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  1. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to diamond_ace in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    Central admissions for a big hospital conglomerate comprised of 25 hospitals centralized around the Pittsburgh area, but extends to western NY, northeastern PA, as well as a hospital in western MD that's on board with the company but hasn't integrated with my particular department yet. If you're in that general vicinity, you're almost certainly aware of the company, it has a heavy presence in the area.

    Basically when patients physically move rooms/beds, they also have to move rooms/beds in a few computer systems (Medipac, First Net, and Teletracking, in our particular case, but different places may use different programs - we're also in the process of exchanging Medipac for Epic). We do that. Also status changes (if they were inpatient but need to be obs, or obs but need to be inpatient, or a few more specialty statuses like extended recovery), also medcalls (when a doc puts in with a hospital to get admitted directly to a floor and bypass the ED, they put in the orders with a group called Medcall, who then sends a booking to us and we enter a preadmit into Medipac for the AODs at the hospitals to see and assign from there), also a handful of other things as they come up.
    Only started here about 2 years ago as an indirect promotion out of ED registration at one of the specific hospitals that are part of all of this. Working on heading out the other way actually - have an app active with a position for a Systems Analyst and the hiring people were specifically looking for someone who started closer to ground level like me. One of the bosses specifically sent me the job number personally, so fingers crossed - the pay is almost double, and it's not like the current one is that small on that end, so it would be nice (and I'd be moving to an office building that has its own steakhouse in it, so...)
  2. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to bigAL in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    I take kids who don’t make words good and make them make words gooder. 
  3. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to boubabi in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    QA Analyst. Basically, I'm paid to critic stuff.
    So my VHL experience is paying off. Suck it fong
  4. Cheers
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Spartan in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    I graduated this May majoring in Finance, Accounting and Business Analytics, and I use a bit of all of it now as an auditor for a bank. It's more interesting than it's made out to be since you get a peek behind the curtains of whatever company/department/business line you're auditing at the time. It's honestly risk assessment and mitigation evaluation since we have to be aware of all potential threats to the company and make sure we're not leaving ourselves exposed for penalties/fines/lawsuits. Pretty cool stuff.
  5. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Beketov in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    Started this all so might as well share my own.
    I work in post production for a TV and film production company. Primarily I’m an offline editor (would also sometimes be called a story editor) but I also do most of our final deliveries, dabble in online editing (would also sometimes be called finishing), and basically just do anything video related that’s needed.
    Before you ask as well: no, I have likely not worked on anything you’ve seen. It’s not impossible of course but unlikely. We work primarily in French and primarily in doc. Since French docs aren’t exactly hyper popular my reach is not super far but we’ve made some great shows over the years.
  6. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Alex in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    I am just getting my masters in spine biomechanics, currently researching the effect of fatigue on rowing athletes.
  7. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Frank in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    Build millwork fixtures, door and frames and some furniture. All for rich people. 
  8. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to CowboyinAmerica in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    Magazine editor over here, have done it for a while now and enjoy it. Though I've also got an MBA I did part-time while working, so casually looking around the job market for if I want to change things up.
  9. Love
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    This spring I'll be graduating with a degree in chemical engineering! I'm planning on going to grad school after that (currently narrowing down the places I'll apply to). After that's over I'd like to work in the industry somewhere--I'm interested in the energy sector and would love to help develop renewables. 
  10. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to FrostBeard in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   

    Just so there are quite a few people in the league that know nothing about me, here we go!

    I am a beekeeper, I have been doing this for all my life as my family has been keeping bees and making a lot of interesting items out of their products (For example, bee wax candles). I do this in my free time combined with video games, VHL and music (I do play guitar, bass and a bit of piano). 
    In my professional life I have been a political advisor, project manager, risk manager but right now, I have devoted myself to political career (for next few months fully) as I have been elected in my local municipality as a council member. In the next few months I am planning to take a job at our local Culture center where I will be working as the director. 

    Well, that sums it up for me, if anyone is interested in chatting about anything that you might think is in my field of interest, hit me up

  11. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Ledge in Official “what do you do for a living” Thread   
    Your average high school freshman here. I'll probably get a job next summer, for now my dad wants me to get into investing.
  12. Sad
    eaglesfan036 reacted to stevo in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    vote eaglesfan036
  13. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Berocka in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    So if we are to believe Barzal there is 3+ mafia and no coven. No one has claimed anything regarding coven so this lines up to me.
    With a group of 17 or however many we had there is quite a few neutrals in my mind.
    With no NK rearing their ugly heads we might have a few pest/arso or a potential vampire game. I think if there are no neutral kills in the next two nights a VH should announce that it is a vamp game so we can play around that.
    But it is an eagles game anything is possible
  14. Love
    eaglesfan036 reacted to sterling in The VHL Issue that Needs to be Addressed   
    Bring back Arrowchat! And annoying messages from the Gows/Fong!
  15. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to sterling in The VHL Issue that Needs to be Addressed   
    I hate discord and suggested we kill it a long time ago, but they called me old and senile.
  16. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to bigAL in The VHL Issue that Needs to be Addressed   
    Nuke discord, we’re a forum-only league now. 
  17. Fire
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from omgitshim in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    @NSG88died last night to the Crusader. His role was janitor.
    @omgitshimsent a whisper to @MMFLEXlast night.
    @GustavMattiassent a whisper to @Berockalast night
    Day 3 begins now
  18. Angry
    eaglesfan036 reacted to N0HBDY in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    More talking?
  19. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    To the mafia: if you picked Ricer last night because you felt he would be a good target, cool. If you picked him for the sake of meme killing him on N1 again, not cool. I hope it was the former and not the latter.
    Anyone find anything interesting last night?
  20. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from omgitshim in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    Everyone should be properly discorded
    First night phase starts at 10PM EST tonight.
    Whispers can only be sent during night periods Every player can only send one whisper per game Just like in real town of salem, I will post who whispered who in the activity log in the morning (not what was said though) If a player receives whispers from multiple players in the same night, they will only receive one of the whispers. This will be determined by the random number generator. All players will only be alerted about the whisper that came through. Failed whispers will not count against each players one whisper limit, and failed whispers will not be shown to all players in the beginning of the day, only the successful whisper. Players who unsuccessfully send a whisper will be notified, but the player who would have received the whisper will not be notified.  Also, if we have a medium I am going to ask that you keep your messages you relay to living players as game related topics only. No more asking Player X what his favorite K Pop character is to easily confirm you are medium. This is more of a know it when I see it rule, please try to keep to the spirit of this
  21. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from Ptyrell in Town of Eaglesfan #23 Game Thread   
    Everyone should be properly discorded
    First night phase starts at 10PM EST tonight.
    Whispers can only be sent during night periods Every player can only send one whisper per game Just like in real town of salem, I will post who whispered who in the activity log in the morning (not what was said though) If a player receives whispers from multiple players in the same night, they will only receive one of the whispers. This will be determined by the random number generator. All players will only be alerted about the whisper that came through. Failed whispers will not count against each players one whisper limit, and failed whispers will not be shown to all players in the beginning of the day, only the successful whisper. Players who unsuccessfully send a whisper will be notified, but the player who would have received the whisper will not be notified.  Also, if we have a medium I am going to ask that you keep your messages you relay to living players as game related topics only. No more asking Player X what his favorite K Pop character is to easily confirm you are medium. This is more of a know it when I see it rule, please try to keep to the spirit of this
  22. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from NSG in Town of Eaglesfan #23   
    You are our 15 players for this game. Starting soon. May the odds ever be in your favor
  23. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from rory in My Issue with the VHLM   
    This is why we need a communist VHLM
    No draft pick trading, all teams same # of picks, randomized snake draft
  24. Haha
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from Sixersfan594 in (S82) D - Trade Me, TPE: 59   
    Attention All VHL, VHLM, VHLE GMs
    This player is not going to be very good. Please do not draft me with the intention of keeping me. My goal with this player is to play for every single VHLM team (even if for just one game), every single VHLE team, and every single VHL team. Please everyone make this a possibility and no one use valuable resources on me. Goal is to break a record with a sucky player by playing for every team. 
  25. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from diacope in (S82) D - Trade Me, TPE: 59   
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