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Status Updates posted by Beketov

  1. Draft Lottery will be this morning. No one will be around to see it for a few hours I’m sure but it’s the only time I have.

  2. Haven’t counted up anybody else but I’m at 146 fantasy points for the NHL predictions. Definitely the best year for them I’ve ever had.

    1. diamond_ace


      I'm at 134. Was doing fantastically then butchered the 3rd round

    2. DollarAndADream


      I believe I'm at 126, so there goes my TPE hopes, just knowing what you 2 have. :lol:

    3. diamond_ace


      @DollarAndADream it's selection bias. The only people likely to count their scores are people who believe they're doing well. You're not in 1st or 2nd, but realistically you may still be nearer the top than the bottom

  3. For the first time in 11 years I’m considering skipping CoD... this feels weird.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Beaviss


      @Beketov buy god of war and do Godcast (see what I did there?)

    3. Beketov


      @Beaviss maybe on that one. I do find single player tricky because I have to focus on the narrative while also focusing on casting. CoD is good because it’s mindless more or less for me.

    4. DollarAndADream


      GoW is good where you can talk VHL during the killing, and just pause for the cut-scenes and talking gameplay. There's obviously a lot of mindless killing, and treasure hunting in there where you could easily talk about VHL, etc.


      There's a lot of parts where they talk during gameplay too, but you could definitely just stop talking yourself, since you could make it like a Let's Play....and your VHL audience would probably like to know what happens too. Depends how you would do it, if you'd only do it for streaming purposes, there's like 30 hours of story. But if you also would play on your own and not record, then your viewers wouldn't get to know what happened.

  4. Anyone want to come hang out? 


    1. Beketov


      Holy shit, twitch embeds now!

  5. @BluObieZ what’s going on with the prospect rankings?

    1. BluObieZ


      Had to put the family pet down and break it to my son.  I'll get one up today I think

    2. Beketov


      No problem; just checking.

  6. Once I can get my computer to behave I’ll be going live on twitch if anyone wants to come hang out. 



  7. Was checking stats for HoF Discussion and noticed that Holik finished ahead of DeGrath in shutouts by 2. This makes me happy. @STZ will definitely still get into the hall before me (unless I do this season which I find highly unlikely) but at least he didn’t beat the one stat I’m most proud of.


    Also interesting. @Bring Back Player 2 (Tri) probably would have beat me if he didn’t retire early. Might have actually been able to top Clegane.

    1. STZ
    2. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      I was aiming for most wins but saw it was out of the realm of possibilities

  8. Had to put put some fires so 

    going live for maybe a shorter stream tonight. Come hang out!


  9. A reminder to BOG members, the Award discussion is up, go put in your say and get ready to vote so that I don't have to again.

  10. I just want to point out that in the last 5 days we have had 135 registrations. That is a mind-boggling amount. To all the new guys, I hope you find a new hobby you can enjoy with the VHL. We’re doing our best to ha doe how insane these numbers are haha.

    1. Gooningitup


      If they arent all scared away by the hostility by members 

    2. BOOM


      How many multi's?



  11. My inbox seriously does not know how to ha dale all of these new members (since my account sends a welcome email to everyone). It’s been sending me notifications from messages I received last week.


    P.S in case anyone is curious, we’ve had 92 registrations in the last 2 days!

    1. Bushito
    2. Banackock


      And 3 are online. 

  12. Going live in a couple of minutes if anyone wants to come hang out.



  13. 16 members online, 5 in chat. Clearly it's not as popular as @Bring Back Chat led us to believe.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Higgins


      It heats up in the offseason like everything else

    3. Beaviss


      Higgins is it possible to implement mobile chat?

    4. Higgins


      Yeah I think so

  14. This is the first time I've been on a computer instead of mobile since the move. Seeing chat back warms my heart. Time for @Bring Back Chat to re-create I'm thinking.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beketov


      You youngin's with your lack of respect.

    3. boubabi


      Can't always build draft on old stock

    4. eaglesfan036


      I'm making a HoF player confirmed



  15. Well, I lost my press conference, 590 article, and update from earlier. This is what I get for doing them in the day of the move I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Banackock
    3. Beketov


      @DollarAndADream basically the backup they gave us was from the middle of the night so essentially anything that happened yesterday morning / afternoon was wiped out.

    4. DollarAndADream


      I never did anything too important I don't think. Pretty sure just replied to some quotes. :lol:

  16. Going live on twitch if anyone wants to come hang out for a bit.



  17. Going live in a few minutes if anyone wants to come hang out on stream.



  18. Anyone wanna come hang out in a stream? https://www.twitch.tv/sharpe_gaming/

  19. I often claim I play CoD to de-stress. I don’t know if it works but I know I need to try tonight because damn do I need it. Come hang out while I do eh?



    1. Bushito


      Don't sweat the small stuff, or the big stuff. Fuck it don't sweat any stuff.

    2. Banackock


      Masturbation and sex help too. Get Tinder or some lotion. 

    3. Exlaxchronicles


      Fuck....just crack a few beers, it'll calm ya down.

  20. The vote for top leader is still ongoing. If you have not voted go do so here before the end of today.

  21. I just went 50-15 in a single match of Hardpoint. Thought you might like to know haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      That’s what I did it in. I loved Hardpoint back in AW but haven’t really enjoyed the mode much since; way too many tryhards normally.

    3. Beketov


      Just went 57-9 on the same map, same mode. I like this DLC haha

    4. DollarAndADream


      I like the new Occupation map. Although I liked it in MW3 too, but I think it fits well in WW2.

  22. Was just playing a War match in CoD with @DollarAndADream and got dropped from the game at 86 kills. CoD can’t handle me apparently.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beketov


      Go watch more CoDCasts; they’re clearly educational.

    3. DollarAndADream


      Dat moment when I get a 55 kills in War contract with a 40 minute time limit and don't get it done....smh

    4. Beketov


      RIP. I would have had done in 1 round :P

  23. @tfong complains that I only play CoD so I’m playing a different game if anyone wants to hang out. https://www.twitch.tv/sharpe_gaming/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DollarAndADream




      If the pressure's on me in a CoDCast, I'll probably play like shit! :P  But yeah, I'd be down.

    3. Beketov


      You imply I don’t play like shit. Have you ever watched a CoDCast?

    4. DollarAndADream


      Sometimes, sometimes. :lol:

  24. If your LR permissions (or any Area 51 permissions) are all screwey please let me know so we can get them fixed up. Lot's of moving around this off-season.



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