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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. I mean I'm not a fan of Pool, but I'd say they're there or so, this season anyway. They got a lucky draw to get as far as the finals, but realistically they're probably about a quarters team, which is still 10-15
  2. Yes, and I believe it always has been. This is not something that has been changed You can't post multiple. You can post one that has more words. If you post one that's 1000 to 1499 words, it can count for 2 weeks. If you post one that's 1500 to 1999 words, it can count for 3 weeks. If you post one over 2000 (or at 2000) it can count for 4 weeks. Has to technically all be the same one though Still around, also you can claim them right away. Grading isn't much of a thing at all now, some stuff gets "reviewed" but that doesn't do much unless there's clearly something wrong Press conferences are new, you can get 2 TPE for them. You can ask questions, answer questions, or a combination of both. Also, 590 is now 2 TPE. He's here periodically, just not often No major records that I'm aware of. You can probably tell there was contraction, not sure if that was yet a thing when you were here. Same STHS. 4/5 play in a best of 3 WC round. 1 plays the winner, 2 plays 3, and from there on out it's best of 7 like always. Often there are 2 games in the same round simmed at the same time to try to speed it up a bit. VHLM is down to 5 teams now, everyone makes the playoffs (same format as VHL with 4/5 in a best of 3). Most of the vets are still not super into it. There's enough noobs now though that the interest is there from them. Beaviss (VHLM Commish) used some of the Donation funds to pay a big youtube guy (Tactix HD) to run an ad at the beginning of his videos (twice so far, about a month and a half apart) and it's working for getting them in, although retention is an issue. Since the VHLM is 5 teams, it's been actually going into the 5th round or so. You'll be in that, and likely not the VHL one until the following season.
  3. @Hybrid1486 I see you on, make a guy :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hybrid1486


      I make zero promises, but I'm writing something right now so who knows

    3. DollarAndADream


      Next player as good as Waldron, imo. :P

    4. Hybrid1486


      Welfare Goalie GOAT

  4. So if I'm picking and choosing games to play well in, this is the time to put up this type of game
  5. I hope this doesn't get in his head and kind of kill what's left of his development, but it almost certainly will. It wouldn't surprise me if he spends the majority of his career at a Lyon/Galatasaray/Shakhtar level club the rest of the way. I saw an article that compared this to Barbosa (Brazil goalie, 1950 WC) letting in Ghiggia's easy goal for Uruguay to win. That shit haunted him the rest of his career. "The maximum punishment in Brazil is 30 years imprisonment, but I have been paying, for something I am not even responsible for, by now, for 50 years." Admittedly, club level fans don't have the same sense of "letting them down" that national team fans do, so I don't think it'll go quite that far, but I doubt Karius ever plays for another top 10-15 club.
  6. Golden Knights (P1) - Capitals (M1) Winner: Vegas # of Games: 7
  7. Troy is stevo. He has the hang of things
  8. Too far to travel for during the series, but in the offseason, you guys are certainly welcome to come out to Shadow Pond and set up in the pathway through the garden area. Boris won't mind. (Just to let you in on it - Lawson is a character from the show Royal Pains, which ended a few years ago after 8 seasons. I'm playing this as he quits at the end of the show and becomes a hockey player. They're based in the Hamptons, Boris is a rich guy with a massive mansion called Shadow Pond, and Evan and Hank lived in the guest house for much of the run of the show. There's one of those super fancy gardens like you'd see at a palace or something, and the pathway down the middle is big enough for cars to drive through, so it would be great for something like this.)
  9. Agreed - we've been discussing it in the Board for some time now. I'm heavily in favor of a change; to be honest, I'm not really that concerned about people taking advantage of it, as people will always do what's just inside the rules, that's part of sim leagues (how many times, for example, do people throw out a PT or a few 590s so they can stay down and get achievement tracker). That is, however, the primary argument against, and there are definitely people more concerned about that side of things. Ultimately I think something will get done, it's just a matter of what exactly, and how quickly it's agreed upon.
  10. Vegas or Caps? What do you think Vegas does next year, when the glass slipper breaks and they play like a bunch of third liners who weren't kept by their teams for a reason?
  11. Primarily I was going for the fact that Francis, like Backstrom, played a good chunk of his career alongside a bigger star and so never got the accolades. Oates went from team to team more often (although had he stayed in St Louis with Hull for more than 5 minutes it would have worked). Similar player, but not really similar circumstance.
  12. You guys are still easily one of the best teams. Wouldn't surprise me to see you take it. Would surprise me if you didn't get to at least the semis
  13. Agreed re: Backstrom. He's the 90s Pens Ron Francis of the current Caps era. Reliable assists guy on a good team, but the attention goes to the scorer. Backstrom will get into the HOF
  14. It's kind of complicated for me. On one hand, and this is the primary of course, Fleury was a Pen for so long and he's basically been plan B for most Pens fans ever since we've gone out. Obviously it would be a good story for him to win. That paired with the fact that I hate the Caps makes the actual preference rather obvious. However, at the same time I kind of almost feel bad for Ovechkin. A player of that level who had the misfortune of being in the same division at the same time as a guy who will probably end up at or near top 10 all time (Crosby) deserves something to show for his efforts, and unlike the last time a player like that came along on a team I hate (Lindros as a contemporary of late Lemieux/early Jagr) Ovechkin hasn't been outwardly a dick so for the sake of his legacy I kind of want to separate the player from team interests.
  15. @Wolf Edmunds @TWalkerFC @DollarAndADream @street @Ahma @eaglesfan036 @124715 @Devise @DeathOnReddit @iRockstar
  16. https://bracketchallenge.fifa.com/bracket/prediction
  17. Ah tell you he gone.
  18. I'll throw a million out there if you want to have Twinger on the same team as Ironside. Also, @Beaviss if he signs, I'm cutting Charizard (if he doesn't, I'm keeping him).
  19. I like it. I think maybe it could do with some articles (not too many, I like the ads/graphical side of it, but just a balance of sorts). Hint hint
  20. I can definitely do that. I only really did a scorer because it was the one thing I hadn't done, it really doesn't come naturally to me to want to do that. I can try to move Lawson toward more of a Marcellin type - passing and center and all of that. Who knows, maybe he'll be just a tad better than Marcellin and actually make a decent case for HOF - so far, definitely not so good
  21. Do you want me to switch it up? Obviously not a reroll or anything like that, but work on passing for the most part until it's a little higher than scoring
  22. It's nice to know a player with 80 scoring and 54 passing can get 0 goals and 2 assists.
  23. The thing I think is interesting is that each of the teams competing for this has a seemingly "preferred" top tier team they're almost 500 against. Calgary-NY, Davos-Seattle, Riga-Helsinki.
  24. VFL was my first, a month or two before here. I was briefly in MSFL Reborn, but not the original. In tons of the short football leagues though
  25. I always used to media grade when I wasn't on the mag. It was tedious as fuck, although that might just be because I was more meticulous with grammar errors than most. Still though, it was hard to find a happy medium - if I know that both X and Y are wrong, it's hard to determine which is "more wrong" and which is "less wrong" unless one is something like ending a sentence with a preposition, where it's obviously a relatively advanced issue.
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