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Vancouver Wolves Press Conference


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1.  I was confident we were gonna win.   I live just north of Seattle so if we lost I’d burn down their facility.  

2. Yes.  I feel Oreo and Girts will flourish this round.  

3. it will come down but his points will increase.  He’s a beast in playoffs.  

4. nah.  He found his game.  He will be better next round. 

5,  Team defense and lots of pucks on net.  

6. We are being underestimated for sure. We almost won a cup last year with this club so we shouldn’t be upset they are counting us out 

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23 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

heath ledger joker GIF

Wildcard Series & First Round


Here we are a day or two after a wildcard series and we will march on towards one of the best teams in the league in the Toronto Legion so let quickly review the series and look ahead to the next round. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



1.     After reading an article by one of your players managers about how we have lost five of the past six series against Seattle Bears; were you confident that we were going to make it 2-7 or were you concerned that Seattle might once again upset us?


2.     Oreo McFleury led the team in the first round with amazing 4 goals and 4 assist in only four games; Do you think he will continue to led the team against Toronto and do you think he will continue the current scoring pace?


3.     Pierre Emile Bouchard finished with the highest shooting percentage in the first round with an amazing 25%; Do you think he should shoot more or will that bring down this shooting percentage?


4.     Brandt Fuhr numbers in the first round were rather unimpressive with an 3.50 GAA and 0.892 sav%. Are you concerned by his current play or was it simple a reflection of the team play?


5.     What do you think will be the keys to success for the Vancouver Wolves to beat the Toronto Legion in the next round of the playoffs?


6.     VSN has voted against us against Toronto so do you think that makes us the under-wolves and do you agree with their assessment of how the series might play out?



Happy Pump It GIF by Eledraws (Eleonore Bem)


1 Things could go either way between these teams. I was about 80% confident.


2. Oreo is a fantastic young player, not surprising he leads the team, and I see no reason why he shouldn't continue. Keeping up the current goal scoring pace would be quite something, I'm not sure if it's really sustainable to be honest. But I'd love to be proven wrong!


3. If he's gonna score one on every 4 shots, I think we all should pass him the puck! Can you imagine him scoring like 8 goals every game?


4. He's not a young kid anymore, there's some regression expected, but he'll bounce back. He's still a very good goaltender, better than his wild card round numbers. I'm more concerned about the S91 and S92 goaltending than about this playoff run.


5. Their offense is lethal, it could be a series of games with less than 3 goals scored when we focus on shutting their elite offense down, and 8+ goals games when we go full glass cannon on them, with nothing in between. Then there's Joel Castle of course.


6. The last time Vancouver beat Seattle in a playoff series, they...you know what, I've learned my lesson about jinxing last season. Just go look up. Beating our rivals this early can do only good to our morale, we can beat anyone now, including Toronto. I don't agree with them, we've got this

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On 10/3/2023 at 1:57 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:

heath ledger joker GIF

Wildcard Series & First Round


Here we are a day or two after a wildcard series and we will march on towards one of the best teams in the league in the Toronto Legion so let quickly review the series and look ahead to the next round. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



1.     After reading an article by one of your players managers about how we have lost five of the past six series against Seattle Bears; were you confident that we were going to make it 2-7 or were you concerned that Seattle might once again upset us?


2.     Oreo McFleury led the team in the first round with amazing 4 goals and 4 assist in only four games; Do you think he will continue to led the team against Toronto and do you think he will continue the current scoring pace?


3.     Pierre Emile Bouchard finished with the highest shooting percentage in the first round with an amazing 25%; Do you think he should shoot more or will that bring down this shooting percentage?


4.     Brandt Fuhr numbers in the first round were rather unimpressive with an 3.50 GAA and 0.892 sav%. Are you concerned by his current play or was it simple a reflection of the team play?


5.     What do you think will be the keys to success for the Vancouver Wolves to beat the Toronto Legion in the next round of the playoffs?


6.     VSN has voted against us against Toronto so do you think that makes us the under-wolves and do you agree with their assessment of how the series might play out?



Happy Pump It GIF by Eledraws (Eleonore Bem)


1. I was not concerned, I've said all season we are the better team and would beat them if we faced off in the post season and we did cuz we rule. 


2. He was a beast round 1 and I think he will continue to score, maybe not as such an crazy pace but I wouldn't put it past him also


3. I think PEB shoots the perfect amount, evident by his incredible shooting %, he knows the best times to shoot so I'd say keep doing what he's doing 


4. Little of both, we could have been better and he had a couple goals im sure he'd like back, he will be better in round 2 no question


5. We gotta break their fucking clavicles.


6. Anyone who votes against us doesn't know wtf they are talking about, we're the goddamn Wolves, we can rip someone's throat out if we want. Toronto better be careful! 

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Mommy, It is over!!



Every season Vancouver Wolves expect to be Continental Cup Champions so falling in game seven of the North American semi-finals to the Toronto Legion must be viewed as complete failure, right? Off season is now upon Vancouver like a draft rainy day with a ton of difficult choice to be made to bring back glory of lifting the Continental Cup. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



1.     Biggest surprise of the Play-off?



2.     Biggest Disappointment of the play-offs?



3.     Will you be following the Continental Cup finals?



4.     Plans for the off-season?



5.     What do you expect next season?



6.     What do ducks use to fix things around the house?  





Next Time GIF 

Better Luck next season!!


Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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On 10/13/2023 at 12:25 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:


Mommy, It is over!!



Every season Vancouver Wolves expect to be Continental Cup Champions so falling in game seven of the North American semi-finals to the Toronto Legion must be viewed as complete failure, right? Off season is now upon Vancouver like a draft rainy day with a ton of difficult choice to be made to bring back glory of lifting the Continental Cup. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



1.     Biggest surprise of the Play-off?



2.     Biggest Disappointment of the play-offs?



3.     Will you be following the Continental Cup finals?



4.     Plans for the off-season?



5.     What do you expect next season?



6.     What do ducks use to fix things around the house?  





Next Time GIF 

Better Luck next season!!


1. Biggest surprise was that we didnt hold on to beat Toront, I thought we had them but shit happens. 


2. Biggest disappointment, see above lol


3. Nope once we are out I don't care who wins


4. Get as much training in I can on my new player


5. For me I will be in the VHLM so I expect to have fun with some good stats


6. Aflac

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On 10/13/2023 at 12:25 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:


Mommy, It is over!!


Every season Vancouver Wolves expect to be Continental Cup Champions so falling in game seven of the North American semi-finals to the Toronto Legion must be viewed as complete failure, right? Off season is now upon Vancouver like a draft rainy day with a ton of difficult choice to be made to bring back glory of lifting the Continental Cup. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Biggest surprise of the Play-off?


2.     Biggest Disappointment of the play-offs?


3.     Will you be following the Continental Cup finals?


4.     Plans for the off-season?


5.     What do you expect next season?


6.     What do ducks use to fix things around the house?  


Next Time GIF 

Better Luck next season!!


1. Unfortunately, it's our too-early of an exit from the playoffs.  Didn't see that one coming

2. I guess this is a "refer to #1" type question.  I really felt like this was a year where we'd bring home another title.

3. Of course! I'm a huge hockey fan so I always stay up to date on it

4. Main thing is some much needed rest and relaxation time with my family.


6. Duck tape?

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End of season, Careers and Awards!!

Every Season the Vancouver Wolves give out awards to recognize the great efforts from all the players in making the past season a successful one, even if it doesn`t end with lifting the cup at the end of the season so now it is your turn to have a say in some of the Awards and tell the managers how wrong they might have been when handing out the awards. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Who was the Vancouver Wolves best defenseman and why?



2.     Who was the team’s Unsung hero and why?


3.     Who was the Most Energetic player this season and why?


4.     Who was the Vancouver Wolve MVP this season and why?


5.     Is there any award that you didn`t agree with or would you just like to acknowledge one of your teams from last year? What or who and Why?


6.     Three Players have retired from last season team in Girts Galvins @Girts, Brian Payne @Scurvy and Hockley Mann @Sen. What was the last thing that you said or did for them before they retired?


New Season when?

Lets Go Time GIF by NETFLIX

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1. PEB.   Close battle with Payne but PEB is more consistent in playoffs and better offensively.  

2. Oreo McFluery ir Girts.  Both are studs come playoffs.  Quiet assassins. 

3. wann Kerr.  Active in Lr and always buzzing on the ice 


4.Wann Kerr.   Consistent and always seems to be on score board.  

5. No.   Great post 


6. well.  I’m one of them.  I’m sad leaving such a great club.  Gonna miss y’all and hope that someday i end up playing with at least 

some of you again.  Logan Ninefingers is working hard so who knows.   Maybe end up a Wolf again.  

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On 10/16/2023 at 8:19 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:


End of season, Careers and Awards!!



Every Season the Vancouver Wolves give out awards to recognize the great efforts from all the players in making the past season a successful one, even if it doesn`t end with lifting the cup at the end of the season so now it is your turn to have a say in some of the Awards and tell the managers how wrong they might have been when handing out the awards. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




1.     Who was the Vancouver Wolves best defenseman and why?





2.     Who was the team’s Unsung hero and why?




3.     Who was the Most Energetic player this season and why?




4.     Who was the Vancouver Wolve MVP this season and why?




5.     Is there any award that you didn`t agree with or would you just like to acknowledge one of your teams from last year? What or who and Why?




6.     Three Players have retired from last season team in Girts Galvins @Girts, Brian Payne @Scurvy and Hockley Mann @Sen. What was the last thing that you said or did for them before they retired?




New Season when?

Lets Go Time GIF by NETFLIX



1. You mister Pierre-emile he alwasy was my favorite defensemam. 

2. Fuhr he was alwasy reliable in net Im sure he was too this season.
3. MAn for sure every time I came close to the locker room even when the door was close I could ear him talk.

4. I think DOg Wood Maple prob the best forwards.

5. yes Leduc should have one everything 
6. Welcome the the Alumini club, we are old now 

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On 10/16/2023 at 8:19 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:


End of season, Careers and Awards!!



Every Season the Vancouver Wolves give out awards to recognize the great efforts from all the players in making the past season a successful one, even if it doesn`t end with lifting the cup at the end of the season so now it is your turn to have a say in some of the Awards and tell the managers how wrong they might have been when handing out the awards. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




1.     Who was the Vancouver Wolves best defenseman and why?





2.     Who was the team’s Unsung hero and why?




3.     Who was the Most Energetic player this season and why?




4.     Who was the Vancouver Wolve MVP this season and why?




5.     Is there any award that you didn`t agree with or would you just like to acknowledge one of your teams from last year? What or who and Why?




6.     Three Players have retired from last season team in Girts Galvins @Girts, Brian Payne @Scurvy and Hockley Mann @Sen. What was the last thing that you said or did for them before they retired?




New Season when?

Lets Go Time GIF by NETFLIX



1. This is tough because both Brian Payne and PEB had huge seasons. Payne is my boy so I want to go with him but PEB is also the man so I'm not choosing between them, sry. 


2. I'll say Oreo McFlurry because he's delicious. 


3. I'd have to say Girts Galvins, his locker room contributions were always energetic and amazing. 


4. Wann Kerr had a huge year and led us in goals and points so he gets my vote. 


5. I have no idea about awards, all I know is people told me Girts won two of them once so that was cool. 


6. I gave my long time teammate Brian Payne my jock strap to remember me by. Hockley Mann I gave him my jersey and a high five. 

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homer simpson button GIF

Oh, No!! Who touched the big red button in the corner?


Here we are in the middle of the off-season and oh boy ye old!! A lot has changed around Vancouver Wolves in such a short period of time so let’s discussed what has happened this past week in this week’s press conference.



Trades have been coming hot and heavy so let’s discuss;


1.     Did you see Vancouver Wolves trading way majority of the team’s top players or were you expecting them to run it back?


2.     Second longest serving Captain Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito has been traded to Helsinki for a 1st round pick in S92 and defender Lloyd Braun @Toast. Was this enough for PEB and did you see this trade coming? Why?


3.     Shortly after PEB was traded so was his second in command Assistant Captain Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple to HC Davos for S92 DAV 1st & S93 DAV 2nd; Did Vancouver get enough for Maple? Why?


4.     Pair of trades with Calgary Wrangler followed next as Oreo McFleury @JB123; S93 DAV 2nd & S91 VAN 4th for zack martinez @Sam_19, Steve Lattimer @pugsood and S92 CGY 1st? Did trading Oreo McFleury surprise you as much as it surprised me? Why or why not?


5.     Again, another pair of trades with London United as Vancouver shipped the teams only remaining Captain Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ, Lloyd Braun @Toast, S92 PRG 3rd , S93 VAN 4th for Draft pick used to select goaltender Dalkr Vidarsson @KaleebtheMighty, another pick to draft Demko @Demko and S93 LDN 1st. Is the Captain Curse real in Vancouver? Why or why not?


6.     Vancouver Wolves drafted three players in this season draft (RW - Nico Belique @Syzygy,  G - Dalkr Vidarsson @KaleebtheMighty, & RW – Demko @Demko). Which player are you most excited about the team drafting?



@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


Still a week away from the season so we continue to wait!!  

Bored Cabin Fever GIFBored Cabin Fever GIF

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1. Since I was just drafted this year to the wolves, I never got to experience playing with these guys. I would assume a rebuild and/or change of scenery for some guys to win a cup.


2. It sucks to see a captain leave, especially the second longest serving one, but I do believe it is too early to tell if it was worth it or not. If the draft pick turns out to be a star it could a win in a few seasons.


3. Dogwood looks like a beast, I probably would have kept him, but I'm not too sure if he wanted a trade or not but definitely could be worth it in the end .


4. I can't say it surprised me or didn't surprise me, but a name like oreo mcflurry is a great name lol


5. A captain curse is only as real as you want it to be 


6. I'm definitely excited to see both demko and vidarrson, always exciting to see a new up and coming goalie.

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silicon valley jared dunn GIF

Captain oh Captain!!


Earlier today the Vancouver Wolves announced their new captains for a new season. Heck, even a new season as it should start rather sooner than later until I realize that I am a full day ahead of most of you. Never mind!!


1.     Do you think that FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ is the right choice to replace the legendary Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito as Captain? Why or Why not?


2.     Justin Adolfsen @NJDevils24 was named in his final season as an assistant captain, was this a good choice?


3.     Can Liv Slater @Subject056 live up to all the hype in replacing Brain Payne @Scurvy and Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito; not only as leader but on the back-end anchoring the defense for the Wolves for years to come?


4.     What does a successful season for the Vancouver Wolves look like heading into S91?


5.     Can the Vancouver Wolves play meaningful hockey down the stretch and have a chance at the Wildcard spot?


6.     Who leads the team in scoring this season and with how many points?



@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


Season 20 Fire GIF by The Simpsons

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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1.  Yep, while PEB was amazing its time for FABCM to step and take the reins.  He is a stud and fill the void and make a young Vancouver team battle every nights.


2. Yep.  he's earned it.


3. FOR SURE. Liv had a solid season last year 12g 32a 44pts 100 hits and is only going to grow with more PP time I expect the numbers to double.


4,  The Wolves are young and hungry playing in a very tough division. I expect them to be a dark horse though that nobody wants to play.  Prediction is Wild Card playoff


5. Yes,  like is said above they are young and hungry.  If they keep earning TPE like crazy I believe that can get to the playoffs


6. FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analyst with 100 pts

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On 10/30/2023 at 11:47 PM, Gaikoku-hito said:

silicon valley jared dunn GIF

Captain oh Captain!!


Earlier today the Vancouver Wolves announced their new captains for a new season. Heck, even a new season as it should start rather sooner than later until I realize that I am a full day ahead of most of you. Never mind!!


1.     Do you think that FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ is the right choice to replace the legendary Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito as Captain? Why or Why not?


2.     Justin Adolfsen @NJDevils24 was named in his final season as an assistant captain, was this a good choice?


3.     Can Liv Slater @Subject056 live up to all the hype in replacing Brain Payne @Scurvy and Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito; not only as leader but on the back-end anchoring the defense for the Wolves for years to come?


4.     What does a successful season for the Vancouver Wolves look like heading into S91?


5.     Can the Vancouver Wolves play meaningful hockey down the stretch and have a chance at the Wildcard spot?


6.     Who leads the team in scoring this season and with how many points?



@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


Season 20 Fire GIF by The Simpsons


1). Absolutely, he'll be a great face for the franchise as the next Vancouver dynasty begins to form!


2). He deserves a letter on his journey after being in the league for quite some time!


3). I think they can, we need a future presence on the blue line and it's a great place to start.


4). A successful season should be focused on individual stats as we rebuild. We already have a boat load of 1st round picks, but it may prove beneficial to trade some of them away to garner more young superstars given that this upcoming draft will not be as strong.


5). Honestly, I think they can. The NA conference is pretty open behind Toronto, I can see the Wolves making a push.


6). Analfist, I'll go with 35 goals and 39 assists for a grand total of 74 points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marty Mcfly Jennifer GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

Oh, How I have I been Slacking!!


First week of the season is in the books and really the second weeks is almost down as well so hopefully I can keep this nice easy and sweat. Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Thanksgiving is around the corner if you are American so what is the best part of Thanksgiving?


2.     Do you know the history of Thanksgiving? Please tell me what you think the history is?


3.     Vancouver has fallen back after a strong first week, are you concerned about anything at this point of the season?


4.     FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ  is just outside the top 10 in scoring do you think he will manage to break the top 10 at any point during the season?


5.     Cold Turkey Sandwich or Hot Turkey Sandwich? Why?


6.     Riddle: What smells the best every Thanksgiving dinner?



Go Vegan GIF by Catskill Animal Sanctuary

@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


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Christmas Tree Snow GIFWinnie The Pooh Animation GIF by DisneyChristmas Tree Snow GIF

Is it snowing Yet where you live?


 Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Traded Brandt Fuhr and Jaun Sano III to New York for S93 NYA 3rd; What do you think of this trade?


2.     We no longer have a tender so who do you think we should dress in pads for few games?


3.     Now Last in the North American conference; Are you concerned?


4.     Do you like Snow or rain? Why?


5.     Has recruitment really be that big of an issue in the VHL at the moment or is it just a slight down turn in numbers?


6.     Riddle: What is full of holes but still holds water?



Freezing Snow Day GIF by DINOSALLY

@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


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On 11/16/2023 at 11:11 PM, Gaikoku-hito said:

Christmas Tree Snow GIFWinnie The Pooh Animation GIF by DisneyChristmas Tree Snow GIF

Is it snowing Yet where you live?


 Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Traded Brandt Fuhr and Jaun Sano III to New York for S93 NYA 3rd; What do you think of this trade?


2.     We no longer have a tender so who do you think we should dress in pads for few games?


3.     Now Last in the North American conference; Are you concerned?


4.     Do you like Snow or rain? Why?


5.     Has recruitment really be that big of an issue in the VHL at the moment or is it just a slight down turn in numbers?


6.     Riddle: What is full of holes but still holds water?



Freezing Snow Day GIF by DINOSALLY

@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty


1). My opinions would have been different if we had not brought in Justin Lion and Justin Williams. I think it was a good move to get a trade piece to bring in a stepping stone goalie and a player signed long term!


2). Easy, get the mascot to come in!


3). Nope, Vancouver should get back to a good rhythm.


4). Snow, it's gentler and much more peaceful.


5). It is an issue. The effort is pretty bare, at least from where I can see things.


6). Spongebob Squarepants

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Black Friday Shopping GIF by NBC

Theme Week, Trade deadline & Black Friday!!


Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?


2. What's your favorite way to celebrate winning a game? Anything Special?


3. What do you think the most important position on a hockey team is? Why?


4. What did you think of this season Theme week?


5. Anything interesting you are looking to buy during Black Friday or already bought?


6. Trade Deadline - Is it going to be busy or rather slow this season? Why?



On My Way Roadtrip GIF by Gone to the Snow Dogs


@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty

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Season 2 Reaction GIF by Law & Order

End of season is soon?


Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1. Is it going to be very important to end the season on a winning note? Yes/No & Why?



2. Any personal goals that you are still chasing at this point of the season? What are they and do you think you will reach them?



3. Only a single player on the roster has a positive plus-minus; Does that surprise you? Why or Why not?



4. Believer or None Believer? Why?



5. What is your go to Christmas movie?



6. Riddle: Where do you find Santa's reindeer?



elliot: the littlest reindeer GIF

The End


@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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Its Over GIF

Season Done!?!?


I am clearly not used to be being done in a season without having some sort of play-offs so this is going to be a very long off season but could it be the most exciting off season for the Wolves?


1.     Vancouver Wolves enter the off season with 5 1st round draft picks so who do you think Vancouver Wolves management should target in the draft?


2.     Anyone that Vancouver Wolves management should try to sign during the off-season? Why?


3.     If you could make one trade for the Vancouver Wolves management, what would it be?


4.     End of season awards should be right around the corner; any predictions on any of them?


5.     Who was the teams MVP this season and Why?


6.     Riddle: What is the end of the season?


The End GIF


@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty

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Crashing your Pc!


1.  Small draft class but some good picks in first round.  Obviously I’m bias so Ninefingers should be picked!


2.  Tough one.  John Jameson comes to mind. 

3. bring back PEB!


4. Best D - Liv  FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY most offensive awards, 


5 FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY for sure.  Great season 


6 the letter n



Edited by Scurvy
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  • 2 weeks later...


Merry Christmas & Draft When?


Vancouver Wolves are in the middle of one of the crazier off season in the teams history as far as I remember as the team has multiple first round picks in the first round. This off-season should really shape the future for the Vancouver Wolves for season to come so I am going to ask you what you think the Vancouver Wolves should do during the S92 Draft. Are you ready? Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


1.     Currently Vancouver Wolves have the 4th overall selection, who do you think they should select and why? Or Who do you think is available to them at 4th? Why?


2.     Seattle Bears or close rivals have made a few trades and now pick 5th overall and there has been debate over who they might select. If you are Seattle; who do you select at 5th overall?


3.     Vancouver Wolves hold the next two picks at 6th & 7th, which two players do you think they should pick if they are available and why?


4.     Vancouver Wolves made a trade with Riga to collect the 11th overall pick and so once again draft back-to-back, who should they draft and why?


5.     If Vancouver Wolves can move up to first overall; what should they give up and should they try to move up to first overall? Aka What is a good trade to make with New York?


6.     Wayne Gretzky is an interesting draft prospect in this draft with some projecting him much higher than last as his current TPE has him suggested. Where and when would you draft this player?



So much hype!!

Happy Santa Claus GIF by Freeform

I cannot what until we can finally change the face of this franchise!!


@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@8Ovechkin8@weekz@adison@Zylen@denns@Hendrix Cobberson@STZ@Subject056@Tate@Demko@Syzygy@silentnyrf31@Minebro@KaleebtheMighty

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1.     Currently Vancouver Wolves have the 4th overall selection, who do you think they should select and why? Or Who do you think is available to them at 4th? Why?

I think it's going to come down to Martin, Schweetz, Carstein, Dassler and Gavilrovs. I believe that Ninefingers and Richmond go 1 and 2 in what order, we won't know until Tuesday. 


2.     Seattle Bears or close rivals have made a few trades and now pick 5th overall and there has been debate over who they might select. If you are Seattle; who do you select at 5th overall?

Seattle trades the pick in a shocking turn of events for our S94 2nd. Then I wake up from my dream. 


3.     Vancouver Wolves hold the next two picks at 6th & 7th, which two players do you think they should pick if they are available and why?

I think we should pick the two best players available. I think the top 6 picks are interchangeable and all players could be selected at any position. It'll come down to player/gm preference and how their interviews go with each team. 


4.     Vancouver Wolves made a trade with Riga to collect the 11th overall pick and so once again draft back-to-back, who should they draft and why?

At this hour we have traded the 11th and FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY for 1st overall. We should select who I believe is the best player in the draft. But I can't say until draft day. 


5.     If Vancouver Wolves can move up to first overall; what should they give up and should they try to move up to first overall? Aka What is a good trade to make with New York?

I think FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY + a decent asset would be a fair trade. New York needs to turn the page on the constant rebuilding and actually try to put a consistent winner on the ice. They have a good young core now. A few more tweaks and they'll be a contender as WWWWWW develops in net.  


6.     Wayne Gretzky is an interesting draft prospect in this draft with some projecting him much higher than last as his current TPE has him suggested. Where and when would you draft this player?

 Vancouver has him highly rated but I can't say when we'll draft him if he's still on the board. Can't give the other teams an edge. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Draft Day Glory???


Here we are a week after the Vancouver Wolves made six first round picks selecting what should be the teams future and hopefully a team good enough to win a Continental Cup or multiple. So with the season ahead looking like a tough one again, Let`s talk about the future of the Vancouver Wolves and the curse? Are you ready? Answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



1.     Another Captain traded in FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ along with the 11th overall pick for the First overall pick; where Vancouver selected Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy; was this a good trade and is the curse real?



2.     Ben McLaughlin @Ben mclaughlin signed with Vancouver for his final season during the UFA period. Did this signing surprise you as much as it did me (in a good way)? Why or why not?



3.     General Manager @Frank continue to wheel and deal making five trades this off season. Which was the biggest or most surprising trade to date? Why?



4.     Liv Slater @Subject056 believes in Vancouver as they signed a long term contract extension. So, what does Liv Slater mean for the Vancouver Wolves moving forward? Tell me how important they are or something like that!!



5.     Dalkr Vidarsson @KaleebtheMighty joins the roster this season and will be a key part of the team moving forward; do you think Dalkr Vidarsson has a chance at the Rookie of the Year? Why or Why not?



6.     Out of all the players that Vancouver drafted this off season who are you looking forward to seeing play in the Black & Sliver in the near future? (Riley Martin @Smarch, Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy, Vlad Von Carstein @Dom, Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts, DB IV @wcats, Joe Shmo @matt sovick) Why?




Future is now old man!!

high quality GIF


@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Ben mclaughlin@Cwalker@Zylen@McLean Hoover@Tipskid97@Subject056@ThatCasual@Hoopydog@RElblein@KaleebtheMighty


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