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S42: Contracting the VHLM


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Seattle pays 3M to a guy who is good at absolutely nothing, EXCEPT for punching people in the face AND he hasn't done that a single time this season.


You could have that extra cap you needed by cutting him free, then, by your boisterous comment - you'd be contending.


I don't actually want that, for the record, as I'm still attempting to punch faces, but I'm just saying. You say you want extra money, but there is plenty being wasted currently.


While that may be the case, I am not the one in charge of making the trades. I can field offers but ultimately it's not my job. We understand your need for having a troll player as much as Corco did as well. Trust me. Bushito and I have talked plenty about those who are holding us back and we are more than well aware of  how you like to waste TPE.

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While that may be the case, I am not the one in charge of making the trades. I can field offers but ultimately it's not my job. We understand your need for having a troll player as much as Corco did as well. Trust me. Bushito and I have talked plenty about those who are holding us back and we are more than well aware of  how you like to waste TPE.


Not only was Bushito (and all other GMs) sufficiently warned, before even being drafted, you yourself ensured I stayed by having the league force me into a contract that you offered. 


So who is really to blame here? My point is still that good GMs operate with what they have and don't need more.

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Not only was Bushito (and all other GMs) sufficiently warned, before even being drafted, you yourself ensured I stayed by having the league force me into a contract that you offered. 


So who is really to blame here? My point is still that good GMs operate with what they have and don't need more.


Forced you into the contract? I simply asked you to sign it and of course we all know you don't respond to people because you think you are higher up or better than they are. So it took quite awhile. I never once took it to anyone on the blue crew to "force" you into a contract. Please get your facts right if you are to try and shit talk.

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I have been in favor of raising the cap for a long time but seeing that I'm on Kesler's and Trifecta's side in this argument and seeing the points that they make makes me wonder if I have been wrong all along :lol:


You are fighting for the right team and that's all that matters

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Forced you into the contract? I simply asked you to sign it and of course we all know you don't respond to people because you think you are higher up or better than they are. So it took quite awhile. I never once took it to anyone on the blue crew to "force" you into a contract. Please get your facts right if you are to try and shit talk.


I was forced by the blue team to obey a rule that wasn't in place, on the grounds that you had been asking about offering contracts in Bushito's place. I signed with another team and that signing was voided. I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking and pointing out that the extra money you want is tied up in dumb contracts that are your own doing lol. That 3M was free and clear, as I would've been under contract elsewhere - until you had Higgins allow your contracts to be considered on time. Whether or not you requested that is another matter - but that's how it happened, I wasn't allowed to sign freely as the rules indicated I would. 


Also, I can build however I want. 

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I was forced by the blue team to obey a rule that wasn't in place, on the grounds that you had been asking about offering contracts in Bushito's place. I signed with another team and that signing was voided. I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking and pointing out that the extra money you want is tied up in dumb contracts that are your own doing lol. That 3M was free and clear, as I would've been under contract elsewhere - until you had Higgins allow your contracts to be considered on time. Whether or not you requested that is another matter - but that's how it happened, I wasn't allowed to sign freely as the rules indicated I would. 


Also, I can build however I want. 


Actually all I asked for was to offer the contracts. I never said that you couldn't sign anywhere else. If you had and they allowed it, then goodbye and good riddance it would have been for you. I never said that you had to come to the team you were drafted. To be honest I was not sure why Bushito wanted to still draft you after knowing your intentions on retiring. I guess he was hoping that you had decided to actually stick around but so much for him having good faith with someone. I guess it goes to show that no one can be trusted with anything and anyone can fuck any team over at any time they please. No worries though, you really haven't hindered the team much anyways. The market this season wasn't really that intriguing anyways. So it was best the team holds out anyways after things went downhill early. Lots have gone on behind the scenes with the team that no one knows about. So whether the cap gets raised or not, moves will be made and things will happen.

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I was forced by the blue team to obey a rule that wasn't in place, on the grounds that you had been asking about offering contracts in Bushito's place. I signed with another team and that signing was voided. I'm not talking shit, I'm just talking and pointing out that the extra money you want is tied up in dumb contracts that are your own doing lol. That 3M was free and clear, as I would've been under contract elsewhere - until you had Higgins allow your contracts to be considered on time. Whether or not you requested that is another matter - but that's how it happened, I wasn't allowed to sign freely as the rules indicated I would. 


Also, I can build however I want. 


If I get drafted to a team that has cap space (*cough*Calgary*cough*), consider this my official attempt to usurp GM authority and get you to not retire so you can play for my team. I'll slash players in front of the net to get them angry and everything, then you can fight to your heart's content.

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But yeah, managing the salary cap is all about little tricks. If everyones is in the same boat, the negative effects are for everyone. Still, I think, TPE earners wise, a full team in S28 isn't the same in S42 anymore. People earns a lot more tpe these days and I think a normal small raise could benefits everyone. By that, it could just be 1M or 1,5M. But still, I get people point on why the cap shouldn't be raised and I understand both opinions and I don't really care much. I will manage my team like the salary cap would be 32M no matter what. It's part of a GM job to play with the salary cap and finding windows when to compete.

Edited by boubabi
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Another exemple is when Helsinki couldn't draft a VHL ready player last season because of cap reasons. And their opening night roster wasn't a powerhouse.

One of the great keys of managing the cap is having a lot of players from different draft years.


Looking at my main core:


Tordahl - 33

Low - 35

Wahl, XXX - 36

Slaughter - 37


The rest of the group usually was filled out with a couple vet and rookie contracts.


With that being said, there were moves they could have made if they really wanted the player that bad.  It shouldn't be easy to GM.

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I think we will see more and more people having 3 first rounders in drafts and it shouldn't be putting yourself in "trouble". And yes, but NYA is one of a million. Yes, its obviously good managing but that scenario of having that situation to repeat with everyteam is likely not to happen. Anyway, like I said earlier, I don't really care. I'll manage my team no matter what is the salary cap.

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It's another subtle way to discourage tanking too though. Most teams that tank are going to load up on picks in 1-2 years, and that gets you into trouble down the road. That's why Helsinki had cap trouble - all of their guys were hitting their primes at the same time. To use a real-life example, that's why the Blackhawks aren't a juggernaut, because they had to pay guys like Toews, Kane and Crawford all at the same time, and those crucial role players like Dave Bolland and Nick Leddy are the price. That's exactly how the cap is supposed to work.


On the other hand, to use a fun example given arguers here that isn't New York, look at the mid-30's Davos teams. They blended older players (Brovalenko, Linguini) with prime players (Tordahl, Landry, Davey Jones) and younger players (Bentley, Moher) to get a mix of all strong guys that still fit under the cap. Given the recent success of Davos and New York (and Calgary's impressive playoff streak), I'm surprised more teams don't do that.

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It's another subtle way to discourage tanking too though. Most teams that tank are going to load up on picks in 1-2 years, and that gets you into trouble down the road. That's why Helsinki had cap trouble - all of their guys were hitting their primes at the same time. To use a real-life example, that's why the Blackhawks aren't a juggernaut, because they had to pay guys like Toews, Kane and Crawford all at the same time, and those crucial role players like Dave Bolland and Nick Leddy are the price. That's exactly how the cap is supposed to work.


On the other hand, to use a fun example given arguers here that isn't New York, look at the mid-30's Davos teams. They blended older players (Brovalenko, Linguini) with prime players (Tordahl, Landry, Davey Jones) and younger players (Bentley, Moher) to get a mix of all strong guys that still fit under the cap. Given the recent success of Davos and New York (and Calgary's impressive playoff streak), I'm surprised more teams don't do that.

Woah, with all due respect to my buddy Jason, that streak isn't impressive when you think about some of the other teams in the NA at the time. Also he sold the farm to stay in the playoffs but didn't really sell it to win.


That being said all I've seen from this thread is that the cap should be raised because of weak management regarding teams own rosters. Most of the people saying "Raise the cap blue team" have rosters filled with a couple guys that are wasting cap space doing nothing. Whereas some of the GM's who have managed their rosters properly seem to have no issues with a 32 Million dollar cap. Also I'd like to mention that Helsinki didn't tank as much as people thought, they just offloading high priced assets in order to grab VHL-ready players and re-tool for another run again.

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