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Town of Salem #18


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15 minutes ago, 16z said:

Alright, this time I'll copy the results from Gustav instead of the investigator page, didn't know the results were different is all

wait what? bad guys copy from the investigator page to make their fake claims look legit?

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29 minutes ago, 16z said:

Alright, this time I'll copy the results from Gustav instead of the investigator page, didn't know the results were different is all


If I get another request though I'm just going to investigate omgitshim? Plays simalir to Eagles


Side Eye Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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2 hours ago, jhatty8 said:

can you post your full will?



N1: Spartan, bigAL, or Domg5 is evil!

N2: osens or Lefty_S is good!

N3: osens, BarzalGoat, or Ptyrell is evil!


I've been investigated a few times but no actions that would alert me have happened at night otherwise on my end. 

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  • Gustav locked this topic

It's the end of the day! And by the looks of it, today the town has decided they want to kill @MattyIce.


(Thank you for the vote trackers, some days I've been at work, other days I've just been lazy or stupid or both or even all three).


Lack of a claim goes the way a lack of a claim usually goes around these parts, and Matty is dead. He was the COVEN LEADER.


I don't have to work until later on in the day tomorrow...so expect the next day phase to kick off god-knows-when.



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Gustav rolls out of bed, finally. *Vivo para dormir*, I suppose.


@Sixersfan594 is the latest victim of a yeeting from the MAFIA. Upon further review, the town finds that the Mafia has killed a JESTER.


@N0HBDY was also shot by a VIGILANTE. He was a HYPNOTIST.


Night phase coming a bit after 10 as I'm at work until 10.



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  • Gustav unlocked this topic
2 minutes ago, osens said:

used doctor on hatter


@Mr_Hatter if you did your action last night, you should have shot someone if this is true. Can you confirm? If you didn't act then there's no real way to know.


Anyway I checked out osens last night and got Framer, Vampire, Jester, or Hex Master. So either he's lying or there's definitely a Framer or Hex Master running around.

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6 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

Also no coven kill, was anyone attacked and healed? Also also, they should have necro now. 


We know there's a Potion Master running around since they killed before. With Necro they have no cooldown on potions but could be using revealing or healing instead. I'd think we would have seen a Medusa or Poisoner kill by now if they exist, but there might be a Hex Master running around doing their thing. HM would kill if they had Necro, so even if one exits it's likely PM has Necro now.

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21 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


@Mr_Hatter if you did your action last night, you should have shot someone if this is true. Can you confirm? If you didn't act then there's no real way to know.


Anyway I checked out osens last night and got Framer, Vampire, Jester, or Hex Master. So either he's lying or there's definitely a Framer or Hex Master running around.

well that means I have been framed, I feel like I am second doctor so I am pretty important, not sure how can I prove myself here, no roles are dead that would show I have visited them.

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Super weird thing happened last night. I chose to shoot Nobody, yeah good he dead, but I was also transported to another location? Shouldn't I have shot someone else?

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Just now, bigAL said:

Super weird thing happened last night. I chose to shoot Nobody, yeah good he dead, but I was also transported to another location? Shouldn't I have shot someone else?

Not if your target wasn’t transported I believe

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1 minute ago, bigAL said:

Super weird thing happened last night. I chose to shoot Nobody, yeah good he dead, but I was also transported to another location? Shouldn't I have shot someone else?


being transed switches who visits you, not who you visit

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1 minute ago, bigAL said:

Super weird thing happened last night. I chose to shoot Nobody, yeah good he dead, but I was also transported to another location? Shouldn't I have shot someone else?


That's not how transporter works, it would change who visits you. But since Nobody was Hypno it's more likely you got hypno'd since he was the one claiming it.


5 minutes ago, osens said:

well that means I have been framed, I feel like I am second doctor so I am pretty important, not sure how can I prove myself here, no roles are dead that would show I have visited them.


You used the Doctor already though. There's still a Lookout you could use that could give some info, but without other Town dead there's not much else you can do.

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2 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


That's not how transporter works, it would change who visits you. But since Nobody was Hypno it's more likely you got hypno'd since he was the one claiming it.



You used the Doctor already though. There's still a Lookout you could use that could give some info, but without other Town dead there's not much else you can do.

oof I thought I can re-use them, shiiiit my bad

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Hey all. No transports on my end, here are my night 4 results.


Ptyrell or osens is good!


Good night for the town considering the misfire on the Jester kill and another great pick off by our Vigilante. I don't really know where I'm leaning at this point. None of my info really paints him one way or the other given he's shown up 3 times now but each situation has been a example where he could go either way as someone else's confirmed role takes care of what my vision says. 


Honestly the only real piece of information we glean from this is that FOR SURE one of Osens/Ptyrell is good. But again, the other could be town too so. :S Waiting on more info at this point but I'll keep my ear to the ground. We'll need to keep an eye on when/who we want to ask our Medium to séance though, unless he knows of some vital info that he feels is worth giving one of these nights. 

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1 minute ago, Devise said:

Hey all. No transports on my end, here are my night 4 results.


Ptyrell or osens is good!


Good night for the town considering the misfire on the Jester kill and another great pick off by our Vigilante. I don't really know where I'm leaning at this point. None of my info really paints him one way or the other given he's shown up 3 times now but each situation has been a example where he could go either way as someone else's confirmed role takes care of what my vision says. 


Honestly the only real piece of information we glean from this is that FOR SURE one of Osens/Ptyrell is good. But again, the other could be town too so. :S Waiting on more info at this point but I'll keep my ear to the ground. We'll need to keep an eye on when/who we want to ask our Medium to séance though, unless he knows of some vital info that he feels is worth giving one of these nights. 

your results are obsessed with me haha

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