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Game of Ambrose


Who wins the battle and sits on the Throne?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. Who wins the battle and sits on the Throne?

    • Lord Peace, House of Peace [Peace]
    • Lady Katherine Blade, House of Blade [BladeMaiden]
    • Lord Esso, House of Esso and Lord of Oil [Esso2264]
    • Night King

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  • Poll closed on 05/08/2019 at 03:04 AM

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Game of Ambrose: 


You, the VHL, get to decide which team I sign with and which GM sits on the throne...


Whether it was fun, exciting and interesting for the GM's and people watching - I'm not sure. What I do know is that I don't know If I've ever seen a "Player Page" get 52 reviews and 759 views or at least know it doesn't happen often. So for that, it was fun to me and I really like to keep things different, unique and interesting with each of my players and their experiences. Keeping it fresh is probably why I'm still here despite the same gruelling cycle that comes with being a Manager for 18 seasons and counting. NOW, if you aren't caught up to speed, I've been doing my VHLM Team Selection somewhat GoT style.





Well, I wouldn't be the VHLM Commissioner TRULY if I didn't fuck with my GM's when recreating in any form. For the most part and 99.99% of the time, they're really good. They knew for a short while that I was creating again and of course, as the highly valuable and desired D-MAN. It was only a matter of time before I created a Game of Thrones influenced character and FINALLY the day has come. So, for my selection.. we're going to be doing things a little differently but of course, still my way. I have my options in mind and those who I am uninterested in, we'll cast away as quickly as possible (just another main character tragedy). My final remark to you, GMs, is this..


Which one of you will win the Game of Ambrose? 


@Beketov Made budget cuts - so this is what we get. 


AND then... the Deaths came fighting for the throne... So many deaths... ☠️


DEAD: ☠️

1. Minnesota - *Ate a poisonous Egg McMuffin from a Mcdonalds in King's Landing*

2. Houston - *Was taking a dump and got shot by his kid*

3. Mexico City - *Was an attendee at the purple wedding, for Robb Stark, Ambrose Stark's father and died taking an arrow up the ass*

4. Halifax - *Died being a loyal assistant, to the assistants assistant of a squire for the House of @Beaviss*

5. Yukon - *dies a boring death, not having fun - life sux*

6. San Diego - *swimming in the water by Kings Landing and stabbed by a fish with a sword as a nose*

7. Las Vegas - *Thrown in jail for gambling - died from eating some weird plant in the cell that gave him something like diaper rash all over his body*

8. Mississauga - *Kept talking in 3rd person, could never stop, grew old and confused and walked off a cliff... still speaking in 3rd person*

Bonus Commissioner Kill. @Beaviss - *Died sending foot pictures to @Peace (who isn't dead yet, so SHAME... SHAME... SHAME..)

9. ????

10. ????


Iron Throne Sitter Person:

1.  ? ????


AND NOW... The VHL Decides who ends up on the VHLM Iron Throne and wins the rights to my player (I sign with that team, so choose wisely). I gave them each the same questionnaire to answer - just for my amusement of Commissioner torture - please, if you wish, take those into consideration when making your votes too. Some answers are :Turgeon:



  1. Pick your weapon of choice, from those times (medieval - Game of Thrones kinda shit). It can be anything and you can describe it however you wish. example, a poisonous swords or a dragon with a dick as a sword, idk. Horse with dynamite pumpkins that can only make left turns and has crossed eyes? Be creative. Be fun! Can't be like a Jumbo Jet with nukes strapped to it. That's not then.
  2. What's your name? Whats your Houses Story? Give us a small, brief and to the point bio. You can't be king. Y'all are just Lords and Ladies. Has to do with your username or GM name. Example, House of Stark. House of Lannister. House of Bana. Clearly, Dictator of VHLM.
  3. You're going to war against the 2 other GM's. Whats your strategy to win the Game of Ambrose? 1. How do you defeat their army? 2.  How you going to take them out? Same as #1. Describe however. You need to make a plan on how y'all are going to take out the other Lords/Ladies + their army (the other 2 GM). 
  4. You sit on the Iron Throne, win the rights to Lord Ambrose Stark and reign supreme ruler. What's the first law you'd enact on the VHL/VHLM world? Let's have some fun here. Again, describe as you wish at whatever length. 




1. @BladeMaiden, House of Blade (PHI) :phi:



1. A harras of wild stallions that were fused with wildfire by the alchemists of  the house of Blade in King's Landing. These fearsome beasts lay waste to everything in their path and respond to the commands of their dark mistress. The spell required to create these magnificent living weapons will withstand any other enchantment even that of the warlocks residing in the House of the Undying.  


2. Lady Katherine Blade comes from a long line of Lord and Lady Death Dealers in the house of Blade. They are known for being a cunning house, with a dark sense of humor, a love of overcoming challenges and their work hard play hard mentality. Members of House Blade are known for their use of the dark arts (like alchemy and magic), some so ancient that even those in the House of the Undying would not be aware of the spell's existence. Our House credo is  'vincimus per mortem' through death we conquer. The house of Blade gained their name though their extensive skill with weapons of all kinds. Everymember of the house is taught to defend themselves both with physical weapons and magic from a young age. All that seriousness aside the house of Blade is known to be fun loving and takes care of their own. They have many strong allies in the 7 Kingdoms including Lord Louth of the House of Vargar (Norse for Wolf) who was unjustly slain just days ago by the most honorable Ambrose Stark.  Also, Lord Barabash, the stallion who is destined to mount the VHL, is the ally who gifted. Katherine with her beautiful stable of horses and provided the best stallions for her family to infuse with their alchemy. 


Coat of Arms:


(Inscribed: Invincible)


3. The Strategy for House Blade is based on creating chaos, strategic use of over powered magic and using my unbridledcharm to disarm my enemies. I will use my magical stallions to burn down their fortresses (leaving them venerable) , laying waste to the bulk of their army. If you are wondering how charm can be a weapon, an example would be giving lavish gifts (like puppy dragons and legendary weapons like The Goalie Slayer) to people to convince them of all the benefits of  helping out the House of Blade.  There are many who flock to the Reaper keep because of this lady's ability to make them feel like they have a home away from home.


The next wave of my attack I turn all my opponents' weapons into flowers with that over powered magic I mentioned before, at the same time all my opponents get cursed with pollen allergies. While their eyes water and they are unable to see (also sneezing up a storm) my troops cut every one of them down. While my alchemists and I remain ever vigilant for signs of unforeseen trouble. We are ready to strike with cold steel should the occasion arise. 


Our surprise strategy is using necromancy to bring back the bulk of the dead army on both sides completely under my control to reap vengeance and desolate my unsuspecting foes. An added effect of the magical flowers is that they attract bees who sting my enemies and distract them while my army decimates the other two armies. 


I leave the leaders for last so that they can see me paint the battlefield red with blood of their comrades. 

Even if my foe sits in the throne, and I lay dying on the floor I will take the opportunity to end their lives through sheer force of will. The house of Blade is willing to do what is needed to achieve their ends.


4. As I sit on the Iron throne, I only surround myself with my most loyal. I know that getting the throne is one thing but keeping it is a whole other battle. As the Queen of the 7 Realms (or the VHLM in this case) my first decree would be that every Monday game becomes Mascot Monday where coaches must dress up at their team mascots while performing their normal coach duties. Nothing will bring me more joy than seeing angry mascots shout at refs and motivating teams. 


2. @Esso2264, House of Esso (OTT):ott:



1. My weapon is a woodden chair, but on fire, and also sentient commanding me to kill people


2. House of Esso, Lord of the Oil, Conquerer of the Northland of the Oil


3. Easy, i do a surprise attack on the weekend because no one fights on weekend right? Or even better, i attack them when they fight each other, that way they are weak and i can scoop and win!


4. Give VHLM Commish power


3. @Peace, House of Peace (SSK) :ssk:



1. My favorite weapon has to be a bow and arrow. Difficult to master, but a precision weapon that requires a drove of skill and talent even in today's world. In fact, archery is a hobby of mine and while I haven't had the funds to purchase a quality compound bow, it's satisfying when you hear the arrow plunk into your target. To get a little creative, but perhaps a little unimaginative, I love the idea of flaming arrows. My weapon of choice would be a bow and arrow, arrows drenched in flammables and lit. I like to watch my enemies burn. 

2. My GOT name would most likely remain Peace, a first name clouded in mystery, but it's an act of reverse irony because all I bring is chaos (typically) - and this is where my lack of GoT knowledge hurts me a little - because that means my house name is also Peace. As such my house is a mysterious, demanding house that values the privacy of it's people. For myself, I'm a house for hire so to speak, what army I have can be persuaded by the thrill of battle. And that's how chaos reigns. 

3. Choke points. Lead their armies into easily defensible (and flank-able) locations, surround them from the sides and launch arrows into the middle and watch as they burn and panic, screaming in pain as the slaughter begins. Push with the flanking lines and engage in mayhem, when the smokes clears I'll drink to the glory of battle. I'll dine with the heads of their armies leaders on a pike and a glass of their finest beverages. Not mine - theirs - as a trophy of our victories. 

4. VHL and VHLM are now two separate entities, two completely different bodies of organization. The only connecting measure of resemblance to now is the VHL Entry Draft. VHLM has a different off-season schedules, individual training camps (instead of achievement tracker) for their clubs, different leadership abilities (VHLM Commissioners don't need VHL Commissioner permission for anything VHLM related) and so on. More importantly, the TPE cap is increased from 200 to 250 for skaters, and 200 to 300 for goalies, as well as a STHS Sim engine slider adjustment so 200 - 300 TPE players aren't 'overpowered'. 


4. The Night King [Gives me the power to choose my own team to make things interesting]


If this gets the highest amount of votes, which I doubt, then ALL 3 GM's die. Basically, the Night King will sit on the throne. It also means that the VHL selected to give me the power to choose which of the final 3 teams I'd go to as opposed to one of the other 3 GM's winning the throne and me automatically going to their team, as chosen, by you.  


Whatever you choose VHL.. I trust you. GOOD LUCK 3 GM's + Night King...? 



Edited by Banackock
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Just now, Jonessee27 said:

Two things: 


1. Will you slip a Starbucks cup into your announcement? 


2. ICYMi: I am Tormund Giantsbane, House Saskatoon Wild(ling), proud freefolk, drinker of drinks, spiller of drinks,  father of no one, and the life of the party. Join us. 


3 Lover of big women

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  • Commissioner
8 hours ago, Banackock said:

@Beketov Made budget cuts - so this is what we get. 

You want a better throne: stop demanding expansions :P

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"I foresee a mighty bell... one which once rung cannot ever be unrung. I foresee the consumption of sandwiches, particularly with steak and cheese. I foresee the foundation of a country, a former seat of government which has long since ceased to fulfill that role.

I foresee the deaths of the Game of Ambrose becoming fuel for that which claims them. A dark, hooded figure has come to claim the house of Ambrose, and not even Syrio Forel can prevent this god of death from arriving."

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  • Commissioner
3 minutes ago, Banackock said:

@Acydburn some evil little shit made a last second effort ?



I mean I see 3 legitimate options here. Both teams are stacked or you choose your own fate, I mean it is your player after all. You'll have to deal with that team for the entire season. I wonder what Bran would say?


 Image result for bran stark meme

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