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Nate Telker hangs up the skates


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I got over halfway through writing this article in a cheesy third person way before thinking to myself, f*** it. Telker deserves to go out in first person. Once joining the league, I never thought I would get this far. I guess in the back of my head, I always saw it like a video game. Play it a couple months, then eventually it gets old. Boy was I wrong. I would like to thank @Victorfor believing me, and seeing my potential in what was a late draft pick when the league had just 12 teams. I would also like to congratulate @Mr_Hatter For the incredible career he had as the #1 goaler in Moscow. Me and Bernard got our cup in the past, so there’s nothing else we can say other then we left it all out on the ice! While there’s many great memories I’ve had over the past year or more (irl) with the Menace, it’s impossible to list every player I’ve crossed paths with. One day maybe I’ll go nuts on a media spot. Let me at least say thank you to everyone of the people I’m about to tag for making Moscow such an incredible journey. To everyone I’m about to miss now. Thank you for making this the best hockey career I’ve ever had😁

@GrittyIsKing09 @Beketov @okifenoki @Spartan @Josh @UnkemptCL4PTP @fever95 @Kyle @Donno100 @Liberty_Cabbage @gorlab @WentzKneeFan036 @Aye my name jeff@flyersfan1453@Matmenzinger @hedgehog337 @wcats


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39 minutes ago, Telkster said:

Play it a couple months, then eventually it gets old. Boy was I wrong.

Yeah... it doesn't work that way.

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4 minutes ago, Beketov said:

Yeah... it doesn't work that way.

I guess I wasn't very direct there haha. There's been tons of other online leagues I've been in for hockey and soccer. Nothing had stuck so I never lasted more then a few months in them, but the VHL is and will continue to be a different story😁.

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  • Commissioner
7 minutes ago, Telkster said:

I guess I wasn't very direct there haha. There's been tons of other online leagues I've been in for hockey and soccer. Nothing had stuck so I never lasted more then a few months in them, but the VHL is and will continue to be a different story😁.

Been that way for me for over 13 years now, we’re good at digging our hooks in.

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