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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. If it was skip the VHLM and have higher carryover vs doing the VHLM exactly as we have it now, I'd definitely still do the VHLM exactly as we have it now. If I had to forfeit carryover altogether in order to stay down, I'd probably go up, but only because I'd feel like I had to.
  2. Sunday is over, this should be closed.
  3. The world needs more SQUINTY.
  4. To be fair, everything I write feels like I tried too hard, even when (as in this case) I don't try much at all. Just needed to be safely through, and I think I've done that.
  5. well fuck you too then
  6. Only because a lot of scoring systems rate 3 TD and 3 INT (Cutler's usual) better than 1 TD and 0 INT from a solid, if unspectacular QB on a running team.
  7. You could just make the reserves "Z Name Name" so as to make sure they're set apart from the real players. Anyone with a Z is fake. However, I suppose that would just make someone name themselves "Z Cal G" or "Z Gifford Shock" and that would just ruin it again.
  8. True except the sim will wait a few seasons and pick Kerkko Hyvarinen, finally...
  9. I agree with the bottom half of this post.
  10. Just wait it out a few seasons guys, there's an S44 draftee (and an S55 HOF inductee) coming to a blue line near you!
  11. This is as good a place as any for it, let's hope the writing ranks bring some people down to this section of the board.
  12. No idea. You're in the Roster Submission in the GM forum, and I even bumped it to make sure you went in. Someone just didn't add you for whatever reason. (Also, less important, but LaMichael Charmander needs to be added as well)
  13. No, it's just funny because I sell USA Gold at work, and while I've seen people talk about USA in regards to gold medals, I've only ever seen that exact phrase (with Gold capitalized) with regards to the cigarette.
  14. Good to see I'm not the only one who bumps when people inaccurately predict. You guys are better than I thought you'd be. Still no Chelsea...
  15. USA Gold is a cigarette
  16. Hard to get motivated for that Bronze game
  17. I want to be the Fake Big Bad that turns out to have some tie to the party. Think Golbez, Judge Gabranth, Queen Brahne, Rose.
  18. <-- Jardy Builder
  19. So about that unsurmountably buried:
  20. 94-95 season is the only relatively recent one I can think of that ended up with a weird winner (Blackburn)
  21. Keeler, Williams, Encarnacion, and Kowalski all on the same team. This is going to be fun.
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