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  1. Haha
    mattyIceman reacted to NotAVHLM-GM in London United Press Conferences   
    1.  London finished last, but has the 2nd overall pick in the upcoming draft.  Do you think London will have a lottery pick next season?
    London has made some nice acquisitions, I think they wont have a lottery pick.
    2.  Do you play a musical instrument?  If so, why did you chose that/those instruments?
    I have tried playing guitar / bass guitar in the past, but i never got really far.
    3.  Houston Bulls GM Rjfryman had a baby recently.  What do you think his middle name is?
    4.  Which British car manufacturer is your favorite and why?
    Is McLaren brittish? If so, them, just for the f1 cars
    5.  Sean Connery passed away on Halloween.  Should we have a James Bond 007 Theme Night on opening night?
    Wasn't he scottish? Lets keep it to London guys
    6.  Which question have you always been ready to answer, but never got asked?
    Why are you posting in the London Press conference?
  2. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to TheFlash in London United Press Conferences   
    1.  London finished last, but has the 2nd overall pick in the upcoming draft.  Do you think London will have a lottery pick next season?

    I hope not. I think we’ve got a solid team, hopefully we’ll contend for a spot in the postseason!
    2.  Do you play a musical instrument?  If so, why did you chose that/those instruments?
    Nope, tried to learn the guitar as a kid and a few more times since but I don’t have the patience.
    3.  Houston Bulls GM Rjfryman had a baby recently.  What do you think his middle name is?
    4.  Which British car manufacturer is your favorite and why?

    Damn, don’t know if I know any specific favourite. Is Jaguar British? I like those. 
    5.  Sean Connery passed away on Halloween.  Should we have a James Bond 007 Theme Night on opening night?
    Yes! Legend. RIP to that man. 
    6.  Which question have you always been ready to answer, but never got asked?
    oh man, I’ve answered so many. No idea
  3. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to diacope in London United Press Conferences   
    1.  London finished last, but has the 2nd overall pick in the upcoming draft.  Do you think London will have a lottery pick next season?
    Anything is possible but I feel like we have a chance to sneak into the playoffs
    2.  Do you play a musical instrument?  If so, why did you chose that/those instruments?
    Nah, played the trombone and trumpet in public school though
    3.  Houston Bulls GM Rjfryman had a baby recently.  What do you think his middle name is?
    4.  Which British car manufacturer is your favorite and why?
    Landrovers are my type of vehicle, they have tons of room and they're good on any terrain 
    5.  Sean Connery passed away on Halloween.  Should we have a James Bond 007 Theme Night on opening night?
    Why not? Themes are a good idea to keep the younger fans in their seats and entertained
    6.  Which question have you always been ready to answer, but never got asked?
    That's hard to answer because I've answered so many questions and I'm in 3 leagues ?
  4. Love
    mattyIceman reacted to SirRupertBarnes in London United Press Conferences   
    1) I think we hit 40 wins this season personally. We have a great squad here and the couple new faces really bolster the lineup.
    2) I've been to London Ontario when I was like 10. Obviously thats not the same but someday I'd like to go to Europe.
    3) I'd have to go with @MattyIce just because he's been around the longest and I've talked to him more than anyone else.
    4) My personal rivals are the expansion teams. I haven't built up a hate for anyone else yet.
    5) @McWolf is a magnificent mate who makes meaningful acquisitions meant to make us marvelous champions.
    6) London has grown on me a lot. My other favourites would be; Prague, Moscow, and DC. In the VHLM I love the Miami and Mexico ones.
  5. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Berocka in VSN Australia - Meet the Member - Episode 6 (featuring Fonzi)   
    Hi All
    It seems like it has been forever since I did a podcast and it feels like the world has gone to shit ever since so hopefully this podcast with @fonziGG can cheer up peoples day!
    Please if anyone wants to be on a future podcast, has any questions to ask me or future guests post them here: 
    Someone said that Spotify wasn't working great for them so I have compiled a list of places you can find my podcast below: 
  6. Cheers
    mattyIceman reacted to Jubis in Update to the GM Draft Rules   
    like early retirement etc.. 
  7. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to JeffD in Update to the GM Draft Rules   
    I thought making teams pick your player at your original draft slot would have been fine.
    I have no real incentive to recreate immediately anymore so I guess this takes a chunk out of my point task workload.
  8. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Beketov in Update to the GM Draft Rules   
    And we’ll fix them when they do. If we tried to close up every hypothetical situation with every rule change nothing would ever get done.
  9. Like
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Ricer13 in Update to the GM Draft Rules   
    I like this too, but I do see another batch of problems arising
  10. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Ledge in Draft H Y P E   
    Credit to @ZP16 for giving me the idea for this with his article about a day in the life of Kankkunen. 
                                                                 This is how Linus Zetterstrom spent his day this Friday, four days before the VHL Draft.
    6:30 A.M. 
    Zetterstrom is up before the sun in Malmo, where he is staying at his parents' house while he prepares for the draft. He gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and heads to the practice facility of the Malmo Redhawks in his "new" used Honda Civic. He still has ties with the Redhawks organization from his SHL time there before the S74 VHLM dispersal draft. There, he begins a workout, which involves intervals on the spin bike, pull-ups, pushing and pulling a weighted sled, and other muscle workouts. He also does a lot of stretching before and after.
    8:00 A.M.
    Zetterstrom comes home to the delight of his golden retriever, Bella, who he takes for a run in the forest. After that, he has a quick breakfast consisting of a banana and a protein shake. Now it's his free time, so he goes to his basement and plays Rocket League with his friends for a while. Funny enough, his dad, who took time off work to stay with Linus while he's home, is still fast asleep.
    9:15 A.M
    After his down time, Linus was driving back to Redhawks HQ for a hour ice session with a skills coach. He worked on retrievals, passing, moving around at the point, and conditioning. At this point in the day, Linus is hella tired and ready for a good meal.

    10:30 A.M
    Since it's Friday, and a school day for most kids Linus's age, he was also studying. He signed up for courses in business, math, chemistry, English, and sports management at various universities. He spends four hours doing schoolwork on days off, so two hours in the morning. This morning, Linus did an hour in business and an hour in chemistry
    11:30 A.M
    Linus's brothers, Henrik and Jesper, are home from from work and university respectively, and Linus's mother, Alice, is back from a trip she took with friends. The Zetterstrom family has a family brunch together, and everyone has a good time. Linus fills himself up with sausage and eggs.
    1:00 P.M
    After brunch, and a lot of talk about the American election and how it will affect Sweden, Linus does another two hours of his schoolwork. One hour of math and one hour of sports management(he alternates sports management with English). Linus's ultimate goal is to use the skills he has learned in university to eventually become a GM after his playing days are over. He applied for a law course at a prominent Swedish school but has yet to be responded to. 
    3:00 P.M
    After his schoolwork is done, Linus jumps on his piece of crap laptop and does some draft interviews VHL GMs have sent. He is visibly hyped up as he answers the questions. After he completes those, he goes on a sketchy site called the VHL portal and he looks at the rosters and picks of the teams that sent him the interviews. He goes into so much detail and gets so drawn into it he spends an hour doing it.
    4:00 P.M
    One of his friends calls and asks him if he's up for a little mountain biking. Linus, an ever-lover of mountain biking, happily accepts. They go through the stunning Swedish forests and hills, and they have a great view of the magnificent Baltic sea as they hop over little jumps and go down steep and rocky hills. Linus has a great time
    6:00 P.M
    Before he has dinner with his dad, his mom, and Henrik, he jumps on a zoom call with his Canadian agent, @Ledge_and_Dairy to discuss the interviews and the draft in general. Ledge advises him not to have preferences, since almost anyone can take him. Linus agrees
    7:00 P.M
    Linus enjoys his final dinner with his family for the last time until the next holiday. He will catch a flight at the airport in Stockholm at 9:00 and prepare for the draft in Las Vegas with his friends and teammates. He hugs his mom, shakes hands with his dad and Henrik, zooms Jesper at his university for a quick goodbye, and takes an Uber to the airport.
    7:45 P.M
    Linus is waiting at the airport and is very bored. He passes the time playing among us on his phone, although the crappy airport Wi-Fi made him lag out multiple times. One time, he is made impostor, and the game immediately lags out. He curses and throws the phone on his seat in the waiting area. His Las Vegas Aces phone case cracks. He vows to get a new one once he lands
    9:00 P.M
    Linus boards the plane and it takes off. He prepares himself for the long 17 hours that lie ahead.
    11:00 P.M
    His flight makes it first stop, in Paris, France. He buys a little Eiffel tower souvenir because that's how frickin bored he is.
    10:00 P.M (American time)
    Linus lands in Atlanta, Georgia, the second to last stop for his flight. He buys an Atlanta Thrashers keychain to but on his bag. 
    1:00 A.M
    Linus lands in Las Vegas, jet lagged and extremely tired. He taxis over to a Vegas hotel where he is supposed to meet Jiggs @JigglyGumballs but Jiggs is obviously fast asleep. Linus gets his room key and becomes dead to the world as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
    Just going to put this in here in case it gets confusing: the times are probably messed up somehow, especially with all the flights and time changes. Excuse me if I did something wrong, because I'm too lazy to do the research and get it all spot on. Anyway, this should get me to 172 TPE, which jumps me a little in the draft rankings. Maybe I've written enough here to get me to 1,000 words. 
    1,016 words
  11. Woah
    mattyIceman reacted to der meister in A Decleration of War   
    It's not getting anything positive from me the way this goddamn season is going.
  12. Thanks
    mattyIceman reacted to Sevsdast in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Not expecting it, but i'll take it!
  13. Love
    mattyIceman reacted to Toast in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    I haven't been this into VHL in a long, long time. Hoping to crack the first round for this draft!
  14. Cheers
    mattyIceman reacted to DangerGolding in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    @Tate is just built different
  15. Cheers
    mattyIceman reacted to CrazyCaityCat in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Thanks for the mention
  16. Haha
    mattyIceman reacted to ThePerfectNut in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Holy shit Red Lite already at 200+ TPE and the season barely started? We were around 300 TPE around the draft, he finna be near 350 for the draft.

    A lot better than our TPE whores in our class the fuck
  17. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Banackock in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Good stuff, prospects. Keep it up! 
  18. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Sixersfan594 in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Love these, a major reason why the VHLm/pre-draft process is amazing
  19. Hmmm
    mattyIceman reacted to Spaz in Laine Gets Spanked   
    I might also have to spank that review out of @MattyIce
  20. Fire
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Red in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Hey VHL, it's MattyIce from VSN Scouting again. I'm bringing you the top 40 prospects eligible for the Season 76 VHL Entry Draft!
    Another draft came and went like it was just a few days ago
    After all the hype, trades being made and extra eyes on the event sure marked that draft as a very deep one.  People will still be mentioning this draft for many seasons to come as it truly could have a major impact in coming seasons.  What made this draft really special is that even though there were roughly a dozen (or more) elite players, it was a very steady slope going further into the draft.  Talent didn't fall off after being top heavy this draft, but that wasn't the expectation either.  Alot of new faces made their debuts and some familiar ones hope to add some/more hardware to their trophy cases with their new player, and this draft is now different, so far.
    There are some really, I mean really good players at the top.  A good mix of wingers and defencemen occupy the top of the draft,  while the goaltenders start showing up around the 20th spot.  The centermen are very few and far between in this draft, so it's unclear if a team looking to draft a top line centerman will make adjustments to their draft boards in consequence.
    Another interesting observation in this draft that makes it very interesting here, is that there's only one GM player ranked in the first round.  Movement to maneuver for picks might be less so this season with players more or less likely being selected in the vicinity of their TPE ranking.
    This draft belongs to Red Lite.  He's been at the top of the rankings since he showed up onto the scene post-S74 trade deadline, as with most of the players within the first round.  There's plently of solid earners, solid builds and fresh new faces making an impact already, but the first round is the cream of the crop this draft, although it begins to drop off a bit at the very end leading into the second round.
    Finally, here's your top 40 so far.  This list was last updated Sunday November 22nd.
    Rank   Player User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP G A PT -/+ SHT PIM HIT SB   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Red Lite @Tate RW 22-Nov 206   San Diego 10 7 5 12 2 45 4 11 1   6 14 35 14 69   2   Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn D 21-Nov 188   Saskatoon 11 3 6 9 4 55 8 14 11   25 14 14 14 67   3   Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss D 17-Nov 187   Mexico City 11 3 2 5 8 21 14 16 12   14 20 16 14 64   4   Tom Eagles @Greg_Di D 18-Nov 176   Philly 11 1 8 9 7 29 14 18 13   12 14 19 14 59   5   Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 LW 23-Nov 164   San Diego 10 2 4 6 -2 39 0 7 4   2 12 14 14 42   6   Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding LW 19-Nov 150   San Diego 10 2 0 2 -4 7 2 5 2   19 14 14 14 61   7   Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 LW 16-Nov 136   Mexico City 11 2 4 6 6 28 4 10 2   8 11 23 10 52   8   Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil RW 19-Nov 133   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -1 3 24 28 0   11 12 9 7 39   9   Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™ D 19-Nov 132   San Diego 10 1 4 5 -4 19 14 18 14   22 12 17 10 61   10   Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat RW 21-Nov 130   Philly 11 0 0 0 -1 6 0 4 1   33 14 19 14 80   11   Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19 LW 21-Nov 127   Miami 9 5 2 7 2 24 0 1 2   6 14 14 14 48   12   Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus D 17-Nov 122   Philly 11 1 16 17 9 12 8 9 9   27 12 14 19 72   13   Phoenix Dawson @Toast C 18-Nov 103   Miami 11 1 7 8 11 18 6 8 2   14 25 12 10 61   14   Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549 C 22-Nov 103   Philly 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0   8 12 12 8 40   15   JL Gunnar @Big Mac D 9-Nov 100   Miami 11 1 3 4 10 7 12 9 10     2 10   12   16   Hex Rose @Hex Universe C 19-Nov 93   Las Vegas 10 0 2 2 -1 7 2 5 0   27 12     39   17   Eeli Rantanen @Jolline LW 16-Nov 91   Mississauga 11 5 9 14 -7 71 2 15 3   15 21     36   18   Keith Schnare @KINGSTEEZ RW 2-Nov 86   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -2 8 2 3 0       6 6 12   19   Henry Tucker @NotSoGood88 RW 21-Nov 82   Minnesota 10 7 10 17 -2 20 12 24 3   8 8 8 11 35   20   Kristof Welch @Juice D 22-Nov 79   Yukon 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0   19       19   21   Han Schultz II @HoPeFuLCheWBaCCa D 18-Nov 78   Yukon 10 2 2 4 3 5 6 19 11   12 12     24   22   Jaroslav Petr @711 slushies D 16-Nov 77   San Diego 10 0 1 1 -6 5 10 7 13   6 6 6 6 24   23   Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374 D 21-Nov 75   Halifax 11 1 6 7 -8 26 6 18 8   17 10     27   24   Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki LW 19-Nov 73   Minnesota 8 2 5 7 1 13 16 12 4   11 2     13   25   Green Gaming @Lilpfigher C 23-Nov 73   Miami 5 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0   13       13   26   Bahram Kamkar @Eagle Eye D 23-Nov 72   Halifax 11 0 4 4 2 3 8 14 10   6 12     18   27   Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 D 22-Nov 71   Philly 11 0 1 1 2 4 8 17 5   6 6 6 11 29   28   Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles D 17-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 0 6 6 -10 12 0 9 19   6 11 6   23   29   Calvin Hobbes @2hawk C 16-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 1 0 1 -10 8 12 13 2   6 6 6 6 24   30   Brian Moreau @weekz LW 19-Nov 68   Saskatoon 8 0 0 0 -4 10 6 10 1   8       8   31   Erin Esurance @Sljppers LW 17-Nov 66   Mississauga 9 5 3 8 -9 33 12 9 4   6       6   32   Ron World Peace III @stevo D 19-Nov 66   Minnesota 10 5 9 14 1 19 24 24 25   6 6 6 2 20   33   Sebastian Andrews @Sevsdast RW 18-Nov 65   Saskatoon 11 1 1 2 -6 6 6 10 2   6 11 6   23   34   Big Mortie @KingMortie D 18-Nov 64   Mexico City 11 0 2 2 1 4 8 15 0   6 8 6 6 26   35   Alex Zverina @Catter98 D 21-Nov 63   Philly 11 1 0 1 1 7 2 11 7   11 2 6 2 21                                                     Rank   Goalie User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP W L OTL SV% AVG SO GA SA   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan G 20-Nov 84   Ottawa 11 0 11 0 0.859 6.18 0 68 482   20 10 6   36   2   Loic Trepanier @Noxalpha G 21-Nov 73   Halifax 3 1 2 0 0.873 3.01 0 9 71   13       13   3   Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl G 22-Nov 73   Minnesota 3 1 0 0 0.969 1.25 0 2 64   13       13   4   Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoost G 16-Nov 71   Yukon                     11 6 6   23   5   Barry Taffe @Barry G 18-Nov 69   Philadelphia                     13 2     15    
    @Jubis @Banackock @hedgehog337 @Peace @McWolf @GustavMattias @FrostBeard @JeffD @.sniffuM @Enorama @Esso2264 @Jubo07 @Victor @Josh @diamond_ace  
  21. Like
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Blazzer in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Hey VHL, it's MattyIce from VSN Scouting again. I'm bringing you the top 40 prospects eligible for the Season 76 VHL Entry Draft!
    Another draft came and went like it was just a few days ago
    After all the hype, trades being made and extra eyes on the event sure marked that draft as a very deep one.  People will still be mentioning this draft for many seasons to come as it truly could have a major impact in coming seasons.  What made this draft really special is that even though there were roughly a dozen (or more) elite players, it was a very steady slope going further into the draft.  Talent didn't fall off after being top heavy this draft, but that wasn't the expectation either.  Alot of new faces made their debuts and some familiar ones hope to add some/more hardware to their trophy cases with their new player, and this draft is now different, so far.
    There are some really, I mean really good players at the top.  A good mix of wingers and defencemen occupy the top of the draft,  while the goaltenders start showing up around the 20th spot.  The centermen are very few and far between in this draft, so it's unclear if a team looking to draft a top line centerman will make adjustments to their draft boards in consequence.
    Another interesting observation in this draft that makes it very interesting here, is that there's only one GM player ranked in the first round.  Movement to maneuver for picks might be less so this season with players more or less likely being selected in the vicinity of their TPE ranking.
    This draft belongs to Red Lite.  He's been at the top of the rankings since he showed up onto the scene post-S74 trade deadline, as with most of the players within the first round.  There's plently of solid earners, solid builds and fresh new faces making an impact already, but the first round is the cream of the crop this draft, although it begins to drop off a bit at the very end leading into the second round.
    Finally, here's your top 40 so far.  This list was last updated Sunday November 22nd.
    Rank   Player User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP G A PT -/+ SHT PIM HIT SB   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Red Lite @Tate RW 22-Nov 206   San Diego 10 7 5 12 2 45 4 11 1   6 14 35 14 69   2   Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn D 21-Nov 188   Saskatoon 11 3 6 9 4 55 8 14 11   25 14 14 14 67   3   Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss D 17-Nov 187   Mexico City 11 3 2 5 8 21 14 16 12   14 20 16 14 64   4   Tom Eagles @Greg_Di D 18-Nov 176   Philly 11 1 8 9 7 29 14 18 13   12 14 19 14 59   5   Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 LW 23-Nov 164   San Diego 10 2 4 6 -2 39 0 7 4   2 12 14 14 42   6   Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding LW 19-Nov 150   San Diego 10 2 0 2 -4 7 2 5 2   19 14 14 14 61   7   Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 LW 16-Nov 136   Mexico City 11 2 4 6 6 28 4 10 2   8 11 23 10 52   8   Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil RW 19-Nov 133   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -1 3 24 28 0   11 12 9 7 39   9   Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™ D 19-Nov 132   San Diego 10 1 4 5 -4 19 14 18 14   22 12 17 10 61   10   Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat RW 21-Nov 130   Philly 11 0 0 0 -1 6 0 4 1   33 14 19 14 80   11   Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19 LW 21-Nov 127   Miami 9 5 2 7 2 24 0 1 2   6 14 14 14 48   12   Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus D 17-Nov 122   Philly 11 1 16 17 9 12 8 9 9   27 12 14 19 72   13   Phoenix Dawson @Toast C 18-Nov 103   Miami 11 1 7 8 11 18 6 8 2   14 25 12 10 61   14   Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549 C 22-Nov 103   Philly 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0   8 12 12 8 40   15   JL Gunnar @Big Mac D 9-Nov 100   Miami 11 1 3 4 10 7 12 9 10     2 10   12   16   Hex Rose @Hex Universe C 19-Nov 93   Las Vegas 10 0 2 2 -1 7 2 5 0   27 12     39   17   Eeli Rantanen @Jolline LW 16-Nov 91   Mississauga 11 5 9 14 -7 71 2 15 3   15 21     36   18   Keith Schnare @KINGSTEEZ RW 2-Nov 86   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -2 8 2 3 0       6 6 12   19   Henry Tucker @NotSoGood88 RW 21-Nov 82   Minnesota 10 7 10 17 -2 20 12 24 3   8 8 8 11 35   20   Kristof Welch @Juice D 22-Nov 79   Yukon 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0   19       19   21   Han Schultz II @HoPeFuLCheWBaCCa D 18-Nov 78   Yukon 10 2 2 4 3 5 6 19 11   12 12     24   22   Jaroslav Petr @711 slushies D 16-Nov 77   San Diego 10 0 1 1 -6 5 10 7 13   6 6 6 6 24   23   Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374 D 21-Nov 75   Halifax 11 1 6 7 -8 26 6 18 8   17 10     27   24   Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki LW 19-Nov 73   Minnesota 8 2 5 7 1 13 16 12 4   11 2     13   25   Green Gaming @Lilpfigher C 23-Nov 73   Miami 5 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0   13       13   26   Bahram Kamkar @Eagle Eye D 23-Nov 72   Halifax 11 0 4 4 2 3 8 14 10   6 12     18   27   Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 D 22-Nov 71   Philly 11 0 1 1 2 4 8 17 5   6 6 6 11 29   28   Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles D 17-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 0 6 6 -10 12 0 9 19   6 11 6   23   29   Calvin Hobbes @2hawk C 16-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 1 0 1 -10 8 12 13 2   6 6 6 6 24   30   Brian Moreau @weekz LW 19-Nov 68   Saskatoon 8 0 0 0 -4 10 6 10 1   8       8   31   Erin Esurance @Sljppers LW 17-Nov 66   Mississauga 9 5 3 8 -9 33 12 9 4   6       6   32   Ron World Peace III @stevo D 19-Nov 66   Minnesota 10 5 9 14 1 19 24 24 25   6 6 6 2 20   33   Sebastian Andrews @Sevsdast RW 18-Nov 65   Saskatoon 11 1 1 2 -6 6 6 10 2   6 11 6   23   34   Big Mortie @KingMortie D 18-Nov 64   Mexico City 11 0 2 2 1 4 8 15 0   6 8 6 6 26   35   Alex Zverina @Catter98 D 21-Nov 63   Philly 11 1 0 1 1 7 2 11 7   11 2 6 2 21                                                     Rank   Goalie User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP W L OTL SV% AVG SO GA SA   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan G 20-Nov 84   Ottawa 11 0 11 0 0.859 6.18 0 68 482   20 10 6   36   2   Loic Trepanier @Noxalpha G 21-Nov 73   Halifax 3 1 2 0 0.873 3.01 0 9 71   13       13   3   Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl G 22-Nov 73   Minnesota 3 1 0 0 0.969 1.25 0 2 64   13       13   4   Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoost G 16-Nov 71   Yukon                     11 6 6   23   5   Barry Taffe @Barry G 18-Nov 69   Philadelphia                     13 2     15    
    @Jubis @Banackock @hedgehog337 @Peace @McWolf @GustavMattias @FrostBeard @JeffD @.sniffuM @Enorama @Esso2264 @Jubo07 @Victor @Josh @diamond_ace  
  22. Fire
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Spence King in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Hey VHL, it's MattyIce from VSN Scouting again. I'm bringing you the top 40 prospects eligible for the Season 76 VHL Entry Draft!
    Another draft came and went like it was just a few days ago
    After all the hype, trades being made and extra eyes on the event sure marked that draft as a very deep one.  People will still be mentioning this draft for many seasons to come as it truly could have a major impact in coming seasons.  What made this draft really special is that even though there were roughly a dozen (or more) elite players, it was a very steady slope going further into the draft.  Talent didn't fall off after being top heavy this draft, but that wasn't the expectation either.  Alot of new faces made their debuts and some familiar ones hope to add some/more hardware to their trophy cases with their new player, and this draft is now different, so far.
    There are some really, I mean really good players at the top.  A good mix of wingers and defencemen occupy the top of the draft,  while the goaltenders start showing up around the 20th spot.  The centermen are very few and far between in this draft, so it's unclear if a team looking to draft a top line centerman will make adjustments to their draft boards in consequence.
    Another interesting observation in this draft that makes it very interesting here, is that there's only one GM player ranked in the first round.  Movement to maneuver for picks might be less so this season with players more or less likely being selected in the vicinity of their TPE ranking.
    This draft belongs to Red Lite.  He's been at the top of the rankings since he showed up onto the scene post-S74 trade deadline, as with most of the players within the first round.  There's plently of solid earners, solid builds and fresh new faces making an impact already, but the first round is the cream of the crop this draft, although it begins to drop off a bit at the very end leading into the second round.
    Finally, here's your top 40 so far.  This list was last updated Sunday November 22nd.
    Rank   Player User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP G A PT -/+ SHT PIM HIT SB   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Red Lite @Tate RW 22-Nov 206   San Diego 10 7 5 12 2 45 4 11 1   6 14 35 14 69   2   Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn D 21-Nov 188   Saskatoon 11 3 6 9 4 55 8 14 11   25 14 14 14 67   3   Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss D 17-Nov 187   Mexico City 11 3 2 5 8 21 14 16 12   14 20 16 14 64   4   Tom Eagles @Greg_Di D 18-Nov 176   Philly 11 1 8 9 7 29 14 18 13   12 14 19 14 59   5   Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 LW 23-Nov 164   San Diego 10 2 4 6 -2 39 0 7 4   2 12 14 14 42   6   Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding LW 19-Nov 150   San Diego 10 2 0 2 -4 7 2 5 2   19 14 14 14 61   7   Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 LW 16-Nov 136   Mexico City 11 2 4 6 6 28 4 10 2   8 11 23 10 52   8   Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil RW 19-Nov 133   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -1 3 24 28 0   11 12 9 7 39   9   Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™ D 19-Nov 132   San Diego 10 1 4 5 -4 19 14 18 14   22 12 17 10 61   10   Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat RW 21-Nov 130   Philly 11 0 0 0 -1 6 0 4 1   33 14 19 14 80   11   Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19 LW 21-Nov 127   Miami 9 5 2 7 2 24 0 1 2   6 14 14 14 48   12   Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus D 17-Nov 122   Philly 11 1 16 17 9 12 8 9 9   27 12 14 19 72   13   Phoenix Dawson @Toast C 18-Nov 103   Miami 11 1 7 8 11 18 6 8 2   14 25 12 10 61   14   Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549 C 22-Nov 103   Philly 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0   8 12 12 8 40   15   JL Gunnar @Big Mac D 9-Nov 100   Miami 11 1 3 4 10 7 12 9 10     2 10   12   16   Hex Rose @Hex Universe C 19-Nov 93   Las Vegas 10 0 2 2 -1 7 2 5 0   27 12     39   17   Eeli Rantanen @Jolline LW 16-Nov 91   Mississauga 11 5 9 14 -7 71 2 15 3   15 21     36   18   Keith Schnare @KINGSTEEZ RW 2-Nov 86   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -2 8 2 3 0       6 6 12   19   Henry Tucker @NotSoGood88 RW 21-Nov 82   Minnesota 10 7 10 17 -2 20 12 24 3   8 8 8 11 35   20   Kristof Welch @Juice D 22-Nov 79   Yukon 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0   19       19   21   Han Schultz II @HoPeFuLCheWBaCCa D 18-Nov 78   Yukon 10 2 2 4 3 5 6 19 11   12 12     24   22   Jaroslav Petr @711 slushies D 16-Nov 77   San Diego 10 0 1 1 -6 5 10 7 13   6 6 6 6 24   23   Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374 D 21-Nov 75   Halifax 11 1 6 7 -8 26 6 18 8   17 10     27   24   Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki LW 19-Nov 73   Minnesota 8 2 5 7 1 13 16 12 4   11 2     13   25   Green Gaming @Lilpfigher C 23-Nov 73   Miami 5 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0   13       13   26   Bahram Kamkar @Eagle Eye D 23-Nov 72   Halifax 11 0 4 4 2 3 8 14 10   6 12     18   27   Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 D 22-Nov 71   Philly 11 0 1 1 2 4 8 17 5   6 6 6 11 29   28   Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles D 17-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 0 6 6 -10 12 0 9 19   6 11 6   23   29   Calvin Hobbes @2hawk C 16-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 1 0 1 -10 8 12 13 2   6 6 6 6 24   30   Brian Moreau @weekz LW 19-Nov 68   Saskatoon 8 0 0 0 -4 10 6 10 1   8       8   31   Erin Esurance @Sljppers LW 17-Nov 66   Mississauga 9 5 3 8 -9 33 12 9 4   6       6   32   Ron World Peace III @stevo D 19-Nov 66   Minnesota 10 5 9 14 1 19 24 24 25   6 6 6 2 20   33   Sebastian Andrews @Sevsdast RW 18-Nov 65   Saskatoon 11 1 1 2 -6 6 6 10 2   6 11 6   23   34   Big Mortie @KingMortie D 18-Nov 64   Mexico City 11 0 2 2 1 4 8 15 0   6 8 6 6 26   35   Alex Zverina @Catter98 D 21-Nov 63   Philly 11 1 0 1 1 7 2 11 7   11 2 6 2 21                                                     Rank   Goalie User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP W L OTL SV% AVG SO GA SA   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan G 20-Nov 84   Ottawa 11 0 11 0 0.859 6.18 0 68 482   20 10 6   36   2   Loic Trepanier @Noxalpha G 21-Nov 73   Halifax 3 1 2 0 0.873 3.01 0 9 71   13       13   3   Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl G 22-Nov 73   Minnesota 3 1 0 0 0.969 1.25 0 2 64   13       13   4   Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoost G 16-Nov 71   Yukon                     11 6 6   23   5   Barry Taffe @Barry G 18-Nov 69   Philadelphia                     13 2     15    
    @Jubis @Banackock @hedgehog337 @Peace @McWolf @GustavMattias @FrostBeard @JeffD @.sniffuM @Enorama @Esso2264 @Jubo07 @Victor @Josh @diamond_ace  
  23. Love
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Toast in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Hey VHL, it's MattyIce from VSN Scouting again. I'm bringing you the top 40 prospects eligible for the Season 76 VHL Entry Draft!
    Another draft came and went like it was just a few days ago
    After all the hype, trades being made and extra eyes on the event sure marked that draft as a very deep one.  People will still be mentioning this draft for many seasons to come as it truly could have a major impact in coming seasons.  What made this draft really special is that even though there were roughly a dozen (or more) elite players, it was a very steady slope going further into the draft.  Talent didn't fall off after being top heavy this draft, but that wasn't the expectation either.  Alot of new faces made their debuts and some familiar ones hope to add some/more hardware to their trophy cases with their new player, and this draft is now different, so far.
    There are some really, I mean really good players at the top.  A good mix of wingers and defencemen occupy the top of the draft,  while the goaltenders start showing up around the 20th spot.  The centermen are very few and far between in this draft, so it's unclear if a team looking to draft a top line centerman will make adjustments to their draft boards in consequence.
    Another interesting observation in this draft that makes it very interesting here, is that there's only one GM player ranked in the first round.  Movement to maneuver for picks might be less so this season with players more or less likely being selected in the vicinity of their TPE ranking.
    This draft belongs to Red Lite.  He's been at the top of the rankings since he showed up onto the scene post-S74 trade deadline, as with most of the players within the first round.  There's plently of solid earners, solid builds and fresh new faces making an impact already, but the first round is the cream of the crop this draft, although it begins to drop off a bit at the very end leading into the second round.
    Finally, here's your top 40 so far.  This list was last updated Sunday November 22nd.
    Rank   Player User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP G A PT -/+ SHT PIM HIT SB   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Red Lite @Tate RW 22-Nov 206   San Diego 10 7 5 12 2 45 4 11 1   6 14 35 14 69   2   Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn D 21-Nov 188   Saskatoon 11 3 6 9 4 55 8 14 11   25 14 14 14 67   3   Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss D 17-Nov 187   Mexico City 11 3 2 5 8 21 14 16 12   14 20 16 14 64   4   Tom Eagles @Greg_Di D 18-Nov 176   Philly 11 1 8 9 7 29 14 18 13   12 14 19 14 59   5   Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 LW 23-Nov 164   San Diego 10 2 4 6 -2 39 0 7 4   2 12 14 14 42   6   Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding LW 19-Nov 150   San Diego 10 2 0 2 -4 7 2 5 2   19 14 14 14 61   7   Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 LW 16-Nov 136   Mexico City 11 2 4 6 6 28 4 10 2   8 11 23 10 52   8   Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil RW 19-Nov 133   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -1 3 24 28 0   11 12 9 7 39   9   Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™ D 19-Nov 132   San Diego 10 1 4 5 -4 19 14 18 14   22 12 17 10 61   10   Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat RW 21-Nov 130   Philly 11 0 0 0 -1 6 0 4 1   33 14 19 14 80   11   Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19 LW 21-Nov 127   Miami 9 5 2 7 2 24 0 1 2   6 14 14 14 48   12   Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus D 17-Nov 122   Philly 11 1 16 17 9 12 8 9 9   27 12 14 19 72   13   Phoenix Dawson @Toast C 18-Nov 103   Miami 11 1 7 8 11 18 6 8 2   14 25 12 10 61   14   Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549 C 22-Nov 103   Philly 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0   8 12 12 8 40   15   JL Gunnar @Big Mac D 9-Nov 100   Miami 11 1 3 4 10 7 12 9 10     2 10   12   16   Hex Rose @Hex Universe C 19-Nov 93   Las Vegas 10 0 2 2 -1 7 2 5 0   27 12     39   17   Eeli Rantanen @Jolline LW 16-Nov 91   Mississauga 11 5 9 14 -7 71 2 15 3   15 21     36   18   Keith Schnare @KINGSTEEZ RW 2-Nov 86   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -2 8 2 3 0       6 6 12   19   Henry Tucker @NotSoGood88 RW 21-Nov 82   Minnesota 10 7 10 17 -2 20 12 24 3   8 8 8 11 35   20   Kristof Welch @Juice D 22-Nov 79   Yukon 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0   19       19   21   Han Schultz II @HoPeFuLCheWBaCCa D 18-Nov 78   Yukon 10 2 2 4 3 5 6 19 11   12 12     24   22   Jaroslav Petr @711 slushies D 16-Nov 77   San Diego 10 0 1 1 -6 5 10 7 13   6 6 6 6 24   23   Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374 D 21-Nov 75   Halifax 11 1 6 7 -8 26 6 18 8   17 10     27   24   Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki LW 19-Nov 73   Minnesota 8 2 5 7 1 13 16 12 4   11 2     13   25   Green Gaming @Lilpfigher C 23-Nov 73   Miami 5 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0   13       13   26   Bahram Kamkar @Eagle Eye D 23-Nov 72   Halifax 11 0 4 4 2 3 8 14 10   6 12     18   27   Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 D 22-Nov 71   Philly 11 0 1 1 2 4 8 17 5   6 6 6 11 29   28   Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles D 17-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 0 6 6 -10 12 0 9 19   6 11 6   23   29   Calvin Hobbes @2hawk C 16-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 1 0 1 -10 8 12 13 2   6 6 6 6 24   30   Brian Moreau @weekz LW 19-Nov 68   Saskatoon 8 0 0 0 -4 10 6 10 1   8       8   31   Erin Esurance @Sljppers LW 17-Nov 66   Mississauga 9 5 3 8 -9 33 12 9 4   6       6   32   Ron World Peace III @stevo D 19-Nov 66   Minnesota 10 5 9 14 1 19 24 24 25   6 6 6 2 20   33   Sebastian Andrews @Sevsdast RW 18-Nov 65   Saskatoon 11 1 1 2 -6 6 6 10 2   6 11 6   23   34   Big Mortie @KingMortie D 18-Nov 64   Mexico City 11 0 2 2 1 4 8 15 0   6 8 6 6 26   35   Alex Zverina @Catter98 D 21-Nov 63   Philly 11 1 0 1 1 7 2 11 7   11 2 6 2 21                                                     Rank   Goalie User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP W L OTL SV% AVG SO GA SA   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan G 20-Nov 84   Ottawa 11 0 11 0 0.859 6.18 0 68 482   20 10 6   36   2   Loic Trepanier @Noxalpha G 21-Nov 73   Halifax 3 1 2 0 0.873 3.01 0 9 71   13       13   3   Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl G 22-Nov 73   Minnesota 3 1 0 0 0.969 1.25 0 2 64   13       13   4   Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoost G 16-Nov 71   Yukon                     11 6 6   23   5   Barry Taffe @Barry G 18-Nov 69   Philadelphia                     13 2     15    
    @Jubis @Banackock @hedgehog337 @Peace @McWolf @GustavMattias @FrostBeard @JeffD @.sniffuM @Enorama @Esso2264 @Jubo07 @Victor @Josh @diamond_ace  
  24. Fire
    mattyIceman got a reaction from dasboot in VSN Presents: S76 Entry Draft Ranking - Top 40   
    Hey VHL, it's MattyIce from VSN Scouting again. I'm bringing you the top 40 prospects eligible for the Season 76 VHL Entry Draft!
    Another draft came and went like it was just a few days ago
    After all the hype, trades being made and extra eyes on the event sure marked that draft as a very deep one.  People will still be mentioning this draft for many seasons to come as it truly could have a major impact in coming seasons.  What made this draft really special is that even though there were roughly a dozen (or more) elite players, it was a very steady slope going further into the draft.  Talent didn't fall off after being top heavy this draft, but that wasn't the expectation either.  Alot of new faces made their debuts and some familiar ones hope to add some/more hardware to their trophy cases with their new player, and this draft is now different, so far.
    There are some really, I mean really good players at the top.  A good mix of wingers and defencemen occupy the top of the draft,  while the goaltenders start showing up around the 20th spot.  The centermen are very few and far between in this draft, so it's unclear if a team looking to draft a top line centerman will make adjustments to their draft boards in consequence.
    Another interesting observation in this draft that makes it very interesting here, is that there's only one GM player ranked in the first round.  Movement to maneuver for picks might be less so this season with players more or less likely being selected in the vicinity of their TPE ranking.
    This draft belongs to Red Lite.  He's been at the top of the rankings since he showed up onto the scene post-S74 trade deadline, as with most of the players within the first round.  There's plently of solid earners, solid builds and fresh new faces making an impact already, but the first round is the cream of the crop this draft, although it begins to drop off a bit at the very end leading into the second round.
    Finally, here's your top 40 so far.  This list was last updated Sunday November 22nd.
    Rank   Player User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP G A PT -/+ SHT PIM HIT SB   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Red Lite @Tate RW 22-Nov 206   San Diego 10 7 5 12 2 45 4 11 1   6 14 35 14 69   2   Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn D 21-Nov 188   Saskatoon 11 3 6 9 4 55 8 14 11   25 14 14 14 67   3   Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss D 17-Nov 187   Mexico City 11 3 2 5 8 21 14 16 12   14 20 16 14 64   4   Tom Eagles @Greg_Di D 18-Nov 176   Philly 11 1 8 9 7 29 14 18 13   12 14 19 14 59   5   Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 LW 23-Nov 164   San Diego 10 2 4 6 -2 39 0 7 4   2 12 14 14 42   6   Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding LW 19-Nov 150   San Diego 10 2 0 2 -4 7 2 5 2   19 14 14 14 61   7   Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 LW 16-Nov 136   Mexico City 11 2 4 6 6 28 4 10 2   8 11 23 10 52   8   Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil RW 19-Nov 133   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -1 3 24 28 0   11 12 9 7 39   9   Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™ D 19-Nov 132   San Diego 10 1 4 5 -4 19 14 18 14   22 12 17 10 61   10   Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat RW 21-Nov 130   Philly 11 0 0 0 -1 6 0 4 1   33 14 19 14 80   11   Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19 LW 21-Nov 127   Miami 9 5 2 7 2 24 0 1 2   6 14 14 14 48   12   Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus D 17-Nov 122   Philly 11 1 16 17 9 12 8 9 9   27 12 14 19 72   13   Phoenix Dawson @Toast C 18-Nov 103   Miami 11 1 7 8 11 18 6 8 2   14 25 12 10 61   14   Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549 C 22-Nov 103   Philly 11 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0   8 12 12 8 40   15   JL Gunnar @Big Mac D 9-Nov 100   Miami 11 1 3 4 10 7 12 9 10     2 10   12   16   Hex Rose @Hex Universe C 19-Nov 93   Las Vegas 10 0 2 2 -1 7 2 5 0   27 12     39   17   Eeli Rantanen @Jolline LW 16-Nov 91   Mississauga 11 5 9 14 -7 71 2 15 3   15 21     36   18   Keith Schnare @KINGSTEEZ RW 2-Nov 86   San Diego 10 0 0 0 -2 8 2 3 0       6 6 12   19   Henry Tucker @NotSoGood88 RW 21-Nov 82   Minnesota 10 7 10 17 -2 20 12 24 3   8 8 8 11 35   20   Kristof Welch @Juice D 22-Nov 79   Yukon 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0   19       19   21   Han Schultz II @HoPeFuLCheWBaCCa D 18-Nov 78   Yukon 10 2 2 4 3 5 6 19 11   12 12     24   22   Jaroslav Petr @711 slushies D 16-Nov 77   San Diego 10 0 1 1 -6 5 10 7 13   6 6 6 6 24   23   Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374 D 21-Nov 75   Halifax 11 1 6 7 -8 26 6 18 8   17 10     27   24   Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki LW 19-Nov 73   Minnesota 8 2 5 7 1 13 16 12 4   11 2     13   25   Green Gaming @Lilpfigher C 23-Nov 73   Miami 5 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0   13       13   26   Bahram Kamkar @Eagle Eye D 23-Nov 72   Halifax 11 0 4 4 2 3 8 14 10   6 12     18   27   Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 D 22-Nov 71   Philly 11 0 1 1 2 4 8 17 5   6 6 6 11 29   28   Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles D 17-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 0 6 6 -10 12 0 9 19   6 11 6   23   29   Calvin Hobbes @2hawk C 16-Nov 71   Minnesota 10 1 0 1 -10 8 12 13 2   6 6 6 6 24   30   Brian Moreau @weekz LW 19-Nov 68   Saskatoon 8 0 0 0 -4 10 6 10 1   8       8   31   Erin Esurance @Sljppers LW 17-Nov 66   Mississauga 9 5 3 8 -9 33 12 9 4   6       6   32   Ron World Peace III @stevo D 19-Nov 66   Minnesota 10 5 9 14 1 19 24 24 25   6 6 6 2 20   33   Sebastian Andrews @Sevsdast RW 18-Nov 65   Saskatoon 11 1 1 2 -6 6 6 10 2   6 11 6   23   34   Big Mortie @KingMortie D 18-Nov 64   Mexico City 11 0 2 2 1 4 8 15 0   6 8 6 6 26   35   Alex Zverina @Catter98 D 21-Nov 63   Philly 11 1 0 1 1 7 2 11 7   11 2 6 2 21                                                     Rank   Goalie User Pos Last Update TPE   Team GP W L OTL SV% AVG SO GA SA   TPE - Past four weeks + Total   1   Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan G 20-Nov 84   Ottawa 11 0 11 0 0.859 6.18 0 68 482   20 10 6   36   2   Loic Trepanier @Noxalpha G 21-Nov 73   Halifax 3 1 2 0 0.873 3.01 0 9 71   13       13   3   Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl G 22-Nov 73   Minnesota 3 1 0 0 0.969 1.25 0 2 64   13       13   4   Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoost G 16-Nov 71   Yukon                     11 6 6   23   5   Barry Taffe @Barry G 18-Nov 69   Philadelphia                     13 2     15    
    @Jubis @Banackock @hedgehog337 @Peace @McWolf @GustavMattias @FrostBeard @JeffD @.sniffuM @Enorama @Esso2264 @Jubo07 @Victor @Josh @diamond_ace  
  25. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Red in S75 VHL Draft Class Dream Team   
    This Dream team is comprised of players eligible for the S75 VHL Entry Draft. The players picked are each the best at there respective position after looking at both TPE and career statistics. The team will include the minimum number of players (3f, 2d, 1g).
    1. Taro Tsujimoto | C | 6' 2" | 209 lb. | Age: 20 | TPE: 216
    Although His TPE is not significantly higher than any of the other centers eligible for S75, his statistics is what stands out the most. he currently has a whopping total of 70 points in 36 games, good for a 1.94 points per game average. Taro is a fast agile playmaking center with good size who has exploded this season after only recording 3 points in 19 games in his rookie year.
      2. "L" | D | 6' 6" | 234 lb. | Age: 29 | TPE: 207
    Playing on a stacked Mississauga team L has impressed with 32 points in 36 games this season. A big body with and outstanding defensive game, L is the most intimidating player in this draft class. Despite not being mobile or overly physical, L uses a good defensive stick to break up plays and clog passing lanes. L also possesses surprisingly soft hands as he's able to control the puck with ease.
    3. Chicken Wing | D | 5' 9" | 200 lb. | Age: 19 | TPE: 143
    I have to admit this selection may be somewhat biased based on the fact chicken wing does not have the highest TPE among defensemen, but knowing this I can't ignore the surprisingly impressive season Chicken Wing has played so far. Chicken in 36 games played has managed to put up 47 points as a defensemen which is the most among his position in this draft class. Doubters will quickly point at his -21 plus minus and explain that a defense should defend before anything else, but what has to be remembered is that he's played on a bottom 4 team for the entire year. Therefore with the right players in front of him Chicken could be the steal of the S75 Draft.
    4. Joe Kelly | LW | 6' 1" | 190 lb. | Age: 16 | TPE: 167
    Honestly the reason I have Joe Kelly in hear is because I feel bad for him. Despite having the highest TPE among left wingers in the draft, he has a measly 1 point (an assist) in 36 games this season. This is mainly because Joe has seen little to no ice time with Halifax this season, the reasoning for this is that Halifax is loaded with VHLM stars, all with higher TPE's than him. Because of this I can't leave him off this team because only god knows what he's capable of with a good amount of ice time.
    5. Sirkants Klamasteris | G | 6' 5" | 235 lb. | Age: 25 | TPE: 177
    Posting a fairly impressive save percentage of 0.896 percent, Sirkants is a large positionally sound goaltender playing with the Ottawa Lynx. Sirkants is the best amongst the goalies in the VHL draft mainly because of his win percentage. His SV% can be matched by at least one other goalie in the draft class, but no one else has been capable of winning as many games.
    6. RJ Thatcher | RW | 6' 1" | 200 lb. | Age: 18 | TPE: 129
    RJ while having the lowest amount of TPE in this list has managed to put up fairly impressive numbers with the Mexico City Kings. In 36 games played he has 29 goals and 27 assists on the season good for a total of 56 points.  Playing top line minutes, RJ is already among the best on his team. RJ has also shown to be a very effective two way player posting a +24 plus/minus while playing on a mid table team
    Honorable Mention:
    Pistil Stamen | C | 6' 2" | 212 lb. | Age: 27 | TPE: 193
    Considered the second best center in the draft, Pistil is a promising prospect who by the opinion of many, hasn't performed to the best of his abilities this season. However, this player has loads of potential and can easily be a cornerstone piece to any VHL team if he's given time to develop.
    692 words.
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