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Is This the End?


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The answer is: 


Who gives a shit?


I watch people, close friends, family members, and dogs worry incessantly about things that are just completely out of there control. They'll worry about the future... the distant future, or the past and things that they could have done differently. They worry about not being able to plan for anything or correct wrongs, they fret about all of this stuff that makes them feel just awful.


Except they are forgetting one very important thing.


We all only ever live in the present. We are present in the present and that's it. Sure, you can plan for a future that you want to shape, but the future is a string of nows, and behind those nows is the past, and it's the actions we take in the now that determines what the future will hold for us. 


I consider myself lucky that I can call myself happy. I live to be happy and I shape my world around it. Because of this, I am overall less stressed and I noticeably decrease the stress of the people around me. I determined a long time ago that I want to be happy when I grow up. Why can't we just enjoy what we have, and plan for a better future without affecting our now?



So let's stop this fucking "the league is dying" bullshit. @JardyB10 will in all likelihood endorse this mantra. Even if, for an unexplained reason, the league goes under in a season, what's to stop us all from enjoying the time we have had here and are currently having. All things must end and instead of bemoaning the inevitable, let's make our time with it as pleasurable as possible.


I'll leave you with John Lennon









Edited by Phil
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15 minutes ago, Scooter said:

league better not die

Then help do something about it.


#recruit #PostShitErrywhere


I see your point @Phil. I'd rather not just waste time in a league building a good player just to have it go belly up. I'd like to enjoy the league for as long as possible - whether it be me leaving for whatever reason or it dying a slow, painful death. I'd like to see us blossom and continue to have old and new members join/rejoin the site and get us bouncing!

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41 minutes ago, Banackock said:

Then help do something about it.


#recruit #PostShitErrywhere


I see your point @Phil. I'd rather not just waste time in a league building a good player just to have it go belly up. I'd like to enjoy the league for as long as possible - whether it be me leaving for whatever reason or it dying a slow, painful death. I'd like to see us blossom and continue to have old and new members join/rejoin the site and get us bouncing!

To be fair, the guy just joined....

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1 hour ago, The Bread Man said:

To be fair, the guy just joined....

I'm aware.. I simply meant if he says "the league better not die", he can help prevent it. Doesn't matter if you've been here 5 days or 5 years, you can help the league out. He's obviously not a member who is gonna bounce or he wouldn't be a VHLM GM. Thus, he already should be wanting to look at ways of improving the league (sorta a VHLM GM's job with new members etc).

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it always goes through peaks and valleys. We've been through some crazy shit, we once had to remake everything from scratch when one of our websites got DDoS'd ad the hst wouldn't give us our data. We got through THAT.


This league is not even close to dying, I've seen dying leagues. We're just in a dip, and not even one of our bigger ones.


Recruitment is obviously a good thing, but isn't like we're actually in real trouble. The doomsday sayers sound like religious fanatics tbh.

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13 hours ago, HFD said:

What do you mean the league is dying? Fuck that.

It isn't, people just like to worry and be dramatic. The league was "dying" in S18 too. And the website actually LITERALLY died once (in the mid to late 20s maybe? Early 30s?) and that put us in a tough spot. It probably would have KO'd most other sim leagues dead. But everyone rallied and basically rebuilt a new site from the ground up within a week, and we barely missed a beat.


So no, we're not dying, nor will we ever really be close unless everyone collectively decides they want to stop. Which after nine years, I'm not so sure that will happen. :P


Could we be doing better? Sure. We've got a lot of veteran members, and could always use awesome active new guys like yourself and Scooter. We could use you 5x over. But at the end of the day, most the members here are too determined/stubborn to die, regardless of the circumstances. :P

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3 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Which on a completely unrelated note, I just realized our 10th birthday is this year in July. :x


Jesus we've been running a long time. I can't believe this will be like my 7th year on this league.

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1 hour ago, sterling said:

The league is certainly stronger now than it was at certain times in the past. Having good simmers goes a long way to keeping the league marching on


We do thrive when Jardy doesn't have money for booze.

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