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Posts posted by Elmebeck

  1. Week ending December 29th



    Happy Winter Solstice and Happy Holidays!

    What a BEAST of a season! Now some rest over the holidays until the playoffs start off at the 27th. But a quick presser in between.

    1. How about this amazing season?
    2. What are your thoughts about this season's team?
    3. How do you feel about your contribution during the season, on and off ice?
    4. We can't make a "Tampa Bay", right?
    5. Predictions for the playoffs?
    6. HOW about this amazing season?

    7. What are you wishing for/got for Christmas that would make/made you happy?
    8. How are you spending the days between Xmas and New Years?
    9. I will ask you about New Years resolutions next week, have you started pondering about that or is that just humbug?
    10. Will we be the Champions, my friend?

  2. Hey, @CosmicStorm, welcome to the league!

    You can start off here with how the league works and how you grow your player (unless you don't already): 



    We're just going into playoffs and in a few weeks we'll hold a draft for next season, so earn as much TPE as possible until then to be a good prospect for the teams.

    Meanwhile feel free to ask questions here on the forum or the Discord chat. https://discord.gg/VrUxedS

  3. If you listen long enough through the grapevine you'll hear, "I miss my time in VHLM", guaranteed.

    The charter for VHLM is pretty clear: PLAYER RETENTION

    And the VHLM GM's have done it beautifully. 

    I am a pretty new player, graciously allowed to become AGM of Saskatoon, but looking through the league and my first impression when signing up in Houston, I have not interacted with even one bad GM or even AGM here. That is not saying or implying that VHL has worse GM's, but it seems like if some people long back to the VHLM days then VHLM is working as intended, and possibly even better than VHL.... (not saying that is so :), but eh, observing...)

    Just by pure luck I found myself in the Houston locker room my first season (sadly not the season that Houston won), after that I had the good luck and opportunity to work beside Peace in Saskatoon; and you two (@FrostBeard , @Peace )immediately set a level on the behavior and expectations here.


    Rule 1: Activity rules.
    This is not of course just a rule in lonesome, it's the base on what the league rests on. a 32 TPE active is to be prioritized over a 192 TPE four months inactive. But that's not even my point here, what my GM's have done and the VHLM GM's I watch do is to make it fun to actually be involved. It's part being a leader, and part being a cheerleader.

    Rule 2: If you can go up to the VHL, you should go up to the VHL. Fly my boy!
    This is important I think and nice when you hear that from your GM: "We'd really need to keep you for one more season to be honest, but I'd really like you to go and make the best of your eight seasons so please don't stay down." 

    Yeah, VHLM is for retention, making people feel good and apply themselves even (or often) on a shitty team and go have their successful VHL career.

    Rule 3: Have fun!
    Maybe this is rule one? But the whole point is to have fun right, not just grind. And an active locker room, and active GM/AGM-pair and some pro-active players can make all the difference in the world. So not just tying these active people to you and the team, the VHLM GM also needs to awaken that in people for it to even appear.... and then insist they leave.

    Final thought: Retention is not the correct word. VHLM is the first thing you see from the league, your first impression. It's so much more than just retention, and the good VHLM GM's deserve to be credited for their work. I have spoken to a bunch of other VHLM GM's (and perhaps some future ones too) and none have disappointed me this far, so this "Unsung Heroes" is for the bread and butter GM's (and AGM's, why not :)) of the VHL(M).


    I would add to this that VHLM and VHL doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have this great support organization in the background too - maybe I'll write more about that next season. But for this season the VHLM GM's are my unsung heroes.

  4. This was in a way an easier task than last season's theme, as for that you really had to do your research. But this one was interesting because you actually had to sit down and think a bit on who these unsung heroes were. I have personally had so good interactions with the VHLM GM's (even teams I didn't play or work for) but I also felt some of the unsung heroes were our updaters.

    Holy fuck guy, are you salaried? You possibly should be. You've approved, checked, told me I suck for not making life easy for you, thirty-five times now. You fucking rock.

    Second place at 16 prompt updates and just an outstanding member.

    Third place a 13 beautiful updates. I'm not sure what that name actually means, but it may have Latin base from "deliver".

    And it's obviously not just about these three, anyone who checks their update history will see @Beaviss, @.sniffuM, @DollarAndADream, @Banackock, @TacticalHammer, @Tagger and more great people. But it is a really key ingredient to this league and I think it works pretty fucking well. Thank you guys!


  5. 11 hours ago, Banackock said:

    I can't imagine you'd need more but for the sake of it:


    Bana's Quick Q's



    Oh, sorry, did I walk in to the wrong presser? I just held both Saskatoon's and New York's so I need something to do for TPE (ten questions are way too many to come up with).

    1. What are your thoughts on your season?
    Great season, both as AGM for Saskatoon and as a player for New York - SSK is going better than we could have imagined and New York is shaping up about how I thought we would place, and personally I am happy to be in the top ten defenders in points at this time.

    2. Who makes it to the finals out of North America?
    I'm obviously hoping that New York can upset Seattle if it turns out we're facing in the initial round. :) I really don't care much about neither Vancouver or Toronto, but I guess Vancouver should win on paper.

    If the VHLM were to move Mexico but keep logo/name, where would you rebrand em to?
    LM lends itself to Luchador Muchachos I guess.... 

    4. What are your thoughts on 12 days of Christmas?
    Free TPE is always nice and it's cool with an "advent calendar" type of thing, doing these seasonal things could be fun to continue with.

    5. Who makes it out for Europe?
    It pains me that I basically don't care for any of the European teams.... Helsinki is closest to heart I guess and are looking really strong too.

    6. Who has been your team's best player?
    Boris @chillzone by some margin, both on and off the ice.

  6. Quick presser!

    1. We're looking pretty secure for a playoff spot now after a shaky start to the season, and currently it looks like the first round may be against Seattle. What do you think of our chances, and is that the opponent you are hoping for?
    2. Do you like the VHL's 12 days of Christmas? Do you think you'll post in every daily thread?
    3. Who's the MVP of VHL so far into the season? And on New York?
    Is your town/shops/malls/streets also in full Christmas attire now?! And have you started worry about buying gifts, planning trips or hosting meals?
    5. Any hobbies you will have time spending a little bit time on between Christmas and New Year's? 
    6. Star Wars premiering on the 18th, your thoughts and expectations? Will you go watch it with the team?


  7. Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
    Tochter aus Elisium,
    Wir betreten feuertrunken,
    Himmlische, dein Heiligthum.
    Deine Zauber binden wieder,
    Was die Mode streng getheilt,
    (1785 version: Was der Mode Schwerd getheilt.)
    Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
    (1785 version: Bettler werden Fürstenbrüder.)
    Wo Dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
    Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
    Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
    Brüder, überm Sternenzelt
    Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen!
  8. Week ending December 22nd


    Saskatoon is beautiful this time of year, and we'll do our best with the press conference to lighten it up even more.

    1. Do you like the VHL's 12 days of Christmas? Do you think you'll post in every daily thread?
    2. Have you been following, or perhaps playing, in the WJC? Any surprises? Who'll win?
    3. Who is the MVP of the VHLM so far?
    4. GM Peace's nephew or something just joined the team, what chance do you give him to score a goal before the season ends?
    5. Any hobbies you will have time spending a little bit time on between Christmas and New Year's? 
    6. Star Wars premiering on the 18th, your thoughts and expectations? Will you go watch it with the team?


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