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I don’t completely remember how transporting works, but i think if you to to heal your target and they get transported you are supposed to get a message saying your target has been transported?

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  • Gustav locked this topic



In the latest installment of Gustav being a Neutral Chaos role of his own...


WE'RE LYNCHING BEROCKA! The town does its usual business and we're down a possibly-evil person. @Berocka was the HEX MASTER.


Enough talk; let's get to the killings and such. D3 coming around 9 tomorrow.



List of those alive (17):


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*Slightly late morning phase noises*


The Grand Poobah rolls out of bed and spends some amount of time not doing much before writing this up (so my apologies if you've been here since 9 waiting for it).


@chatfan036 died from poison last night. He was a SPY.


@jhatty8 also died last night--killed by both a SERIAL KILLER and a VIGILANTE, he was a DOCTOR.


Just when the town thinks the morning business has concluded, they hear a bit of coughing. Did someone in Gustav's test pool come back positive for COVID and now he has to quarantine until he's told he's OK? Well, yes (I feel just fine, so don't worry about me). But that's not all I'm getting at here.


An AMNESIAC has remembered that they were a PLAGUEBEARER.



List of those alive (15):

Votes needed today: 8

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  • Gustav unlocked this topic

EMMMMM, WTF? I know our doctor was dead anyways tonight, but who the hell from my colleagues took a shot at peaceful doctor? We may have to go to Supreme Court! Eagles I wanna thank you for your service, you will be buried in metal casket, so your virus doesn't eat me! Trash Chibi GIF by 100% Soft

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It didn't end up mattering because of SK, but what the fuck vigi....


Also, I was controlled last night, so they probably made me target hatty anyway to block the heal


Also also thats a spicy amne play lol

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1 minute ago, Blazzer said:

Erm what does this mean


An Amnesiac is a role that gets to "remember" any role that's died: https://town-of-salem.fandom.com/wiki/Amnesiac


This means that they become that role. We have an Amnesiac in this game who's chosen to remember as Plaguebearer, meaning that they are now a real Plaguebearer.

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Eagles' last will because apparently a big box saying "REMEMBER TO POST LAST WILLS" doesn't work on me:



will: eaglesbond036 the spy: n1 and n2 visited osens. If I die, ask jhatty why he didn’t heal me. If he claims roleblocked, confirm with hatter. Take a look at the silent people. Hatter seems like legit town


...and hatty's:


N1: Mike - attacked and healed! N2: Eagles -


Edited by GustavMattias
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Nothing happened to me last night or on n1.


I literally do nothing but vote. Hello all I am the Survivor. Would love to live till the end I’ll vote whichever way is needed. I still have my bullet proof vest that I will probably save cuz evils won’t come after me since I’m useless.

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5 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Nothing happened to me last night or on n1.


I literally do nothing but vote. Hello all I am the Survivor. Would love to live till the end I’ll vote whichever way is needed. I still have my bullet proof vest that I will probably save cuz evils won’t come after me since I’m useless.


Thanks that's what I needed to know.


Vote Ricer

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Just now, omgitshim said:

I was on hatty last night, Hatter did in fact role block him. Ricer and the Vigi also visited.

yesssssss we got the serial killer! huge win for the town.



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1 minute ago, BarzalGoat said:


I've always wanted to vote out ol' riceroni, but how do we know he isn't vigil and is sk? 

I'm guessing cause he claimed something that didn't jive with OMG's intel. Plus Ricer isn't a trigger happy, shoot the town and die of guilt kinda guy

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I don't think Ricer would have had that quick of a trigger finger, especially since hatty didn't seem all that sus to me. I also think he would have come clean about shooting if he was the vig and was pressed. I could be wrong, but him claiming Survivor is the kinda move an evil like SK would do.

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