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It wouldn't be Gotham without a little chaos now would it? There is a lot to decipher from last night activity so let's get right to it. 


Let's get started on the Vote to Expose Batmans Identity. The tally's for last nights vote are as follows: 


8/11 People voted Meaning 4 votes are needed for 50%. 

3 for Jericho
2 for Zack
1 for NSG
1 for Pytrell 
1 for MMFlex

There is not enough votes for 50%, Batmans identity is still a mystery and Mob cannot attempt to expose Batman again until Day 4. 


NSG was sent to jail last night. It really matters...I promise....(sarcasm) 


The Lazarus Pit was activated last night. @Doomsday Commissioner James Gordon has been brought back to life and has returned to the game. His Bat-Signal ability will be active again provided he is alive at the start of the Day 4!


Oh and...lastly....we sadly have another causality to report on. @Jericho has been shot in cold blood, a coin with two heads on it was found on top of his dead body. Jericho's role was....Blackgate Jailor! 

That means we have ourselves a good old fashioned JAILBREAK everyone. All members who were jailed (Molholt, Ben and NSG) are hereby released back into the wild. I believe that concludes what Gotham learns in public from last nights action. If you were dealt death attacks last night and still have Armor Stacks remaining I would of noted it to you privately, just want to make sure people get how that works. As Villains and Heroes by default survive one of those. 




Player List 


1. @Ricer13
2. @Spartan
3. @Zack
4. @Goliathus
6.  @Doomsday(Commissioner Gordon) 
7. @Adrest245
8. @NSG
9. @jhatty8
10. @Ben
11.  ADV (Dead)
12. @rory
13. Berocka (Deadshot, Wins the game for Killing one of his targets) 
14. Jericho (Blackgate Jailor - Dead)
15.  @Squidward
16. @Molholt 
17. @Ptyrell


We have 13 living players still in the game, which means we need 7 to vote to jail again tonight. Good luck, and uh...yeah good luck Gotham haha! 



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  • Devise unlocked this topic

Hello All, I am the Private Investigator. Here are my results:


N1: You investigated ADV. ADV can be one of the following roles: GCPD Scout, Catwoman, Two Face, Batman.


N2: You investigated Spartan. Spartan can be one of the following roles: Ra's Al Ghul, Private Investigator, Catwoman, or Scarecrow.

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1 minute ago, Squidward said:

how does jail work with dead jailor


Members of Bat-Family and some other members of Gotham are still capable of jailing, on top of the fact that there is a vote to jail. Those with Discord access (Including Commissioner Gordon for example) still see the jail discord as normal so they'll still be able to get info. The only real downside to it as that Gotham can't release people manually from jail any longer, and has to trust the info they have. 

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Just now, Ricer13 said:

Being as that I am the PI that narrows Spartan down to either Ra’s, Catwoman or Scarecrow!

Doesn't look like PI is unique, and with Ra already reviving his gotham role i'm fine to VOTE SPARTAN

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3 minutes ago, rory said:

Doesn't look like PI is unique, and with Ra already reviving his gotham role i'm fine to VOTE SPARTAN

I'm unkillable, leave me alone lol. I think. Or I can do my shit from jail, save everyone's time 🙃

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Just now, MMFLEX said:

So you're Ra's

Yeah, I'm chilling. You're welcome for bringing Gordon back. Maybe if you leave me alone, I'll be kind with the other factions resurrections.

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Just now, Spartan said:

Wasn't that just for yesterday? Think you're fine now right?

I was roleblocked night 1, and now I disrupted for this day

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23 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Hello All, I am the Private Investigator. Here are my results:


N1: You investigated ADV. ADV can be one of the following roles: GCPD Scout, Catwoman, Two Face, Batman.


N2: You investigated Spartan. Spartan can be one of the following roles: Ra's Al Ghul, Private Investigator, Catwoman, or Scarecrow.

I confirm 

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19 hours ago, Jericho said:

Ben Ben-Dahl and NSG are also in jail chat with us. Besides Devise and Gus of course but they don't count


I can now confirm this as well, since I'm not stuck in the silent jail. 


Given the list of people that can see jail, and since Gordon was gone at that point, at least one of Ben/NSG has to be non-Gotham if not both (odds would be pretty high for non-Gotham, given the options).

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14 minutes ago, Molholt said:


I can now confirm this as well, since I'm not stuck in the silent jail. 


Given the list of people that can see jail, and since Gordon was gone at that point, at least one of Ben/NSG has to be non-Gotham if not both (odds would be pretty high for non-Gotham, given the options).

Given that Ben has jail access and was able to confirm Ricer as gotham, could possibly make him catwoman.

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