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Daniel Janser

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Posts posted by Daniel Janser

  1. After a partly successful show in the Highland Games (and an ensuing drinking spree which is best left unmentioned), Callum is driving down to London to catch a flight back to New York. He needs to report to the MSG asap for the pre-season practice. He ponders about the second place his clan has grasped in the annual clash of clans. While not being on top of the list, at least the winning clan in the McAllisters is a clan with whom the Fergusons are on a friendly basis and in the past centuries even have forged the occasional alliance, either against other clans or the Sassenach. The rival McLeod clan was really no competition, not helped by severe case fo Delhi-Belly rampaging in their camp.

    He really enjoyed his time with his extended family, and the time in the ProAm Tournament, which this time was held in Kilmarnock. A very convenient coincidence for Callum. As in the Highland Games, his clan team, the Halifax Herefords, came second. The Flora Vista Foxes, who already dominated the round robin with their highscoring hockey, swept the more physical inclined Herefords in the final.

    He wonders whether GM Vince Wong will get an additional forward with the limited cap space available or whether the Americans will run their roster as it is. The Swiss defender has developed into one of the best defensive backs in the league and is on the New York roster in terms of raw talent second only to Analfist.

    There is a sad part as well though, his draft class mate and roomie Rin Kagamine tested free agency and so the saga of the 'Beauty and the Beast' may likely have come to an end. He is going to miss the 'Nagasaki Nightingale', but this is the way of professional sport.





  2. a-tale-of-two-brothers-cgyjanser.jpg?ex=

    (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine)


    Our correspondent Dick Hammer had a Teams interview with Callum during his stay at his grandfather Scottish estate in Ayr, the Ferguson clan's residence. The Swiss giant dresses for the Halifax Herefords, which finished second in the standings after the fifty games round robin.

    DH: 'Hi Callum, thanks for taking time to answer a few questions.'

    CGY: 'Sure thing, Richard. Fire away.'

    DH: 'Halifax has literally fought its way to second place in the ProAm Tournament. How do you explain that you hardly finished a match and were ejected a lot of times for fighting.'

    CGY: 'That is a good question. I never shied away from a fight, if it was for policing reasons. I would not do it just for entertainment. I think it is a combination of some players having higher ambitions than skill. That can lead to frustration, especially if you have players in your team that are only having fun and play for the sake of meeting old friends and not for the wins. Frustration than can lead to dirty plays if the game does not go your way. If you add inexpierenced refs into the mix, you are more than likely going to witness some good old fashioned pugilism.'

    DH: 'We have also seen an increase of scoring from your side with around two points per game?'

    CGY: 'I would not go that far. Some of the players in the ProAm are retired for a while now, and they lack the practice. Some others are still on VHLM level and you would expect to see a difference in skill level as well as experience. I still hope to match or improve my last year's contribution to the Americans' success. However, I never was an offensive minded defender and this was known at draft day. Of course I endeavour to improve my play on all levels constantly, including offensive contribution. Let's see what the next season brings.'

    DH: 'Some say NYA is one of the top teams in the league this season. Are you already planning for the post-season?'

    CGY: 'Of course our goal is to compete and that means making the playoffs. But we all know that teams change their face during the season. Look at Calgary for example, who looked like a playoff team and they did not make it. Look at the Bears, who made moves at TDL and became the team to beat, after pundits did not give them a lot of credit in the preseason predictions. We have a good squad, we could keep last year's core and added the best NHL player of all time in Wayne Gretzky to our roster. I think we are in a good place.'

    DH: 'We hear that you are representing clan Ferguson in the oncoming Highland games. Will you wear the kilt traditionally?'

    CGY: 'I was raised to honour traditions and hence yes, I will go commando underneath the Ferguson tartan.'

    DH: 'No concerns about... revealing photos showing up in the internet.'

    CGY: 'Not at all. I grew up in the understanding that ones body is nothing to be ashamed of. Both of my parents are European and have quite a relaxed approach when it comes to nudity.'

    DH: 'Okay, I think that is all for now. Thanks and good luck in the Highland Games.'

    CGY: 'Thanks, I appreciate it.'


    Here the round robin stats of our Swiss Gladiators:

    CGY: 50gp, 41g, 63a, 104pts, +30, 1024 PIM, 137 hits, 123sb, 7ppg, 1shg, 2 First Star nominations, 35-19-52 Fight record

    DJ: 50gp, 60g, 59a, 119pts, +26, 149 PIM, 168 hits, 79sb, 11ppg, 3shg, 62.34FO%, 9 First Star nominations, 5-3-13 Fight record














  3. 15 minutes ago, VattghernCZ said:


    I wouldn't mind having an Octavia Scout as a dedicated fishing vehicle tbh. Škodas are not bad, but...you know...everyone around has one lol. Lemme check. There are 12 parked cars I can see from my window. 7 od them are Škoda. 


    I'm quite surprised my company doesn't use Škodas. But there's a major Hyundai assembly line in Czechia, I guess it makes sense they're even more affordable than Škodas.

    We used to drive Skoda, first a Fabia stationwagon (before they were shrinked) and then a Skoda Octavia RS stationwagon... if Skoda built Vans we would still drive one. Best sold car brand in Switzerland in the past decade or so...

  4. 1 hour ago, VattghernCZ said:

    A 2009 Audi A5 coupé I bought second hand in 2014 as a 20yo with more available money than common sense. It's fun to drive, it has a 3.0 TDI engine, but for the last 3 or 4 years, I've been talking about selling it and buying something more economic. I really like a Mazda 3 hatchback, for example. Still can't bring myself to do it tho, I like that thing.


    Also a company Hyundai i30.

    shame on you, you ought to drive Skoda ;)


  5. After a hearty welcome by Adam, Callum's grandfather and chieftain of the Ferguson clan, the Swiss defender had to stay for a traditional Scottish dinner. His uncles and aunts were there as well and with them his cousins as well. Once the table was cleared, his granda addressed Callum: 'Cal, it is a spot of good look that you are here at this time.'

    'Why is that, pops?' asked the NYA alternate captain.

    'See, Connor was meant to represent our clan in the Highland games. But that fool managed to dislocate his shoulder in a rugby match against the MacLeod clan.'

    'Yeah, that was unwise. He should have known better than to partake in a game against our arch rivals in the Highland games. Do you suspect foul play?'

    'Nay, he twisted his arm when he stumbled over his own feet. As much as it grieves to say that, but this time the MacLeod's are not to blame for our misery. Regardless, we do not want to lose against them.'

    'Listen, Adam. I am ready to stand in for Connor, but contractually I cannot participate in the log throwing, too much risk for an injury. I am sure you understand.'

    'Aye, that I do. We signed up Fergus for that competition anyway.'

    'I see why you would do that. Uncle Fergie has four inches on me and another eight stone on the scale by my guess.'

    'That is about right. Thanks for doing this, Callum.'

    'We are family. Even though I do not bear the name, I carry the blood. Of course I will help you out. I have not forgotten the good times I had here, whenever we visited here. And I cannot let it happen that the MacLeods have the better of us. Time to begin the training then, I am a wee rusty, ye ken?'

  6. 21 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:


    Now get Warlock inducted for his VHLM record year + 3 vhl cups :D I fully believe in your skills now. 

    255 pts in a season? that is ProAm level of scoring right there... VHL not so much apparently... ;)


  7. image.png.2e081f98548623d4c2567b789b73648a.png


    1. We are making moves for the coming season and the inevitable rebuild. What is a FA you would love to see in a CGY dress and why?

    2. Our first line center Randy Bobandy has been moved for picks, what are your thoughts on that?

    3. Miner vHLer has been called up from the VHLE. What do you wish to say to our new (and old) team mate?

    4. What is your advice to Nikita Yolishev, our only draftee this offseason?

    5. What is your favourite song and why?

    6. Which is your preferred season and why?

  8. On 5/15/2024 at 6:41 PM, Banackock said:

    Invisible text. Is this the era after ai articles?

    Geez Bana, oldest trick in the book. It is invisible ink. Hold your monitor close to a candle and the writing will appear like magick.

  9. Callum drives in vintage Landrover down the coastal road from Kilmarnock to Ayr. He needs to pay attention to stay on the right side of the road, which in Britain is of course the left one. He is going to visit his maternal grandfather Adam, as well as his uncles Angus, Fergus and Callum (after which he was named). And maybe, but only maybe, he is hoping to meet Eilidh one of his many cousins. He knows her since he could walk and spent many a summer playing hide and seek with her on the Ferguson family estate. He has not seen her in a while, as he was busy with the army, studies and being a professional hockey player.

    When he rolls up on his granda's driveway, he is first greeted by Duncan, a fearsome Irish Wolfhound, who is given free roam of the castle, so to speak. Luckily for Cal, the trusty protector recognizes him and greets him with a thorough wash of his face. The Swiss giant laughs and pushes the affectionate dog away.

    'Is someone home, Duncan?', he asks.

    'Just, lil' ol' me', he hears a semi-familiar voice.

    'Is this you, Eilidh? You have grown a lot since I last saw you.'

    'Aye, I got tits now.'

    Callum blushes and retorts: 'That is not what I meant.'

    'I am just winding you up, you big oaf. Welcome home. Adam is in town for some paperwork, and the 'Tightfisted Three' are in Paisley, getting their threadbare kilts replaced.'

    'I almost forgot that we call my uncles that name. It must almost kill them to spend a few pounds to be presentable for the next Highland games.'

    'Aye, they were not happy fellows. Come in already. You care for a drink?'

    'Yeah, I could drink some Whiskey, Eilidh. And you will join me and bring me up to speed what is going on in your life.'

    'Aye, I will and you will tell me your tale as well.'

    'That sounds fair. It is really good to see you again, cousin.'


    300+ words, claiming 1/5 uncapped only.

  10. Bild

    graphic courtesy by Leandrofg

    (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine)



    It is the time of the year again. The offseason, dreaded by most avid hockey fans, but a welcome downtime for managers to execute trades and planning the draft strategy, undisturbed by the buzz of the regular season or even the playoffs. Father and son have enlisted again for the storied ProAm Tournament and were drafted together with back-to-back picks into the Halifax Herefords. Outside of the retired Calgary veteran and his filius, GM Juan Ceson (a Vegas legend), assembled the following roster:


    Bollos de Trueno, a redeemed Mexican cartel member and gang banger (if rumours about this talented player's past can be believed). The six foot three, 213 pound defender had a respectable season in Saskatoon and is looking to get drafted into the VHL as well as the VHLE. Whoever secures the rights on this thundering back, will get a hardworking blue liner.


    Lucy Leitner, cousin/twin sister of Halifax' GM Lexie Leitner (that family tree must be interesting and leads us to believe that the Leitner's hail from a rather rural and depopulated area). The minuscule and rather petite defender has proven her worth in the VHLM as well as the VHLE for Houston and Vasteras respectively. She is looking forward to make her debut for Riga's newly appointed GM, Red Panda.


    Kimi Räikkönen, F1-pilot turned hockey player. Apparently, attending EVZ games in Zug has inspired the former Formula One Champion to start a second career, as basking in the Swiss sun was just to boring for the Iceman. After stints in Bratislava and Houston, the left winger plays a depth role for Riga and is aspiring to be a very solid two-way forward.


    Mikko Borisyuk, the Guatmalan Center has debuted for the Wolves in the VHL this past season, after spending three years with the Watchmen and two years in the VHLM, split between Mexico City and Halifax. He was a decent scorer in the minors, but sofar struggled with the more talented opposition in the VHL. A bottom six player who can be trusted to hold down the fort in the PK.


    Annie Oaks, a right wing from Sheffield in the UK started her career in the minors with a bang, scoring well above a point per game in her debuting season in the VHLM. Alas, the VHLE was not nice to her. This never hindered the hard working player to give her all and she is chomping on the bit to get her VHL career started in the coming season. 


    Chris Reynolds Jr, a lanky pivot from the US is getting his fine tuning in the VHLE and will then join CGY Janser in the Americans. His development in the E will determine what role he can play in the ambitious New York outfit. 


    Jack Dickins, will earn his pay in Oslo in the coming season and hone his skills for his VHL franchise the Prague Phantoms. The towering Canadian's preferred position is on the right wing.


    Elf shoes, is an American born left winger, who could get a whiff of the VHL, playing 32 games for Riga, but was sent back to the minors. The reason appears to be a lack of displacement as he only weighs in at 146lbs at 6' 3''. The Reigns management allegedly suggested to spend more time in the weight room.


    Benjamin Abenduct, a behemoth of a defender will premier in the VHL for Moscow in the next season. Sofar he has shown a knack for scoring from the blue line and has scored above ppg pace both in the E as well as the M. Euron Leonidas has shown a talent to develop players (or find a place where they can develop) and we see no reason why Abenduct should be an exception from the rule.


    Last, but certainly not least, netminder Lachlan Summers. The veteran goalkeeper will go into his last season dressing for Warsaw. The Davos legend and trophy hoarder extra ordinaire is certainly a solid choice to backstop the ragtag team that is the Halifax Herefords.


    At the time of writing this article, the Herefords have played five games and show a 4-1-0 record. It is remarkable that CGY did not have to worry about hot water in either of the matches as he is 5/5 for game misconducts for fighting. It appears that there is some pent up frustration afoot, as the hulking Swiss has not fought a single time last season.


    Here are the stats for our Swiss heroes:

    CGY: 5gp, 5g, 13a, 18pts, +8, 124 PIM, 16 hits, 22sb, 1ppg, 1gwg 4-3-7 fighting record

    DJ: 5gp, 12g, 7a, 19pts, +7, 12 PIM, 16 hits, 4sb, 1shg, 1gwg, 64.77FO%, 3 first star nominations


    Stay tuned for more news.









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