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  1. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Tyler in Truly the end   
    I am not sure if you have noticed but I have not been around a ton in the last few weeks. To say that it’s only because I lost any and all interest in the site is a lie. It’s more like because my job is literally fucking killing me. Well not killing me, but by the end of the week I feel like a zombie. Not only did I work close 100hr’s Monday to Friday I directed a commercial on Saturday. To put a cherry on top of my mountain of fuckery I think I came down with a cold. I am not complain, I love my career and the tons of money it pays me. I’m not even making excuses as to why I am not active around here. Because none of you would care and I don’t have to tell you why I am not active.
    I am saying this because the beginning of the end is coming and its coming fast. My baby is due very soon, put my house on the market to get a bigger house even though my current one is more than big enough for my family with 5 bedrooms. I just need a bigger garage for my growing collection. A bigger driveway and a less of a fuck head of a neighbour. With stupid fucking comments like “Oh here I am mowing your lawn yet again, will you ever do mine?” it’s like fuck you cocksucker I never asked you to do it. I will never do your lawn because I pay a lawn care company to do mind, I don’t need your old ass doing it. It’s not neighbourly if you are pointing out that you are doing something nice. That’s just being an asshole. I should know.
    So with all that and whole wack of shit more the end is coming faster for me then I thought. Orion is still happening and he will be truly epic but that is literally the only thing I will be doing once he is created. I will not be posting around the forum, hell don’t even message me because I will not have the time or even care enough to respond. I highly suggest enjoying Orion because he will truly be the last truly great player in this league. No I am not saying on the ice. Sure he will be amazing in the sim like SWC3 was, but the story and hype has never been seen before nor will it be seen again.
    It truly is my swan song, I thought that I would retire him and stick around to post odd posts here and there but that’s probably not going to happen. The last 2 weeks I came on maybe for 5min combined. Both on Sundays. I have a grand plan for my retirement speech for both me and my player. It will probably span a few days leaving people on pins and needles wanting to see what I say next. Finished by something truly… Robbie.
  2. Haha
    BluObieZ got a reaction from TheLastOlympian07 in Shawn Brodeur - The Shame of Davos [1/2]   
    If you think this is going to be a puff piece then you are sadly mistaken. Sure TLO is my “friend” and I don’t want to make fun of him too much… Wait a minute, YES I DO! This will not be written by “Nice Robbie” this is the normal asshole you all know and love… to hate. So let me get started.
    To start the season Davos was expected to be the championship favorite and things took a hard slice right from there. Why? Well I have a theory and it starts in net. Shawn Brodeur, sure he is 3rd in the league with wins. Only because he plays for the 3rd “best team” His Save Percentage is just horrible at 0.909 which puts him in 5th best. Two goalies on shittier teams have a better Save Percentage. His GAA is not outright bad but could be better at 2.38.
    Now why do I point all that out? Because my theory is the Shawn is pretty much thinking about retiring and gave up on bettering himself. His agent a man that just lives on a whim and has an attention span of a peanut. Probably was distracted by a butterfly as his client said he was giving up. Thus brought on the beginning of the end of Shawn being one of the best goalies in the league.
    While his team mates would go “GTL” (Yes a Jersey Shore reference and no I do not watch) Shawn rather now be seen at the local burger joint in Davos that claims to have 100 different burgers. He is on a mission to eat all these burgers. Not only once but enough times to taste every spice every ingredient. You see, his new life goal is to become a food critic. His first “job” has made him fat. All those burgers have slowed him down.
    To the point the team has welcomed a long road trip to keep him away from the burgers that he loves so much. Team captain Ko Kane has been spotted punching his goalie square in the head each time he would suggest going to eat somewhere that would sell burgers.
    The problem has gotten so bad that the players now call him Jughead. The burger loving Archie comics character. Not the character from Riverdale. The team is also is said to have held an intervention trying to stop Shawn’s self-destructive behaviour. Players told him that if he does not stop getting fatter they will no longer invite him to team outings and after they all move past the VHL he will be forgotten.
    Ko Kane’s speech sounded something like this “Shawn you and I used to be close friends. Remember going around town and throwing pies and homeless people then laughing. It was charity because we were feeding them but they had it all over their face. I often think back to times like that and think why don’t we do things like that anymore. Looking back I see that was a team bonding exercise and it brought us together. Like family.
    But now you are different. You are distant and you don’t care anymore. Is it because Elinor left you for that bouncer named Rick? Is she really the reason why you don’t care anymore? Fuck her. She aint worth the time. She is a dirty little (Altercation breaks out before Ko Kane can finish what he was going to call her)
    Okay… I see maybe that was too far. But all I am saying is that it’s a good thing that she is gone. She was a dirty fuck slut. Hell she offered me head and I acc…(Shawn dives to attack Ko Kane but his weight slows him down)
    Okay! Sheesh! Look bro. I know you have been eating a lot because you are alone and you have no pussy to fuck. But how do you expect to get more pussy when you look like that? You want to eat hundreds of burgers because you think you will be taken seriously as a food critic. No one will give a shit about what you have to say. They will laugh at you, much like they laugh at you now because you just flat out suck in net. You fucked us like you never got to with Elinor. You fucked us out of a 2nd title. As team captain I will no longer take this lightly. If you do not seek help I will no longer hang with you, I will delete you off my phone and I will no longer let you come tag along on my wild party nights. You will be the social pariah of the team and you will feel even worse about yourself. When you walk into a room we will leave. When you go for a fist bump it will be smacked away. During games we will leave you to defend for yourself. You want to fuck this team? We will do it right back. How does 100 shots faced per game sound to you? You fat fuck! Huh? ANSWER ME! Stop eating that fucking burger! FUCK! OKAY I’M DONE WITH YOU!”
    Shawn refused to seek help in the form of a personal trainer and nutritionist. Shawn told them that it is his body and he can eat whatever he wants. As you can tell by Ko Kane’s speech that Shawns issues have cut deep with this team. They do not like what is going on but they cannot do anything about it. The one guy that is supposed to be stopping the pucks is not. The only reason why he has not let in more goals is because he is pure fatness. He takes up too much of the net so the opposing team has less to shoot at.
    Shawn is so fat not that his reaction speed is non-existent if a puck is shot at his glove side he would only react a full three seconds later. That is pretty sad and very bad. Shawn literally has become just a body in net. A man with no passion for the game and no passion to go forward in life. He has forgotten how to skate, or well… he is too fat to skate is more accurate. The team has to help him glide out to his net. When he falls down or goes down for a delayed save attempt the team has to help him sand back up. To the point he has been instructed to that if he goes down for a save cover the puck with his fat to stop the play. That way the team is not helping him get up while the other team has the puck or they have the puck but two players are helping him up so taking those players out of the rush. Generally you would think the D would stick back in a rush and help him up so that way the D are back when the opposing team comes back down the ice but most of the time it does not work out like that.
     Davos has gone from the best team in the league last season to the cup favorite during the offseason to well the laughing stock. They cannot win with Shawn in net because of this horrible depression and self-destructive behavior. Players have threatened to tie Shawn to the net so that way he does not fall down. So his pure mass will just stop the puck. They are coming up with new and inventive ways to keep him happy while tied to the net. Like a burger feeding system which is basically a t shirt cannon firing burgers at him whenever he is done eating one.
    A season where the team was not supposed to win may have brought on this change. Once Shawn won the cup he thought that he did not have to do anything anymore. He had nothing driving him forward in his VHL career. He won the cup that many players have not hoisted. He thought why try now when he already won the cup. He will forever go down as a champion so why would he need to try anymore. It’s truly sad and makes players that are forced to be on his team very mad.
    They are mad because they could have been repeat champions this season and their goalie is in “I don’t fucking care anymore” mode. One man has taken the team by hostage and has driven it into the ground. Thanks Shawn you lazy fat bastard. I needed this to break away a bit from “Nice Robbie” your selfish ways have fucked the team this season and I doubt you can correct the course enough now to save the season. Why don’t you go stuff a burger down your throat and don’t use anything to wash it down. We may be better off with our backup goalie at this point. Which would be the ultimate slap to Shawn’s face and maybe would make him snap out of this funk that he is in.
  3. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Tyler in How BAD will the Senators be? (UPDATED VERSION)   
    Colorado is the true winner of the trade today. Sakic must be laughing today. People must be asking him why are you laughing and he just continues to laugh.
  4. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from PH8 in 9/11 17 years later   
    To call them "People" is giving them too much credit. I don't talk to my family. Fuck them. I don't give them the time of day. My mom was on the phone with her as seconds before the tower fell. They won't tell me what her last words were. They won't tell me if she was trying to get out. I know for a fact they told her I was coming to get her. She and they knew I was in town. I was on my "30 cities in 30 days" party tour. So she might have thought I was coming. So her possible last thoughts were I failed her. I don't know anything. All I know I was in New York and I failed to get there.
  5. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from PH8 in 9/11 17 years later   
    I don't feel bad. Just question things that lead up to the tower following. I talked to her that morning. I was just getting back from a party so I was downright fucked. I heard the plane hit and i headed that way. Watching that tower fall was well... horrible. I'll just say that. I know she survived that impact of the plane. She called my mom, she even tried calling me but I was... getting head. I only found out after my buddy turned on the TV. Tried calling back and nothing. What if I answered that call? would I have been able to get to the tower in time? who the fuck knows. Thats the burning question that will pretty much haunt me the rest of my life. I'm not "depressed" or anything like that because of this. It's just haunting questions of what if. These questions only pop up once a year. The rest of the year I don't even think about it.
  6. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from bagelbitesisbae in Are the Toronto Maple Leafs as good as we think?   
    They will score goals that's forsure. But the D is not even in the top 15 in the league. They will cough up a lot of quality scoring chances. Anderson faltered last season to the point they thought about a upgrade. We will see. But I do not see a cup in the future unless they fix that D. Which will be hard with the money they spend on Forwards. Still need to re-sign Nylander. Then Matthews and Marner next season. They need to get rid of some forwards to fix that D
  7. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from jRuutu in 1ST Robbie Lottery   
    It's that fucking day! The day that you can maybe just maybe win $1000 of my very own money. My whole day has been shifted so the lottery has been pushed to 11:59pm EST you have till 11:45PM EST to submit 3 sets of 3 numbers between 51-75. So far the people playing are.
    @der meister
    I will not release their chosen numbers. Only I and they know what they are. If they win I will announce it. Hell they will probably say they won. I don't care. If you win I will gladly give you $1000 because it literally means nothing to me. 9 Spots remaining. 1.32% chance of winning. Why not take a shot?
  8. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from der meister in 1ST Robbie Lottery   
    It's that fucking day! The day that you can maybe just maybe win $1000 of my very own money. My whole day has been shifted so the lottery has been pushed to 11:59pm EST you have till 11:45PM EST to submit 3 sets of 3 numbers between 51-75. So far the people playing are.
    @der meister
    I will not release their chosen numbers. Only I and they know what they are. If they win I will announce it. Hell they will probably say they won. I don't care. If you win I will gladly give you $1000 because it literally means nothing to me. 9 Spots remaining. 1.32% chance of winning. Why not take a shot?
  9. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from DollarAndADream in 1ST Robbie Lottery   
    It's that fucking day! The day that you can maybe just maybe win $1000 of my very own money. My whole day has been shifted so the lottery has been pushed to 11:59pm EST you have till 11:45PM EST to submit 3 sets of 3 numbers between 51-75. So far the people playing are.
    @der meister
    I will not release their chosen numbers. Only I and they know what they are. If they win I will announce it. Hell they will probably say they won. I don't care. If you win I will gladly give you $1000 because it literally means nothing to me. 9 Spots remaining. 1.32% chance of winning. Why not take a shot?
  10. Confused
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Da Trifecta in I'm Bored. Who want's $1000?   
    Trump would like it if it was that easy
  11. Haha
    BluObieZ got a reaction from PH8 in I'm Bored. Who want's $1000?   
    You make it sound like a PM is like typing in nuclear launch codes
  12. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from PH8 in I'm Bored. Who want's $1000?   
    I literally am bored as fuck. So I thought hey! why not have a little fun. So i came up with the "Win Robbie's Money" What is it? Let me Explain.
    I Robbie Zimmers put up $1000 of my "hard earned" money (not really hard for me to make that)
    It costs you $0.00 to enter. Yes your $0 could win you $1000
    How it works:
    I get 50 numbers. For the example I will give myself 1-50. If I win (House wins) I keep my $1000 and the draw in October goes up to $1200 and it goes up $200 every month till I leave when Orion Slade retires. No I will no do the last draw till someone wins. If I win I just win. 
    numbers 51-75 are up for grabs for people that want them. So I get 50 numbers and 25 numbers are up for grabs.
    On Sept 14th I will post the result. I will be using a random number generator.
    Sure you can think this is a bluff. But it costs you $0.00 at a shot at $1,000 i'd take that any day of the week.
    What do you have to do to enter? PM me and tell me why you deserve one of the 25 numbers remaining. No sob stories accepted. Make your PM as amazing and original as you can. I will announce the people and their numbers on September 7th. Draw is Sept 14th. 
     All PM "Reason Submissions" MUST BE submitted by September 7th 12PM EST
    Start submitting TODAY!!! 
    Any applicant sending a multitude of PM's will be disqualified. Unless I reply DO NOT message me more than ONCE!
  13. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Ahma in King & Mulligan S03E01"Search Begins" [1/2]   

    Police chase, King is driving recklessly through large park as Mulligan @TheLastOlympian07 is holding on for dear life
    King ignores Mulligan and intently chases after the Ford Mustang that is trying to elude him
    King intensely stares ahead
    King seriously you are starting to scare me. Just stop!
    King intensity increases
    Okay I’ll stop
    King pit manuvers the Mustang, it crashes into a tree. The driver flies out the car and lands in the sand of the playground. King pops the parking brake and slides to a stop inches from a kid building a sand castle. Without missing a beat King jumps out of his truck landing on the castle. He pats the kid on the head as he intensely walks towards the man that is not moving. King picks up the man and slams him against the playground slide.
    Give me what you stole from the store!
    Mulligan crouches down beside the kid and attempts help build the sand castle. The kid’s mom picks it up as Mulligan takes out his card and hands it to her.
    Mine and his badge numbers and names are on the back… He’s King.

    Dom @Green is at an “AA style” Meeting. He is listening to other people’s problems.
    Person 1
    I used to be addicted to Cplus. Not the grade but the drink. I loved it so much that I came up with a way to turn it into a powder so I could snort it.
    Person 2
    You know they sold the powder in store for mass production
    Person 1
    Wasn’t pure enough for me. I needed the good shit. Now I’m internally fucked for life. Not to mention my nose is always sticky. Everything smells like orange. My life hit a new low
    That’s nothing. I was held captive and forced to become mayor. I was kicked out of office by the same people who put me in power. My buddy Ciroc betrayed me and now I have no one.
    Person 1
    You are Mayor Green?
    Was, I was mayor for one week
    Silence fills the room
    I used to be a prostitute in a very niche market within the hooker game. My specialty was heading.
    Person 1
    Heading? You mean you were good at giving head? That’s not niche. I used to do that when I was low on money and couldn’t afford Cplus
    No, heading is when a guy who has the fantasy of going back in the womb so they put their head in your pussy.
    Dom intently listens
    Person 1
    Damn! You must be loose
    SHUT UP! Let her talk remember no judgement here
    No my pussy actually snapped back to shape real quick. I’m actually pretty tight. But that is not my issue. My issue is that the drug cartels caught on and started using my pussy as a drug mule. They would stuff a ton in there and make me bring it somewhere.  I constantly lived in fear that the drugs would pop inside me and I’d die with it in me. Forever forsaking my family’s name.
    Person 1
    Oh because being a heading hooker didn’t do that

    Fong @tfong is driving through china town as he looks at all the Chinese restaurants. He stops in front of “Noodlerama” and gets out of his car. He walks to a garbage can and tosses out a bag of empty noodle boxes
    Hey doodle doodle no noodle for me

    King is in court defending his actions
    You holiness
    I’m not a priest
    Whatever. That man was dangerous. He had to be stopped. I was doing the city a great favor. You should be thanking me not putting me on trial. This is an outrage
    You are an outrage. You have a long history of doing things like this and it must be stopped.
    The door of the courtroom is kicked open. Mulligan is standing there with his baby daughter in his hands
    You honor that man right there.
    King points at himself as he looks at Mulligan
    Yes you King. You are a dangerous man. You saw that man shop lift and you took after him like he just killed someone. That’s not mentioning you intentionally hurt that man by making him crash. Then picked him up after the crash knowing full well that he may have a spinal injury and slammed him against the slide. Am I leaving anything out King?
    King looks on in shock
    Mulli why you do me like that?
    Because I had enough. I’m moving away, I am going to be a police chief, you will stay here and just be an idiot. I’m taking lil Mulligina and I’m out.
    Mulligina? You really called your daughter Mulligina? Who does that?
    Me and Emily didn’t want to name her something over used. So we came up with that.
    No one uses that because it’s fucked. Mulligina Mulligan… that’s truly fucked
    ENOUGH! I had enough of this truly ridiculous case. The public should feel safe with the police around but with you king on the street there is no such thing as safe. That is why I am suspending you with pay for two years. So you can think about what you did.
    Suspending with pay. Oh please don’t. NOT!
    Mulligan turns to leave the courtroom
    MULLIGAN! Don’t leave
    Bye King
    Mulligan! I WILL FIND YOU!
    Dom and Dominique are clearly dating now. Dom hangs up a dime bag on a hanger to signify he is retiring.

    Fong is standing in front of a mirror dressed in a ninja outfit. He puts his samurai sword into its sheath
    Hey Doodle doodle
    The cat and the poodle
    No more noodle
    Noodle for me
    A tear rolls down his face then we see Fong is looking at a picture of King as he walks away

    5 years later

    A tiny little bum fuck nowhere town in mowhere USA. Literally a tumbleweed rolls across screen as we see that we are near the police station

    A station filled with fat police officers are milling around as they drink coffee and eating doughnuts. In the background we see the chief’s office. The Silhouette the chief can be seen as he moves around in his office. Shouting can be heard
    MASH! You caused thirty million dollars in damages downtown. All because you wanted to catch shoplifter. The mayor is chewing my fucking ass out because it was just a god damn shop lifter! MASH!!! LISTEN TO ME! You took down the statue of the cities founder. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOU?
    We now see inside the office and notice that it’s Mulligan and his now 5 year old daughter Mulligina is sitting in his office. Mulligan kneels down as he pat’s her on the head
    See honey that is how you tell someone they messed up… Well that is how they do it in the big city. Not here
    It sounds like you lived that one Dad
    Uh… no, never.,, Never…Ever
    Even with Uncle?
    Mulligan looks over at a picture of him and King. King is busting a lemonade stand kid.
    Can we not talk about him? This is bring your daughter to work day. The city is behind daddies back.
    Sure thing dad
    Edmond Taylor barges in
    Sir, we have a possible 10-93 in progress
    Ok, I’ll go deal with this. Show my daughter the mean streets of Mowhere
    Mulligan speeds up and stops at the front doors in a very King like maneuver
    Whoa! That’s fun
    Mulligan shakes his head then looks at his daughter
    Honey, this is a 10-93 possible robbery going on. Stay with me you will be okay
    You sure?
    Yes Pumpkin but don’t tell mom

    Mulligan rushes into the coffee shop with his gun raised
    Mulligan moves towards the counter
    I have a reported 10-93 possible robbery
    What? Who told you this? Chief it maybe a prank
    No prank Karen. I got this intel from the top of the top. You cannot got more…toppier? Yes toppier! Then this.
    Okay please tell me is this person whoever is robbing me is he invisible because I don’t see him
    Don’t be coy with me. It’s you.
    Me? I’m robbing myself? Are you here to save me from myself?
    Okay cut the bullshit! You raised the doughnut price. That’s highway robbery. The boys live off that stuff
    Raised it from free to one whole dollar
    That’s like a 1000% increase

    Don Uts @Banackock and Lou Tenant @Tyler are in a darkly lit office. Don paces around the office with a picture of King on a board can be seen.
    I feel we almost have this guy, dead to rights. Five years of hard work almost paying off
    Do we know where he is?
    What he is up to?
    Any future plans of his?
    Then what do we have on him?
    Don points angrily at the board
    What we have is a crime spree brought on by a man that claims to be a cop. Someone that should be protecting and serving.
    It’s no evidence till we catch him in the act
    Well, he’s good we always seem to show up after he is gone
    Maybe we should take this little agency out of this little dark room, hire more agents. More man power might be what we need. That and maybe letting some light in this room. It’s dark as a mother in here
    NO! no light. This is a secret undercover agency. We cannot let anyone see what we at NICCIATT do
    I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that why don’t we just call ourselves NICIT?
    Because we are National International Countering Counter Intelligence Anti-Terrorism Taskforce not the National International Counter Intelligence Taskforce

    Jacque Grande @Ahmais serving Poutine to French Canadians when a man in a dark suit walks up to him. Jacque looks at him and throws cheese at him

    Dom is riding on a bus looking out the window. It’s not clear where he is headed.
    Fong is practicing his sword fighting skills as guards stand guard near him. Fong puts his sword away and motions a guard over
    You come
    The guard walks to him
    I train, train hard for many moon and suns. Fong be ready like bumble bee ready for flower
    You want flower?
    No Fong a bee ready for flower
    I get flower
    NO! It saying not order saying
    No order, just do
    Guard walks away
    Another guard comes, Fong looks at him annoyed
    Not you
    Yuu is I and I is Yuu
    Fong rolls his eyes as he smacks his head
    Yuu go away
    You go away? Where?
    No Yuu
    You? Where? Home? Find King?
    The first guard comes back holding a flower
    Flower for you sir
    For Yuu?
    For Master you sir
    Fong grows increasingly annoyed
    You boss? Or You Yuu
    Master want flower, I bring flower
    Fong in one quick motion takes his sword out and slices of the flower and the guard in half.
    Yuu go now
    Yuu runs away
    Don and Lou are sitting at a computer as Lou types up an ad. “Company looking for Smart, Intelligent but not too intelligent female with long legs but we don’t mean that in a sexual way. You will be required to use your long legs to get us food and drinks and occasionally run after King. Who is King? Forget we mentioned him. We will tell you about him if you get the job”
    Why do you guys no… leave me be eh?
    We now see that he is talking with Ben Tovlov @Beketov a secret service agent
    Jacque, we both know you are hiding up here in Canada.
    Me hide? No! Tabarnak!
    No need to get mad sir. I am here to talk to you about your old partner Fong and this other man…
    Ben looks at his notes
    Yes him
    No poutine and no info for you!
    Dom looks at a picture which makes him smile. As he smiles the sound of the bus suddenly stopping can be heard. As Dom looks up a person gets on the bus with a gun raised.
    People scream as they listen to the man. Dom hides behind a seat almost he knows what this is about.
    Attention all. I am looking for a man. Or what he calls a man. This is guy claimed that he would help me but now he is escaping like a coward. I cannot and will not let this man get away.
    The person continues to walk towards the back of the bus with his gun raised. Like he knows where Dom is.
    My name is Agent King and I am an FBI agent. All I want is…
    King reaches behind a seat and grabs Dom, pulls him up and then tosses him forward. He then flashes his FBI badge to everyone.
    This man! He will help me if he likes it or not.
    Mulligan is interrogating someone with Mulligina in the room. He looks at her and nods. She stands up and grabs a nearby object. She hits the table, this startles Mulligan.
    Uh… when is your bedtime
    Mulligina hits the table again
    I cannot tell you until you tell me between what time and what time
    Mulligina looks at her father
    Can we water board?
    Waterboard? Seriously? Come on dude she’s a kid. She has no authority to do that
    She can do whatever she wants
    Come on man, this is all because of a report of a car speeding downtown at night.
    You are the only one in town with a car like that
    She counts on her fingers
    Carry the one…
    Mulligan looks at the guy
    That’s my girl
    Yeah! I know!
    Ninety seven years old. I doubt she goes over thirty
    No lawyer for scum like you. Just waterboarding maybe even the chair!
    He looks on for a bit in fear then suddenly puts his free hands in front of him,
    Good stuff there kiddo. You will make a good cop there. Very believable. You had me scared with the threat of torture.
    Wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Even though this was just a mock interrogation.
    Mulligan is watching the news when the breaking news of the bus incident comes across the screen.
    Early reports is that a man driving a big black pickup truck pulled in front of the bus, boarded it, told passengers that he is an FBI agent. Then he pulled a man off the bus and left. The man he pulled off the bus has been identified as Dominick Green. An ex drug dealer now turned motivational speaker.   
    Oh that’s not good
    The episode fades to black
  14. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from ColeMrtz in King & Mulligan S03E01"Search Begins" [1/2]   

    Police chase, King is driving recklessly through large park as Mulligan @TheLastOlympian07 is holding on for dear life
    King ignores Mulligan and intently chases after the Ford Mustang that is trying to elude him
    King intensely stares ahead
    King seriously you are starting to scare me. Just stop!
    King intensity increases
    Okay I’ll stop
    King pit manuvers the Mustang, it crashes into a tree. The driver flies out the car and lands in the sand of the playground. King pops the parking brake and slides to a stop inches from a kid building a sand castle. Without missing a beat King jumps out of his truck landing on the castle. He pats the kid on the head as he intensely walks towards the man that is not moving. King picks up the man and slams him against the playground slide.
    Give me what you stole from the store!
    Mulligan crouches down beside the kid and attempts help build the sand castle. The kid’s mom picks it up as Mulligan takes out his card and hands it to her.
    Mine and his badge numbers and names are on the back… He’s King.

    Dom @Green is at an “AA style” Meeting. He is listening to other people’s problems.
    Person 1
    I used to be addicted to Cplus. Not the grade but the drink. I loved it so much that I came up with a way to turn it into a powder so I could snort it.
    Person 2
    You know they sold the powder in store for mass production
    Person 1
    Wasn’t pure enough for me. I needed the good shit. Now I’m internally fucked for life. Not to mention my nose is always sticky. Everything smells like orange. My life hit a new low
    That’s nothing. I was held captive and forced to become mayor. I was kicked out of office by the same people who put me in power. My buddy Ciroc betrayed me and now I have no one.
    Person 1
    You are Mayor Green?
    Was, I was mayor for one week
    Silence fills the room
    I used to be a prostitute in a very niche market within the hooker game. My specialty was heading.
    Person 1
    Heading? You mean you were good at giving head? That’s not niche. I used to do that when I was low on money and couldn’t afford Cplus
    No, heading is when a guy who has the fantasy of going back in the womb so they put their head in your pussy.
    Dom intently listens
    Person 1
    Damn! You must be loose
    SHUT UP! Let her talk remember no judgement here
    No my pussy actually snapped back to shape real quick. I’m actually pretty tight. But that is not my issue. My issue is that the drug cartels caught on and started using my pussy as a drug mule. They would stuff a ton in there and make me bring it somewhere.  I constantly lived in fear that the drugs would pop inside me and I’d die with it in me. Forever forsaking my family’s name.
    Person 1
    Oh because being a heading hooker didn’t do that

    Fong @tfong is driving through china town as he looks at all the Chinese restaurants. He stops in front of “Noodlerama” and gets out of his car. He walks to a garbage can and tosses out a bag of empty noodle boxes
    Hey doodle doodle no noodle for me

    King is in court defending his actions
    You holiness
    I’m not a priest
    Whatever. That man was dangerous. He had to be stopped. I was doing the city a great favor. You should be thanking me not putting me on trial. This is an outrage
    You are an outrage. You have a long history of doing things like this and it must be stopped.
    The door of the courtroom is kicked open. Mulligan is standing there with his baby daughter in his hands
    You honor that man right there.
    King points at himself as he looks at Mulligan
    Yes you King. You are a dangerous man. You saw that man shop lift and you took after him like he just killed someone. That’s not mentioning you intentionally hurt that man by making him crash. Then picked him up after the crash knowing full well that he may have a spinal injury and slammed him against the slide. Am I leaving anything out King?
    King looks on in shock
    Mulli why you do me like that?
    Because I had enough. I’m moving away, I am going to be a police chief, you will stay here and just be an idiot. I’m taking lil Mulligina and I’m out.
    Mulligina? You really called your daughter Mulligina? Who does that?
    Me and Emily didn’t want to name her something over used. So we came up with that.
    No one uses that because it’s fucked. Mulligina Mulligan… that’s truly fucked
    ENOUGH! I had enough of this truly ridiculous case. The public should feel safe with the police around but with you king on the street there is no such thing as safe. That is why I am suspending you with pay for two years. So you can think about what you did.
    Suspending with pay. Oh please don’t. NOT!
    Mulligan turns to leave the courtroom
    MULLIGAN! Don’t leave
    Bye King
    Mulligan! I WILL FIND YOU!
    Dom and Dominique are clearly dating now. Dom hangs up a dime bag on a hanger to signify he is retiring.

    Fong is standing in front of a mirror dressed in a ninja outfit. He puts his samurai sword into its sheath
    Hey Doodle doodle
    The cat and the poodle
    No more noodle
    Noodle for me
    A tear rolls down his face then we see Fong is looking at a picture of King as he walks away

    5 years later

    A tiny little bum fuck nowhere town in mowhere USA. Literally a tumbleweed rolls across screen as we see that we are near the police station

    A station filled with fat police officers are milling around as they drink coffee and eating doughnuts. In the background we see the chief’s office. The Silhouette the chief can be seen as he moves around in his office. Shouting can be heard
    MASH! You caused thirty million dollars in damages downtown. All because you wanted to catch shoplifter. The mayor is chewing my fucking ass out because it was just a god damn shop lifter! MASH!!! LISTEN TO ME! You took down the statue of the cities founder. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOU?
    We now see inside the office and notice that it’s Mulligan and his now 5 year old daughter Mulligina is sitting in his office. Mulligan kneels down as he pat’s her on the head
    See honey that is how you tell someone they messed up… Well that is how they do it in the big city. Not here
    It sounds like you lived that one Dad
    Uh… no, never.,, Never…Ever
    Even with Uncle?
    Mulligan looks over at a picture of him and King. King is busting a lemonade stand kid.
    Can we not talk about him? This is bring your daughter to work day. The city is behind daddies back.
    Sure thing dad
    Edmond Taylor barges in
    Sir, we have a possible 10-93 in progress
    Ok, I’ll go deal with this. Show my daughter the mean streets of Mowhere
    Mulligan speeds up and stops at the front doors in a very King like maneuver
    Whoa! That’s fun
    Mulligan shakes his head then looks at his daughter
    Honey, this is a 10-93 possible robbery going on. Stay with me you will be okay
    You sure?
    Yes Pumpkin but don’t tell mom

    Mulligan rushes into the coffee shop with his gun raised
    Mulligan moves towards the counter
    I have a reported 10-93 possible robbery
    What? Who told you this? Chief it maybe a prank
    No prank Karen. I got this intel from the top of the top. You cannot got more…toppier? Yes toppier! Then this.
    Okay please tell me is this person whoever is robbing me is he invisible because I don’t see him
    Don’t be coy with me. It’s you.
    Me? I’m robbing myself? Are you here to save me from myself?
    Okay cut the bullshit! You raised the doughnut price. That’s highway robbery. The boys live off that stuff
    Raised it from free to one whole dollar
    That’s like a 1000% increase

    Don Uts @Banackock and Lou Tenant @Tyler are in a darkly lit office. Don paces around the office with a picture of King on a board can be seen.
    I feel we almost have this guy, dead to rights. Five years of hard work almost paying off
    Do we know where he is?
    What he is up to?
    Any future plans of his?
    Then what do we have on him?
    Don points angrily at the board
    What we have is a crime spree brought on by a man that claims to be a cop. Someone that should be protecting and serving.
    It’s no evidence till we catch him in the act
    Well, he’s good we always seem to show up after he is gone
    Maybe we should take this little agency out of this little dark room, hire more agents. More man power might be what we need. That and maybe letting some light in this room. It’s dark as a mother in here
    NO! no light. This is a secret undercover agency. We cannot let anyone see what we at NICCIATT do
    I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that why don’t we just call ourselves NICIT?
    Because we are National International Countering Counter Intelligence Anti-Terrorism Taskforce not the National International Counter Intelligence Taskforce

    Jacque Grande @Ahmais serving Poutine to French Canadians when a man in a dark suit walks up to him. Jacque looks at him and throws cheese at him

    Dom is riding on a bus looking out the window. It’s not clear where he is headed.
    Fong is practicing his sword fighting skills as guards stand guard near him. Fong puts his sword away and motions a guard over
    You come
    The guard walks to him
    I train, train hard for many moon and suns. Fong be ready like bumble bee ready for flower
    You want flower?
    No Fong a bee ready for flower
    I get flower
    NO! It saying not order saying
    No order, just do
    Guard walks away
    Another guard comes, Fong looks at him annoyed
    Not you
    Yuu is I and I is Yuu
    Fong rolls his eyes as he smacks his head
    Yuu go away
    You go away? Where?
    No Yuu
    You? Where? Home? Find King?
    The first guard comes back holding a flower
    Flower for you sir
    For Yuu?
    For Master you sir
    Fong grows increasingly annoyed
    You boss? Or You Yuu
    Master want flower, I bring flower
    Fong in one quick motion takes his sword out and slices of the flower and the guard in half.
    Yuu go now
    Yuu runs away
    Don and Lou are sitting at a computer as Lou types up an ad. “Company looking for Smart, Intelligent but not too intelligent female with long legs but we don’t mean that in a sexual way. You will be required to use your long legs to get us food and drinks and occasionally run after King. Who is King? Forget we mentioned him. We will tell you about him if you get the job”
    Why do you guys no… leave me be eh?
    We now see that he is talking with Ben Tovlov @Beketov a secret service agent
    Jacque, we both know you are hiding up here in Canada.
    Me hide? No! Tabarnak!
    No need to get mad sir. I am here to talk to you about your old partner Fong and this other man…
    Ben looks at his notes
    Yes him
    No poutine and no info for you!
    Dom looks at a picture which makes him smile. As he smiles the sound of the bus suddenly stopping can be heard. As Dom looks up a person gets on the bus with a gun raised.
    People scream as they listen to the man. Dom hides behind a seat almost he knows what this is about.
    Attention all. I am looking for a man. Or what he calls a man. This is guy claimed that he would help me but now he is escaping like a coward. I cannot and will not let this man get away.
    The person continues to walk towards the back of the bus with his gun raised. Like he knows where Dom is.
    My name is Agent King and I am an FBI agent. All I want is…
    King reaches behind a seat and grabs Dom, pulls him up and then tosses him forward. He then flashes his FBI badge to everyone.
    This man! He will help me if he likes it or not.
    Mulligan is interrogating someone with Mulligina in the room. He looks at her and nods. She stands up and grabs a nearby object. She hits the table, this startles Mulligan.
    Uh… when is your bedtime
    Mulligina hits the table again
    I cannot tell you until you tell me between what time and what time
    Mulligina looks at her father
    Can we water board?
    Waterboard? Seriously? Come on dude she’s a kid. She has no authority to do that
    She can do whatever she wants
    Come on man, this is all because of a report of a car speeding downtown at night.
    You are the only one in town with a car like that
    She counts on her fingers
    Carry the one…
    Mulligan looks at the guy
    That’s my girl
    Yeah! I know!
    Ninety seven years old. I doubt she goes over thirty
    No lawyer for scum like you. Just waterboarding maybe even the chair!
    He looks on for a bit in fear then suddenly puts his free hands in front of him,
    Good stuff there kiddo. You will make a good cop there. Very believable. You had me scared with the threat of torture.
    Wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Even though this was just a mock interrogation.
    Mulligan is watching the news when the breaking news of the bus incident comes across the screen.
    Early reports is that a man driving a big black pickup truck pulled in front of the bus, boarded it, told passengers that he is an FBI agent. Then he pulled a man off the bus and left. The man he pulled off the bus has been identified as Dominick Green. An ex drug dealer now turned motivational speaker.   
    Oh that’s not good
    The episode fades to black
  15. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from NotAVHLM-GM in How bad will the Senators be?   
    Historically bad. At least they have their 1st rounder... Oh wait! They don't lol what were they thinking at the draft. They could have given this years 1st to Colorado, but opted to keep it. Everyone and their aunt saw this coming, how couldn't they? Colorado now can end up with the 1st overall pick and they are looking to be a pretty deep team already (Avs fan) Do you think they regret trading for Duchene? I think so. Duchene wanted out of Colorado because he wanted a chance to play for the cup. Imagine what this does to him. He gets traded and Colorado explodes and Ottawa Implodes. Must think it maybe because him and his horrible attitude. (Still a fan of his) His contract is up at the end of the season LOL. AVS killed that trade. Makes the Forsberg trade look fair. 
  16. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Smarch in Can you piss me off?   
    I prefer circles
  17. Haha
    BluObieZ got a reaction from diamond_ace in To be nice or not to be nice   
    Okay just a forewarning here. This “Nice Robbie” gimmick was not meant to make people like me or anything. It was more like for me to have fun with something till Orion is created. But even after I announced Nice Robbie I had fun with it but now I find myself bored by it. I am not around enough to really push the niceness. The niceness that everyone knows is faker then a porn stars tits or Trumps Presidency. Which gladly should be over soon…
    …Shut up Robbie, we are supposed to be nice not the typical asshole rant Robbie. Nice people don’t say such things. You need to be calm, cool and say flowery things. Make people laugh and just be overall nice. Is that so hard to do? Come on bro. We’ve been bad for so long. Maybe we should give this nice stuff a shot.
    SHUT UP! I had enough of you and your fucking nice ways. You know what “Nice” Robbie, if you can’t look back on our career here and laugh at all the shit we caused then you are fucked in the head. More fucked then this MS.
    How is this a fucked MS? This is the two Robbie’s battling it out. No I do not have split personalities. Keep in mind the Nice Robbie is a gimmick. But why give up on it now? You don’t give up anything. You fucked over New York on Purpose. You fucked two players on Vegas purely because Ego. Sure those things were not nice, but if you don’t give up on that then why should you give up on me Nice Robbie? Are you scared of being nice?
    First off I commend you and like your slight assholic comments there. Secondly fuck you. I can do whatever I want. Why? Because I am Robbie FUCKING Zimmers. You are a gimmick, a word you used. Gimmicks die faster than they are born. New York and Vegas were not gimmicks. Vegas ended not because of me. It was taken away from me.  New York got boring so I handed the team to someone else. Brandon I think. But whatever. My point is that I can end you faster than I created you.
    End me? Nice people are the way to go. Nice people go further because they are nice and others rather deal with them. It’s time that Robbie evolves no matures… no grows up? Eh that’s the same thing as the last one. But you get the point. Don’t you? I’m sure you do. I should end you because the Robbie 2.0 upgrade has downloaded and I am quite enjoying it.
    My enjoyment factor is zero bud. I cannot allow this to continue. Orion is coming and I need to be the “Ego” by then. Orion will be the biggest fucking dick of a player this league has ever seen. Nice people do not go further in life. Nice people get stepped over and stepped on. They are not taken seriously. Being a fucking asshole gets you places. Places my career already is. To turn nice would be a massive step backwards.
    Nice is the way to go. Remember the Producer from a few weeks that said you need to treat some people better? And you may need sensitivity training? Maybe take what he said to heart.
    Who will win control of Robbie? Tune in next weekend. If Nice Robbie lasts that long.
  18. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Bushito in GM 41: HC Dynamo vs. Wranglers   
    Interesting. Interesting indeed. Good on you Calgary. I clearly was wrong about my past attacks on your GM. He clearly knows what he is doing. 
  19. Confused
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Enorama in Can you piss me off?   
    First one of these in a long time. Bare with me.
    I actually am not turning over a new leaf. I just want that to be known from the get go. What I am actually attempting is trying to peak my interest in the site again. So how will I go about doing that? Well... I am going to to attempt. I do mean ATTEMPT to be nice to everyone around here. Everyone means EVERYONE! so no posts saying "even (insert name)" cause even those people are included in this. As you know I am not a nice person and I never have tried to be one. I just want to see how long I can hold out being nice to people on here. I know people will try to push my buttons and I welcome it. Take this as a "Can you piss Robbie off?" challenge. Can you piss me off enough to make me break my nice gimmick. You cannot just constantly attack me, because then I will just ignore you. I don't expect this to last long at all, but I need something or I won't even stick around long enough to make Orion. Which is a shame. 
  20. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Banackock in HIRING: World Junior Commissioner   
    I won't get it but sure i'll apply
  21. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from diamond_ace in Orion: Beginnings [1/2]   
    Attention: This is the story that my future player Orion Slade believes to be true. His Bio that is already is posted is his “story” because of the rule your player must be from earth. A rule made up because of one of my players was born in space in attempt to pick what World Cup team he got to play for… which backfired for him. Anyways… here we go. Orion: Beginnings. 3414 Words

    A group of teenagers are cow tipping when a super sonic boom can be heard. Seconds later an object hits the ground 100 feet away from the group. Creating a dust cloud. The lead teen heads towards the impact site curiously. He looks into the crater to see a god like looking man standing there naked. The teen steps back in shock as Orion almost robot like starts to looking around assessing his surroundings.
    Why… why are you naked man?
    Orion looks at the teen then says in a deep god like tone
    Naked is just a state of being
    What? Where did you come from? How did you… what… are you a…
    A what?
    The Teen looks at the heavens
    An alien?
    Orion laughs in a deep boisterous laugh
    Alien? Heavens no my little weakling. I am a god
    God? What? Come on man
    Think about it little boy. I came in here at supersonic speeds and lived to talk to you. Do I look like I am injured? No? Think about it. You should be bowing to me mortal
    What? Which god are you? Allah?
    Orion laughs
    Oh no, not him. I am Orion and I am here to kick ass
    Kick ass? Who’s? Mine?
    Oh no not yours, I would turn you into dust with one punch.
    Orion leaps into the air and flies away.

    Orion lands in a dark ally in New York. He begins to walk down the ally, when he notices a man trying to rape a woman. Orion walks behind the rapist and taps him on the shoulder. Then man turns around and sees the towering mountain that is Orion standing behind him.
    WHAT… THE… FUCK? You want firsts? Go ahead man.
    Orion looks at the man and swats him away like a fly. The man flies across the road and hit a passing bus. Orion looks at the cowering woman, she looks at him and drops to him in terror but also by being so turned on at the sight of him. He looks down at her on her knees and scoffs then begins to walk across the road towards the man who is laying in the street.
    Leave me alone man
    Orion picks up the man by the neck and holds him high
    You will not touch that little twig ever again. Got it?
    What about when I pee?
    The police show up and come with guns drawn. Orion looks at them, the police look scared of him. Orion walks up to a police car and rips off the door then shoves the man inside.
    Police Officer
    Orion looks at that officer who is slowly and cautiously walking towards him. He smirks.
    Orion flies away.
    Gina and Todd Slade two farmers watch the morning news as they eat breakfast.
    News Anchor
    The mysterious man who authorities cannot identify appears to throw a man clear across the road, then rips off the door off a police cruiser before flying off. Authorities warn the public that they do not know what this man is up to but caution the public if they do see him please walk the other way and call the police.

    Orion is flying through the sky. He flies into a 747 flying in the sky. His pierces a hole in the cockpit window.
    WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!
    Alarms and sounds go off in the cockpit. Orion’s cock is clearly still in the window.  As the air masks drop from above the pilots
    Las Vegas Tower this is Million Air Flight 707 to Toronto, declaring an emergency.
    Before the pilot can finish his sentence Orion breaks free by smashing a bigger hole in the window and then flying off. The window smashes into the engine as he flies away. Orion looks back at the plane and thinks about saving it. Before he can do anything he flies into a goose which sends him tumbling towards the ground. Orion hits the ground at high speeds creating big crater. Moments later a big fireball and explosion can be seen and heard in the background.
    Orion stands in a crater he is still naked as Todd is seen at the door of the house looking out. He lets his dog Rufus out to check things out.
    Time to be less imposing
    In a blink of an eye Orion turns into a kid who is now dressed. He lays down in the crater and makes it look like he is injured. Rufus runs up to him and barks. Todd approaches and looks into the hole.
    Oh. My. God… GINA! Get a blanket and pillow ready we have an issue here
    As Todd checks out Orion for injuries the TV in the background has live breaking news about the plane crash. Early reports say that there are no survivors.
    Do you think he fell from that plane?
    If he did he is one lucky boy to survive
    Orion overhears their conversation. He “wakes up” and looks at them
    Mom. Dad?
    Get rest little dude you were just through a traumatic experience. Your parents and you were just in a plane crash
    I’m an orphan
    We don’t know that yet. Let’s hope for the best
    No, I was headed to a Orphanage. I have no one.
    Todd looks back at his wife
    Montage of Orion growing up, Todd and Gina have kept him as their own kid. We see that the plane crash was ruled a unsolved crash because they could not find what hit the plane initially.
    Orion is I class talking to his friend @TheLastOlympian07Steve Mulligan about random kid things when the teacher gets the attention of the class
    Mrs Draper
    Class. Eyes up front please. We have a new student joining us today
    In walks @tfongTerrance Fong. Orion spots him and looks on in disgust as he follows him across the room. Orion mumbles
    Fucking Noodletonian
    Don’t say that
    Why not?
    Because it’s racist
    The Noodletonians are not a race. They are pure evil. Garbage. Galactic slime.
    Mrs Draper looks at Orion
    Mrs Draper
    ORION! Go to the office right now
    Orion glares at Mrs Draper the lights in the classroom start to flicker then turn off. Steve smacks Orion
    What the fuck dude
    The lights comeback on and Orion stands up to leave. As he backs out of the room he does not lose eye contact with Terence.
    Orion says as he is pointing at Terence
    Todd is sitting with Orion facing Principle Ted Johnson an old man that seems to not really give a fuck about his job
    I do not know what you and Gina teach young Orion but the Vice Principal, Janitors, teachers and students of this school strongly believe that Racism does not belong here
    So you are okay with it?
    Son! Stop
    He listed everyone but himself. He could have said faculty and students but listed even the janitors but just not himself
    A fact that is true, but you cannot prove it. The President of the United States has united us. Made us not scared to hide who we are. But you are a little kid that needs to be taught a lesson. So I am suspending you…
    The lights flicker in the room and turn off
    Ted looks on in fear
    See. This is the type of shit your son does. He needs to learn a lesson. He is being suspended two weeks. Maybe you should find a sport for him to play to take some of this anger out on
    Orion stands up in anger
    You will see when the Noodletonians come, you will see I was right
    They are called Asian
    Orion and Steve are playing on the playground
    Why did you have to say that in class, now school will suck without you
    Where ever I go I will speak my hate for that filthy race
    Why do you call them noodletonians? Sure they like noodles but come on
    Yes… nevermind sometimes I think you aren’t from around here
    I’m not
    Where are from? Russia?
    Orion spots Terrance approaching the playground he stops talking to Steve
    What are you doing? Come on man who cares about him
    Orion is clearly stalking Terrence now. Terrence now approaches the playground and Orion jumps down in a big dust cloud as he lands powerfully
    Orion approaches Terrence and shoves him gently which makes him fly back against the slide
    Who sent you? Emperor Yanzo? Princess Koy? TELL ME!
    Clouds appear out of nowhere like an impending thunderstorm. As Orion appears to be staring into Terrence’s soul.
    TELL ME!
    TELL ME!
    Orion says in a deep godly tone as thunder strikes again. Terrence looks confused and looks at Steve
    I no know you white boy talk aboot. I no like dem noodles. They stringy and slimy.
    I should smite you right now and be done with it
    Steve taps Orion on the shoulder which makes Orion look at him
    What kid uses the word smite? Seriously
    Orion glares daggers at Steve
    Okay… okay you’re in intense mode
    Orion turns his attention at Terrence who looks puzzled
    Cha’we done here man? Mi mother figure making cluck cluck wings
    Orion looks to be getting more annoyed
    I see past your slanted eyes. I see the dark Noodletonian soul
    Terrence raises his hands and tries to “unslantify” his eyes
    What are you doing?
    U now have better view. No?
    Orion drops Terrence into the sand and walks away
    This isn’t over
    Orion is cleaning the barn in a clear punishment for being suspended when he gets irritated and finishes the job in a blink of an eye. He stops and “dusts himself off”
    Gods don’t get grounded
    He begins to badass walk out of the barn when Todd walks in holding skates and hockey skates. He looks around the barn in amazement that Orion is already done.
    Orion… but how…. Son…. I want you try a sport they call hockey. Your mother does not want you to get hurt playing football so we came up with hockey
    Ha! Hurt.
    It may help you with your aggression and anger. May help you accept others
    I accept Steve and he isn’t smart
    Orion now dress in full hockey equipment approaches the ice for the first time ever wearing a Barons Jersey. He watches kids skate around the ice almost like he is studying them. He gets onto the ice and skates off like he has been his whole life. He jumps into the play and steals the puck off kid and takes a slap shot from center ice that makes the goalie jump out of the way. He hits dead center of the net. This makes all the kids on the ice explore in cheering. Coach Gordon Bombie (not mistaken for Gordon Gombay)
    Great shot kid. You must be Orion. Show me what you got
    Orion laughs as he eyes Gordon up and down. Orion then skates down to one end of the ices gathers about 20 pucks and begins to fire them the length of the ice at the other net. Hitting it dead center every time. He then begins to fire slap shots that don’t seem to lose power at all, they actually seem to be gaining power as they go. He then skates past Gordon as he whistles Steve over who is the team’s goalie. As Steve prepares for taking shots Orion skates over to the boards where Steve’s sister wearing a cheerleading uniform is. He doesn’t even ask her, he picks her up and skates her to where he will be shooting from. He spins her around so she is facing the front of the net. He then stands in front of her and begins to kiss her as he takes backhand shots. Intelligently switching up where he is aiming even though he is not looking. Everyone on the ice is in pure amazement as Orion finishes.
    That’s my sister man
    Orion sticks out his tongue
    And this is my tongue I used on her
    Gordon skates over to Orion at full speed and falls down as he tries to stop. He looks up at Orion
    You got a roster spot
    Orion looks down at Gordon and laughs
    I don’t want one
    What? Why? You have talent. I have never seen a player like you. You can be the next Gretz…
    I don’t want your pathetic spot I want your best players spot. I want him off the team and I replace him
    Gordon doesn’t even think about it
    Brandon you’re off the team
    @BanackockBrandon Coke smashes his stick against the other net
    FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! BANA IS PISSED!
    Orion burst out laughing
    Bana coke? You do know are saying you have a banana cock right?
    FUCK YOU! I will get on another team and I will fuck you up
    You can try… and fail
    As Brandon skates off the ice as he swears @Tyler Tryler “Not Tyler” Hunter skates up to Orion
    Yo! What position do you play?
    All? How can I be your line mate?
    You can’t, I do everything
    Okay… I’ll just play a position that you aren’t playing at that moment
    I play all at the same time. But you can try.
    It’s Orion’s first game.  The Barons are playing the Luck (its Las Vegas so sue me) Orion takes the opening faceoff instead of going for the puck he flattens the other team’s center. He gets the puck and fires a slap shot at the net. The goalie wasn’t even ready for it. 4 seconds into his first ever game he gets his first ever goal. A league record. He smirks down at the kid and commands him “Up Mortal” Orion later in the game notices Terrence is in the crowd so instead of firing the puck at the net he fires it at the glass in front of Terrence. After a few times of this Gordon catches on that Orion is doing it on purpose and calls a timeout.
    What are you doing Orion? You don’t miss
    I don’t miss. I never miss
    Exactly so stop doing that, you are going to shatter the glass
    Good idea
    That wasn’t a suggestion
    On the next play Orion allows the other team to gain possession and skate into the offensive zone
    Orion glares at Gordon before lining up Brandon Coke and just destroys him with a massive body check. Not even skipping a beat Orion takes a slap shot that shatters the glass and hits Terrence in the face giving him a bloody nose.  As Orion skates by his own bench he winks at Gordon
    I don’t miss
    For the rest of the game Orion seems to never get off the ice. Whenever the other team has the puck and he gets close to them they just pass to him begging him not hit them. One player goes out of his way to throw himself into the boards and fall down. Orion laughs at him and skates away with the puck. The opposing team’s goalie Kenneth Frick tries his hardest to make a save on every shot but it soon becomes clear that Orion is leaps and bounds better than everyone else in the league. The game ends 16-1 with Orion getting 10 goals and 6 assists. Orion trips Steve letting in a goal.
    Orion returns to school after his suspension. Everyone wants a piece of him. All the girls want to be seen with him. He is the “coolest cat” in school. He is the hockey sensation everyone is talking about. As Orion walks to his locker he is approached by Brandon, Kenneth, @HigginsTommy Hinggles and @AhmaAlma Ha. Brandon’s arm is in a sling, Kenneth is walking funny, Tommy is on crutches and Alma has scars and bruises on his face. Orion laughs out loud
    You really should rename your team to the injury
    Brandon gets in the face of Orion
    You really should shut up
    Oh really? Why? So you can hurt yourself more?
    Brandon attempts to shove Orion but can’t even make his hair move.
    We are going to file a complaint with the league. You clearly are juicing
    Orion laughs
    Complain away little boy
    Steve and Tryler approach cautiously
    Are these guys giving you trouble?
    Ha! Trouble. They decided to cry to my face. Show off their battle wounds. But they fail to realize the complaint department is closed… It was never open.
    Orion barely even touches Brando, which sends him flying into his teammates making them all fall over
    Strike! You’re out!
    Brandon tries to get back up
    Wrong sport bud!
    Orion leans down to look at Brandon in the face
    Excuse me?
    Nothing. Strikeouts happen in Hockey
    Exactly. Now stay down there little mortal
    The kids in the class are all huddled around Orion as Mrs Draper wheels in a TV on a cart, she looks at her class and realizes Orion is back.
    Mrs Draper
    Oh, Orion you are back
    Mrs Draper
    She says rolling her eyes. She plugs in the TV as Terrence enters the room eating chicken wings.
    Mrs Draper
    Please be seated everyone. There is something going on that is history in the making. I want to show you, but I need your full undivided attention.
    The kids all sit down, Terrence is now sitting to the left of Orion.
    Mrs Draper
    Class today is history in the making. For as long as humans been on this planet we thought about if we are alone in the universe. Well that question has been answered today morning.
    She turns on the TV to the news which the headline reads “Massive ship appears in sky over New York” the gasps and sounds of shock/amazement fill the room. Orion the only one in the class not shocked by this. He watches intently he knows where this ship has come from and he knows what he has to do. As Orion gets up Terrence offers him a “Peace Wing”
    Cluck Cluck?
    Orion smacks it out of his hand, sending the wing into the eye of Terrence. Who screams out in pain and running out of the class. Orion now walks towards the door of the class.
    Mrs Draper
    Where are you going Orion?
    Orion glares at her
    Stand aside mortal
    Mrs Draper
    This has to stop Orion, I am your elder show me respect.
    I am, I am saving your pathetic self
    Mrs Draper
    From what?
    Orion mumbles something as he leaves.
    Terrence is exiting the washroom as Orion is walking intently down the hall.
    Where U be going?
    You know where
    No you Noodlehead. They are here
    Who? You’re family unit?
    No! the Vhler’s (Pronounced Whellers)
    Want a cluck cluck for the road?
    Orion ignores Terrence and in a blink of an eye turns back into grown up Orion and flies out the window at the end of the hall, as the movie fades to black.
  22. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Ahma in Orion: Beginnings [1/2]   
    Attention: This is the story that my future player Orion Slade believes to be true. His Bio that is already is posted is his “story” because of the rule your player must be from earth. A rule made up because of one of my players was born in space in attempt to pick what World Cup team he got to play for… which backfired for him. Anyways… here we go. Orion: Beginnings. 3414 Words

    A group of teenagers are cow tipping when a super sonic boom can be heard. Seconds later an object hits the ground 100 feet away from the group. Creating a dust cloud. The lead teen heads towards the impact site curiously. He looks into the crater to see a god like looking man standing there naked. The teen steps back in shock as Orion almost robot like starts to looking around assessing his surroundings.
    Why… why are you naked man?
    Orion looks at the teen then says in a deep god like tone
    Naked is just a state of being
    What? Where did you come from? How did you… what… are you a…
    A what?
    The Teen looks at the heavens
    An alien?
    Orion laughs in a deep boisterous laugh
    Alien? Heavens no my little weakling. I am a god
    God? What? Come on man
    Think about it little boy. I came in here at supersonic speeds and lived to talk to you. Do I look like I am injured? No? Think about it. You should be bowing to me mortal
    What? Which god are you? Allah?
    Orion laughs
    Oh no, not him. I am Orion and I am here to kick ass
    Kick ass? Who’s? Mine?
    Oh no not yours, I would turn you into dust with one punch.
    Orion leaps into the air and flies away.

    Orion lands in a dark ally in New York. He begins to walk down the ally, when he notices a man trying to rape a woman. Orion walks behind the rapist and taps him on the shoulder. Then man turns around and sees the towering mountain that is Orion standing behind him.
    WHAT… THE… FUCK? You want firsts? Go ahead man.
    Orion looks at the man and swats him away like a fly. The man flies across the road and hit a passing bus. Orion looks at the cowering woman, she looks at him and drops to him in terror but also by being so turned on at the sight of him. He looks down at her on her knees and scoffs then begins to walk across the road towards the man who is laying in the street.
    Leave me alone man
    Orion picks up the man by the neck and holds him high
    You will not touch that little twig ever again. Got it?
    What about when I pee?
    The police show up and come with guns drawn. Orion looks at them, the police look scared of him. Orion walks up to a police car and rips off the door then shoves the man inside.
    Police Officer
    Orion looks at that officer who is slowly and cautiously walking towards him. He smirks.
    Orion flies away.
    Gina and Todd Slade two farmers watch the morning news as they eat breakfast.
    News Anchor
    The mysterious man who authorities cannot identify appears to throw a man clear across the road, then rips off the door off a police cruiser before flying off. Authorities warn the public that they do not know what this man is up to but caution the public if they do see him please walk the other way and call the police.

    Orion is flying through the sky. He flies into a 747 flying in the sky. His pierces a hole in the cockpit window.
    WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!
    Alarms and sounds go off in the cockpit. Orion’s cock is clearly still in the window.  As the air masks drop from above the pilots
    Las Vegas Tower this is Million Air Flight 707 to Toronto, declaring an emergency.
    Before the pilot can finish his sentence Orion breaks free by smashing a bigger hole in the window and then flying off. The window smashes into the engine as he flies away. Orion looks back at the plane and thinks about saving it. Before he can do anything he flies into a goose which sends him tumbling towards the ground. Orion hits the ground at high speeds creating big crater. Moments later a big fireball and explosion can be seen and heard in the background.
    Orion stands in a crater he is still naked as Todd is seen at the door of the house looking out. He lets his dog Rufus out to check things out.
    Time to be less imposing
    In a blink of an eye Orion turns into a kid who is now dressed. He lays down in the crater and makes it look like he is injured. Rufus runs up to him and barks. Todd approaches and looks into the hole.
    Oh. My. God… GINA! Get a blanket and pillow ready we have an issue here
    As Todd checks out Orion for injuries the TV in the background has live breaking news about the plane crash. Early reports say that there are no survivors.
    Do you think he fell from that plane?
    If he did he is one lucky boy to survive
    Orion overhears their conversation. He “wakes up” and looks at them
    Mom. Dad?
    Get rest little dude you were just through a traumatic experience. Your parents and you were just in a plane crash
    I’m an orphan
    We don’t know that yet. Let’s hope for the best
    No, I was headed to a Orphanage. I have no one.
    Todd looks back at his wife
    Montage of Orion growing up, Todd and Gina have kept him as their own kid. We see that the plane crash was ruled a unsolved crash because they could not find what hit the plane initially.
    Orion is I class talking to his friend @TheLastOlympian07Steve Mulligan about random kid things when the teacher gets the attention of the class
    Mrs Draper
    Class. Eyes up front please. We have a new student joining us today
    In walks @tfongTerrance Fong. Orion spots him and looks on in disgust as he follows him across the room. Orion mumbles
    Fucking Noodletonian
    Don’t say that
    Why not?
    Because it’s racist
    The Noodletonians are not a race. They are pure evil. Garbage. Galactic slime.
    Mrs Draper looks at Orion
    Mrs Draper
    ORION! Go to the office right now
    Orion glares at Mrs Draper the lights in the classroom start to flicker then turn off. Steve smacks Orion
    What the fuck dude
    The lights comeback on and Orion stands up to leave. As he backs out of the room he does not lose eye contact with Terence.
    Orion says as he is pointing at Terence
    Todd is sitting with Orion facing Principle Ted Johnson an old man that seems to not really give a fuck about his job
    I do not know what you and Gina teach young Orion but the Vice Principal, Janitors, teachers and students of this school strongly believe that Racism does not belong here
    So you are okay with it?
    Son! Stop
    He listed everyone but himself. He could have said faculty and students but listed even the janitors but just not himself
    A fact that is true, but you cannot prove it. The President of the United States has united us. Made us not scared to hide who we are. But you are a little kid that needs to be taught a lesson. So I am suspending you…
    The lights flicker in the room and turn off
    Ted looks on in fear
    See. This is the type of shit your son does. He needs to learn a lesson. He is being suspended two weeks. Maybe you should find a sport for him to play to take some of this anger out on
    Orion stands up in anger
    You will see when the Noodletonians come, you will see I was right
    They are called Asian
    Orion and Steve are playing on the playground
    Why did you have to say that in class, now school will suck without you
    Where ever I go I will speak my hate for that filthy race
    Why do you call them noodletonians? Sure they like noodles but come on
    Yes… nevermind sometimes I think you aren’t from around here
    I’m not
    Where are from? Russia?
    Orion spots Terrance approaching the playground he stops talking to Steve
    What are you doing? Come on man who cares about him
    Orion is clearly stalking Terrence now. Terrence now approaches the playground and Orion jumps down in a big dust cloud as he lands powerfully
    Orion approaches Terrence and shoves him gently which makes him fly back against the slide
    Who sent you? Emperor Yanzo? Princess Koy? TELL ME!
    Clouds appear out of nowhere like an impending thunderstorm. As Orion appears to be staring into Terrence’s soul.
    TELL ME!
    TELL ME!
    Orion says in a deep godly tone as thunder strikes again. Terrence looks confused and looks at Steve
    I no know you white boy talk aboot. I no like dem noodles. They stringy and slimy.
    I should smite you right now and be done with it
    Steve taps Orion on the shoulder which makes Orion look at him
    What kid uses the word smite? Seriously
    Orion glares daggers at Steve
    Okay… okay you’re in intense mode
    Orion turns his attention at Terrence who looks puzzled
    Cha’we done here man? Mi mother figure making cluck cluck wings
    Orion looks to be getting more annoyed
    I see past your slanted eyes. I see the dark Noodletonian soul
    Terrence raises his hands and tries to “unslantify” his eyes
    What are you doing?
    U now have better view. No?
    Orion drops Terrence into the sand and walks away
    This isn’t over
    Orion is cleaning the barn in a clear punishment for being suspended when he gets irritated and finishes the job in a blink of an eye. He stops and “dusts himself off”
    Gods don’t get grounded
    He begins to badass walk out of the barn when Todd walks in holding skates and hockey skates. He looks around the barn in amazement that Orion is already done.
    Orion… but how…. Son…. I want you try a sport they call hockey. Your mother does not want you to get hurt playing football so we came up with hockey
    Ha! Hurt.
    It may help you with your aggression and anger. May help you accept others
    I accept Steve and he isn’t smart
    Orion now dress in full hockey equipment approaches the ice for the first time ever wearing a Barons Jersey. He watches kids skate around the ice almost like he is studying them. He gets onto the ice and skates off like he has been his whole life. He jumps into the play and steals the puck off kid and takes a slap shot from center ice that makes the goalie jump out of the way. He hits dead center of the net. This makes all the kids on the ice explore in cheering. Coach Gordon Bombie (not mistaken for Gordon Gombay)
    Great shot kid. You must be Orion. Show me what you got
    Orion laughs as he eyes Gordon up and down. Orion then skates down to one end of the ices gathers about 20 pucks and begins to fire them the length of the ice at the other net. Hitting it dead center every time. He then begins to fire slap shots that don’t seem to lose power at all, they actually seem to be gaining power as they go. He then skates past Gordon as he whistles Steve over who is the team’s goalie. As Steve prepares for taking shots Orion skates over to the boards where Steve’s sister wearing a cheerleading uniform is. He doesn’t even ask her, he picks her up and skates her to where he will be shooting from. He spins her around so she is facing the front of the net. He then stands in front of her and begins to kiss her as he takes backhand shots. Intelligently switching up where he is aiming even though he is not looking. Everyone on the ice is in pure amazement as Orion finishes.
    That’s my sister man
    Orion sticks out his tongue
    And this is my tongue I used on her
    Gordon skates over to Orion at full speed and falls down as he tries to stop. He looks up at Orion
    You got a roster spot
    Orion looks down at Gordon and laughs
    I don’t want one
    What? Why? You have talent. I have never seen a player like you. You can be the next Gretz…
    I don’t want your pathetic spot I want your best players spot. I want him off the team and I replace him
    Gordon doesn’t even think about it
    Brandon you’re off the team
    @BanackockBrandon Coke smashes his stick against the other net
    FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! BANA IS PISSED!
    Orion burst out laughing
    Bana coke? You do know are saying you have a banana cock right?
    FUCK YOU! I will get on another team and I will fuck you up
    You can try… and fail
    As Brandon skates off the ice as he swears @Tyler Tryler “Not Tyler” Hunter skates up to Orion
    Yo! What position do you play?
    All? How can I be your line mate?
    You can’t, I do everything
    Okay… I’ll just play a position that you aren’t playing at that moment
    I play all at the same time. But you can try.
    It’s Orion’s first game.  The Barons are playing the Luck (its Las Vegas so sue me) Orion takes the opening faceoff instead of going for the puck he flattens the other team’s center. He gets the puck and fires a slap shot at the net. The goalie wasn’t even ready for it. 4 seconds into his first ever game he gets his first ever goal. A league record. He smirks down at the kid and commands him “Up Mortal” Orion later in the game notices Terrence is in the crowd so instead of firing the puck at the net he fires it at the glass in front of Terrence. After a few times of this Gordon catches on that Orion is doing it on purpose and calls a timeout.
    What are you doing Orion? You don’t miss
    I don’t miss. I never miss
    Exactly so stop doing that, you are going to shatter the glass
    Good idea
    That wasn’t a suggestion
    On the next play Orion allows the other team to gain possession and skate into the offensive zone
    Orion glares at Gordon before lining up Brandon Coke and just destroys him with a massive body check. Not even skipping a beat Orion takes a slap shot that shatters the glass and hits Terrence in the face giving him a bloody nose.  As Orion skates by his own bench he winks at Gordon
    I don’t miss
    For the rest of the game Orion seems to never get off the ice. Whenever the other team has the puck and he gets close to them they just pass to him begging him not hit them. One player goes out of his way to throw himself into the boards and fall down. Orion laughs at him and skates away with the puck. The opposing team’s goalie Kenneth Frick tries his hardest to make a save on every shot but it soon becomes clear that Orion is leaps and bounds better than everyone else in the league. The game ends 16-1 with Orion getting 10 goals and 6 assists. Orion trips Steve letting in a goal.
    Orion returns to school after his suspension. Everyone wants a piece of him. All the girls want to be seen with him. He is the “coolest cat” in school. He is the hockey sensation everyone is talking about. As Orion walks to his locker he is approached by Brandon, Kenneth, @HigginsTommy Hinggles and @AhmaAlma Ha. Brandon’s arm is in a sling, Kenneth is walking funny, Tommy is on crutches and Alma has scars and bruises on his face. Orion laughs out loud
    You really should rename your team to the injury
    Brandon gets in the face of Orion
    You really should shut up
    Oh really? Why? So you can hurt yourself more?
    Brandon attempts to shove Orion but can’t even make his hair move.
    We are going to file a complaint with the league. You clearly are juicing
    Orion laughs
    Complain away little boy
    Steve and Tryler approach cautiously
    Are these guys giving you trouble?
    Ha! Trouble. They decided to cry to my face. Show off their battle wounds. But they fail to realize the complaint department is closed… It was never open.
    Orion barely even touches Brando, which sends him flying into his teammates making them all fall over
    Strike! You’re out!
    Brandon tries to get back up
    Wrong sport bud!
    Orion leans down to look at Brandon in the face
    Excuse me?
    Nothing. Strikeouts happen in Hockey
    Exactly. Now stay down there little mortal
    The kids in the class are all huddled around Orion as Mrs Draper wheels in a TV on a cart, she looks at her class and realizes Orion is back.
    Mrs Draper
    Oh, Orion you are back
    Mrs Draper
    She says rolling her eyes. She plugs in the TV as Terrence enters the room eating chicken wings.
    Mrs Draper
    Please be seated everyone. There is something going on that is history in the making. I want to show you, but I need your full undivided attention.
    The kids all sit down, Terrence is now sitting to the left of Orion.
    Mrs Draper
    Class today is history in the making. For as long as humans been on this planet we thought about if we are alone in the universe. Well that question has been answered today morning.
    She turns on the TV to the news which the headline reads “Massive ship appears in sky over New York” the gasps and sounds of shock/amazement fill the room. Orion the only one in the class not shocked by this. He watches intently he knows where this ship has come from and he knows what he has to do. As Orion gets up Terrence offers him a “Peace Wing”
    Cluck Cluck?
    Orion smacks it out of his hand, sending the wing into the eye of Terrence. Who screams out in pain and running out of the class. Orion now walks towards the door of the class.
    Mrs Draper
    Where are you going Orion?
    Orion glares at her
    Stand aside mortal
    Mrs Draper
    This has to stop Orion, I am your elder show me respect.
    I am, I am saving your pathetic self
    Mrs Draper
    From what?
    Orion mumbles something as he leaves.
    Terrence is exiting the washroom as Orion is walking intently down the hall.
    Where U be going?
    You know where
    No you Noodlehead. They are here
    Who? You’re family unit?
    No! the Vhler’s (Pronounced Whellers)
    Want a cluck cluck for the road?
    Orion ignores Terrence and in a blink of an eye turns back into grown up Orion and flies out the window at the end of the hall, as the movie fades to black.
  23. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from Tyler in Happy Birthday VHL! Free stuff for all!   
    My best memories are people's worst. When I actually gave a shit. When I ran around causing mass anger. 5's a crowd was also I look back on and say damn that was good. Moving Hamilton to NY is high up there. Vegas. Martinez. Guido. SWC3.
  24. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from DollarAndADream in Guessing Game 2 even Guessier [1/2]   
    My Robbie Hunters tell me that you are a inactive gay male prostitute. inactive because not enough members to service. The system is flawed 
  25. Like
    BluObieZ got a reaction from jRuutu in Robert Report "Mocky Mock"   
    First off I would like to point out that I could not find the draft order so I will not say where these players are going. Not at my fault but at the leagues. If the draft is tonight then when on earth isn’t there a S62 draft thread already? Come on now. I will do a detailed first round mock then just list the players for the 2nd round at the pick I think they will go at.
    1.       LW Leph Twinger Best player in the draft and whoever holds the 1st overall pick would be insane to not draft him. Dollar makes beast players, so if you are building for the future which I assume you are then draft this mam. If you are building like Calgary does, to lose in the finals then draft someone else.
    2.       LW Vesto Slipher back to back LW’s going. I just get the feeling he is the 2nd best player in the draft. Nothing against Palo but Slipher seems like a beast in the making.
    3.       C Rauno Palo he “falls” to 3 which is not bad at all. It’s Ruutu after all. Dude’s a fucking gem of a member on the site. He will build a great player no doubt in my mind.
    4.       LW Konstantin Mulligan goes 4th. A 3rd LW going in the top 5. Pandar worked hard on Mulligan and it shows. Mulligan will be a great complementary player for any team that has established stars on it. Mulligan can and probably will develop into a star sooner rather than later.
    5.       D Maxim Kovalchuk I’ll with Bana here since I don’t know if any of the top four want to bet on him leaving to Seattle. Unless Seattle is in the top 4. If that is the case which very well might be then he goes higher. Unless Seattle has a few top picks which means they go superstar then Kovalchuk who will be good but not great. Yes Bana that is a jab at you.
    6.       C Dan Montgomery I don’t know the dude that created him but I will say that if he keeps up earning the points this guy could be a steal at 6. If the GM that drafts him helps him keep motivated and active Montgomery will turn heads in a few seasons.
    7.       RW Jake Davis God another newbie… I don’t know this guy and that shouldn’t shock people because I don’t care about league coming and goings. Davis if he stays active can become a guy that you can stick on either 1st and 2nd line for added depth and not worry if it will work or not.
    8.       G Johnny Havenk Carison he is too good to slip into the 2nd round. He will go with the last pick because you can never have enough depth at goalie. I have no idea who picks where but this most likely is a good team. So by the time Carison is ready your current starter will be moving on/retiring.  A pretty good investment in a draft that the 2nd round is hit and miss.
    9.      D Cayden Saint
    10.   C Oleksiy Revchenko
    11.   RW Roctrion King
    12.   D Lando Baxter
    13.   LW Ryuu Crimson
    14.   D Dylan Nguyen
    15.   LW Karl von Moltke
    16.   D Shawn Glade
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