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Posts posted by Moon

  1. I'd like to apply!

    I have always been interested in this role and I think I could be a really good fit. From a young age I have always been the situation defuser and problem solver. I love helping people and making sure they feel safe and welcome, I feel I can do that as a moderator and some!

    I am very active on discord throughout the day, I would say my most active hours are 11am - 11pm(PST) sometimes later it depends how I feel, I have way too much time on my hands but I'm completely willing to put in that extra time I have into moderating and making sure this discord/forum is safe and fun for everyone.

    I can respond to discord pings fairly quick depending if I am at my PC or not. I am 2fa verified.

    I am 17 almost 18, my birthday is in less than a month. I feel I can be very mature and completely able to act above my age. I grew up in a family with divorced parents and with a mother who has health issues so I was basically brought up and had to do a lot of stuff a young child wouldn't do, so I have learnt how to act older.

    I do hold 2 league jobs: Recruitment team and Interim VHLM GM. I do plan on getting a full-time GM job this off-season and I have taken a step back to part-time in the recruitment team. I feel I have no conflict of interest with these 2 jobs. It may seem like I'm taking on lots with applying to become mod but with me being only "Part-time" on the recruitment team I feel I can prioritize the moderation job and still be a recruitment team member on the side.

    I don't really have experience moderating, besides a little in the Pro-am discord but I wouldn't call that moderating. I feel I do have the ability and drive to be a moderator.

    I feel I can deal with difficult situations and figure out solutions/defuse the situation without avoidance.

    Thanks and good luck to all!

  2. After some time of doing interviews with all of those who applied we have finally came to a conclusion on who will fill the spot in the Recruitment Team! Thanks to all of those who applied!

    This person we feel will fit well with our group and has some good ideas on how to improve the recruitment in the VHL.

    This person is.......... @N0HBDY!! Glad to have you part of the team! ❤️

    Thanks again to all of those who applied, all were great candidates for the job, made our choice pretty tough!


  3. 2 hours ago, Gustav said:

    It's been known for a long time that the VHLM is characterized by an extreme boom-bust cycle which often rewards teams for tanking--and subsequently stacking up multiple drafts' worth of picks at once--for targeted success in select seasons. It's also been almost a general consensus around the league that this isn't great for the environment of the VHLM and its (supposed) focus on player development. Proposed solutions to this over the years have included restrictions on holding picks to banning trading of picks entirely to changing the way the VHLM works to eliminate the draft altogether.


    Currently, VHLM rules allow for a maximum of three picks to be held in each of the first two rounds of any given draft. It's obvious that this is far too relaxed--so, we've got some news for you involving stricter restrictions on draft picks held by VHLM teams. Specifically:


    • No team may hold more than two picks in each of the first two rounds of any VHLM draft. For example, a team may have up to two 1st-round picks and two 2nd-round picks, but no more.
    • Each team must hold a minimum of four picks in the first four rounds of any draft.
    • Each team must hold at least one pick in either the first or second round of any draft.



    This change is effective as of the S87 draft. Picks have already been moved for S86 such that this would not work for next season.



    We hope this does its job in ensuring that each VHLM team is able to maintain a reasonably competitive environment, whether buying or selling. Also--we hope we aren't just here to crack down. More freedoms to come in some form at some point 👁️


    @VHLM GM

    @VHLM Commissioner

    Great Change Fellas!

  4. 1. What do you think our record will be at the end of the season??
    2. Which VHL team has shocked you by their performance thus far?
    3. Which VHL team do you think needs to be relocated?
    4. Who is your early prediction to win the Continental Cup?
    5. What is your favourite dessert?
    6. What is your favourite Olympic Sport?

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