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On 9/13/2023 at 12:48 AM, N0HBDY said:

1. As a tanking I gotta say just the entire season, everyone knows it's not fun to lose, but gotta trust the process.

2. I think if I got a sick concept going I probably would to hang up somewhere

3. I'm enjoying ALL of the theme week articles.


1. Have you submitted a trivia question for the trivia question pool?

2. What's better College hockey or Pro hockey?

3. Sticking with the topic of college, thought's on coach PRIME and the buffs in football?

1. I have before! It’s pretty easy to find questions through the portal and forum, so much content.

2. I want to say pro but at the same time when I watch university hockey, majority of those guys have all played OHL, WHL, D1 etc.. and all play at such an elite level for their ages.

3. Colorado? I see stuff popping up on my feed but don’t follow it too much. Hunter is gonna be a problem in the NFL though.


1. Which restaurant would you choose for a team dinner?

2. What’s your favourite season in the year? I love the fall, everything about it feels comfy and it ain’t cold or hot it’s just perfect for me.

3. What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself as a person?

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1. Which restaurant would you choose for a team dinner?

Hmm, Tough one. Beer must be served. Probably some local restaurant.

2. What’s your favourite season in the year? I love the fall, everything about it feels comfy and it ain’t cold or hot it’s just perfect for me.

Living in Sweden i despise the fall, Winter and darkness is coming. The happy people that the summer brought will go away for roughly 7 months.

So my answer is Spring. As you said, Not to hot not to cold. People are cheering up again and you meet the neighbors again. The promise of summer coming and long nights without darkness with friends soon to arrive. You start making plans for the summer and everything lays ahead. 

Can you tell i suffer from winter-depressions? 🤣

3. What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself as a person?

I would like to loose some weight is the obvious answer and one i will give. But most i wish i was more patient with my kids, Sometimes my temper is burning at both ends and i can overreact. Something i'm working on.


1.Do you have any siblings?

2. How about Pets?

3. Dream-pet? if you can choose any animal without consequences?

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7 hours ago, Trazan said:

1.Do you have any siblings?

2. How about Pets?

3. Dream-pet? if you can choose any animal without consequences?


1) I have one sister, she is two years younger than me
2) I have two dogs, both French Bulldogs
3) Would be most likely an otter or a beaver. For some reason I love those little guys and would love to have one

1) Who is your favourite to win the VHL Championship this season?
2) Do you think the changes to the VHLE worked out ok?
3) Have you ever been in a hurricane?

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On 9/16/2023 at 10:18 AM, nerji said:

1) Who is your favourite to win the VHL Championship this season?
2) Do you think the changes to the VHLE worked out ok?
3) Have you ever been in a hurricane?



1. Moscow Moscow Moscow

2. Honestly no clue I don't pay attention much to Europe as a whole

3. Nope and I don't think I'll ever be in one unless climate change fucks us over



1. What is your favorite sim league outside of the VHL?

2. How many years will the VHL make it to?

3. Piggybacking on the theme week, who is the biggest snub in world history? Can be VHL or non VHL related

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1) Who is your favourite to win the VHL Championship this season?  - Hopefully LA can finally win one. Would be great for their fanbase to finally see that championship 
2) Do you think the changes to the VHLE worked out ok? - The whole VHLE is quite a difference change for someone like me. I am not sure how it was run since its inception, but it seems to be working now. 
3) Have you ever been in a hurricane? - Technically no, I was in a tropical storm in November 2022 in Florida. 


1) What is one thing a new or returning member must do first in the VHL?

2) Who is the best VHLer in the past 5 seasons?

3) Have you ever been in a Blizzard

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22 hours ago, Smarch said:

1) What is one thing a new or returning member must do first in the VHL?

2) Who is the best VHLer in the past 5 seasons?

3) Have you ever been in a Blizzard


1. I think the first thing would be to just explore the Portal and forums, get a feel for everything, especially returning members, as a lot has changed over the years. Joining Discord and acclimating yourself with the community is also a great (or terrible depending on who's around) idea.


2. Daniel Janser, no doubt about it. Absolutely dominant and consistent throughout his entire career.


3. Thankfully, I have not been caught outside in one, but I've had to deal with the aftermath of quite a few of them!


1. What's your favorite part of a player's career in the VHL?


2. Can you think of a coach in any sport with a shorter reign than Mike Babcock's in Columbus?


3. What is a slang word that you can't stand, yet can't stop using?

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On 9/19/2023 at 12:26 PM, Doomsday said:


1. I think the first thing would be to just explore the Portal and forums, get a feel for everything, especially returning members, as a lot has changed over the years. Joining Discord and acclimating yourself with the community is also a great (or terrible depending on who's around) idea.


2. Daniel Janser, no doubt about it. Absolutely dominant and consistent throughout his entire career.


3. Thankfully, I have not been caught outside in one, but I've had to deal with the aftermath of quite a few of them!


1. What's your favorite part of a player's career in the VHL?


2. Can you think of a coach in any sport with a shorter reign than Mike Babcock's in Columbus?


3. What is a slang word that you can't stand, yet can't stop using?


1.  Mostly watching the player improve statistically and obviously making money.

2.  Honestly I cannot think of any coach

3.  Idk if this counts, but people saying 'like' every third word is infectious, unfortunately.  I have to make a conscious effort to not say that word.


1.  What adjustments would you make to the hybrid attributes?

2.  Stanley Cup favorite?  Continental Cup favorite???

3.  Why did Kimi Raikkonen miss Pélé's ceremony in Interlagos 2006?

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8 hours ago, mattyIceman said:

1.  What adjustments would you make to the hybrid attributes?

2.  Stanley Cup favorite?  Continental Cup favorite???

3.  Why did Kimi Raikkonen miss Pélé's ceremony in Interlagos 2006?


1. I would make the knowledge of how they work instantly appear in my brain because I am confused and lazy

2. Man I dont watch hockey, go Columbus we're winning it all

3. He knows that Pele is a fraud



1. Who is a former member who you want to see return?

2. Why is there an ice hockey sim league but no field hockey sim leagues?

3. What would happen to the league if Bek pulls a Quik and doesn't return after his vaca?

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11 hours ago, jhatty8 said:


1. Who is a former member who you want to see return?

2. Why is there an ice hockey sim league but no field hockey sim leagues?

3. What would happen to the league if Bek pulls a Quik and doesn't return after his vaca?

1) @Cxsquared would love to see him back around.

2) I don't know I think a field hockey Sim would be pretty cool.

3) acydburn and josh ask for heaps of donations and do a runner


Q1) what's your least favourite tpe task that you complete 

Q2) what would you want the next theme week to be

Q3) how was the weather in your parts today

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37 minutes ago, Berocka said:

1) @Cxsquared would love to see him back around.

2) I don't know I think a field hockey Sim would be pretty cool.

3) acydburn and josh ask for heaps of donations and do a runner


Q1) what's your least favourite tpe task that you complete 

Q2) what would you want the next theme week to be

Q3) how was the weather in your parts today

1. My least favourite TPE tasks to complete are Media Spots which is why I sparingly do them. I may turn back to them once I can't make a graphic for certain weeks though.

2. The next theme week should be centered about mascots! I would love to see what people could come up with if the VHL had mascots.

3. Chilly wind, typical fall. However, being in Calgary, fall will last a month at most (if we're lucky) so I'm enjoying it while we still have.


1. What is your player's jersey number and why does your player wear it?

2. If you could design one more off-season tournament for the VHL to add, what would the tournament be?

3. If you are a forward, what is your player's "signature" or favourite move to do on a breakaway? If you are a goalie, what is the most embarrassing way to get scored on?

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4 hours ago, SlapshotWrangler said:

1. My least favourite TPE tasks to complete are Media Spots which is why I sparingly do them. I may turn back to them once I can't make a graphic for certain weeks though.

2. The next theme week should be centered about mascots! I would love to see what people could come up with if the VHL had mascots.

3. Chilly wind, typical fall. However, being in Calgary, fall will last a month at most (if we're lucky) so I'm enjoying it while we still have.


1. What is your player's jersey number and why does your player wear it?

2. If you could design one more off-season tournament for the VHL to add, what would the tournament be?

3. If you are a forward, what is your player's "signature" or favourite move to do on a breakaway? If you are a goalie, what is the most embarrassing way to get scored on?

1. Number 2. The coach threw me a random jersey before my first game as a little boy, Been my lucky number ever since :)

2. Hmm, i think the VHL has it covered pretty well. But maybe i would do a "Rookie Rumble". Players 2 with max two season in the VHL can sign up to GM a team decided by a draft of the VHL players on discord, Then they get to coach that team in a tournament.

3. I'm a defender. But i have a PK Subban style of move when in netfront battles, Fart and hope it smells like hell :)


1. Are you sure you want to answer these questions?

2. If you have a pet what do you think it has named You? If you don't have one, Would you want one?

3. My wife wants a third kid, Do you think three kids are to much, the right amount or too few? Why?

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1. Are you sure you want to answer these questions?

No but need to get the PT done as team hasn't posted a PC


2. If you have a pet what do you think it has named You? If you don't have one, Would you want one?

I do have a pet, a dog, and it has probably named me the food giver. Always knows when I will give him food.


3. My wife wants a third kid, Do you think three kids are to much, the right amount or too few? Why?

For me personally that is too much but for some that is the perfect amount. I have 1 right now and we are debating between keeping it at 1 or maybe one more

1) Who is your favorite to win the Stanley Cup this year?

2) With the weekend coming and going...did you do anything interesting this weekend?

3) What are the two places you want to go to before you die?

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2 hours ago, Greg_Di said:

1) Who is your favorite to win the Stanley Cup this year?

2) With the weekend coming and going...did you do anything interesting this weekend?

3) What are the two places you want to go to before you die?

1. Google tells me Carolina and Colorado are the favorites, so I'll say the Hurricanes are my favorite.

2. Looked at a home, didn't seem like a good fit. The search continues.

3. The ocean and the sky.



1. Biggest surprise in the standings (in any of the VHL/VHLE/VHLM)?

2. What does your ideal weekend look like?

3. What music album should I listen to on my next run?

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24 minutes ago, scoop said:

1. Google tells me Carolina and Colorado are the favorites, so I'll say the Hurricanes are my favorite.

2. Looked at a home, didn't seem like a good fit. The search continues.

3. The ocean and the sky.



1. Biggest surprise in the standings (in any of the VHL/VHLE/VHLM)?

2. What does your ideal weekend look like?

3. What music album should I listen to on my next run?

1. I am pretty surprised Malmo is as bad as we are despite the additions in the offseason.

2. Relaxing with the wife and dog. Maybe at a cottage near a lake or something like that.

3. Oh gosh wrong guy answering that...how about this...the next album you should listen to is the first one you ever loved.




1. Favourite season of the year?

2. I have always believed that as a pokemon I am clearly a Snorlax in real life...which one do you relate to?

3. Who do you see being the most improved team in the VHL next season?

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3 hours ago, Advantage said:

1. I am pretty surprised Malmo is as bad as we are despite the additions in the offseason.

2. Relaxing with the wife and dog. Maybe at a cottage near a lake or something like that.

3. Oh gosh wrong guy answering that...how about this...the next album you should listen to is the first one you ever loved.




1. Favourite season of the year?

2. I have always believed that as a pokemon I am clearly a Snorlax in real life...which one do you relate to?

3. Who do you see being the most improved team in the VHL next season?


1. My favorite season of the year is the fall. It's not too hot and it's nice to be outside.

2. Pokemon is amazing, I was actually playing Pokemon Soulsilver a couple minutes ago. I would relate to Slowpoke because I just relax all day.

3. I would say either the New York Americans or Warsaw Predators, because it's pretty hard to be worse than they already are.




1. Are you excited for the upcoming NHL season? Do you have any expectations for the team you support?

2. Who is the most underrated player in the VHL and why?

3. What is your favorite food and why?

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1. Are you excited for the upcoming NHL season? Do you have any expectations for the team you support?

Bruins has record breaking 135 pts season. It's going downhill but will still be fun. 


2. Who is the most undanerrated player in the VHL and why?

Darryl Dixon.  Numbers don't match talent. 


3. What is your favorite food and why?

Any chicken and rice.  Could eat it everyday.  So many options. 



1. Do you wish your team did press conferences?  You wouldn't have to come here. 


2.  Who wins the Cup in the VHL ? 


3. Are you going to buy Ea sports nhl 24 ? Why or why not 


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12 hours ago, Jubis said:

1. Are you excited for the upcoming NHL season? Do you have any expectations for the team you support?

Bruins has record breaking 135 pts season. It's going downhill but will still be fun. 


2. Who is the most undanerrated player in the VHL and why?

Darryl Dixon.  Numbers don't match talent. 


3. What is your favorite food and why?

Any chicken and rice.  Could eat it everyday.  So many options. 



1. Do you wish your team did press conferences?  You wouldn't have to come here. 

Yeah would be nice but whenever it doesn't get done I can always come here and get the PC done.

2.  Who wins the Cup in the VHL ? 

Toronto and Davos look pretty good and my guess is one of those will win but you never know with Simon RNG


3. Are you going to buy Ea sports nhl 24 ? Why or why not 

Not this year, I usually buy every other year. Will wait for the eventual gamepass release

1) If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why?

2) What are your players goals for the off-season?

3) What life lesson did you learn the hard way?



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3 hours ago, Greg_Di said:

1) If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why?

2) What are your players goals for the off-season?

3) What life lesson did you learn the hard way?


1) I still maintain to this day that Cuba is one of my favourite places to go. I also have soft spots for Iceland, Costa Rica, and older places in Europe.
2) His goals are to continue to improve and work on his training, maybe try to pick up more scoring, work on his shot etc.

3) Heh, at 19 I found out I was going to be a father so perhaps learning to wear a condom...although i do love my son lol

1) Who do you see winning the VHL championship?
2) Will Moscow Menace make the playoffs next season?
3) Are you glad the winter is approaching?

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6 hours ago, nerji said:


1) I still maintain to this day that Cuba is one of my favourite places to go. I also have soft spots for Iceland, Costa Rica, and older places in Europe.
2) His goals are to continue to improve and work on his training, maybe try to pick up more scoring, work on his shot etc.

3) Heh, at 19 I found out I was going to be a father so perhaps learning to wear a condom...although i do love my son lol

1) Who do you see winning the VHL championship?
2) Will Moscow Menace make the playoffs next season?
3) Are you glad the winter is approaching?

1.  My money is on Prague.

2.  I think Moscow always has a good chance

3.  No not really.  Quebec sucks for winter.  It's just dreadful


1.  Will Connor Bedard live up to the hype, and/or be just as good as McDavid?

2.  Are there not enough teams, just enough teams or too many teams in all of VHL/VHLE/VHLM?

3.  If you could go back in time today to when younger you made a mistake and could knock some sense into younger you, when would that have been?

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1 hour ago, mattyIceman said:

1.  Will Connor Bedard live up to the hype, and/or be just as good as McDavid?

2.  Are there not enough teams, just enough teams or too many teams in all of VHL/VHLE/VHLM?

3.  If you could go back in time today to when younger you made a mistake and could knock some sense into younger you, when would that have been?

1. No. I don't know enough about him to really have a good idea, but in general I would just say the guy who hasn't proven anything in the NHL is more likely to not be one of the best hockey players ever.


2. Well, there are six too many teams in the VHLE, I'll say that! Haha funny delete the VHLE joke. For real though, I do think the team count is fine. I could see getting rid of the VHLE and maybe adding a couple VHLM teams. I don't know if that would be necessary, but have players move to the VHL at 300 TPE. Make them suffer. I don't know if it's something we can do with the version that we simulate on, but I think it would be cool to actually utilize stamina. Let's see some different roster constructions than 6/5 forwards, 4/3 defensemen, and 2/1 goalies. I think extending career lengths would go hand in hand with this change really well.


3. I think I'd probably just tell my younger self to get an after school job to save up some money for college. I would say just don't go to college, or go to a cheaper school, but then I wouldn't have met the some of my best friends.



1. Who are you rooting for in the VHL playoffs? Or, if your team is in the playoffs, who would you root for if your team gets knocked out?

2. Who would be your vote for VHL MVP this season?

3. What's the most life-changing thing that you have done or has happened to you this year?

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9 hours ago, scoop said:

1. Who are you rooting for in the VHL playoffs? Or, if your team is in the playoffs, who would you root for if your team gets knocked out?

2. Who would be your vote for VHL MVP this season?

3. What's the most life-changing thing that you have done or has happened to you this year?


1. Being on Helsinki, we're looking for a big win tonight in Game Five! But if we get knocked out, I'm definitely pulling for Toronto to break their curse!


2. Lachlan Summers was a monster for Davos this season, leading all the main statistics for goaltenders and was the key figure for their first Victory Cup since Season 37.


3. I learned that you can turn left on red if it is a one-way street. My mind was utterly blown.



1. Only four players scored 100 points or more in Season 90, down three from Season 89. What do you attribute the drop in individual performances to?


2. What is the most fun position to play in the VHL?


3. What is an attribute that deserves more love in the VHL?

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The drop in 100-point scorers in Season 90 can be attributed to improved team defense, better goaltending, and a more balanced offensive approach by teams, spreading the scoring more evenly.


The most fun position in the VHL depends on personal preference. Forwards might be enjoyable for players who like scoring and being involved in offensive plays, while defensemen have the crucial role of preventing goals, and goaltenders have the unique, high-pressure position of being the last line of defense.


The “Offensive Vision” attribute deserves more love in the VHL. It's crucial as it influences a player’s ability to read the game, make smart plays, and position themselves effectively, but often gets overshadowed by more flashy attributes like scoring or speed.


Your turn!


What has been the most surprising development or trend in Season 90?
Who do you think was the most underrated player this season?
What changes or improvements would you like to see in the upcoming VHL seasons?

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On 10/4/2023 at 4:27 PM, LastOneUp said:

1 - What has been the most surprising development or trend in Season 90?
2 - Who do you think was the most underrated player this season?
3 - What changes or improvements would you like to see in the upcoming VHL seasons?


1 - I have no idea I only came back last week

2 - Kimi Raikkonen.  He only played ten games or so but has shown flashes...

3 - New sim engine, no more Simon Says


You're next


1 - What is your favorite brand and flavor of chips?

2 - What kind of universe would we live in if Basketball was still called Basketball, but hockey becomes Netpuck, Football becomes Fieldball, and Baseball would be still called Baseball?

3 - What big improvement would you see in a new sim engine?

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1 - What is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? 

Ketchup or All dressed. Doesn't matter the brand

2 - What kind of universe would we live in if Basketball was still called Basketball, but hockey becomes Netpuck, Football becomes Fieldball, and Baseball would be still called Baseball?

A weird one lol. Not sure how to answer this question but Netpuck just seems like such an odd and weird name

3 - What big improvement would you see in a new sim engine?

Would be nice to see an updated engine as we are using older version (I know why we are) but would be nice to play on a more consistent engine.




Answer 3:


1) NHL season is about to start, what team that on paper is expected to miss playoffs, do you think will actually make the playoffs?

2) Other then hockey, what is your other favorite sport to play and/or watch


3)  What is the wisest advice given to you that you actually followed and never regretted?

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On 10/6/2023 at 1:48 PM, Greg_Di said:

1 - What is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? 

Ketchup or All dressed. Doesn't matter the brand

2 - What kind of universe would we live in if Basketball was still called Basketball, but hockey becomes Netpuck, Football becomes Fieldball, and Baseball would be still called Baseball?

A weird one lol. Not sure how to answer this question but Netpuck just seems like such an odd and weird name

3 - What big improvement would you see in a new sim engine?

Would be nice to see an updated engine as we are using older version (I know why we are) but would be nice to play on a more consistent engine.




Answer 3:


1) NHL season is about to start, what team that on paper is expected to miss playoffs, do you think will actually make the playoffs?

2) Other then hockey, what is your other favorite sport to play and/or watch


3)  What is the wisest advice given to you that you actually followed and never regretted?

1) I think the Buffalo Sabres are a sleeper team. I know they are a fringe-ish team but they have a great young squad that will absolutely make the playoffs. Plus, Devon Levi is an absolute beast in between the pipes and will be a big part of their run.


2) It would probably have to be baseball. I've recently become a Blue Jays fan which is definitely not super painful right now but when you've cheered for the Flames your entire hockey fan life you get used to this disappointment.


3) Probably the wisest piece of advice I've followed is from one of my uncles who told me that "Being humble is not the same as not appreciating what you did."




1. For some reason, the ice hockey gods have determined that they are tired of a cylindrical shaped puck. What 3d shape do they make the puck?


2. What is your morning routine? (IRL or Player, up to you)


3. What do you think is the most underrated play or skill in hockey?

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