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S85 Louth Rule Punishment


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  • Commissioner

I do hate doing this but rules are rules and the Louth Rule was once again broken. While the league does understand that @InstantRockstar had a rough time personally at the end of the season there was still more time earlier to get the required backup games in and sadly that was not done. Since LA missed 2 backup games the following punishments will apply:


1. NY Shall receive the higher odds during the lottery tournament given that they were tied for points (and only lost on the tiebreaker) and the two extra games may have had an effect on standings.

2. LA shall be required to play their backup for 10 starts in S86.

3. LA shall be docked $2 Million in cap space for S86.


- @Commissioner

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  • Commissioner
11 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said:


So nothing changes here?

You know… that’s correct. I’m an idiot and was thinking of it backwards but yes, NY finished worse so their odds are better already. I think we made that contingency for if NY passed LA but we didn’t adjust our line of thinking for it.

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  • Commissioner
21 minutes ago, Beketov said:

You know… that’s correct. I’m an idiot and was thinking of it backwards but yes, NY finished worse so their odds are better already. I think we made that contingency for if NY passed LA but we didn’t adjust our line of thinking for it.

Got that newborn brain! =P

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22 minutes ago, animal74 said:

I had dadjokitis before I became a dad. Must have caught it from my dad...

yeah, it is one of these weird thingies which can only be passed down to a male child. Women can be carrier of the genome, but will never show the symptoms (like colourblindness for example)... ;)

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