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Stepping down as Västerås GM


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You might need thicker glasses


I hope for the sake of Corco that Vasteras miraculously does something next season otherwise I think it might be time for the league to step in.  They have 1 season to win and that's a crazy Season 37 run he did something like this in the past where everyone knew the team was going to fall short and it did.  If Riga makes the playoffs next season and beats Vasteras in the first round I think Corco has to be replaced.
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It's a shame you had a completely opposing stance to me on Vasteras, in a different franchise I would have had no issues with your GMing. Your tried and stick around.

Now let's move the team to France!

honestly though, I totally forgot I made you GM pretty crazy you've been GM this long.

You didn't.
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Sucks to see that you dont seem to enjoy this league anymore. Some moves you made as a GM I liked and some I didnt, but I do think that you and your team got unfairly criticized quite a lot. At some point bashing Vasteras seemed to becone the thing the cool kids do and that must have been a very tough situation to be in. I hope you stick around and start having fun around here again :)

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A terrible location with a terrible name and a terrible track record.

2 cups, 25 seasons between them (S1, S26)

4 finals, including those two cups (one in S2, one in Madrid)

and since a return from Madrid (the terrible location really being the only reason Vasteras is still a thing) in S21, five playoff appearances.

Oh and Vasteras had a VHLM team too. Because reasons.

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I seriously just noticed this. GL Corco, you tried the best you could be the franchise is just... no...


Hopefully Booby considers relocation a little bit more seriously. No, my campaign on it is not done yet.

I'm not taking it seriously?
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