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Posts posted by Bobo

  1. 7 minutes ago, Blazzer said:

    Chicago Phoenix Press Conference 

    Answer 6 for 2 TPE; answer 3 for 1 TPE


    1. The season is starting today. How are you gonna wake up and get back to business after a long offseason? 

    Same as always. Hard working and ready to play. Let’s go!

    2. Time for too early predictions! Who's gonna be the MVP of the season? 

    Christian Mingle no doubt. I would expect nothing less from the greatest of all time.

    3. If you were lost on an island, who would u bring along and why? 

    Jean-Pierre Camus. Why? Well, he is a goalie, so he can block shots and save me some food and shelter for survival. Love the guy too.  

    4. What's one thing that you like but others find overrated? 

    Rap music. There’s an art to hip hop you know? Ya just have to find the good stuff.

    5. Did you know that the Earth has a butt hole? Can u figure out where it is? 

    At the core, or at the equator. It’s always super hot there, and quite polluted I hear.

    6. If your could tell your younger self one advice, what would it be? 

    Shoot for the moon and nothing less, and be sure to visit Chicago. Great city.


  2. Victory Hockey Times

    "Victory Never Sleeps"


    Hello VHL community. With the recent departure of one of our graphic designers (Zetterberg), we are on the lookout for a person to step in and fill that hole. The VHT is always in need of graphics and visuals for our articles, especially with all of the new writers that are coming in. You would not be administered job pay, but you may claim your graphic work for each of our editions. We are looking for people with some graphic design/digital art experience; portfolios are highly recommended with your application. If we DM you, please respond to our questions to the best of your ability. If you're interested and want to apply, please respond to this thread with a link to your portfolio. 


    Thank you.

  3. I love this list. Every team is well explained, I agree with all of the rankings... It’s a very well thought out list with great logic behind it. Formatting is great, It clearly displays the teams and it catches the eye and keeps my attention fixed. I could not look away. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to make a power ranking list. 


  4. I will be applying. I would begin to reach out to more platforms for VHL advertising, one would include Snapchat for example. The more platforms, the bigger the audience. I will work to attract to a wider audience through advertising with shorter and to the point messages, with more trendy and modern looking graphics: images that fit the modern trends on the internet. That would be just the beginning; DM for more info.

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