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Posts posted by solas

  1. 1. Describe your ideal sandwich

    I'll go with a good chicken sandwich, with jalapenos and/or green peppers, on a brioche bun. I could go either way on condiments, don't know if I'd have a favorite (maybe mustard). To be honest I'm not a huge sandwich guy though.


    2. We've been in the league for a while time now and I think it's time we do this. Which team would be the rivals of the Chicago Phoenix? 

    Berocka wrote an article recently where he suggested LA would be our rivals, which I think is fairly fitting since we came in as North American expansion teams at the same time. I'd also say that Seattle would be a good rival because of our upset win in the S75 playoffs. Warsaw is a cool suggestion but I feel like I'd want our rival to be in the same conference.


    3. Should the team host a game night or a movie night? What game/movie would you choose?

    Movie night is tough because I feel like it's hard to pick a movie that everyone would be interested in. Personally I'd go with a game night but with something like Mario Party or Jackbox since those are fairly simple games that I think pretty much everyone can enjoy.


    4. If you were put in charge of something for a day, what would you like that to be and what would you change or do?

    I'll echo Sonnet and say I don't want to be in charge. Plus I don't think I have solutions that would fix things in a day. I guess for less important things that I'd be far less likely to mess up, I'd probably make myself in charge of some kind of branding/graphic design thing because there are a lot of small things that bother me about that stuff.


    5. What are your thoughts on the league right now? Are there enough people joining or do we need more? Are there any improvements that could be made?

    I don't really have a good pulse on recruitment. I will agree that we could use more variety in recruitment channels, as well as a change where everyone isn't stuck doing the same build. But I don't have the answers so who knows.


    6. We're gonna talk about some emotions here. How are you doing right now? 

    Eh. I'm doing okay now, I wouldn't say I'm feeling great overall but today is a decent enough day. I don't want to spill all my guts but I wasn't exactly happy with things before the pandemic so I don't think COVID has helped. I guess at least I've kinda had the chance to sit back and think things over but then the rest of the world hasn't exactly been great either which doesn't make me feel any better.

  2. 1. Chicago is in a little slump right now and can't seem to win as often as we did before. What can we do to change this?

    Well hopefully switching up the lines helps. Would be nice to see some better performances from our goalie, whoever that guy is 🥴


    2. What is one thing you'd tell to a newer member to the league?

    Man, there are a couple things. Don't get too worried about trying to be the best player of all time right away. It's nice to have that ambition, and I'm not going to tell you to not shoot for it, but at the same time you shouldn't be disappointed when your player isn't amazing. STHS can be fickle sometimes, so your hard work might not be rewarded all the time. And I don't mean this in an old-boys-club-just-wait-until-you're-on-your-tenth-player kind of way, I mean try to just enjoy what you can because the sim is out of your control. Whatever it is that attracts you to the league, keep focusing on that. Because there's a lot of fun stuff to do here. And if it's not for you, it's not for you. That's fine.


    3. Which EU team would you like to see come back for the VHLE? 

    Vasteras, although I suspect my avatar gives that away. If Vasteras doesn't come back I will burn this league to the ground. The team honestly really matters to me (at least as much as a fictional team in a fake hockey league can, so it's not that important) and if there's a legitimate to finally turn around the perception and actually win something with the Iron Eagles it would make me very happy.


    4. Who should be given a chance to GM the new VHLE league?

    This is a really tough one because I'm unfamiliar with who the people are that would want VHLE GM jobs. I considered applying just for Vasteras myself but at this point I am probably the last person who "should be given a chance" because of how long I've been here. Instead I'll give a generic answer and say two groups of people should be considered the most: 1) VHLM GMs who want to have a new challenge and 2) people without management experience who are more interested in a competitive environment rather than the learning-based one of the VHLM (or just haven't had VHLM opportunities). Although on the second one, I would add that if they want to be a future VHL GM I would say that some VHLM involvement should be considered. Not because it directly translates, but because being a GM should be more than just bringing in players and making moves; you should be building a good environment in the locker room, being welcoming to newer members, and just being helpful overall. We've had some GMs in the past, back when nobody wanted to be a GM, who didn't really have this interest in mind. I think the newer crop of GMs since the big recruitment classes of the 60s have been really different in this regard - maybe both because a lot of them started in the VHLM, maybe because they have a more recent experience of being a newer member.  


    Either way this was wayyyyy too long of an answer and I kind of got off track so I'm gonna wrap it up lmfao.


    5. Which line would you say has been the driving force for the team thus far?

    Well it certainly seems like it's been the first line because sadly the second line isn't doing as well. 


    6. Should we chase Lidia for the captain post on the VHL team announcement or should we just let it slide?

    Do it! At this point I imagine everyone who was going to vote has done it already so there's no reason to not announce it other than to be annoying. I always like when teams announce the captains every year.

  3. 1. NHL playoffs are also right around the corner. Any specific matchups you are expecting or any matchup you would like to see?

    I don't even watch hockey! So no, there aren't really any specific matchups I would like to see. Whatever makes the playoffs go by faster so I can actually understand the conversations in discord general chat.


    2. What game are you incredibly good at? PC games, mobile games, drinking games etc.

    I don't think I'm "incredibly good" at any game really. I'm kinda decent at FIFA, I guess if Jeopardy on discord counts then I'm pretty good at that. To be honest video games for me are just something I like to have fun with, so while being bad can be frustrating I'm not too worried about being incredible at them.


    3. Who's the one teammate that you definitely can win a bet against, no doubt?

    Gorlab. Not because I'm better at betting than him, but because he makes so many bets that logically he'll have to lose one.


    4. The conditioning coach offers you pizza, beer, and fries, what do you do? Do you accept it or is it a trap?

    Of course I take it. If they get angry at me then it's stupid. Not a very good way to build up trust between a coach and a player, is it?


    5. The current management team has been in charge for a few seasons now. How are they doing and what can they improve on?

    They could improve by Jeff being less inactive. /s

    But seriously, there really isn't much to be improved upon in my opinion. I think you two have done a great job and I'm really happy with both this team's competitiveness and the environment that has come about in the locker room.


    6. What's the one place you often visited pre-covid times?

    That's tough. There is one friend whose house I'd visit a lot so we could hang out, so that's one. I didn't go to the movies too often but that's definitely a place I'd like to go more often once COVID dies down - there are a lot of things that I feel like I took for granted before all of this happened.

  4. 2 hours ago, Victor said:

    Curious how you think Vasteras' history was ever better than Davos' :P


    Also could Pensfan come back now??

    My logic is that Davos' recent reputation comes from a period of bad GMing rather than the team's overall history. Vasteras' reputation kind of persisted no matter who was in charge which hamstrung any GM who wanted to make the team into a winner - when I was around I think the team was more unlucky than badly managed and that shouldn't have added to the ridicule.  Of course, that could be happening with Davos right now when I think about it...

  5. I didn’t have any ideas for PTs this week so here, have some of my random, unorganized, and largely unedited thoughts. This was originally going to be a VHL.com article but it ended up being so long that I figured I could extend it to 500 words pretty comfortably. Won’t pretend this is my best work but hey, it’s 6 points.


    Seeing the VHLE announced was really surprising as someone who is not at all involved in BoG/blue team decisions. And the more I think about it, honestly, the more I’m interested in it. It preserves the idea of the VHLM as a developmental league (probably enhances it, in fact), and adds a more competitive early league for both new players who are and recreates like myself who aren’t (and shouldn’t be) the target of the VHLM. Personally, my interests in the VHLM have basically been 1) maybe being in a locker room with some cool people to hang out with and 2) trying to accomplish the Sisyphean task of winning a Founder’s Cup so I can finally have a player in the triple gold club. So having a new league based around competitiveness early in players’ careers definitely piqued my interest.


    Of course, the biggest part of this for me is the possible return of Vasteras. You may have seen me bringing up Vasteras a lot since the announcement, and if that was annoying/confusing then I apologize.  This is too short of an article to give you the full breakdown, but long story short Vasteras was a polarizing team that had a small, dedicated group of supporters (myself included) who enjoyed playing for an underdog with a unique and distinctive history. Basically, imagine the memes around Davos now, except stronger, less justified (imo), and extended over ~30 seasons. This article is a good retelling of the team’s history around the time that I was there if you have the time/interest in seeing more details. 


    What I’m getting at here, though, is that I’ve always wanted to see Vasteras return to the VHL - and while that is sadly looking less and less likely, the idea of them coming back this way makes me far more interested in the VHLE. I’m also interested to see what the rest of the league ends up looking like. I won’t say it’s perfect - while I get that the league is going to be 100% old teams being brought back, I would’ve liked to see maybe one or two teams in new locations that haven’t been covered yet. It seems like the VHLE is meant to curb unsustainable expansion in the VHL, so I feel like the locations/teams that would’ve/should’ve been considered for expansion should be considered for the VHLE. It also would’ve been nice to maybe see teams outside of North America or Europe. Either way, I’m still excited by the possibility of the league.


    For a while, I’d been thinking about taking a short break from having a player in this league after Camus just so I could recharge and hopefully be more motivated to max earn with my next player. But now, there’s the possibility that my next player could return to Vasteras, possibly for multiple seasons if I’m not that concerned about earning or my player’s individual success in the VHL. I’ve also even thought about trying for a VHLE GM job when the time comes but I just don’t think that kind of responsibility is for me, if I’d even get hired.


    I don’t know how to finish this article now, so uh...congratulations! You made it to the end of my media spot.

  6. 55 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    Fuck me, is this another stupid dress thing? The crown and eyes ARE yellow! And the face is white, grey, and black...

    Definitely affected by your monitor. It is a really dark green, but it looks different on different on different monitors (I used to see green on my old laptop, now I only see black until I look closer). You can kinda see the green if it's on a darker background (edit: I notice gorlab already said this)

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