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Posts posted by KRZY

  1. 2 hours ago, nurx said:




    image.png.f5f59266bdcb4537235a555e67853f41.png.3b2fe9e73674f9f32482bbd42050afa2.png LA STARS PRESSERimage.png.f5f59266bdcb4537235a555e67853f41.png.3b2fe9e73674f9f32482bbd42050afa2.png 


    Week ending 7/2/23



    1. What do you think the team needs to improve on next season?

    2. What player do you expect to improve the most next season?

    3. Do you think any players will jump in the draft?

    4. If you could would you changed the amount of capped TPE we are allowed to earn?

    5. Do you think the VHLE going back to 6 is a good idea?

    6. Do you pay attention to the M or the E or just the bigs?

    1. More consistency from everyone ! And to find our game and stick to it !

    2. Id like to say Cooke personally this is his year to steer the ship offensively for the Stars . But is also love to see Sunglasses Joyo take that next step and break through for us next year !

    3. Honestly I haven’t paid much attention to the S90 draft all that much , that being said it would not surprise me one bit.

    4. Everybody love more TPE don’t they ? Of course I’d be all for earning more capped TPE every week !

    5. I think it will give more players an opportunity to get noticed and play an important role for their teams . And teams will also rely less on the IA players then usual

    6. Being and AGM in the E the last five seasons I really pay attention there , and pop in and look at the M every now and then just to get a lay of the land

  2. Well better late then never , here’s this weeks edition of ramblings ….. since I can’t think of a clear cut topic to talk about .


    JB Steps down

    @JB123 has stepped down after a master class showing as the GM of the Oslo Storm. Originally taking over the Storm in S83 JB’s first 2 seasons at the helm were rebuilding years and for a lack of better term disappointing . But it all turned around in S85 . Something clicked that off season for JB and the Storm and he turned Oslo into a perennial contender in the VHLE . Making the finals four straight seasons winning 3 out of 4 . Every year it seemed as tho Oslo would be entering a rebuild but JB always found a way to keep the Storm relevant and competitive. If there’s a VHLE Builders section in the VHLE JB should be a first ballot hall of famer all day long. Only time will tell where he will go from here . It will be interesting to see if he can one day carry that success to a VHL team .


    VHLE goes back to 6 teams

    With the recent announcement of the VHLE going back to 6 teams from 8 it will be interesting to watch in the first season post change with new rules , rosters , dynamics etc. the landscape of the VHLE will for sure change . Hopefully for the better resulting in a more active league with fewer IA players filling empty spots on every roster. I have mixed feelings on this change after spending the last 5 seasons in Oslo as AGM . Honestly I liked having 8 teams it made for some pretty compelling rivalries and competitive seasons in my opinion. I’m all for change so I’m gonna give this one a good look and be open to it before I decide how I fully feel about the change .


    End of an Era

    Well the S81 draft class has retired now and from what I can see and tell that draft class was filled to the brim with future hall of famers . Whether it was Pearce , Janser , Miglaskems , Cheese , Nezuko , etc etc . This class might go down as an all time great class . If there’s one thing you can bet on it’s that we just got a lot of promising recreates in the next couple seasons to come !!


    New York surprises everyone !!

    After beating LA in the wildcard round, the Americans disposed of the Bears in 6 games. Nezuko and Napoleon Dynamite have formed a nice duo for New York and are leading the league with 11 points in 6 games each . They will not face the Always competitive Wolves in the conference final in what should be a competitive and exciting matchup ! Can they keep it up and pull off the Underdog story ? 

    Well there you have it there’s another edition of ramblings . Hopefully next week I can think of something to write a full media spot on . Thanks for reading folks ! Hope you enjoy the rest of the playoffs !! Cheers everyone 


    until next time!

  3. Oslo Storm Press Conference 

    Week ending 07/30/2023


    1. well our season is now over what was our biggest downfall in the wildcard series ?


    2. what was the highlight of the season for you ?


    3. who do you have taking the Renaissance cup ?


    4. what was your biggest surprise this season in the VHLE ?

    5. what’s next for your player ? Future goals ? Hopes ? What are you hoping to accomplish?


    6. has @JB123 done enough to secure a bid as a builder in the Hall Of Fame ? I think so , what are your thoughts and opinions on the subject ?

  4. Well With Oslo getting knocked out in the wildcard this season the S89 VHLE final will not feature the Oslo Storm for the first time in the last 4 seasons . Oslo will be transitioning this coming season . With @JB123 moving on to pursue other endeavours . And AGM KRZY not entirely sure what his next move will be . Whether it’s applying to GM Oslo AGMing somewhere else to gain more experience before making the jump to GM eventually. One thing is forsure I have some thinking to do . 

    Other things I’ve considered pursuing or trying are potentially joining the VSN team and contributing to the community more . Or maybe applying for a league job when they become available once again . 

    Im not entirely sure where my skill set would be best utilized in the VHL , I definitely have interest in contributing more to the league in some capacity more then I have been for sure . It just a matter of figuring everything out. 

    I feel like I’ve been around for awhile now and have a lot to give if I’m given the opportunity to do so.

  5. Another week has come and I figure it as good a time as any to whip up another addition of ramblings . here’s what we came up with this week for some ramblings and goings on around the league.


    VHLE playoff race heating up down the stretch . 
    The VHLE playoff race is closer then iv ever seen in recent seasons. The top 5 teams are separated by just 11 points . While it looks like Istanbul has all but locked up first place 2nd to 5th are only separated by 6 points . So there’s lots of room for movement in the coming days to close out the season . One way or another the wildcard and final standings will be decided in an exciting race . This race is showing that the playoffs are shaping up to be a playoffs to remember!!


    Lavelle and Jameson neck and neck 

    Ronan Lavelle ( @Arce ) is in familiar territory leading the VHL in goals and sitting second in points while John Jameson ( @Frank ) is right there with him leading the VHL in points and sitting second in goals . These two have went back and forth all year for the points lead and the last 5-6 games will be very exciting and crucial to determine this seasons scoring leader , both players have had unreal years thus far both making cases for league MVP at the same time ! Who will win it’s coming down to the wire .


    Miglaskems closing out career with a bang !

    Sirdvaldis Miglaskems ( @FrostBeard) has had a season for the ages with the LA Stars putting the team on his back and propelling them into a wildcard spot to try and ride into the sunset after winning a championship in LA this year . The Stars have kinda rallied around Miglaskems starting the #winitforfrosty movement with everyone doing their part to try and make that happen. “Miglaskems has been everything you could ask for from a team captain and so much more , I think we all try to learn from him and follow his example on and of the ice “ Stars assistant captain Todd Cooke said in an interview when asked about Miglaskems importance to the Stars.


    Up and Comers

    Now I’ll take a look at some up and coming players that’ll be making their VHL debut next season ! 

    Pope Francis ( @nurx)

    The pope is having a monster season in Rome in the VHLE on the backend , he’s statistically a top if not the top defenceman in the VHLE as a whole . The Stars absolutely stole him at 8th in the S89 draft . He will be a huge part of their backend for many years to come !


    Montgomery Burns ( @LastOneUp)

    Burns has had a fantastic season thus far in the VHLE and will look to add some more youth and spark to Toronto next season !


    Steve Latimer ( @pugsood )

    One half of Istanbuls dynamic one two punch , latimer will be joining the always competitive Calgary Wranglers squad after 2 very impressive VHLE seasons.


    Legacy Gaming ( @Gaming Ringleader

    The other half of that dynamic Istanbul duo Legacy will be heading to Helsinki to try and help the Titan get back on track and become a competitive team once again in the VHL .

    Well folks there you have it another edition of my ramblings hope you enjoyed it !

  6. Oslo Storm Press Conference 

    Week Ending 07/23/2023


    1. the playoff race is coming right down to the wire , with the 5 teams that made it already known just positioning to be determined. Is this the closest the VHLE has ever been going into the playoffs ?

    2. What’s it gonna take to win a cup this season ?

    3. What sets Oslo apart from the other playoff teams ?

    4. The VHL has been around for 16 years ? How long have you been involved with the VHL ? And what were you doing 16 years ago ?

    5. What NHL team improved the most this off season ?

    6. What’s your prediction for the Stanley cup final ?

  7. The La Stars are heating up just in time for the playoffs . Not that long ago it looked like the Stars might miss the playoffs altogether and we’re going towards a rebuild . But @InstantRockstar put on his thinking cap and retooled the roster while gathering some pieces for the future . 

    These moves and tinkering seem to have worked wonders for the Stars as they are comfortably sitting In 4th place with a game in hand . Now I know what your going to say “ the Stars still have to make it through the wild card “ I know they do but with this stretch of good hockey and heating up at the right time the Underdog Stars just might end up surprising you. 

    The Stars on paper have all the pieces to make a good team with depth at almost every position they could go on a run and do what they set out to do at the start of the season #winitforfrosty.


    Can the do it ? Will Frosty end Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems career with a cup ? Stay tuned and find out for yourself. One things for sure the Stars are catching fire just in time to go on a run and surprise people .


  8. Well that was an interesting trade deadline . The stars made multiple moves to build for the future and get younger overall . @InstantRockstar was busy working the phones pulling off three trades on deadline day .


    the first trade of the day saw DC and LA pull off a  swap of players and picks with the hope being the move would have the new faces just shake things up a bit for both teams. Most notably LA traded Dabnad Shaw in this deal.


    next we would see LA send Veteran Forward Nezuko to the Americans for a couple 2nd round picks . This was a huge trade for both teams as New York is gearing up for a Cup run and LA is trying to gain future assists for a player retiring this season.


    lastly we would see LA flip one of the picks acquired in the New York trade to Malmo for young up and comer Ben McLaughlin.


    After these moves it’s clear that LA is trying to build towards the future . With multiple players retiring at seasons end and only a few established players on their roster past this season it will be interesting to see how LA tackles the upcoming off season ! Retool or Rebuild that’s the real question .

  9. Oslo Press Conference 

    Week Ending 07/16/2023

    1. We are currently the best defensive team in the VHLE how has our defensive game brought our team success?


    2. @JB123 was seemingly quieter then usual at the trade deadline and it looks like this is the team we’re rolling with , can we do it with the roster we have ?


    3. what does it take to win in the playoffs ?


    4. Who has been your favourite person to play with this season ?


    5. if you could pick one player from past storm rosters who would you pick and why ?


    6. who do you got winning the Stanley cup this season ?

  10. On 6/28/2023 at 2:59 PM, KRZY said:

    Well I figure today is as good a time as any to try my hand at power rankings for the VHLE . I’ve only really ever done this once or twice so hopefully I can write something that makes sense . If you don’t agree with my rankings I’d love to hear your opinions and where you disagree! 


    The top end of these rankings were extremely close with multiple teams having exceptional talent and rosters as well as good records and team statistics backing them up. Now without further ado let’s get into it


    1. Cologne Express

    The Perennial Top team in the VHLE the Express have a new guy at the helm steering the ship this season . @Sjin has picked up right where @leandrofg  left off this season . He has assembled a deeply talented roster with no real holes or weaknesses , 6 players on this team are ranked in the top 10 in scoring this team is built to win . Currently sitting 1st place in the VHLE , as well as 1st in Goals For and 3rd in Goals Against . Sjin has put this team in a position to compete for a championship once again. 

    2. Geneva Rush

    The Rush have come outta nowhere this season . They’ve used the win by committee approach to guide them to success this season . While they may be ranked 2nd in goals for they have more of a balanced approach to scoring and work as a team to win games . Geneva is also no slouch defensively this season tied with the Express for 3rd in goals against . @Zetterberg has done a great job building a balanced team . Honestly I could see this team competing for the top spot in the VHLE and maybe even a championship.


    3. Oslo Storm

    I know I’ll probably get some flak here for putting Oslo here , But I believe this is where they deserve to be . Why you may ask ? Well honestly I think Oslo has been the best defensive team in the VHLE this season with only 52 Goals against which leads the league in that department. They also have the best Goaltending tandem in the league as well . The only Reason Oslo is ranked third is because Cologne and Geneva narrowly have beat them out offensively so far this season . @JB123 has impressively avoiding a rebuild with this team since S89 always managing to field strong teams and this years version of Oslo could very well be one of the best teams he’s ever put together. You can bet that the Storm will be in the hunt for their fourth renaissance cup in the last 5 seasons come playoff time !


    4. Istanbul Red Wolves

    The Red Wolves are another Offensive powerhouse in the league boasting 3 maxed or near maxed TPA FWDS in their lineup and the Second most goals for in the league . The Red Wolves definitely won’t be pushed around and shouldn’t be taken lightly . The Red Wolves defence and Goaltending in my opinion isn’t quite as strong as the other 3 teams before them . @Masu Chan has done a Fantastic job this season setting the Red Wolves up to compete for the Cup this season.


    5. Rome Gladiators 

    Coming in at the 5th spot is Rome . Rome is The last team that I can see making the playoffs ( on a wildcard spot that is ) but a playoff spot non the less . They have a lot of good pieces . I just don’t think they’ll be able to sustain a spot in the top 4 in the VHLE this season @Baby Boomer has made me eat my words before and I know he could very well do it again . Right now I see them coming in as a wildcard team but like I said Boomer could very well turn this team around with just one move . He’s a good experienced GM and never stops trying to improve his team . Watch out for those pesky Gladiators.


    6. Bratislava Watchmen

    When this season started I fully expected the Watchmen to be to last placed team in the league . But @rory has done a nice job building a team that’s hanging around . With the right moves they could really push for a wildcard spot to make the playoffs . This is a far better team then I expected them to be at the beginning of the season hats off to Rory for turning it around like he did !


    7. Vasteras Iron Eagles

    I totally thought the Iron Eagles would have more success then this , this season . They just can’t seem to put it all together . They have a decent forward group that I thought would help make them more competitive then they are . Their defence is not playing at the level I think they are capable of . And having 2 goalies just over the 200 TPE cut hasnt made things easy on them either with the goalies getting used to playing in the E. @Gaming Ringleader will probably enter the next couple weeks as a seller , it will be interesting to see what he does leading up to the trade deadline .


    8. Stockholm Vikings

    What’s happening in Stockholm ? -98 goal differential wow ! At first glance I was shocked that this team was where they were to n the standings but much like Vasteras their D core just isn’t where it needs to be , and then not having an actual goalie is killing then right now . @twists will definitely have his work cut out for him if he wishes to try and turn things around this season . Or is it just to far gone at this point ? Rebuild incoming ?


    There you have it folks there’s the power rankings at the 1/3 mark of the season . I do really think that any one of the top 6 teams in the VHLE this season could go on a run and win the cup . This season is one of the most competitive ones I’ve seen as an AGM in the VHLE and I can’t wait to see how things play out and who makes moves to really go all out for a run . And who makes moves to accelerate their rebuilds and set up for future seasons . Like I said in the opening let me hear your opinions I don’t do power rankings much and I’d love to hear how you feel I did !


    1059 words 

    Claiming for 07/02/2023 and 07/09/2023

    2nd claim 

  11. Oslo Press Conference 

    Week Ending 07/09/2023


    1. Oslo has been on a run as of late ? What changes have we made to achieve this ?


    2. Who’s been the regular season MVP of the VHLE at the midway point of the season ?


    3. Who’s been Oslo’s MVP at the midway point of the season ?


    4. heading down the stretch who’s our biggest competition?


    5. what do you think of the first couple days on the NHL Free Agency ?


    6. Are you happy with who your favourite NHL team made out after the draft ?

  12. Are the LA Stars the most unlucky franchise of late in the VHL or are they just cursed ?

    the La Stars once again find themselves fighting for a wild card spot . When you look at the roster assembled for this team you might ask how can a team this good on paper be fighting just to make a wild card spot ? Well are they just plain unlucky or are they flat out Cursed ? I’m not really sure I have an answer for you on that one to be honest . A team with as much talent as the Stars have should be comfortably able to make the playoffs and compete to win a continental cup. 

    So I ask again are they Cursed ? Do the players not gel on the ice ? Does STHS just hate the fact of LA succeeding for once ? Whatever it is I hope we overcome this before Todd Cooke retires !

  13. Well this is quite an interesting topic for theme week and quite frankly one I think I could have lots of fun with . What would I do if I was commish for a day you ask ? Well let’s take a look I’ve thought about it and here’s the few changes I would without a doubt make . Who knows maybe some of these suggestions could get considered or even put into place one day.


    First off I would Combine the VHLE and VHLM into one league and put the TPE/TPA cutoff up to 500 . With this change that woul put us with 18 teams in that league and 16 in the VHL . I would add 2 teams to the VHL those teams being Fort McMurray Oil Rigs, and the Paris Rams giving both teams 18 a piece , now with this change I would have the VHLM act as an affiliate league with each VHL team having a direct affiliate VHLM team. I think this change could be a very fun interesting change is adopted properly . 

    Secondly I would get rid of attribute depreciation altogether and let players see how good they could actually make their players if they weren’t affected by this . Let’s face it we’d have some unreal players I realize that . But I’m looking at the welfare or mid tier earners for this one they work hard or as hard as they can to build their players up and boom the depreciation hits them and knocks them down considerably more then a max earner who has banked enough TPE to fight the natural regression. This is also part of the reason I upped the TPE cap on the M as it would give them more of a fighting chance to make an impact and difference in the VHL when they got there. 

    Third I would bring back the All Star game ( maybe it hasn’t go anywhere but I haven’t seen it in a bit ) . I would have this completely open to players to Vote for starters and a second line for each conference. Aswell as a GM to manage the All Star game in a best of 3 head to head Sim . Just a little something to play for towards the midway point of the season .


    Fourth I would up the games played in a season to 82 . It just seems like we hit 72 games so fast like once the season starts it’s over just as fast . 

    Fifth with the implementation of the VHLM acting as a direct affiliate league the VHL GM would hire a management team directly to run his VHLM team and help get the players to where they need to be or want to be in order to play in the VHL . I believe this would be a fantastic way to increase activity and player retention . It’s just a suggestion that could work or maybe fall flat on its face im not really sure. 

    there’s just some of the changes I could come up with if I was to be commish for a day . Maybe they would work maybe they wouldn’t . Maybe some have already been tried I’m not fully sure . But I really think there’s some fun ideas to offer here . Let me know what you think ! 



  14. Well I figure today is as good a time as any to try my hand at power rankings for the VHLE . I’ve only really ever done this once or twice so hopefully I can write something that makes sense . If you don’t agree with my rankings I’d love to hear your opinions and where you disagree! 


    The top end of these rankings were extremely close with multiple teams having exceptional talent and rosters as well as good records and team statistics backing them up. Now without further ado let’s get into it


    1. Cologne Express

    The Perennial Top team in the VHLE the Express have a new guy at the helm steering the ship this season . @Sjin has picked up right where @leandrofg  left off this season . He has assembled a deeply talented roster with no real holes or weaknesses , 6 players on this team are ranked in the top 10 in scoring this team is built to win . Currently sitting 1st place in the VHLE , as well as 1st in Goals For and 3rd in Goals Against . Sjin has put this team in a position to compete for a championship once again. 

    2. Geneva Rush

    The Rush have come outta nowhere this season . They’ve used the win by committee approach to guide them to success this season . While they may be ranked 2nd in goals for they have more of a balanced approach to scoring and work as a team to win games . Geneva is also no slouch defensively this season tied with the Express for 3rd in goals against . @Zetterberg has done a great job building a balanced team . Honestly I could see this team competing for the top spot in the VHLE and maybe even a championship.


    3. Oslo Storm

    I know I’ll probably get some flak here for putting Oslo here , But I believe this is where they deserve to be . Why you may ask ? Well honestly I think Oslo has been the best defensive team in the VHLE this season with only 52 Goals against which leads the league in that department. They also have the best Goaltending tandem in the league as well . The only Reason Oslo is ranked third is because Cologne and Geneva narrowly have beat them out offensively so far this season . @JB123 has impressively avoiding a rebuild with this team since S89 always managing to field strong teams and this years version of Oslo could very well be one of the best teams he’s ever put together. You can bet that the Storm will be in the hunt for their fourth renaissance cup in the last 5 seasons come playoff time !


    4. Istanbul Red Wolves

    The Red Wolves are another Offensive powerhouse in the league boasting 3 maxed or near maxed TPA FWDS in their lineup and the Second most goals for in the league . The Red Wolves definitely won’t be pushed around and shouldn’t be taken lightly . The Red Wolves defence and Goaltending in my opinion isn’t quite as strong as the other 3 teams before them . @Masu Chan has done a Fantastic job this season setting the Red Wolves up to compete for the Cup this season.


    5. Rome Gladiators 

    Coming in at the 5th spot is Rome . Rome is The last team that I can see making the playoffs ( on a wildcard spot that is ) but a playoff spot non the less . They have a lot of good pieces . I just don’t think they’ll be able to sustain a spot in the top 4 in the VHLE this season @Baby Boomer has made me eat my words before and I know he could very well do it again . Right now I see them coming in as a wildcard team but like I said Boomer could very well turn this team around with just one move . He’s a good experienced GM and never stops trying to improve his team . Watch out for those pesky Gladiators.


    6. Bratislava Watchmen

    When this season started I fully expected the Watchmen to be to last placed team in the league . But @rory has done a nice job building a team that’s hanging around . With the right moves they could really push for a wildcard spot to make the playoffs . This is a far better team then I expected them to be at the beginning of the season hats off to Rory for turning it around like he did !


    7. Vasteras Iron Eagles

    I totally thought the Iron Eagles would have more success then this , this season . They just can’t seem to put it all together . They have a decent forward group that I thought would help make them more competitive then they are . Their defence is not playing at the level I think they are capable of . And having 2 goalies just over the 200 TPE cut hasnt made things easy on them either with the goalies getting used to playing in the E. @Gaming Ringleader will probably enter the next couple weeks as a seller , it will be interesting to see what he does leading up to the trade deadline .


    8. Stockholm Vikings

    What’s happening in Stockholm ? -98 goal differential wow ! At first glance I was shocked that this team was where they were to n the standings but much like Vasteras their D core just isn’t where it needs to be , and then not having an actual goalie is killing then right now . @twists will definitely have his work cut out for him if he wishes to try and turn things around this season . Or is it just to far gone at this point ? Rebuild incoming ?


    There you have it folks there’s the power rankings at the 1/3 mark of the season . I do really think that any one of the top 6 teams in the VHLE this season could go on a run and win the cup . This season is one of the most competitive ones I’ve seen as an AGM in the VHLE and I can’t wait to see how things play out and who makes moves to really go all out for a run . And who makes moves to accelerate their rebuilds and set up for future seasons . Like I said in the opening let me hear your opinions I don’t do power rankings much and I’d love to hear how you feel I did !


    1059 words 

    Claiming for 07/02/2023 and 07/09/2023

  15. The LA Stars are currently sitting 4th in the NA Conference and have been a very inconsistent team coming up short of the expectations placed on them this season time and time again . One player that has been inconsistent all year so far is Veteran Todd Cooke . Would a fresh start with a new team help both LA and Cooke ? Now the last thing Cooke wants is to leave LA but with the team and his recent struggles being very evident as of late. One has to wonder if a move like this would really make a difference or not . Cooke has been known to have stretches where he’s HOT or straight up COLD in recent seasons while he’s a very good player and has been productive for the Stars . Would a fresh start help or hinder that’s the question?


    At the end of the day this is just me venting about my player and team struggling and questioning whether a move would help overcome the struggles or not . Not me flat out saying that I wanna get traded or moved just strictly hypothetical guessing .

  16. Oslo Press Conference 

    Week ending 07/02/2023


    1. We are starting to hit our stride as a team as of late . What’s been the key to our recent success?


    2. Our team is getting contributions throughout the lineup , has our depth this season been our biggest strength?


    3. The VHLE has never been this close at the top of the standings ever what’s it gonna take to create some real separation?


    4. Alexander Stroheim is having a season for the ages right now , Will he win the league MVP ?


    5. The NHL Draft takes place today , Any big surprises or predictions?


    6. NHL Free Agency opens on Saturday who makes the biggest splash then ?

  17. Oslo Press Conference 

    Week Ending 06/25/2023


    1. To be first week is just about over how is the team playing compared to your previous expectations?

    2. How can we turn this slump around ?

    3. As a team where are we struggling ?

    4. Where are the areas we are succeeding in ?

    5. What’s been the biggest surprise so far this season ?

    6. Oslo summer fest is just about underway , how should the storm be involved in the festivities?

  18. Review:

    I always love reading these power rankings like this that get posted . Not being in the VHLM and really not paying much attention to it at all in the last couple of seasons it’s nice to see someone go as in depth and give the analysis that you do ! I feel like I’m in the thick of the playoff hunt and can immerse myself into everytime . I especially like how you ranked their Forward and Goaltending ranks. Aswell as label needs each team needed to fill . Very well written and the facts backup the post

  19. Well it’s that time of week again and I don’t have anything in specific to really talk about so here’s another edition of Ramblings

    Cooke Starting hot

    Todd Cooke of the LA Stars has started S89 on fire out of the gate with 9 goals in 9 games currently leading the league in that department he sits tied for 4th with 14 points overall . Cooke is looking to take a step forward on the ice this season and is on the right track with his hot start . Alongside this Cooke has also taken a step forward in the LA Stars leadership group as he was appointed Assistant Capitan of the Stars after thy had their Capitans vote during training camp. Entering his 4th VHL Season Cooke is one of the Vets and longer tenured players there he will look to lead on and off the ice in his quest help LA win a cup this year.  #DoitforFrostyandBaozi @FrostBeard @Baozi 


    Toms goes to Houston 

    S89 Draft prospect Kyle Tom’s @Ktoms22 has returned to Houston after @AJW paid a hefty price to get his guy 14th overall in the VHLM draft . And so far Tom’s is paying huge dividends for the Bulls . Along with recently being named team captain Tom’s has produced 14 points in 10 games which is more then double the pace he had last season with the bulls . Tom’s has already hit the max TPE you can in the VHLM with 200 and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down ( or atleast he better not 😂😂 ) . It will truly be fun to watch this young gums career as it progresses. So far he has taken a very similar career path as my own player Cooke so I’m taking a lot of notice with this one . 

    Hardened Vets lead the way

    This season we’ve seen a lot of Vets on their farewell tour leading the league at some point or another in one category or another in the short time the season has been underway. Most notably @Daniel Janser and Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems @FrostBeard have been showing the league that they aren’t retiring quietly. Other Vets that are having a productive Final season are Sergey Preobrazhensky @Bulduray_1 and Biggie Cheese @a_Ferk . Of course this part of my ramblings wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention Nico Pearce @Spartan  , while he hasn’t quite had the strong start the others I’ve noted have , you can never count him out . Also on a side note at the current time of writing this media spot he is 30 TPE away from the top spot all time ! Janser is 2 away from securing the number 3 spot all time aswell . One thing is forsure the S81 draft class is full of future hall of famers and is definitely one that will go down in the books in terms of all time great players .

    S89 has been an exciting one so far throughout the first couple of sims . It will definitely be a season to remember . Whether it’s the passing of the torch that will take place this year , or the records on pace to be broken , or just the pure competitiveness that is in the league this season. S89 is definitely on pace to be one for the books !


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