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Who I am Thankful for


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Hello world, this is Berocka. I am here to tell you all who has made the VHL a wonderful place for me in the past 3 years. These are the people who have had more of an impact on my time here. If I had to write about everyone who has positively impacted me here this Media Spot would last until S150.

So, in ascending order of beauty here are the people who I wish to thank.


This man has provided me with the most happiness and interest in the actual sim league in my small time here. He is honestly one of the nicest caring people here even though most people just see his spiky exterior. I have had plenty of conversations with him over my time here and they have always been pleasant. They should change the Seattle Bears to the Seattle Teddys due to how nice Bana is. I will never forget my time here and enjoyed the 4 cups we won together.


True Aussie comradery has occurred between Boom and myself, every time I chat with him it is an absolute hoot. He is always the first to reach out and I really have appreciated everything he has done for me. If only he lived a touch closer would love to share a alcoholic beverage of some sort. Maybe a nice Shiraz.

@ctots & @Shindigs

The newest members on this list. A frequent listener of the Berocka podasts and it is always great to see their comments on my podcast and them answering the questions. Ctots has given me my first podcast intro and I feel like listening to and or reading their responses means I have a decent rapport with these two without even speaking to them directly.


Man, where do I even start, the only bloke I have met in real life from the VHL. I think if you added up all the hours, we have spoke off air it would probably equal the time we have recorded. Always great to have a chat to boot and to throw around some friendly sledging and banter. Even though I joke you are only half Australian you are definitely a person I consider more than half a friend. P.S. Sorry for buying you the smallest, weakest beer possible, honestly wasn’t even an attempted power move.


I appreciate all the times you have overstepped the rest of the mod team and removed all of my bans from the league for my toxicity. But in all seriousness, I have never really had much direct conversations with you but the times I have you have been very nice to me. Please keep listening to me and Boot to remind you of the insurance dude you spoke too once.


Frosty! Ever since being on the bears with you I have liked every time we have talked. Even though our time zones never really seemed to line up. Thank you for the offer of the VSN job, and I really appreciate how you always tried to help me improve my podcast week in week out. I don’t think I would have still been podcasting if it wasn’t for you.


I think I could write a whole bloody media spot about you if I was forced to. You are genuinely a very clever guy and I don’t think I would be in the VHL if it wasn’t for you. I can’t believe I worked for you for so long but if you ever got the itch to GM a team again let me know and I would do it all again. The one thing I miss most since you stepped down is that I don’t talk with you anywhere near as much as I use to. So thank you for all the time you spent helping me with the VHL and the Cricket Sim. If you ever need my help with anything please reach out.


It seems like sometimes you are like a B-List celebrity due to your podcasts and I will always despise you as you “Brought podcasting back to the VHL” even though Boot and I had been doing it before you even returned. But in honest truth have appreciated the chats we have had and love the banter back and forth in our podcasts. So thank you for making more people listen to the shit I talk every week.

The Season 66 Hounds

@DoktorFunk, @Rayzor_7, @cody73, @GlowyGoat, @No_Dangles

I think without you guys as well as Gustav and Radcows leadership I never would have spent the last three years here. The conversations every day on discord are still some of my best memories on this site.

My Podcast Guests and other listeners.

There are a long list of you and I probably should tag you all but I am quite lazy, so if you have ever featured on my podcast thank you. I quite enjoy speaking to people and learning about them, so thank you if you have ever been on my podcast and if you ever want to be on again hit me up. Also if anyone wants to be on one and never has before also hit me up.

Town of Salem players

I know a lot of the time I probably don’t pay as much attention to the thread as I should but I have a ton of fun every single time I play a game, so thank you to you all. Especially @Gustav, @Devise, @omgitshim & @eaglesfan0366 who run the games.

The long-lost people I use to spend hours and hours with and don’t talk to as much

All the people I either GM’d, were team mates with or participated in other sim leagues with. I am sorry we don’t talk as much as we use to and I hope that in the future we will end up on a team together and can keep in touch. @enigmatic, @diamond_ace , @Cxsquared, @DarkSpyro


I think that is probably enough from me. See you all next theme week!


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3 minutes ago, Berocka said:

I can’t believe I worked for you for so long but if you ever got the itch to GM a team again let me know and I would do it all again.


I wonder what the record is for longest GM/AGM tenure. If we don't have it we'll have to set it 👁️

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2 minutes ago, Gustav said:


I wonder what the record is for longest GM/AGM tenure. If we don't have it we'll have to set it 👁️

I think it would be us or maybe Rayz and Hatter might come close

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Just caught the highlights of the Broncos/Titans game on youtube - once I figure out how to get the broadcasts stateside without handing the NRL my entire wallet I'll be fully plugged in. Really enjoying the faster pace of play compared to gridiron football.

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15 minutes ago, ctots said:

Just caught the highlights of the Broncos/Titans game on youtube - once I figure out how to get the broadcasts stateside without handing the NRL my entire wallet I'll be fully plugged in. Really enjoying the faster pace of play compared to gridiron football.

Let's go Broncos!

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