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Status Updates posted by Smarch

  1. @eaglesfan036 how was NHL 20 for the first time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beaviss
    3. Brrbisbrr


      just wait until they patch it into oblivion.

    4. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      So it's utter garbage?

  2. VHLM buttom at the top goes to the VHLM portal for the S60 pre-season!

  3. I need the facebook account so I can facebook Live this draft

    1. Da Trifecta
    2. Kendrick


      Send me a message on FB and i can set you up

    3. Smarch


      I added you as a friend on FB. 

  4. VHL Lottery is alive again!



  5. No better time then now to watch, "Where the fuck is Randys Barbeque"

    1. BluObieZ


      You can add a ton of episodes to that list. Fuck. the show will never be the same

  6. NHL 18 Draw today ladies and gentlemen 

  7. Figured out how to change the VHL buttons finally. S56 up for the VHL side. VHLM to be done when Index is posted!

  8. New Skin from @boubabi. Check it out!

    1. Gudnason


      Fucking logoboxes at the top still link to the S54 indexes :fish:

    2. Smarch


      I dunno how to change those after looking tbh @Higgins @boubabi maybe knows too

    3. boubabi


      I will edit that later tonight

  9. Depreciation done for NA. EU to be done later today!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smarch


      Done Depreciaton outside the FA that sign!

    3. der meister

      der meister

      Was mine done based on the 10m store purchase? 

    4. Smarch


      Yeah 4% instead of 5% right?


  10. The threads for all 7 days of VHL memories are open in case you missed any days.  Hit them up before the close late Monday night 

    1. Devise


      I posted two in Day 6 to make up for my Day 5, but thanks for doing that sir. Most everyone was around all week and I think we saw some more daily activity due to the giveaways, so that is always a plus. :cheers: 

  11. VHL Playoffs and Draft Lottery in the same night. #MakeVHLGreatAgain

  12. Happy Birthday @Phil. 29 sexy years old!

    1. Phil


      Shirtless selfie bday pic? I think so

    2. Phil


      haha but thanks bud! 

  13. Let's get that Off-Season Schedule up and running today. Bring some more excitment to the boards!

  14. #VHLDraftLottery???


    1. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      Or turn the tides in your favor!

  15. Stop in Saskatchewan homo

    1. Advantage


      Planes dont work like that slut.  I might tho when I move out west since ill have to drive it.

    2. BOOM


      Surely you meant stop homos in Saskatchewan?

  16. Hi Higgins

    1. Higgins


      this reminds me of an older person getting on facebook for the first time

    2. Smarch


      I just seen you creeping my profile when i posted that, that's why I did it 

    3. Higgins


      i was having a stroke to your profile pic

  17. Get your predictions done boy, i need some TPEZ

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