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45 minutes ago, Devise said:


Eh? I don't know if I fully agree with this. On the game the town did amazing, Eagles had claims going himself maybe not on Day 1 but before too much information was out. He was giving orders, making sure certain roles claimed.


Remember though, Eagles did the same last game as Mafia and they ran away with it.

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Just now, omgitshim said:


Remember though, Eagles did the same last game as Mafia and they ran away with it.


Exactly! Your only playing to my larger point. People who know how to play the game are going to direct this either way. We have enough new faces in this game that I'm going to say there is a good chance there are people with roles who have no disadvantage to revealing (given that Jailor and Mayor are already revealed roles and good targets for mafia). It feels to me that in instances when there is enough new folks and silence seems to be more golden that Mafia will likely take advantage of that by challenging people who don't want silence. We are going to get rung through the ringer either way with a traitor game. 


Again I state, I'm not claiming everyone has no choice but to role claim day 1 go go go go. I'm just saying, if your town take a look at your wiki take at look at what your role can do and ask yourself "how long should I keep this a secret" in a no whisper game with a traitor. Information in a game with these circumstances is paramount imo. No deductions can be made without it. 


If you think I'm suspect due to my actions or trying to dictate so early I'd point out that all I'm looking for is to see more information revealed, not pick candidates. My reactionary vote for Ferk had more to do with his challenge and as he was mostly just pointing out that a traitor mayor is OP and to watch my actions, I feel fine with that assessment. 

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I agree with the logic of information is good but if we are being honest there is no information going on right now other than, mayor actually being the mayor. everything else is hearsay. the jailor claim might not be a jailor. We don't have any CC but that might be because the real jailor might just jail and exe. unlikely but honestly there is nothing to go on. 


This is where when you look at actual TOS the pre night 1 is only like 15 seconds. There is very little info that is helpful. Giving too much info only hurts town N1. b/c it allows a good mafia time to plan their claims and possibly depending on the role list really mess with peoples minds. e.g. a good disguiser, forger, or framer can really use info night one to be a great alibi and possibly get confirmed. Mayor and Jailor are fine b/c Mayor can be confirmed easily and there can only be one Jailor. Other than that there is no good roles to come out before N1, and the ability to confirm info with things that actually happened.

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37 minutes ago, rjfryman said:

I agree with the logic of information is good but if we are being honest there is no information going on right now other than, mayor actually being the mayor. everything else is hearsay. the jailor claim might not be a jailor. We don't have any CC but that might be because the real jailor might just jail and exe. unlikely but honestly there is nothing to go on


The Jailor can't execute someone on the first night, but it's a common tactic for the serial killer to claim to be the Jailor in order to be jailed, then kill the Jailor since they can't execute people the first night. We've seen no counter claims though, so for now we gotta take Ricer's word. 

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The Grand Poobah stares at the time in the upper right-hand corner of his computer screen and waits for it to hit 9:00 PM so he can end the day phase.


And probably ends up being a couple minutes late anyway by the time this is over as it takes longer than it should for him to write these things.


It's the end of the first day! A couple claims, a reveal, and even a @Devise post make this quite eventful as far as first days go. And with that, Night 1 begins now! Send me your night actions, get your last wills in order, load up your grapeshot cannons, run a safety check on those bulletproof vests, do what you have to do.


Day 2 will not start at 9:00 AM tomorrow as I'll be sleeping in.



List of those alive (20):


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The Grand Poobah rolls out of bed and realizes that some notifications need to be sent and some people need to be killed.


...did anyone think this wasn't going to happen? @Beaviss, in his first game, was attacked and killed by a member of the MAFIA on Night 1. His role and will have been lost.


@bigAL has also fallen victim to a N1 death, this time at the hands of a CRUSADER. He was an ESCORT.


Last will:


n1 - Devise (mayor)



List of those alive (18):


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I’m a bit confused as to why an escort would be on the mayor.


Crusader being on Devise makes sense though as he’s an important role.  TPs probably had a tough choice to make last night with both a jailor claim that wasn’t CCed and a confirmed mayor.


The possibility of a witch is certainly interesting as well.  Something to keep an eye on.

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1 minute ago, solas said:

I’m a bit confused as to why an escort would be on the mayor.


Crusader being on Devise makes sense though as he’s an important role.  TPs probably had a tough choice to make last night with both a jailor claim that wasn’t CCed and a confirmed mayor.


The possibility of a witch is certainly interesting as well.  Something to keep an eye on.


Yea crusader going on mayor makes sense to me. With jailor calling for tp lo on him it is likely that the crusader would have just killed one of them if he went on jailor. Nor would the crusader want to reveal themself. 


Also lol at me for forgetting to read the will. Why in the world would an escort go on the confirmed mayor? What purpose does that serve. We know they weren't witched cause someone else also claimed witched. 

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