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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. I'll give it a crack. Could be good to get some GM experience. (Nordic)
  2. 1) blowin shit up 2) game 7 stably cup finals 2019 3) We’ll make the playoffs 4) 100% 5) keep them 6) gonna be real Idek what that is
  3. Been wondering for the longest time what the + after the name is for
  4. Amazing article. The VHLE is going to be a massive success and I wish I was able to play there for a season instead of playing backup goalie for my first season. I love reading on the VHLE when I can and this was jam packed with great information and some other things that were discussed behind closed doors. Use of visual aids made this article a 10/10
  5. Never seen anything like this! Looks absolute incredible. I'm still learning graphics myself and I could only hope I could make something like this someday. Only thing I have to say is that one of the fans does look like a scary blob monster but still a 10/10
  6. Sad Noises I am once again asking for trivia 24/7. Trivia makes me not have to write these articles which happen to take significantly more time than just clicking some buttons. My next article during off season will be another mega rant on why we need it during off season which is basically tradition at this point. Since it appears trivia is very time consuming for the author I suggest having 1 season where each week instead of asking questions for trivia we have to submit a question that could be used in trivia. This way the author of trivia can build a massive database of questions they can just pull out and post. Hopefully there will be enough to last quite awhile so this won't need to be done very often. I NEED MY TRIVIA….This could also allow off season trivia to be a thing ;). Side note. My team did awful this season. Dead last in the league is not the move. Next season I hope we can at least make the playoffs. Thank you for listening to my seasonal rants. I don't care how repetitive it is since my position on trivia has yet to change in all this time. Hope you all suffer for as long as I do peasants. Let's go Lightning! Kick Canada's ass please. I do not want Canada to win a cup for 100 years. It would make me happy. Much love and merry Christmas Markus Emerson jr. future HOF goalie. claim week ending 7/4 250 words
  7. Well all I can really say about this season is YIKESSSSSSSSS Good effort by everyone this season and sticking with it! claim week ending 7/11
  8. So this is the last week of the season and with that I had less starts since we had less games left to play. We started out well with 2 wins then just absolutely tanked for the last 6 games. Excited for next season when I will be sort of reimagining the way I do these and doing my best to make it 10x better than this seasons. Hope you enjoyed my journey this season! claiming week ending 7/4
  9. Better than getting laid! 1000000/10
  10. 1. Honestly not much 2. we need more Defence. Letting to many shots at me 3. agility and reaction time 4. Seattle. 5. Warsaw hopefully Chicago is where the heathens live 6. Ofc it is. Who said it isn’t?
  11. My absolute favorite thing to read are player stat/season reviews! The layout is easy to read. And 100 PIMS!!!! Taking a vacation in the box I see. Also nice addition of a picture at the start! 10/10
  12. Reading this warmed my heart. I recognized some of the names so it seems the list is at least semi good. You should spell the true way though. No silly extra 'u' in words (Stupid brits). You also started out great with indenting then just kind of forgot after the first paragraph. So for that it's only a 9/10
  13. Okay so With basically only 1 more of these left I will be sticking with this sort of layout. Next season I already know that I want to experiment with different designs and take this one step further. I am happy with the way this one progressed but it is time to shake it up. As far as performance I will say I feel good about this weeks results. I think this is the most wins we have had in a single week! Future ideas for season 79: Go with a landscape version? Make the background of the stats and name different instead of a solid color. New Pics obv. Experiment with shoulder logos/helmet logos. I am very happy with the stats font so I really want to keep that the same. Move banner vertically. move logo to the bottom or keep it where it is.
  14. Being a ‘veteran’ During my rookie season I was the backup goalie. No one really looked at me as important to the team's success. Everyone else on the team, especially the starting goalie seemed infinitely better than I could ever be and didn't ever think I could one day be at their level. There were also no expectations for me so when I did eventually get some starts if I did horrible no one really cared since I was new to it all and just needed the experience. The pressure was essentially non-existent which is something I miss. Now as the starting goalie and one of the older guys on the team having good games is basically a requirement. Team losses are going to be blamed on me since I'm supposed to be stopping the puck from going in the net. Another thing that is different is how much people talk to you and ask for input on something. Now that I've been with this team for 3 seasons people are more likely to ask just about anything and since I am more versed in how the league works and all the different point tasks I can occasionally help out our GM or AGM. Overall I do enjoy the veteran experience and what comes with it. Everything feels more relaxed and I'm not always so concerned about how I'm going to get my task done since I have a pretty solid system down for it. I'm not saying the rookie experience was terrible though. It was fun and having people to look up to was amazing. The people that I looked up to have mostly retired but they showed me how things are run and now I can hopefully do the same for our rookies. Now for some advice and things I wish I did differently. For any new player, being active is the number one most important thing you can do. You don't need to be talking to the team each day but checking in a few times a week is ideal. Building relationships with players as well as management can go a long way. Do your best to not burn yourself out. I did this and started to wonder if I wanted to continue. I started slacking off and not doing my training as much as I should’ve. Doing this as a rookie or even in the VHLM can derail your career and you may not even get the chance to become a veteran player.
  15. Posting here looking for an AGM position. I want to get my foot in the door in a management position and the vhlm seems like a great place to start.
  16. 1. idk personally but imma miss tots 2. you will be missed 3. He got the presser out on Monday so hes excellent in my books 4. NYI 5. being outside. its 95 but its still nice 6. Romero & Juliet because they die at the end (Spoilers)
  17. YES! Love how you not only picked the location but gave reasons why AND also layed out jerseys and the logo. The logo idea is great and good job with coming up with that. Only improvement is indenting your paragraphs 9/10
  18. I do hope they don't pick predictable places for the E locations. I've been seeing a lot of good ideas on locations and this is one of them. It was nice you included reason why as well instead of just naming them off. 10/10 great formatting!
  19. Week four was a great week personally. I had a great SV% and tbh I am really happy with how the graphic has evolved. This week I messed with the logo on the players uniform a bit making it a bit bigger and also changing its perspective a small amount to make it seem more apart of the uniform and not just pasted on. I'm at the point where I am definitely going to need suggestions on making it even better since I have exhausted all ideas I had on improvements. Please lmk in the comments!
  20. Vancouver Wolves Press Conference Week Ending June 13th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This week is the big trade week! Do you see yourself being traded and if you are traded how would you feel? 2. (Riddle) What question can you never answer yes to? 3. How has your VHL experience been? Do you enjoy it more than you VHLM experience? 4. Who on the team would you say you play best with? 5. Do you think the Montreal Canadiens will make it to the cup final and win? 6. What team in the VHL has the best chance of winning the cup? 7. What are your personal goals for the second half of this season?
  21. YOOOO this was incredible. I don't think I've seen such an in-depth article before. It also looks aesthetically pleasing and makes anyone with OCD happy. (What kind of pie?) 10/10
  22. Always love when people take the time to do articles on teams. Especially if it's one you're on or played for! I also love how neat and ordered everything is and nothing is really clashing together. Adding the logos was a nice touch too. 10/10
  23. This week I decided to change the picture up some. I used much less blur on the pic overall and I like that much more. I also changed the font of the player name and dates to have some italic. And lastly I've gotten pretty decent at blending the logos on the shoulders out so they look like one solid color.
  24. Vancouver Wolves Press Conference Week Ending May 23rd 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Who is our team's MVP so far this season? 2. When did you first learn how to skate? 3. Do you think we will finish last overall this season or will we have a late boost of energy? 4. Do you think we should make some trades and improve the team or just ride it out this season? 5. With playoffs essentially out of the question. How do you think the team will perform next season? 6. Other than the Wolves, what other VHL team do you like the most? 7. How do you feel you are performing personally this season?
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