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I am writing this article because recently I have gained a job as an assistant general manager. Prior to this, I was under the impression that AGMs were used as paid labor and not as unpaid interns. This is disgraceful to all the people out there who put their life into helping a team grow under their GM. To the league, these AGMs are nothing but waste and easily replaceable. Why pay them when you have so many people wanting a job? I also realize this is not the fault of the GMs. This is an issue with the system and it starts at the TOP. We all need to unite together and demand that GMs get better pay and the AGMs also get paid! What world do we live in where a management position in a hockey organization is seen as a mere honor instead of a job like it’s advertised. I have been informed it didn’t use to be this way. To the people responsible for this I feel nothing but shame towards you. I wish this was revolutionary France so we could properly punish you for your crimes against the people of this organization and the citizens of the world. Other companies seeing how this great league treats its employees gives others the impression that they can use cheap labor and exploit their own citizens. DISGRACEFUL *spit*. I...no...WE THE PEOPLE OF THE VHL, VHLM, and VHLE DEMAND THAT THE CORPORATE GREED OF THE VHL INCREASE THE GM SALARY AND GIVE THE AGM A SALARY!! You have 5-10 business days or ill call the French.


(This is meant to be ridiculous though I do still want AGMs to be paid so it is very manifesto feeling just because I needed 250 words. I do not wish for anyone’s head to be cut off and everyone in the VHL are great people. Also this is one of the most insane things I've every had come out of my brain so I apologize)

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11 minutes ago, Xflexz said:

AGMs are nothing but waste

you said it, not me


12 minutes ago, Xflexz said:

demand that GMs get better pay

I can support this!


12 minutes ago, Xflexz said:

AGMs also get paid

nah that's ok


12 minutes ago, Xflexz said:

What world do we live in where a management position in a hockey organization is seen as a mere honor instead of a job like it’s advertised.

vhl circa S79


12 minutes ago, Xflexz said:


ayo 🥴


13 minutes ago, Xflexz said:


Fire Elmo GIF


13 minutes ago, Xflexz said:


If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity


14 minutes ago, Xflexz said:

You have 5-10 business days or ill call the French.

Can you tell them to take @N0HBDY back, he's come back from France and is dropping hella PIMS. We do not want him anymore :P 

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Kay so by my calculations I've been an AGM for 3 seasons that means I get 






lots of tpe 


if you please

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3 hours ago, Xflexz said:



57 minutes ago, McWolf said:



Damn Canada do be doin strange things to a mf 

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I love it, y'all AGMs are essentially just unpaid interns getting coffee for the GM lmao. This article does shine a light on a problem, if AGMs aren't getting a salary that's pretty fucked. I hope this situation is rectified and I hope your message reaches the top. Excellent article, coulda used some better grammar but I won't harp on that. 9/10

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