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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. 1. Hey @philthethrill81 , where'd you run off to? 2. Can we expect to have you find your way back anytime soon? 3. If I may, what led you away from the VHL at the moment? We miss you experience, wisdom and enjoyable personality. 4. Recreate? Or just full on come-back? 5. What are your plans for this summer?
  2. 1. Hi, man. How have you been? 2. Hows the season been going? 3. you loving the dominance NYA is laying down on the league? 4. Whats the biggest surprise this year in the VHL to you? 5. Think you'll win the cup? Who are the teams that could dash your chances? @Spade18
  3. If a tree fell in the Toronto LR and no one was around, would it still make a noise?
  4. New week, new shit. 1. Thoughts on your season so far? 2. Predict next season. What's it gonna look like during your rookie season? 20 goals? 50 points? 80? 3. How have you liked being a commissioner thus far during your tenure? 4. Thoughts on a potential recreate if you're drafted into SEA... say Rocky Thompson. ? 5. Biggest surprise to you in the VHL season so far? @Beketov
  5. 1. Hows the season going for you? 2. Chances of the Bears winning it this season? 3. Whats surprised you the most about this season? 4. Who are the underdogs heading into the playoffs? whose the team to beat? 5. Who wins MVP?? Who, to you, has been the top 3 players in the league? @Quik
  6. 1. Hows your season been going this far? 2. Are you happy with how you've been playing? 3. Hows the VHL feeling for you? Struggling with activity? Loving it etc? 4. Where do you think you'll be drafted? Seattle? Davos? Riga? Toronto etc? 5. What overall do you think you'll be drafted? Chances of falling to second round? high? Low? @Daniel someone needs to show u love. I got you!
  7. @street 1. How has your season gone? 2. The draft is closer - think you'll make 1st OV? 2nd? 3. What areas are you looking to improve? 4. Fast forward. Predict your rookie season stats in the VHL. 20 goals? 30? 50 points? 80? 5. Hows it feel right now? VHL in general etc?
  8. 1. How are things going now? Feeling loose? Loving it? Struggling? 2. What do you find you like most about the VHL? 3. As the draft approaches, any teams pop out at you that you like? I know "any", but you must have a few you like. 4. How have you been playing this season? You happy with that? 5. what is your players game day meal look like? Steak? Mac N Cheese? pizza? gummy bears? (May 21st to 27th - ask 5 - 1 TPE)
  9. ASK ME MORE for May 21st to 27th.
  10. I posted a scouting magazine. I'd automatically assume this counts, right? @Beketov Much more work than busting out 500 words in 15-20 minutes. Took me hours and this next edition is on it's way. So I'm gonna be doing this in place, but Magazine pay was 7 so that's what I'm collecting.
  11. Haha right on. I'm not huge into wine, but I've always wanted to make my own beer or wine just to say I've done it and see how it turns out.
  12. care to share
  13. Welcome, welcome. Any questions, feel free to ask @pennypenny or @Beaviss. They would never steer you wrong!
  14. 13 Reasons why - Season 2. On like Episode 3. Never really LOVED Season 1 but was very interested to see why she pushed out and killed herself. Season 2 seems like they're beating a dead horse so far and trying their best to cling onto Season 1's fame. Anyone else watching it? Been thinking about watching.. HANNIBAL.. Marco Polo.. and I think it's Troy?
  15. Watched that "Stronger" movie about the Boston Marathon bombing... I mean, he did a great job playing the part and the movie was amazing.. but I didn't fully enjoy it. 7/10 maybe.
  16. 1 pt in 61 games. The VHL really needs a certain someone to return so that they can fight tooth in nail to have NYA C1 be MVP
  17. I dig LoRT, and the hobbits too. @DollarAndADream back me up
  18. Well, for starters - you're kicking ass in general. Then, I'd assume you're kicking a majority of the leagues ass - especially those behind you. I give you 8/10 so far.
  19. GoT wasn't terrible, but it got better and it got better very quickly and didn't seem to stop. They continuously out-did themselves each time it seemed. I'm actually pumped for the LoTR tv show. hope they do well on it. Seeing as we're off topic, we'll bring it back a tad. @pennypenny you're kicking ass man!
  20. Sexy is right.
  21. Don't be a dill hole. 99% of shows never grasp me in the 1st episode and generally take me a few.
  22. Want me to hold you tight?
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