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About Sharkstrong

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    Elasmobranch Fish

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  1. 14 years is crazy. Happy birthday to the site and thanks to everyone who helped through the years.
  2. Reaction time for Grekkark Gyrfalcon please. Thank you!
  3. hahah sorry bud! Great article
  4. Turning in the engines in time for the playoffs
  5. second team I'm included with @BladeMaiden in a day O.O Fish wasn't a great hockey player, but ey, he had a cool name haha
  6. Always down to share team with @BladeMaiden and @Poptart!! Thanks for including me Emi
  7. If I'm the starter I'm down to share the goal if @Plate and @Zetterberg want. Team work makes the dream work am rite
  8. O.o Lot's of fine folks again! I hope I get a chance to play this time lol
  9. Love it! Thank you!
  10. ftfy ? great read tho, nice work
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