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Post Draft Live S79 Class Rankings


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Jerome Reinhart + 19 Papa Emeritus + 19 Tyler Reinhart + 11 Taylor Mourning + 10 Jonathan Ori + 19 Poopy Peepants + 16 Erlantz Jokinen + 19 AJ Williams + 29 Baby Bob + 18 Sigard Petrenko + 10 Omi Aberg + 13 Em Em Flex + 14 Miroslav Tsarov + 10 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 3 Jakub Brozik + 13 Donny Carter + 13 Orion D H Chiester IX + 8 John Baard + 7 Zdeno Chara + 12 Rhys Trenton + 9 Bob Beach + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Luke Pastrnak + 10 Connor Wilson + 6 Barry Bonds Jr + 12 Pekka Grubauer + 6 Matty Live + 2 Jeremy D + 6 cube whale + 6 Patric Twist + 6 Mommies Little Bstar + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 31



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Papa Emeritus + 13 Taylor Mourning + 4 Jonathan Ori + 14 Tyler Reinhart + 1 Poopy Peepants + 23 Erlantz Jokinen + 19 AJ Williams + 4 Baby Bob + 18 Sigard Petrenko + 12 Omi Aberg + 19 Em Em Flex + 2 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 19 Jakub Brozik + 2 Donny Carter + 5 Orion D H Chiester IX + 6 John Baard + 5 Zdeno Chara + 7 Rhys Trenton + 5 Bob Beach + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Connor Wilson + 6 Pekka Grubauer + 6 Matty Live + 6 cube whale + 6 Sick Nuzuki + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 26



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Taylor Mourning + 28 Jerome Reinhart + 25 Papa Emeritus + 15 Jonathan Ori + 20 Poopy Peepants + 16 Tyler Reinhart + 5 Erlantz Jokinen + 15 AJ Williams + 16 Baby Bob + 17 Sigard Petrenko + 24 Omi Aberg + 5 Em Em Flex + 9 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 10 Jakub Brozik + 12 Donny Carter + 13 Orion D H Chiester IX + 7 Zdeno Chara + 2 Rhys Trenton + 14 Bob Beach + 5 Deagun Rust + 12 Luke Pastrnak + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Connor Wilson + 6 Pekka Grubauer + 6 Barry Bonds Jr + 6 Matty Live + 6 Lilith Lunar + 6 Jeremy D + 6 cube whale + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 30



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Taylor Mourning + 26 Jerome Reinhart + 23 Papa Emeritus + 18 Jonathan Ori + 17 Poopy Peepants + 17 Erlantz Jokinen + 21 Tyler Reinhart + 1 AJ Williams + 33 Baby Bob + 21 Sigard Petrenko + 18 Omi Aberg + 17 Em Em Flex + 9 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 10 Donny Carter + 17 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Zdeno Chara + 14 John Baard + 10 Rhys Trenton + 8 Bob Beach + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Luke Pastrnak + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Connor Wilson + 6 Pekka Grubauer + 6 Barry Bonds Jr + 6 Matty Live + 6 Lilith Lunar + 2 Jeremy D + 6 Patric Twist + 12


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 30


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Jerome Reinhart + 13 Taylor Mourning + 4 Papa Emeritus + 13 Jonathan Ori + 6 Poopy Peepants + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 11 AJ Williams + 9 Baby Bob + 11 Sigard Petrenko + 7 Omi Aberg + 9 Em Em Flex + 7 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 9 Donny Carter + 9 Jakub Brozik + 5 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Orion D H Chiester IX + 7 Zdeno Chara + 4 Rhys Trenton + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Connor Wilson + 6 Pekka Grubauer + 6 Barry Bonds Jr + 6 Matty Live + 6 Jeremy D + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 25



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Jerome Reinhart + 6 Taylor Mourning + 5 Papa Emeritus + 2 Jonathan Ori + 13 Poopy Peepants + 11 Erlantz Jokinen + 19 AJ Williams + 19 Tyler Reinhart + 1 Baby Bob + 17 Sigard Petrenko + 6 Omi Aberg + 13 Em Em Flex + 9 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 9 Donny Carter + 8 Jakub Brozik + 5 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Zdeno Chara + 10 Orion D H Chiester IX + 1 John Baard + 5 Rhys Trenton + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Connor Wilson + 6 Pekka Grubauer + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 6 Matty Live + 6 Jeremy D + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 29



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Jerome Reinhart + 47 Jonathan Ori + 45 Papa Emeritus + 39 Taylor Mourning + 16 Poopy Peepants + 26 Erlantz Jokinen + 29 AJ Williams + 36 Baby Bob + 21 Tyler Reinhart + 5 Sigard Petrenko + 36 Omi Aberg + 19 Em Em Flex + 24 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 19 Donny Carter + 18 Jakub Brozik + 19 Zdeno Chara + 26 Orion D H Chiester IX + 23 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Rhys Trenton + 15 Bob Beach + 15 Deagun Rust + 6 Pistol Pete + 15 X Man + 15 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 15 Pekka Grubauer + 10 Matty Live + 16 Jeremy D + 22 cube whale + 6 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 30


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Jonathan Ori + 11 Papa Emeritus + 13 Taylor Mourning + 5 Poopy Peepants + 3 Erlantz Jokinen + 7 AJ Williams + 3 Baby Bob + 5 Tyler Reinhart + 5 Sigard Petrenko + 1 Omi Aberg + 7 Em Em Flex + 13 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 3 Donny Carter + 11 Jakub Brozik + 5 Zdeno Chara + 2 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 John Baard + 17 Rhys Trenton + 5 Deagun Rust + 12 Connor Wilson + 25 Pistol Pete + 4 X Man + 4 Pekka Grubauer + 20 Barry Bonds Jr + 15 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 25


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Jerome Reinhart + 28 Jonathan Ori + 17 Papa Emeritus + 13 Poopy Peepants + 25 Erlantz Jokinen + 17 Taylor Mourning + 5 AJ Williams + 32 Baby Bob + 19 Sigard Petrenko + 25 Em Em Flex + 13 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 11 Donny Carter + 22 Jakub Brozik + 10 Zdeno Chara + 14 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 John Baard + 15 Rhys Trenton + 5 Bob Beach + 10 Connor Wilson + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Pekka Grubauer + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 6 Jeremy D + 6 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 26


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Jerome Reinhart + 19 Jonathan Ori + 31 Papa Emeritus + 13 Poopy Peepants + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 22 Taylor Mourning + 24 AJ Williams + 18 Baby Bob + 17 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Omi Aberg + 9 Em Em Flex + 19 Donny Carter + 16 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 9 Zdeno Chara + 15 Jakub Brozik + 4 John Baard + 15 Miroslav Tsarov + 10 Orion D H Chiester IX + 7 Rhys Trenton + 5 Deagun Rust + 12 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Pistol Pete + 5 X Man + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 10 Pekka Grubauer + 5 Matty Live + 6 Jeremy D + 6 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 29



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Jerome Reinhart + 4 Jonathan Ori + 2 Papa Emeritus + 18 Poopy Peepants + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 12 Taylor Mourning + 1 AJ Williams + 3 Baby Bob + 10 Sigard Petrenko + 14 Omi Aberg + 7 Em Em Flex + 6 Donny Carter + 4 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 7 Zdeno Chara + 6 Jakub Brozik + 8 John Baard + 1 Orion D H Chiester IX + 7 Deagun Rust + 7 Connor Wilson + 5 Matty Live + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 20



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Jonathan Ori + 43 Jerome Reinhart + 32 Papa Emeritus + 33 Poopy Peepants + 46 Erlantz Jokinen + 35 AJ Williams + 28 Taylor Mourning + 19 Baby Bob + 33 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Tyler Reinhart + 10 Em Em Flex + 21 Donny Carter + 39 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 5 Jakub Brozik + 14 Zdeno Chara + 5 John Baard + 21 Miroslav Tsarov + 10 Bob Beach + 24 Deagun Rust + 14 Connor Wilson + 5 Pekka Grubauer + 10 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Jeremy D + 6 Patric Twist + 20


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 24


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Jerome Reinhart + 29 Jonathan Ori + 17 Papa Emeritus + 19 Poopy Peepants + 17 Erlantz Jokinen + 31 Taylor Mourning + 20 Baby Bob + 20 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Omi Aberg + 19 Donny Carter + 12 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 7 Jakub Brozik + 12 John Baard + 16 Zdeno Chara + 6 Orion D H Chiester IX + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Connor Wilson + 10 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 20


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Jonathan Ori + 9 Papa Emeritus + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 12 Taylor Mourning + 10 Baby Bob + 15 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Em Em Flex + 6 Donny Carter + 14 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 7 Jakub Brozik + 11 Zdeno Chara + 7 John Baard + 2 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Deagun Rust + 12 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 15



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Jerome Reinhart + 22 Papa Emeritus + 14 Jonathan Ori + 2 Erlantz Jokinen + 6 Poopy Peepants + 13 Taylor Mourning + 6 AJ Williams + 16 Baby Bob + 13 Em Em Flex + 10 Donny Carter + 8 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 5 Jakub Brozik + 1 Zdeno Chara + 5 John Baard + 7 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 18



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Jonathan Ori + 34 Jerome Reinhart + 13 Papa Emeritus + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 23 Poopy Peepants + 14 Taylor Mourning + 6 AJ Williams + 10 Baby Bob + 12 Sigard Petrenko + 26 Omi Aberg + 5 Em Em Flex + 6 Donny Carter + 12 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 9 Zdeno Chara + 14 John Baard + 7 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Orion D H Chiester IX + 1 Deagun Rust + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 5 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 23



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Jerome Reinhart + 28 Jonathan Ori + 22 Papa Emeritus + 11 Erlantz Jokinen + 14 Poopy Peepants + 17 Taylor Mourning + 21 Baby Bob + 25 AJ Williams + 18 Sigard Petrenko + 12 Em Em Flex + 16 Donny Carter + 22 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 15 Jakub Brozik + 15 Zdeno Chara + 10 John Baard + 15 Miroslav Tsarov + 7 Orion D H Chiester IX + 6 Deagun Rust + 10 Bob Beach + 15 Connor Wilson + 15 Barry Bonds Jr + 15 Matty Live + 15 Mommies Little Bstar + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 23



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Jerome Reinhart + 24 Jonathan Ori + 17 Papa Emeritus + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 18 Poopy Peepants + 22 Taylor Mourning + 6 Baby Bob + 13 AJ Williams + 9 Sigard Petrenko + 11 Tyler Reinhart + 5 Em Em Flex + 6 Donny Carter + 9 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 5 Zdeno Chara + 5 John Baard + 7 Miroslav Tsarov + 7 Orion D H Chiester IX + 11 Deagun Rust + 6 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 15 Mommies Little Bstar + 2


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 22



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Jerome Reinhart + 15 Jonathan Ori + 17 Papa Emeritus + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 15 Poopy Peepants + 15 Taylor Mourning + 8 Baby Bob + 13 AJ Williams + 10 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Donny Carter + 12 Em Em Flex + 6 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 1 Zdeno Chara + 6 John Baard + 7 Miroslav Tsarov + 7 Deagun Rust + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 20


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Jerome Reinhart + 14 Jonathan Ori + 11 Papa Emeritus + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 14 Poopy Peepants + 13 Taylor Mourning + 6 Baby Bob + 7 AJ Williams + 8 Sigard Petrenko + 13 Donny Carter + 8 Em Em Flex + 9 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 9 John Baard + 12 Zdeno Chara + 6 Jakub Brozik + 7 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 5 Patric Twist + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 22


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Jerome Reinhart + 21 Jonathan Ori + 29 Erlantz Jokinen + 24 Papa Emeritus + 19 Poopy Peepants + 19 Baby Bob + 28 Taylor Mourning + 8 AJ Williams + 3 Sigard Petrenko + 19 Donny Carter + 11 Em Em Flex + 7 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 17 John Baard + 7 Zdeno Chara + 5 Miroslav Tsarov + 5 Deagun Rust + 6 Connor Wilson + 5 Barry Bonds Jr + 5 Matty Live + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 19


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Jonathan Ori + 17 Jerome Reinhart + 13 Erlantz Jokinen + 14 Poopy Peepants + 22 Papa Emeritus + 1 Baby Bob + 14 Taylor Mourning + 8 AJ Williams + 5 Sigard Petrenko + 1 Donny Carter + 9 Em Em Flex + 7 Tyler Reinhart + 5 Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen + 1 John Baard + 5 Zdeno Chara + 5 Orion D H Chiester IX + 1 Deagun Rust + 6 Bob Beach + 5 Connor Wilson + 5 Matty Live + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 20



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