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NYA/QUE ; S44 off-season


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LOL Brovy playing the bitch card. He thinks I am going to un-retire when I retire haha. Then has the nerve to say he is going to wait a week to make sure I don't un-retire. Then he blocked me on chat.


I mean, that's kind of what I assumed it was all about. He could get a hell of a lot more than a late first and a retiring Jericho if you were actually going to stick with Mikaelson. Trust me I have no love lost for Quebec, but don't think it's wrong to cover his bases at all.

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I mean, that's kind of what I assumed it was all about. He could get a hell of a lot more than a late first and a retiring Jericho if you were actually going to stick with Mikaelson. Trust me I have no love lost for Quebec, but don't think it's wrong to cover his bases at all.


I have every intention of retiring. It's all good. He can wait all he wants. If he doesn't deal me then he is stuck with me and doesn't get to rebuild. He will lose STZ and the team won't amount to anything. Then I will retire on him and screw him over.

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I know why Bushito has went inactive and has never come back. Some may joke about members being "cancers" to teams, Well he truly is one and I hope nothing but the worst for him. Saying he was retiring and there was nothing I could do about, saying he was retiring just to fuck me over and laugh, saying I was a shitty GM.


No I am not going to trade you until I want to.

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I know why Bushito has went inactive and has never come back. Some may joke about members being "cancers" to teams, Well he truly is one and I hope nothing but the worst for him. Saying he was retiring and there was nothing I could do about, saying he was retiring just to fuck me over and laugh, saying I was a shitty GM.


No I am not going to trade you until I want to.


It don't matter to me. You are losing half the team to FA/Retirement anyways. Cancer to the team? Pretty sure that is why you were traded from Seattle. Oh and for the Bushito remark, he does have a life with kids and was planning on leaving the league anyways. But of course you have to jump to conclusions and believe whatever you think makes you the victim. Either way if you aren't out to do this deal then wait a week or two, either way you have me or you don't. I am still retiring pre-season. You can get something for me while you still can or don't get anything at all and you can't rebuild. #GITSHREKT

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It don't matter to me. You are losing half the team to FA/Retirement anyways. Cancer to the team? Pretty sure that is why you were traded from Seattle. Oh and for the Bushito remark, he does have a life with kids and was planning on leaving the league anyways. But of course you have to jump to conclusions and believe whatever you think makes you the victim. Either way if you aren't out to do this deal then wait a week or two, either way you have me or you don't. I am still retiring pre-season. You can get something for me while you still can or don't get anything at all and you can't rebuild. #GITSHREKT

How old are you? 25, 26? still acting like a child.

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This just proves how much of a scumbag Shitler is anyways for screwing over ADV. Talks about me being a cancer, how about you are the cancer. You are literally the worst GM I have ever seen in this league. You pile on your stats by running all offense. All you care about is getting personal accolades for your player instead of winning games or anything. Therefore you WILL NEVER win a cup as GM. Wolf will never win a cup and you will go out the way you truly are, a loser.

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I mean, that's kind of what I assumed it was all about. He could get a hell of a lot more than a late first and a retiring Jericho if you were actually going to stick with Mikaelson. Trust me I have no love lost for Quebec, but don't think it's wrong to cover his bases at all.


To be fair I didn't help matters. Kesler had plans to acquire 4th overall from Riga. However that interfered with my plans of attempting to get what I wanted at draft by trading up with my second pick. You should of seen his CRAZY offer to Riga for 4th overall. Overpayment much? Ha. But I get it, he wanted one of the top 4 players in the draft. 


I then trolled him a bit on chat, before finally telling him that his mucking with Riga's 4th made me have to improvise. The improvising see's Riga trade up and Quebec get nothing of the top five. So now he has no chance at one of the goalies, and on top of that has a frustrated Mikaelson situation to deal with. 


Again I know we all love to say "karma" and all that but I do somewhat feel bad for Quebec. But that is the nature of the franchise, it always has been. When it does well, it shit talks, it's the villain, it steals free agents, it brings together members who are hated around the league, the list goes on. But then just like the rise, it falls, and the drama continues. It's quite a fascinating franchise to be quite honest.

Edited by Mr. Power
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it always has been. When it does well, it shit talks, it's the villain, it steals free agents, it brings together members who are hated around the league, the list goes on. But then just like the rise, it falls, and the drama continues. It's quite a fascinating franchise to be quite honest.

I would like to say that I broke that trend in Seattle and it brought us a Cup.

I would also like to point out that I'm a prick who toots his own horn

I would also like to reaffirmed that yes, I am insane, and should not be listened to


David Blind for 64, SEA G for 8.


I'll let young Knight know - he'll be ever-so pleased. 

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I am done here. Do what you must or think helps your team out. If you keep me just know that you will be reminded of a deal that oculd have helped you with the rebuild by getting a pick in this really deep draft. I will be like a thorn in your side.

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