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1. With the off-season looming, what do you think LA needs to do the most in their off-season? 

Retaining players isn't going to be easy. It would be impossible to use the picks they have to build a competitive team. The best course of action is to rebuild.
2. A lot of teams likely needing shake-ups due to retirements, is this the year of the rebuild? 

Yep, I think it would be a detriment to both the team and players to stick around. 
3. New GM in town, what is your honest suggestions to get LA back to the big time? 

I trust IR can get LA on track and it starts with the rebuild. 
4. Toronto also got a new GM, congrats Doomsday! What are your thoughts on Toronto next season? 

I like the look of Toronto. They're on the cusp of being a true contender. I think they could use one more high end forward.
5. What does your player do pre-game to get FOCUSED? 

Chatting with the team, listening to music, bouncing around and staying in a good mood. 

6. If you could add one legacy player to the team, who would it be and why? 

That's easy. I wanna play with the GOAT, Scotty Campbell. I'd set all sorts of career highs. Honorable mentions to Hulk Hogan and Dan Dan. Both incredible players that have carried me in the past. 

Edited by zepheter
Removing the tag sorry if it pings you Doomsday

1. With the off-season looming, what do you think LA needs to do the most in their off-season? 

It seems unlikely we are going to be able to compete this season, so securing assets for the future is probably the best course of action.

2. A lot of teams likely needing shake-ups due to retirements, is this the year of the rebuild? 

Yes I think there are going to be a couple teams that are starting to rebuild.

3. New GM in town, what is your honest suggestions to get LA back to the big time? 

Starting a rebuild and getting assets for the future.

4. Toronto also got a new GM, congrats @Doomsday! What are your thoughts on Toronto next season? 

They look not too bad, they have a nice full roster.

5. What does your player do pre-game to get FOCUSED? 

Headphones in and getting a nice deep stretch.


6. If you could add one legacy player to the team, who would it be and why? 


Press conference!
(answer 3 = 1tpe 6 = 2 tpe)

1. Offseason started a couple days ago and a bunch of trades have happened. Do you think that LA needs to trade or not?

2. What is your favorite NHL AHL NBA (etc) sport team?

3. What are your expectations for your player in the next season?

4. If you could make another team in the VHL (vhle vhlm) what would be the name mascot and nickname?

5. I’m the new AGM of LA! (yey for me!) Is there anything I can fix? And if there is, let me know! Or rockstar!


6. I’m new to this so if you have other press conference ideas tell me!

Press Conference!

(answer 3 questions = 1 tpe answer 6 = 2 tpe)

1. If you could bring back someone from the HOF in the NHL who would it be and what team would they go on?


2. What is your favorite pizza topping? Mine is green peppers 


3. How many goals/assists do you think your player is gonna get in the new season?


4. What if you could go to Disneyland but could only go to one attraction?


5. If a company came to you and wanted to do a sponsorship (ex. Brent burns with kitkat) which company would you like to come to you? 


6. If you were on a hockey card what would your stats be?


  • 3 weeks later...

Press Conference!

(answer 3 questions = 1 tpe answer 6 = 2 tpe)

  1. So preseason is going on right now as I speak. What do you think about preseason? Is it a good thing or bad thing?


  1. If you play a sport game (e.x NHL 22) do you play any other sport games? Like Nba? Or Mlb?


  1. In the NHL who do you think will win the Stanley cup? 


  1. Just a dumb question but where you live is there still snow? 


  1. Also as I'm running out of ideas slowly but surely and I'm very late on this. What do you think about the meta being kinda non existent? 


  1.  I wanna be more consistent so all of you know when I post a press can you tell me when I should post them? 

Press Conference!

(answer 3 questions = 1 tpe answer 6 = 2 tpe)

  1. Do you like the LA logo? I think its kool

  2. Do you think that your player is doing good or underperforming? 

  3. Which one is better: pancakes or waffles? 

  4. What are your point goals for this season?

  5. In school which one of your classes did you like the most

  6. Whos your favorite NHL player?



Press Conference!

(answer 3 questions = 1 tpe answer 6 = 2 tpe)

  1. Do you have any recommendations for the GM or the AGM? 

  2. How many losses and wins will LA get?

  3. What is your favorite season? (fall, winter etc?)

  4. With how many draft picks LA got this season, how long do you think the rebuild will take?

  5. Who are ya cheering for in the NBA playoffs? I was for Toronto but that went down badly

  6. Which is better, tea or coffee? 

  • 1 month later...


1. How did you see our draft going? 

2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'? 

3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending? 

4. Who is your favourite singer/band? 

5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year? 

6. What is your aspiration for your player? 

  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

1. How did you see our draft going?



I knew how the top end would go ahead of time, so there's that...it did kind of suggest to me that a 2nd would be used on a forward for the sake of balance, so I guess I had some level of insight.


  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'?



As for the first three, yes. I like to think we'd like to have #18 back, but sometimes things just don't go the way we want. 


  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending?



I think it's realistic that we'll end up competing, since we're in the NA conference. If we make a good buy or two, and our top earners keep top earning, I think 4th and at least winning the wildcard is very reachable. 


  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

4. Who is your favourite singer/band?



This is a very tough one because I'm into a lot of different styles and I don't like to compare one group to another across those. At different times in my life it's been Phish, The Grateful Dead, Return to Forever, Herbie Hancock, Pink Floyd, King Crimson...too many to choose and not at all comparable to each other. The last musician I got really into was Hiromi, a massively talented piano player from Japan, but I can't say I have a single favorite at the moment.


  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year?



...honestly, it might be War Dogs. It's a basic Jonah Hill comedy, but I think I watched it at a time when that was exactly what I needed. It's probably not as good as I give it credit for, but that was the first one that came to mind when I tried to think of things I watched and actually enjoyed this year.


  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:

6. What is your aspiration for your player?



I want to make the Hall of Fame! I have some thoughts related to playing up and starting off my career that I think I'll save for a .com, but Vandelay has the potential to be somewhat of a trailblazer and I'd love to see what I'm doing work out.

  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:


1. How did you see our draft going? 

2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'? 

3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending? 

4. Who is your favourite singer/band? 

5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year? 

6. What is your aspiration for your player? 


1. Well I thought number 1 & 3 would be the opposite way around but it was good nonetheless

2. Yeah the top 2 definately were, they fell in line with most mocks

3. I think we are a cusp playoff team this season we make the play in game but lose there. Our season is season 86

4. Ball Park Music a small-ish band from my hometown

5. I haven't watched too many this year, maybe Spiderman

6. I would love to win a Defender of the year award

  On 6/18/2022 at 3:00 AM, InstantRockstar said:


1. How did you see our draft going? 

2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'? 

3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending? 

4. Who is your favourite singer/band? 

5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year? 

6. What is your aspiration for your player? 


1. Honestly being on the outside looking in on draft day the first couple rounds went how I would’ve expected them . 
2. no for the most part they were on par with a lot of the mock drafts 

3. right now we’re knocking on the door , in a season or two it’s gonna be our time ! And I hope By then I’ll have made the jump to the VHL full time to help contribute.

4. Honestly I like five finger death punch or any country music . I know that’s an interesting spread but it’s what I like lol

5. Top Gun Maverick was phenomenal, if you haven’t seen it yet go watch it !

6. I want to win a championship. As well as one day maybe look back onto a hall of fame career

  • 2 months later...


1. How was your off-season?

2. How do you anticipate we do this season?

3. Who is your first pick in VHFL? If you didn’t participate, who would you have picked?

4. Who do you think should win rookie of the year?

5. What is your go-to pizza order for the big game?

6. How are you enjoying the weather here in L.A? Is it too hot for you or do you enjoy the heat?

Bad luck, I'm answering these.


1. How was your off-season?


Personally, and team-based opinion: it sucked balls. I'm glad Ray is OK, but it kind of fucked a couple of us.


2. How do you anticipate we do this season?


I think you will win the NA conference and have multiple award winners.


3. Who is your first pick in VHFL? If you didn’t participate, who would you have picked?


For no particular reason(and picking 6th) I went Detroit and Peepants. Elite.


4. Who do you think should win rookie of the year?


I think I went with Maple. Seemed a popular pick so we'll see how that goes.


5. What is your go-to pizza order for the big game?


Just anchovies. Nothing else.


6. How are you enjoying the weather here in L.A? Is it too hot for you or do you enjoy the heat?


I don't mind the heat actually, so LA is fine. It's the SoCal douchebags that I have a problem with.

1. How was your off-season?

   Good I didn't do anything related to VHL really 


2. How do you anticipate we do this season?

  I think we place in the win the wild card round but get knocked out the round after 


6. How are you enjoying the weather here in L.A? Is it too hot for you or do you enjoy the heat?

  I'm use to the heat being from Australia so it kinda feels like home


  On 9/12/2022 at 3:10 AM, fonziGG said:


1. How was your off-season?

3. Who is your first pick in VHFL? If you didn’t participate, who would you have picked?

5. What is your go-to pizza order for the big game?



1. Off season was solid, saw the Dragons retool a bit after losing big name guys in Peepants, Mourning and Idaho.  I am exciting to see how the team performs during my players final season.  Hope we can get it done!

3. My first pick was Hard Markinson.  The perfect mix of points and hits and he has been a consistently safe pick each season.

5. Probably deluxe, or Hawaiian.  Donair pizza also slaps. 👀

  On 9/12/2022 at 3:10 AM, fonziGG said:


1. How was your off-season?

2. How do you anticipate we do this season?

3. Who is your first pick in VHFL? If you didn’t participate, who would you have picked?

4. Who do you think should win rookie of the year?

5. What is your go-to pizza order for the big game?

6. How are you enjoying the weather here in L.A? Is it too hot for you or do you enjoy the heat?


1. Not too bad. Bit of a lazy one and didn't end up doing much but I got to relax and refresh so I'll take that as a positive.
2. This team is a verified sleeper pick. We won't tear it up like some, but we're gonna be competitive and surprise a few people this season.
3. I didn't participate but it always feels like Nico Pearce does well in these types of things so that's who I'd go with numero uno.
4. I'm thinkin Mo. Big fan of their build and I think they'll do pretty damn well.
5. Hawaiian with jalapenos. The pineapple compliments the peppers perfectly
6. Great weather for tanning, and so long as I got the AC running inside, I'm all good.


1. Who is the funniest member on this team?

2. Did you see the big prank that @Gustav did on @Berocka? If not, he pushed Berocka into a water fountain.

3. What is your go-to lunch at the training facility?

4. How has training been? What have you been working on in your individual time?

5. What is your favourite sport outside of hockey?

6. Are you following the VHLE or VHLM?

  On 9/17/2022 at 8:04 AM, fonziGG said:

2. Did you see the big prank that @Gustav did on @Berocka? If not, he pushed Berocka into a water fountain.



I hate that I don't even fully remember the context behind this anymore, but:



  On 9/17/2022 at 8:04 AM, fonziGG said:




1. Who is the funniest member on this team?

2. Did you see the big prank that @Gustav did on @Berocka? If not, he pushed Berocka into a water fountain.

3. What is your go-to lunch at the training facility?

4. How has training been? What have you been working on in your individual time?

5. What is your favourite sport outside of hockey?

6. Are you following the VHLE or VHLM?


1. Obviously it is me I make everyone laugh

2. It was actually not a prank but he was being very gentlemanly, I was hot so he was helping me cool down

3. I love a good fettuccini carbonara 

4. Trying to improve my shut down defence and passing out of the D Zone

5. Cricket is easily my favourite then it would be Australian Football

6.  No not really I don't have time to follow them 

1. Who is the funniest member on this team?
Well, that is a pretty tough thing to say but I believe there is no person more funny Scoish. He is making everyone feel like they are a part of the LR. 

2. Did you see the big prank that @Gustavdid on @Berocka? If not, he pushed Berocka into a water fountain.
Yeah, did see that, it was quite funny. Do have to say, Berocka acted up like he was murdered there so it did feel a bit awkward for a while. 

3. What is your go-to lunch at the training facility?
Oh, this is pretty easy actually - my legendary home made pork stew. There is no better food - I don't eat that weird LA trash food. Always take food from home, double portions as you need at least 6500 calories. 

4. How has training been? What have you been working on in your individual time?
I have been working on my trash talking as that is really the only thing I need, I am a perfect package of a player and not a single player can even think about contesting that. 

5. What is your favourite sport outside of hockey?

I like football, it is the most popular spot in the world and will remain so because it is awesome, if I wouldn't have gone into hockey, I would have been the next Lewandowski. 

6. Are you following the VHLE or VHLM?
Yes, I like every league. I need to know who are the upcoming players, need to figure them and make sure that I all the specific counters to their play style. It is the only way.


1. What is your go-to meal for game night?

2. Is there a city in nA or Europe that is missing a team?

3. Besides LA, what team sounds like a fun prospect to play for one day?

4. Do you speak any other languages?

5. What are your expectations for this season?

6. What is the strangest thing that has happened in your sim league career?

  On 9/27/2022 at 9:57 AM, fonziGG said:



1. What is your go-to meal for game night?

2. Is there a city in nA or Europe that is missing a team?

3. Besides LA, what team sounds like a fun prospect to play for one day?

4. Do you speak any other languages?

5. What are your expectations for this season?

6. What is the strangest thing that has happened in your sim league career?


1. My go-to meal would probably be some really good mac and cheese and sloppy joes. Those hit the spot every time. 

2. I feel that it would be cool to have a team in Paris or Berlin.

3. I'm sure it would be cool to play for the Americans. 

4. I took German from 6th grade until high school, but I'm extremely far from fluent

5. My expectations for this season are that I play a bigger role than the previous year. 

6. Probably the time that I got a single assist in a game and I got first star.

  On 9/27/2022 at 9:57 AM, fonziGG said:



1. What is your go-to meal for game night?

2. Is there a city in nA or Europe that is missing a team?

3. Besides LA, what team sounds like a fun prospect to play for one day?

4. Do you speak any other languages?

5. What are your expectations for this season?

6. What is the strangest thing that has happened in your sim league career?


1. Chicken Caesar salad, something nice and light

2. St Louis in NA and Wrexham in EU

3. I don't know, where I would like to go maybe New York

4. Nahh mate just true blue bogan

5. I really don't have any expectations I think next season is our time

6. There was one game where there was a full 5v5 fight I believe 

1. What is your go-to meal for game night?
Well, it highly depends to be fair - I guess for me it really would be something hardy - a Latvian style pork stew. Those are always delicious.

2. Is there a city in nA or Europe that is missing a team?
Yes. Austria needs a truly quality team - I feel like we might need a team in Vienna. Maybe something like Vienna Wizards?
3. Besides LA, what team sounds like a fun prospect to play for one day?
As a player that just came to LA from the great team in Seattle, I would probably say.... Riga, yeah, Riga is cool. Why? Because I am Latvian. 

4. Do you speak any other languages?
Yes, I do speak quite a bit of "it is none of your business there lad".

5. What are your expectations for this season?
I am gonna lead the team into playoffs and we are going to win everything and I will hoist the cup. I think that is a fairly reasonable expectation.

6. What is the strangest thing that has happened in your sim league career?
I still find it weird that GM of Stockholm Vikings, when I was playing there, asked me to take 20 different picture angles of my feet and send it to him. He said it was for research but I am not really sure. 

1. Do you prefer music or podcasts whilst you travel?

2. What's your go to thing to cheer you up after a loss?

3. What are your early predictions for the playoffs

4. Are you excited for the upcoming NHL season, how will your team go?

5. If there was a new Sim league where each season the sport changed what would be some interesting attributes that apply to all the sports.

6. If hybrid attributes were added to goalies name three attributes to create 

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