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When I say "super draft"


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Probably S18. Keep in mind it also had players that would have been apart of S18 but were GM's. Thats how good it was.


Ah yes, the Toronto/Seattle days. And when both teams went into a rebuild, we took the rivalry to the VHLM haha

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S27 is usually the first draft to come to my mind, although that's mainly because it was the first touted "super draft" that I was here and active for, plus I was in it.

Although I'd have to agree with the vast majority and say that S18 was the best draft.

Edited by lightning25
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S27 is usually the first draft to come to my mind, although that's mainly because it was the first touted "super draft" that I was here and active for, plus I was in it.

Although I'd have to agree with the vast majority and say that S18 was the best draft.


S27 was in some ways a function of S18's success.  I think the S18 was a better overall draft, but I would argue the S27's first round was better.

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