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Cult in the Jungle Republic: OFFICIAL GAME THREAD


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It'a a bit early again, but this is the best time for me so let's get into it.


It's time for the town to take a good look at things again, and things get interesting almost immediately as @McWolf isn't at home. A search ensues, and he's found shot to death behind the very store where he's just been hired as cashier. His house is searched, and everything is as it should be. He was REGULAR TOWN.


A bit down the street from the store, though, another discovery is made--on the corner of Oak and Main, @BigBallerFromDownUnder has an arrow through his head, and this isn't exactly a Steve Martin gag. He's searched, and he's found carrying a gun in his shirt. He was MAFIA.















@Erik Summers








Sebster03 (Regular Town)

ColeMrtz (Cultist)

TheLastOlympian07 (Regular Town)

Acydburn (Regular Town)

Reverb (Regular Town)

McWolf (Regular Town)

BigBallerFromDownUnder (Mafia)


Role tracker (players still living):

3x mafia

1x cop

1x vigilante

7x regular town



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1 hour ago, GustavMattias said:

A bit down the street from the store, though, another discovery is made--on the corner of Oak and Main, @BigBallerFromDownUnder has an arrow through his head, and this isn't exactly a Steve Martin gag. He's searched, and he's found carrying a gun in his shirt. He was MAFIA.

I am both shocked, hurt and a little bit offended. This was meant to be an alliance and you played on our shared country. I will hunt down your friends just you wait and see.

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2 hours ago, GustavMattias said:

A bit down the street from the store, though, another discovery is made--on the corner of Oak and Main, @BigBallerFromDownUnder has an arrow through his head, and this isn't exactly a Steve Martin gag. He's searched, and he's found carrying a gun in his shirt. He was MAFIA.


Berocka's gonna have a hard time burying this one. :( Good job vigilante!


Elections will be held soon to replace our lost cashier.

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Berocka had a rough day yesterday and knew today would be worse as the body count had risen to 4.


Firstly he travelled to Acyd's house, he tried cleaning up the body as best he could and carried him to behind the town hall and laid him next to the two previous dead town members. He dug the grave slowly and silently as he knew he had lost a good member of the town. After a while of digging it was finally time to lay the body to rest, he gently covered the body back up and grabbed the gravestone which read, "Here lies Acydburn, a brave honourable town member who met his end way to quickly. May he rest in peace."


Next he moved over to the tree to find Reverb hanging limply, he cut the body out of the tree and took him to where he just finished with Acyd. This grave didn't take as long as it had started to rain and the ground was a bit softer, once he finished covering Reverb he erected his gravestone, "Here lies Reverb, a man of few words and who will forever be remembered for his last words "..." may he rest in peace.


Now he collected McWolf, a man he was never sure about but it appears his heart was in the right place, and was is the correct tense as his body was a mess. He carried the body and dug the third grave for the day, he was getting tired and this one was taking quite a while, finally he got to the end and put up his third gravestone of the day. "Here lies McWolf, a man of truth and wisdom, it is a wish that the town should have believed him earlier. May he rest in peace."


Berocka was leaving the man he trusted most until last, he had planned a burial just in case his friend met an early demise. When he went to collect him he found out he was a mafia member. A tear came to his eye, he had been betrayed. He did not move this body he wanted the town to know the mans true colours. He was definitely not True Blue...

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Well, we know BBfFU was mafia. The question right now really is do we trust Nyko. He's probably the most vocal one in this conversation. If we do trust him, who did BBfDU often talk with and agree with? He often agreed and spoke with Berocka.


If we don't trust Nyko, well, we don't trust Nyko.

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