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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Time to break out the Voodoo doll.
  2. This is like the FOX news of the VHL. Good for a laugh.
  3. 1. As of this writing, the Titans are on a 10 game winning streak! What's enabled the team to do so well? It's obviously the benching of Hammar Voss, therefore limiting his liability as a player. 2. What will it take for the Titans to hold off the Dynamo and Reign for third? The Titans believe in the powerful effect of prayer, and positive thinking. 3. Do you think Helsinki could catch Warsaw for second (or even Moscow for first)? Ummmm, no. There is a limit to the power of prayer and positive thinking apparently. 4. Nico Pearce is leading the league in points too, what do you think led to his big jump in production this season? Just like in other aspects of life, the cream always rises to the top. 5. Now that VHL Birthday Week is over, did you have a favorite memory or retrospective? No, but that is mainly due to the fact that I'm convinced that I have early-onset dementia. I can barely remember things from one or two players ago, yet alone 15 years. 6. A quieter VHL Trade Deadline once again, would you like to see more trade action this time of year? Yes. Let's force GM's to trade, and punish them by removing draft picks from them if they don't. Let's make GM's really earn their title.
  4. Congratulations on being the best Aussie GFX maker in the VHL!
  5. Exactly. No ones going to make fun of you, and every graphic you do will mean improvement. Keep at it.
  6. Frank already did one, but fuck it, here's another.
  7. Thank god we're from NZ bro.
  8. Bloody Aussies.
  9. Tbh, it's probably just the drugs.
  10. I expect Voss to drop off the rankings entirely for the next edition. Don't blame the player though, it's the user that sucks.
  11. BOOM


  12. 1. It's VHL birthday week! What's your favorite VHL memory? Personally it's when Tordahl was inducted to the HOF, but for the League itself, just the friends I've made along the way. 2. If the VHL was a person, what would you get them as a birthday gift? The best Scotch I can afford and a box of Cubans. 3. What's your favorite birthday party you've been to? My own 21st. When you throw up a couple of cigarette butts, you've had a good time. 4. Being 15 years old as a sim league is insane to me. What do you think has allowed the VHL to last this long? Good management and dedicated core members who have always been active and interested in the VHL's development. 5. The VHL has been around since 2007. What were you doing in 2007? (If you were even here in 2007!) Learning that my Uni degree was pretty useless and discovering that the real world will eat you alive if you let it. 6. Prediction time: Do you think the VHL hits 20? Or at least 100 seasons? Yes to both. It may not be with the same management group in place, but longevity is something the VHL definitely has.
  13. Welcome back, take the vhl at whatever pace is comfortable and congratulations on graduating.
  14. FFS, give him some of my bonus TPE.
  15. You have my sympathies.
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