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Town of Salem #20


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4 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

In general ptyrell, what is your full will?

Brace yourself...


Last Will:
N1: omg > Goliathus (who died to pirate)
N2: EE - roleblocked
n3: osens > omg (who died to CL and jugg)


Alive (13)
Me - tracker
Devise - trans n2 ricer/omg n3 doom/adv
Ricer - trans n2 ptyrell/doom, n3 wentz/ricer
Wentz - medium
Jhatty - escort n1 sixers n2 doom (ptyrell) n3 wentz (ricer) poisoned
Doom - claims vigi n3 n0hbdy (def too high)
Nohbdy - claims survivor, n3 vest and attacked
Jericho - claims invest n1 devise trans n2 jhatty escort n3 juice surv/VH/amne/medusa/psychic
Juice- claims GA turned survivor, was dueled n3 when coven killed pirate
Mr Hatter - claims sheriff n1 osens inno n2 doom inno (ptyrell),  n3 flex sus
Osens - claims LO, controlled by witch n1, n3 doom (adv) visited by devise
Mmflex - claims invest, poisoned n1 hatter sheriff/exe/ww/poisoner, n3 doom (adv) vigi/vet/maf/pirate/ambu
Advantage - claims vet


Jugg - 
PM - 
CL -
Poisoner - 


Dead (8)
Goli - spy
Domg - necro
Barzal - doc
Sixers - trapper
EE - exe
Lefty - vigi
Berocka - psychic n1 doom/nohbdy/domg n2 doom/ricer
Omg - pirate

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I forgot you did out omg. Could easily be our PM though, and just gotten lucky with the N1 invest on omg. 


I don’t have a huge problem with osens, I agree he seems to be our jugg. That checks out with my n1 result, since jugg comes out as NS. 


I just feel like its so unlikely flex could have been hexed, and I got a sus result. Maybe @jhatty8 could rb him tonight so we can try and keep him isolated

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6 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Brace yourself...


Last Will:
N1: omg > Goliathus (who died to pirate)
N2: EE - roleblocked
n3: osens > omg (who died to CL and jugg)


Alive (13)
Me - tracker
Devise - trans n2 ricer/omg n3 doom/adv
Ricer - trans n2 ptyrell/doom, n3 wentz/ricer
Wentz - medium
Jhatty - escort n1 sixers n2 doom (ptyrell) n3 wentz (ricer) poisoned
Doom - claims vigi n3 n0hbdy (def too high)
Nohbdy - claims survivor, n3 vest and attacked
Jericho - claims invest n1 devise trans n2 jhatty escort n3 juice surv/VH/amne/medusa/psychic
Juice- claims GA turned survivor, was dueled n3 when coven killed pirate
Mr Hatter - claims sheriff n1 osens inno n2 doom inno (ptyrell),  n3 flex sus
Osens - claims LO, controlled by witch n1, n3 doom (adv) visited by devise
Mmflex - claims invest, poisoned n1 hatter sheriff/exe/ww/poisoner, n3 doom (adv) vigi/vet/maf/pirate/ambu
Advantage - claims vet


Jugg - 
PM - 
CL -
Poisoner - 


Dead (8)
Goli - spy
Domg - necro
Barzal - doc
Sixers - trapper
EE - exe
Lefty - vigi
Berocka - psychic n1 doom/nohbdy/domg n2 doom/ricer
Omg - pirate

Feel free to use this as a media spot :kekw:

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11 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:


Vote Osens


Still think flex is lying. But I'd rather be sure we get the presumed jugg out

Is there any other LO claim? Maybe Flex and Osens are both telling the truth and some others are lying?

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 Vote Osens


@WentzKneeFan036just wanted to double check what you wanted out of the investigators? I'm investigating you, but we also have a transporter swap you with someone anonymously and then I read off my (knowingly incorrect) results? Then the transporter reveals who they swapped you with and we verify my invesitagtory results from that?

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3 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

Is there any other LO claim? Maybe Flex and Osens are both telling the truth and some others are lying?

I dont think it's possible. Osens says he saw only devise. You both said you visited the same person. Neither of you were controlled yesterday (CL hit omg)

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5 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

Is there any other LO claim? Maybe Flex and Osens are both telling the truth and some others are lying?

No other LO claim, and osens is almost all but proven to be either CL or Jugg based on the information given out by @Ptyrelland @WentzKneeFan036, so it's a bit sus that you're trying to cover for both you AND him. 🤔

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24 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

@Ricer13 @Devisefull transporter wills please?


7 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

N1- Self & Goliathus

N2- Doom & Pytrell

N3- Self & Eagles

Wow you saved yourself n1. How do you get attacked every single n1 lol. 2nd game in a row you were targeted n1 and then transporter saved you

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34 minutes ago, Doomsday said:



I can take a shot at someone we deem sus. 

I'd love for you to shoot FLEX. I'm not exe, idc if he is lynched or killed at night. I've said my piece on why I find him sus.


The fact that he showed up sus in my result, almost no chance he was hexed, not to mention it would give information about other people (less so now since we are gonna be lynching osens, but still valuable), and the fact that he forgot to investigate N2 and only gave preclaimed roles.


None completely incriminating by itself, but I can't help but feel it adds up

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28 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:


Wow you saved yourself n1. How do you get attacked every single n1 lol. 2nd game in a row you were targeted n1 and then transporter saved you

Lucky motherfucker...

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  • Moderator

Actually I think the pirate is immune to transporting. So if OMG attacked Goliathus he still had to fight him regardless of my transport. I’m not 100 percent sure but I think that’s right 

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