day, that's all we can really hope for.
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