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The end of the VHLE


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Despite my disdain for the E I genuinely hope to see its return one day when we need it again, but with an organically grown member base as opposed to an inflated one from something like COVID. Have a good sleep, E

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2 hours ago, VattghernCZ said:

There goes my plan to apply for a VHLE GM spot once I see an opening, now that I'm finally able to use STHS lol

Much easier to have a GM that does all the work for you so that you can blame them for the failures but take some of the credit when you succeed!! LOL!!

It is why I have been an AGM for so long!! LOL!!

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RIP to the shot at being a triple league champion one day. Only one season in the VHLE for me (Bratislava 💙), but it ended in an MVP win, so that's nice. Going to be quite a few people looking for GM/AGM jobs after this change.

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7 hours ago, Beketov said:

if the time comes that it makes more sense Vasteras may yet ride again


Real talk though, as somebody who had been pushing for Vasteras to come back forever, it was really fun to see them rise again. And to be a part of that first Vasteras title team in S80 is one of my favorite VHL achievements. I'd always like for them to be around in some form given the league's history, but glad I got to see it once.


RIP to the E, glad to be going out 2 for 2 on titles :cheers:

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My single biggest problem with the league, since it was put into existence, no longer exists. 


From the M standpoint, I thought I'd share with you a list of benefits I posted in the VHLM GM forum when we did in fact notify our GMs in advance:


  • Fuller rosters: we are adding players to the M without adding teams. The "stable" rate of recruitment is not one that keeps your rosters full under the current cap, so what's good for the league has come at the expense of your roster. 
  • Longer attachment between GMs and players: it should help you create a better sense of community on your roster when your players don't leave it immediately. You'll have more of a chance to build up a longer-standing team culture, and your new players won't be as confused or inconvenienced with three drafts every offseason.
  • No more recreates skipping the M: and also no more stupid arguments that a recreate who goes into the M is robbing new members of their enjoyment. New members get a few more chances to get to know the long-standing members of the league, which will help them integrate more quickly.
  • Enabling long-term strategy in VHLM management: giving players a longer VHLM residence time means that your plan should no longer focus on winning one particular season. The boom-bust cycle is naturally evened out a bit here.
  • Lower GM turnover: most offseasons, we lose at least one GM to other leagues--just as often to the VHLE as to the VHL and arguably more so. This should keep our GM community stronger.


I think this will benefit the VHLM massively and make the league "make sense" much more easily for people approaching it for the first time.


The E was a product of its time that was built to serve a purpose and really did serve it better than I thought it would when that was actually necessary. Seeing as we don't believe it's necessary anymore, though--goodbye and GOOD RIDDANCE.

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I actually think this is a great change. A lot of VHLM and VHLE rosters are more or less empty and streamlining teams in the VHLM to have team structures similar to the VHL will make the transition feel a lot better. Still sad to see the VHLE go though, and it was an amazing experience to have it around for a lot of areas. 

It did feel though like a Band-Aid to the TPE inflation situation that was going on. IIRC hybrid attributes hadn't been in the VHL when the E was created and so the double dip in combating TPE inflation felt overbearing. Hopefully we can get some more members going and expand the existing leagues. :)

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9 hours ago, der meister said:

Even though I literally just skipped the E, I'm actually a little sad about this. My post-Shev plan was to make an E exclusive player. 

Bjork shall be the one and only 🫡! (citation needed)

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