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Posts posted by KRZY

  1. 1 hour ago, Minion said:




    Week ending on July 8th


    1 tpe for 3 answers, maximum 2 tpe for answering all 6!


    1. If you had to pick one player from this weeks game to win mvp who would it be (Weekly question)


    2.after the first week of sims what are your thoughts on how we are doing so far?


    3. what will be our key to making playoffs this year?


    4. If you could add a player to our roster for free, Who would it be?


    5.Do you Have anything you want to see added to the discord?


    6.Do we have the best goalie




    1.Weaver @ThePerfectNut had a huge week for us , but we don’t have as strong of a week without @Big Newff in net !! So he’s my MVP pick for this week 100%

    2. we’re playing good ! Forwards are gelling our defence is outstanding, and I can’t say enough good things about our goaltending 


    3. Consistent play ! Take it one game at a time and do the little things right 


    4. 100% another strong impact defence man to add to our already impressive d core !


    5. Honestly I don’t use discord  , coming around to it tho !


    6. D. HELL YES !

  2. While many players this year are ready to move up to the VHLE. Todd Cooke thought it would be best to stay in Houston and perfect his craft as a 2 way Center for an extra season in the minors before heading to bigger and better things next year! While he’s going to be looked at to form a solid duo with Daniel weaver @ThePerfectNut offensively the defensive side of his game is what he really wants to work on and improve this year . The potential he sees in Houston and the opportunity to play with a top winger in weaver makes this season one Cooke is tremendously excited for . Houston better get ready their 2 top picks in this years draft are coming in hot and ready ! 

    when asked about weaver Cooke had this too say .


    ” he see’s the ice well and I’m really looking forward to playing with him this year ! It’s not very often you get the chance to play with a winger of his skill level!”


    The combo of Cooke and weaver definitely looks to be an exciting one forsure !

  3. 10 hours ago, ThePerfectNut said:

    1. Who do you think will win the Founders cup this upcoming season?
    I think if we can figure out our goaltending we have a really good chance to be a dark horse team this year. But the early favourite in my eyes has got to be Vegas.

    2. What did you do during the off-season?
    Took some time off with the family put in some work for the drafts . Now I’m just getting ready for this season, hoping to have the best possible season I can !


    3. What are your expectations for this season?

    Personally I want to have a good 2 way season this year and be successful on both ends of the ice . I’d love for our team to have good overall team success too!


    4. Where is the best place to eat in Houston?

    well this year is my first year in Houston im still trying to figure that out but I’ve heard the astrodome has some good food


    5. What is your team expectaetions this season? 
    well we have a good core we just need to solidify a few things . Once that happens I think we’ll make the playoffs maybe even surprise some people this year !


    6. Which VHL team you want to get drafted too?

    I got drafted this off season by the LA Stars and honestly I couldn’t be happier!



  4. Todd Cooke had a successful first season in the VHLM playing for the Ottawa lynx , becoming a key forward for them down the stretch . 

    Cooke then went on to be selected by the LA stars 27th overall he looks to be a future contributor down the line for them and an important piece in the centre ice position moving forward . 

    he was then selected 20th overall by Oslo in the VHLE draft and looks to potentially play some games their this season or as early as next season . Either way he is definitely in their future plans sooner rather then later and projects to be a big player for them moving forward .


    lastly in the VHLM draft Cooke went 10th overall to Houston and he projects to be a big time impact player this year . Cooke has already earned 22 TPE since the VHL draft and was even ranked in the top 2 for the VHLM draft at one point , this season is key for his development in solidifying himself as a big time player here and on his journey to the ultimate goal of VHL hockey . Cooke has the work ethic and drive to get there it’s only a matter of time . For now let’s just watch this pivotal season for his development as a player !

  5. On 6/17/2022 at 9:00 PM, InstantRockstar said:


    1. How did you see our draft going? 

    2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'? 

    3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending? 

    4. Who is your favourite singer/band? 

    5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year? 

    6. What is your aspiration for your player? 

    1. Honestly being on the outside looking in on draft day the first couple rounds went how I would’ve expected them . 
    2. no for the most part they were on par with a lot of the mock drafts 

    3. right now we’re knocking on the door , in a season or two it’s gonna be our time ! And I hope By then I’ll have made the jump to the VHL full time to help contribute.

    4. Honestly I like five finger death punch or any country music . I know that’s an interesting spread but it’s what I like lol

    5. Top Gun Maverick was phenomenal, if you haven’t seen it yet go watch it !

    6. I want to win a championship. As well as one day maybe look back onto a hall of fame career

  6. After being drafted 27th overall Todd Cooke is looking forward to being picked in tonight’s VHLE and VHLM draft. How does he deal with the anticipation and excitement of where he will be selected ? Well the answer is quite simple actually . He takes the calm cool collected patient approach . At the end of the day Cooke was extremely happy to be selected by the LA Stars and has already began putting in the work and started the journey to on day make and impact on that roster and prove he belongs in the VHL . So the upcoming drafts for the minors are much the same throughout Cooke’s first season with the Ottawa Lynx he continued to prove doubters wrong and put the work into his development becoming a dependable 2 way player down the stretch. This season being rated a top prospect he’s looking to take a step to become a top go to player wherever he may play. 

    our staff caught up with Cooke and asked what it feels like being a top prospect this season . Here is what Cooke had to say .

    Honestly it’s quite humbling that I’ve been looked at as a top rated prospect . Yes I’ve put in the work to get better everyday but at the end of the day I’m happy playing whatever and showing the league I can be a dependable player who can make an impact on both sides of the ice . It’s every kids dream growing up getting selected as a high draft pick and playing hockey. I’m super excited to play wherever I get drafted and contribute wherever my team needs me. 

    Todd your kinda on the cusp of breaking into the VHLE this season is that a goal you’ve set for yourself ? 
    I mean obviously we all wanna play the highest level hockey and with the best players and everything like that . But me personally I think whatever suites my player development is the best choice for me . I’m more then happy to play in the VHLM or VHLE . Everybody has the goal of getting to the VHL in the end so I think wherever I can play and develop my game to get there is what’s best for me at this point and time ! 

    Looking back to last season . You earned TPE at a very good rate , is that something you expected coming in as a rookie ? And do you plan on keeping that rate up ? 

    TPE is how we grow and get better right ? So ya I’m gonna put the work in to be the best possible player I can be wherever I play . The work never stops really !


    you were drafted by the LA Stars , they had a big draft night and got a lot of big name prospects . The future looks bright for this team how do you think @InstantRockstar did in the draft this year ? 
    Im excited to be a part of this organization going forward . They got a very promising goalie for the long haul , some stud defence men and some very promising forwards! Each of whom I’m excited to play with at some point or another . Rockstar did a phenomenal job adding key pieces for the future to this roster . Admittedly I’m a very new player to this league and I don’t know many people. But I do know LA is going to be a force for years to come , how can you not be excited to play with all the talent on this roster and coming up ? It’s gonna be fun !


    There you have it folks it’ll be interesting to see where all the chips land when everything is said and done . One things forsure tho Cooke is looking to take a huge step this year . And become an impact player that can contribute to a teams overall success. A guy that wants to get better everyday and play hockey ! Tune in tonight and see where the top rated players in the draft class end up and what teams make a splash on draft night ! One things for certain this season is gonna be a good one . Thank you all for taking the time to read this quick little article on one of the leagues bright young up start players !

  7. On 6/6/2022 at 8:32 PM, ShawnGlade said:


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. Season is over, what was our downfall?


    :ott:2. How do you feel about your player's season?


    :ott:3. Who's one member of this team you'd like to give a shoutout to and why?


    :ott:4. What should our focus be in the upcoming draft?


    :ott:5. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?


    :ott:6. Do you own any NHL jerseys? If so what's your favorite?

    1. Consistency , we couldn’t keep it going for long stretches this season.


    2. for a rookie season I’m very happy , I hope to continue to improve and be an impact player wherever I go this upcoming season


    3. @zach for taking a chance on me this season he helped me improve more then I ever thought possible throughout the season


    4. Take players with potential and promise !


    5. cookie dough Ben and Gerry’s 


    6. I own multiple and probably my Ottawa senators jersey chris Phillips signed when I was younger

  8. On 6/1/2022 at 1:33 PM, ShawnGlade said:

    Ottawa Lynx


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. The cinderella run is in full swing! Why do you think that is? 


    :ott:2. Who's you pick to win playoff MVP?


    :ott:3. In your opinion, who goes #1 in the VHLM draft this off-season?


    :ott:4. Do you pronounce it Gair-age or Gah-rage


    :ott:5. How do you feel about your performance these playoffs?


    :ott:6. Who do you want to win the Stanley Cup?

    1.  Halifax is looking good , they are playing really good hockey right now!

    2. Marino for us has been lights out on both ends of the ice this post season that’s my pick forsure 

    3. I’m in the draft this off season so I don’t think it’s a question I should answer to be honest. but I will say there’s tons of great players available!

    4.Gair-age , honestly just had to say it in my head 5 times lol 

    5. I’m playing hard every game I’d love to be more productive but I’m giving my best effort every single game !

    6. Edmonton is my favourite team would love to see them get the job done this year .

  9. On 5/24/2022 at 1:52 PM, ShawnGlade said:

    Ottawa Lynx


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. What's one piece of advice you'd give your play heading into playoffs?


    :ott:2. How do you feel about your season as a member and a player?


    :ott:3. The team has been streaky lately, what's your opinion on what's going good and what's going bad?


    :ott:4. Do you pronounce it Colo-RAW-do or Colo-RAH-do?


    :ott:5. Who's your pick for team MVP?


    :ott:6. Which team do you think will be a spoiler in the playoffs?

    1. Play hard every shift make an impact any way I can.

    2. I came along way and grew a lot , grew into a two way player and look to expand on that in the playoffs and next season

    3. we need to be more consistent when we’re on we’re on !

    4. Colo-RAW-do

    5. Juan Soto, he drives the bus every night he’s the heartbeat of our team every night !

    6. That’s the beauty of playoffs every team can be a spoiler . So I can’t really pick just one team 

  10. On 5/16/2022 at 4:31 PM, Zack said:

    Ottawa Lynx


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. Fans want merchandise, what's a random item you want us to sell with your jersey number on it?


    :ott:2. How do you view daily sims? Instantly check, Discord results or scroll through the text?


    :ott:3. Does anything in the league remind you of anything in real life? If so, what? If not.. Why?


    :ott:4. The Lynx skills competition is coming up.. What drill is your player signing up for? 


    :ott:5. Are you a speed or puck handling enjoyer?


    :ott:6. What's a food or drink you've never had but want to try?

    1. Hat forsure! Let’s be honest who doesn’t love a good hat ?

    2.Scroll through daily sims

    3. Seeing my assists to goals ratio , I’m more of a playmaker in real life !

    4. Fastest skater , skating is my biggest attribute and something I take pride in training so it only fitting that , I take part in that event

    5. speed , I take pride in working on my skating I think it’s a huge part of my game, don’t get me wrong puck handling is too but skating is my foundation 

    6. dragonfruit always wanted to try , never have !

  11. How did Todd Cooke come to be a hockey player you ask ? 

    well the answer is quite simple actually I was born into it , my dad and grandpa both played hockey and loved watching games on tv so naturally I grew to love the game too and as soon as I could skate I found myself playing hockey as well. I loved it , from many hours outside to public skates to practices and everything in between I fell in love with the game . It’s such a huge part of my life that my wife has become a big hockey fan as well as it’s become something we share a passion for and enjoy watching together. I also share a special love for the game with my dad as well he introduced me to the game and it’s played a huge part in how our relationship as father and son has turned into best friends.

    the first couple seasons I played wing or Center but as I got older and bigger my coach ( dad) moved me to defence for a season . And to be honest I hated it at first I had a love for playing Center and wing and they just came natural to me. But as I played defence more and more I became a better all around player and after a season of begging and pleading I got my wish to go back to Center the following year. 

    Now as much as I hated defence I was a better well rounded Center and much more responsible defensively after making the switch. I didn’t know it at the time but my coach knew that would help develop my game . Ever sense then I’ve prided myself on playing good on both sides of the puck as well as being a solid positional 200 foot player . 

    halfway through my rookie VHLM season I’m using what I learned to put together a quote productive rookie year after a rocky start ! One day I hope I can translate this into becoming one of the top players in the VHL along with being consistently playing important minutes in that league one day.

    hope to progress even further!


    that’s how Todd Cooke came to be where he is today ! A strong Center that takes pride in his defensive game and development as a player whenever he can .



  12. 8 minutes ago, Zack said:

    Ottawa Lynx


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. The trade deadline is on the 16th and we are almost halfway through the season, who do you think will be the most active team?


    :ott:2. If you could put a title on the clip of your first goal, what would it be?


    :ott:3. If the team decided to make a statue of any player in team history, who would you choose? (refer to the all time player statistics on the team page on the portal, anybody works)


    :ott:4. The team has been changing our penalty shot/shootout line up a lot this season, who would suggest we have shooting the puck in our top 3?


    :ott:5. Would you rather receive a big hit or block a slapshot? 


    :ott:6. What's something you do to make your locker room laugh?

    1. I could see us adding a big piece to push us over the edge , Vegas could make some noise too .

    2. Rookie’s first goal a dream come true!

    3. Honestly I’m not sure there’s so many good players to choose from I can’t pick one

    4. Jaun sano #1 forgues #2 messier #3

    5. if it was to make a play definitely take the hit!

    6. I’m quite the practical joker so I love joking around with the boys

  13. Rookie Center for the Ottawa lynx Todd Cooke has been on fire since we last spoke with him with 17 points since our last article he’s really coming into his own and showing he can be an important player for the lynx for years to come .


    here’s this weeks interview 

     We noticed you’ve been racking up the assists lately , is that something you take pride in ?

    I mean obviously anytime you can set up your teammates it’s huge . I take pride in my passing and ability to find people on the ice. It’s also a huge bonus that we have so many amazing players on our team , that really helps me in the long run and makes my job easy .


    what’s one improvement you’ve seen this year that you struggled with early this season?

    Face offs forsure , early this season I had to adjust and really fight for every win. In practice that’s something we’ve been focusing on and practicing everyday . And I feel like I can be depended on more now then before.

    do you feel like you’ve earned a spot on this team for seasons to come ? 

    Ultimately that’s management’s decision. I feel like I can contribute on both ends of the ice , I love playing in Ottawa and hopefully I can play in Ottawa for many years to come. We’ll cross that bridge this off season and hopefully we’re on the same page and I’ll be able to stay here.


    the vhl  draft is coming up and we’ve seen your name mentioned a few times , what would being drafted mean to you ?

    it’d be huge it’d be an honour to be able to be drafted and be a part of a VHL franchise, I hope I get that chance one day !


    now we’re gonna try and get to know you a little bit better mr cooke


    What does a typical off day look like for you ? I try to get as much rest and relaxation in as possible , I like to sometimes go out for a nice dinner , catch up with friends and family of the time and opportunity present themselves.


    if you weren’t playing hockey what would you be doing ? For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a firefighter , the amount of respect I have for those guys is huge they go into harms way and put their lives on the line daily. That is my dream job when I retire from hockey .


    favourite game day meal ?

    chicken and pasta !


    are you superstitious? Any out there pre game routine? I don’t think I am no . And you know the regular put my right pads and skates on before my left for everything, and I always tape my sticks from heel to toe in between every period . 

    last but not least biggest inspiration in your personal life or hockey ( or both )

    honestly my dad , he’s helped me so much personally and in hockey I can only hope that I someday can be half the man than he is today . If I can do that I’ll be doing pretty good . 

    thanks Todd for taking some time out today we really appreciate it. always a pleasure guys thanks !


    well there you have it folks ! Cooke sure has made a lot of progress in a short amount of time ! He looks to be a real good player in this league that’s in it for the long haul. Only up from here!





  14. 18 hours ago, Zack said:

    Ottawa Lynx


    Press Conference


    :ott:1. What's the one thing that keeps you coming back to the site?


    :ott:2. What logo (any league) has your favorite combination of colours?


    :ott:3. The Lynx are doing a combo deal and need suggestions, what food, drink and snack would you want us to sell?


    :ott:4. How long of a win streak does a team need to be considered "on fire"?


    :ott:5. If you could add a rule, equiptment item or anything else from a different sports league to help your game in the VHLM, what would it be?


    :ott:6. What jersey number did you choose? Why did you pick that number??

    1. Trying to grow and progress as much as I can honestly !

    2.lynx is pretty hard to beat in my opinion !

    3.Double Cheesburger large onion rings , probably a coke and popcorn all in one combo 

    4.I’d say 3 to gain attention 5 plus to be considered “on fire”

    5. That’s a good question I can’t really pick one that would make sense right now

    6. number 19 Stevie y and joe Sakic were 2 of my favourite players growing up and that was the number I was given playing hockey and I just stuck with it 

  15. On 8/11/2018 at 6:17 AM, Tagger said:


    1) Since it's not been too long since you've joined the league, what are thoughts on the league so far as a whole?

    2) Are there any areas in the league that you would like to see a change/improvement? 

    3) The VHLM Newsletter launched earlier this week, did you read it and was it helpful to you?

    4) What are your aims this season in the VHLM?

    5) With the teams starting to take shape, who do you consider to be the favourite for the VHLM Founders Cup?

    6a) Is there any player on your VHL team that you're particularly looking forward to playing with when you make the VHL? (For players who were also in the VHL Draft)

    6b) What do you think of your current VHLM team? (If you were selected in the VHLM Draft)

    6c) If a GM were to make you an offer, what kind of player would they be getting? (If you're currently unaffiliated).


      Reveal hidden contents

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    1. The league is great the community seems very helpful and supportive . I’ve enjoyed my short time in this league and look to be a contributing member as well .


    2. currently too new to the league to answer I don’t see any issues right now that I would change honestly .


    3. honestly no I have not


    4. Contribute on and of the ice for my team and help in any way that I can .


    5. I might be biased a bit but I think the lynx have a very good chance at the cup this year.


    6b . We have a great balance and group this year . 

  16. This season has been an interesting one to say the least . Especially for rookie Todd Cooke of the Ottawa Lynx. Recruited and signed by GM Zack. Cooke’s season started of lacklustre as he became accustomed to the VHLM league and grind of the season . As experience was gained and applied Cooke had carved out a role as a second line Center on the lynx recently having his best game of the season with 3 points ( 1 Goal , 2 assists) .



    we caught up with Cooke on an off day to discuss his rookie season and assess his recent performance this season.


    What had this season Been like for you ? It’s been great the boys have been welcoming I’m enjoying being a part of the Lynx we’re playing really good hockey lately and I’m starting to hit my stride and really contribute for this team.


    The Lynx Management Team has really believed in you and been a real key in your growth this season! What does this support mean to you ? I mean it’s everything , coming into this season as a rookie they’ve really given me every opportunity to grow and succeed. Without them I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am today! I hope I can continue to grow and succeed with there continued Support.


    Who has been the biggest help both on and off the ice this season ? Probably Denns ( Juan Sano lll ) . He’s been huge this season giving me tips and helping me grow in the center ice position. And showing me how to really be a pro in this league . He’s been huge for both myself and our team this year , I hope I can one day have the type of success as a first liner that he’s had .


    Overall are there any goals left un accomplished this Season? I think personally I’d like to get my first hat trick and achieve the 30 point plateau. But that comes second to me team success is most important if we finish the season like we’ve been playing all year and continue the strong play and carry our momentum into the playoffs I honestly believe we have a great chance to bring a championship home in the end ! 

    where do you see yourself in 3 seasons ?

    id like to be a reliable center in this league that can be dependable in all situations and if I keep on the right track with my growth I think that’s achievable.


    thank you for your time Mr Cooke and good luck the rest of this season. Thanks guys 


    there you have it ladies and gentlemen just a little insight into one of the promising VHLM rookies this season hope you enjoy 

  17. 1. Trying to do everything I can this season to come in and contribute any way possible to this team.

    2. Honestly I like the make up of our team this season , I think we match up great against every team in the league . But Mexico City is the team I’d have to pick as our most favourable match up.

    3. Implement a system and set the ton as to what our team identify is this season.

    4. I’d have to say performance bonuses , would be a little something that’d give a guy some extra motivation in the season

    5. team success is first and foremost the most important thing I hope we can have a great season and go on a run in the playoffs. Personally I’d like to contribute every night in some way shape or form.

    6. I’m still new here and haven’t really got to know the boys all that good but I feel like we’d play some rock . As for a name I’m not to sure maybe the lynx lol  

  18. 5 hours ago, rjfryman said:

    @l1l KRZY l9l


    My name is rjfryman and I am the general manager of the Houston Bulls, We would love to have you come join us for the S77 season. We are punching above our weight right now and getting good members is how we do that. I can help teach you the best way to earn and be a great member. Right now I can offer you 3rd - 4th line minutes with the ability to grow past that and get more time on ice if you work hard. We have a discord that can help you a bunch. If this sounds cool to you and you want to join Houston just quote this message and say something to the effect of I want to join Houston. There are no wrong answers right now there are great GM's all around and they at the end of the season you can join another team through the draft.


    Have a great day

    - rjfryman

    I want to join houston

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