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On 4/7/2024 at 5:12 PM, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #5 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:






*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


41. @zepheter current sits 11th all-time for Seattle Bears blocked shots. What magic/voodoo do they use to be such a machine? 

42. @Greg_Di is sitting 8th in the league right now for points and are on pace for their best season. How do you see them sometimes prep for games?

43. @ROOKIE745 does some unique stuff during pre-game warm ups. What do you see them doing to warm up?

44. You've just been asked to autograph a VERY weird item. What was it? Who wanted the autograph?

45. Costanzov @Mongoose87 is 3rd in the league for shutouts with 2 as a rookie goalie. They credit their play to a special pastry. What do they like to eat after games to celebrate?

46. John Jameson of Prague is on an absolute tear. How does Seattle prepare for a player like that?

47. @JB123 is sitting at 397 at the moment for games played. How will the team celebrate his 400th game?

48. @sadie recently got goal #200 of their career. What song did the team play for them in the LR to pump em up?

49. @zepheter 100 CAREER ASSISTS. The team did an apple themed party. What did YOU bring to the party?

50. @Berocka is one point away from tying their career high. What's it like having an aussie on the team??

51. Someone from around the VHL prank calls you. Who do they pretend to be? What do they say?

52. Commissioner for a day!! What are some things you'd do?

53. @hedgehog337 a legend steps away from managing Riga. One of the best of all time. Some of their records will only be touched by very few. What were your thoughts when finding out this news?

54. A referee comes up to you during a commercial break and tells you a joke. What joke did they tell you?



1. Hell if I know, they just seem to know where they're gonna be shooting the puck from!!

2. Purple gatorade and bananas

3. cupcakes

4. you don't, you just pray to the gods

5. dinner party.

6. Some kind of up beat party song I'm sure.

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Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #6 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:







*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?

57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now?

58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??

59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

61. Ford approaches you and tell you they want you to develop a vehicle.. Bears themed.. but still how you want it. Car? Truck? What's it look and sound like etc?

62. If you had to be stuck on an island with 2 of your teammates, which would you choose and why?

63. What are your plans for this week?




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1 hour ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #6 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:







*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?

57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now?

58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??

59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

61. Ford approaches you and tell you they want you to develop a vehicle.. Bears themed.. but still how you want it. Car? Truck? What's it look and sound like etc?

62. If you had to be stuck on an island with 2 of your teammates, which would you choose and why?

63. What are your plans for this week?




55. The cup is as good as ours. 


56. 10/10. A++. From my unbiased opinion we won the deadline by a landslide.


60. Strong finish here. Hope to be above a point per game, but I don’t really care about points right now. I just want us to win. 


61. For the model I want a Rolls Royce truck with a Bear holding the Continental Cup. No Ford branding. Line the ceiling with the seasons the Bears have won cups. 


62. The goalies just to see them try to make a boat out of sand. 

63. Working, playing some adult league hockey, and spending time with friends and family this weekend.

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2 hours ago, Banackock said:

55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?

57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now?

58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??

59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

61. Ford approaches you and tell you they want you to develop a vehicle.. Bears themed.. but still how you want it. Car? Truck? What's it look and sound like etc?

62. If you had to be stuck on an island with 2 of your teammates, which would you choose and why?

63. What are your plans for this week?

55. I think that we have made some great strides forward, excited for all three to hit the ice with us

56. A+ well and truly but we truly won't know until we see some results

58. All the players dress up as zombies and Dixon fires his crossbow at us

60. I hope I score 5 more goals

61. The bear mobile would be a passenger van that is covered in fur

63. Plan my recreate obviously

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10 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #6 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:







*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?



10 hours ago, Banackock said:

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?


Ive always loved aggressive moves 


57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now? BATHS 


58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??



59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

MY SUNDAY MORNING if I was drinking and eating all night 


60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

Hopefully strong.  Need to be good 


10 hours ago, Banackock said:


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15 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #6 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:







*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?

57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now?

58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??

59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

61. Ford approaches you and tell you they want you to develop a vehicle.. Bears themed.. but still how you want it. Car? Truck? What's it look and sound like etc?

62. If you had to be stuck on an island with 2 of your teammates, which would you choose and why?

63. What are your plans for this week?




56. 2/10. Not a single one of these guys are dead!


57. The unfortunate reality is that to pay all of our deadline acquisitions, we had to pawn a lot of equipment. Now we only have one set of goalie gear that we have to pass back and forth. That includes the cup. 


59. Have you ever seen those honey bottles that are shaped like bears? That, but not so yellow. 


60. Wow, that's a little private for a press conference, don't you think?


61. It's a massive pickup truck called the Kodiak that gets the worst miles per gallon allowed by the EPA.


63. 1bbd6d05-f46c-46c2-929b-afef1dbb146e_tex

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On 4/15/2024 at 6:49 PM, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - #6 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:







*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


55. Thoughts on Seattle recently adding Rask, Dixon and Mina to the Bears?

56. How would you grade Seattle Trade Deadline performance?

57. @Mongoose87 and @Jubis now share the net... they share a lot of things come to think of it... What are some things they share together now?

58. The Bears threw a Walking Dead themed welcome party for Dixon @Ricer13 ... what was happening at the party??

59. A new Seattle themed Dijon Mustard came out. What does the bottle look like? 

60. How do you think your player finishes on the season?

61. Ford approaches you and tell you they want you to develop a vehicle.. Bears themed.. but still how you want it. Car? Truck? What's it look and sound like etc?

62. If you had to be stuck on an island with 2 of your teammates, which would you choose and why?

63. What are your plans for this week?




1. trust in the process

2. A+

3. a water bottle, the back seat, the bathroom.

4. Everyone dressed up like zombies and he pilled over Dixon.

5. A bear with a hockey stick.

6. Poorly sadly.

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Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




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9 hours ago, Banackock said:


Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




64. I think my name would remain the same as my player name but my finisher would be a dropkick with my skates on for extra damage.

66. If a poet wrote about my season so far I think it would be called "a spotty flame" as I have been red hot and on fire during this season but my points seem to be inconsistent in when I score them, and if I had not been so inconsistent I would prob be at the top of the list for MVP ROTY and whatever the VHLE equivalent of the Rocket Richard is. 

67. My go to for hyping up the energy is bringing out the smelling salts and taking a big ol' sniff.

68. While preparing for the playoffs I really have not changed my routine up at all because why change whats working.

69. Elon musk takes over the VHL and rebrands it to the XHL all of the forum activities would just run through x.

71. A sausage wrapped in a pepperoni pizza it just sounds like a good super cheat meal for when you feel like being really greasy.

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7 hours ago, Banackock said:


Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




65. It was wild. They were taking turns slapping each other in the face, running in circles around piles of burning Toronto jerseys, and vandalizing the branding across the city. It was great to see!


67. A big whiff of smelling salts always gets the engine going. 


68. Nothing out of the ordinary. Show up for games, throw on some tunes, tape my sticks, and help my team win games that's it. 


69. Call it L because I don't want anybody touching this league. I like it the way it is. 


70. I'll take Acyd. Keeping the "acyd" theme here so the weapon will be an acid launcher. 


71. I'm not sure if I would like it but I've always wondered if bacon flavored ice cream, or ice cream with bacon bits would taste good. I generally don't mind mixing foods as long as it's conventional though. 

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On 4/24/2024 at 12:33 PM, Banackock said:


Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




64. George, the Marine Biologist.  Finishing move is "Easy Big Guy" where I throw a Titleist down their throat. 


65. Paying $20 for beer, being boring corporate executives who don't cheer enough at games. 


67. Nothing gets Giorgiy's energy back up like some hot soup with fresh bread. 


68. I got a new pillow for riding the pine. 


69. XL. It doesn't stand for anything. Everyone who has every been banned is welcomed back. The portal breaks within hours. Users that pay $8 a month get higher spots in lineups. 


71. More people should try salads with fruit in them. Not fruit salads- regular, leafy salads with fruit. For an easy one, try spinach, strawberries, goat cheese in a Balsamic Vinegarette. 


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On 4/24/2024 at 9:33 AM, Banackock said:


Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




1. Name: Lighting. Finishing move: Thunder punch.

2. Flipping over cars, breaking windows, climbing buildings, the usual stuff.

3. A flash of lightning,

4. Blue gatorade

5. Good, going to an actual hockey game just made me more pumped.

6. MVL, Musk victory league.

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On 4/25/2024 at 2:33 AM, Banackock said:


Bana's S93 Quick Q's - SEASON FINALE BABY - #:sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:








*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

65. The Bears have been on a hot streak and recently took over first place from Toronto. Toronto fans were riding in the streets. What were some crazy things they were doing?

66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

71. What is a combination of two foods that some people might find weird but you bet you would like? Or you would think would taste good?




64. The King nerd and the final move is the Calcu-Slam

66. The lesser known man. A poem about a mediocre player

67. Only the finest bottles of prime cause I'm a zoomed Logan Paul fan

68. Just practicing my Michigan's only goal I'll hit

69. He would call the Very High-Income League or the VHL for short 

71. Love a peanut butter and honey sandwich 

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  • Admin

64. The VHL and the WWE are doing a crossover. They’ve picked a bunch of players and you are one of them to become a fighter. What is your name and finishing move?

The Italian Stallion, finishing with a big old might kick in the groin.


66. A famous poet wrote a poem about your player season. What is the title of the poem?

The Italian Stallion Gallops Through Sweden


67. When your player is feeling gassed in the middle of a game, what is there go to for piping up their energy?

I reckon insult the family, that will get the juices flowing quickly.


68. How was your preparing for playoffs?

Whole season has been one long preparation for it in the E, especially when it became clear the first round would be against one of the fellow contenders. No change in routine, just jumped straight in.


69. Elon Musk has been a hostile takeover of the VHL. What does he rebrand the new league to?

Y because its next to X in the alphabet and also Y would he do that.


70. If the three commissioners got into a battle of the death, which one would win and what would their weapon choices be?

Josh seems to be in best shape based on what I've heard. Unfortunately he's a coding nerd so I feel like Bek as the wise head would pick a more sensible weapon. I think he wins but maybe I'm underestimating what Acyd brings to the table. 

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Bana's S93 Quick Q's - FINALS BABY - #8 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:









*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

72. Seattle was dubbed a non-playoff team and are now heading to the finals. What are your thoughts on this?

73. How has your player done in the playoffs?

74. Who is enemy #1 on London and why?

75. What will be deciding factors for each team in this up coming series?

76. The hit survival TV series "naked and afraid" is coming to Seattle and chose two Bears players. Who they chose? How they do?

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

78. How was the locker room after defeating the DC Dragons?

79. Fans were throwing what looked like... maybe dragons on the ice... after the win?!?!? What were they throwing and chanting?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?




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18 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - FINALS BABY - #8 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:









*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

72. Seattle was dubbed a non-playoff team and are now heading to the finals. What are your thoughts on this?

73. How has your player done in the playoffs?

74. Who is enemy #1 on London and why?

75. What will be deciding factors for each team in this up coming series?

76. The hit survival TV series "naked and afraid" is coming to Seattle and chose two Bears players. Who they chose? How they do?

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

78. How was the locker room after defeating the DC Dragons?

79. Fans were throwing what looked like... maybe dragons on the ice... after the win?!?!? What were they throwing and chanting?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?




1. Proving the doubters wrong.

2. He came up pretty big in the second round so happy about that.

3. Brad Marchand..... because it's Brad Marchand.

4. blue line for London, scoring depth for Bears.

5. Pretty pumped, lots of energy, but also knowing we still got one last battle to win.

6. I'm definitely more interested right now since it's only my second time going to the finals.

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On 5/7/2024 at 2:18 AM, Banackock said:

72. Seattle was dubbed a non-playoff team and are now heading to the finals. What are your thoughts on this?

73. How has your player done in the playoffs?

74. Who is enemy #1 on London and why?

75. What will be deciding factors for each team in this up coming series?

76. The hit survival TV series "naked and afraid" is coming to Seattle and chose two Bears players. Who they chose? How they do?

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

78. How was the locker room after defeating the DC Dragons?

79. Fans were throwing what looked like... maybe dragons on the ice... after the win?!?!? What were they throwing and chanting?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?



72. I think this is what people should expect from Bana and the bears always expect the unexpected

73. Has exceeded expectations I think 

74. The king himself

75. I think it will be a battle of the net minders

80. Just got a busy week of work getting everything done before my boss goes on holidays

81. I am enjoying it, nowhere near my peak but far from the least interested I have been in the league

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On 5/6/2024 at 12:18 PM, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - FINALS BABY - #8 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:









*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

72. Seattle was dubbed a non-playoff team and are now heading to the finals. What are your thoughts on this?

73. How has your player done in the playoffs?

74. Who is enemy #1 on London and why?

75. What will be deciding factors for each team in this up coming series?

76. The hit survival TV series "naked and afraid" is coming to Seattle and chose two Bears players. Who they chose? How they do?

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

78. How was the locker room after defeating the DC Dragons?

79. Fans were throwing what looked like... maybe dragons on the ice... after the win?!?!? What were they throwing and chanting?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?




72. Best team in the league! Nobody could've predicted the level of success we've had, but to be where we are shows how great of an effort it's been from players and GM. 

73. Good enough. I don't really care about points. I just want to win! Hoping we get the best two or three games of the season out of him to wrap this up and take home a cup.

74. Has to be Wann Kerr. We need to find a way to keep him off the scoresheet. 

75. We know that both teams can score, but the deciding factor will be who can stop the other team from scoring the best. Whether that's team defense or goaltending we shall see.

76. It's too bad you aren't including other VHL players because I think Wann Kerr and Daryl Dixon would be great candidates for the show. Big B will thrive in tandem with Dixon and they will ultimately win. 

78. It was a big win so we celebrated in a big way! We're firing on all cylinders and have one more team to beat. 

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On 5/6/2024 at 12:18 PM, Banackock said:

Bana's S93 Quick Q's - FINALS BABY - #8 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:









*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

72. Seattle was dubbed a non-playoff team and are now heading to the finals. What are your thoughts on this?

73. How has your player done in the playoffs?

74. Who is enemy #1 on London and why?

75. What will be deciding factors for each team in this up coming series?

76. The hit survival TV series "naked and afraid" is coming to Seattle and chose two Bears players. Who they chose? How they do?

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

78. How was the locker room after defeating the DC Dragons?

79. Fans were throwing what looked like... maybe dragons on the ice... after the win?!?!? What were they throwing and chanting?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?






74. Prince Harry. Biggest threat to the king. 


75. It was goaltending. 


77. The Rain City Bitch Pigeon. It's s massive bird that only comes out in the rain. 


79. They were iguanas with flamethrowers attached to their heads. They were chanting "Sa-aint Geo-rge."


80. I found this mix for Chicago style deep dish pizza crust, want to to it for family pizza night this weekend. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

77. Like the ogopogo or Loch Ness monster. Seattle has one of their own... what is it and what do they call it?

80. What are your plans for this week?

81. How enjoyable are you finding the VHL right now? What could help increase it?


77. They have a very rare SeaBear they had only been seen in years the Bears win the VHL championship. Its name is Victory


80. Have the week off so maybe some golf and working on my house


81. Its alright. If there was a more exciting way to present games that would be great 



Asking 3 questions 


What’s the key for the Bears this offseason?

Coke or Pepsi?

What is your other favourite sim league?

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Bana's S94 Quick Q's - It's been awhile... :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

1. FIRSTLY, what was it like to win the cup? 

2. Who was Seattle's MVP in playoffs?

3. How did the team celebrate @Greg_Di's retirement?

4. What moves have you been surprised about this offseason? 

5. What do you think of seattles moves this offseason?

6. What are your thoughts heading into the next season for your player?

7. What are your thoughts heading into next season for the bears?

8. How did you spend your day with the cup in your hometown?

9. What's the craziest thing you've seen one of the bears players eating/drinking out of the cup?



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5 hours ago, Banackock said:

1. FIRSTLY, what was it like to win the cup? 

2. Who was Seattle's MVP in playoffs?

3. How did the team celebrate @Greg_Di's retirement?

6. What are your thoughts heading into the next season for your player?

8. How did you spend your day with the cup in your hometown?

9. What's the craziest thing you've seen one of the bears players eating/drinking out of the cup?


1. Just like good old times with Berocka Sundqvist after not winning anything in 3 players it was good to be back on top

2. Only one person scored the Game Winning Goal in Game 7 of the Cup Finals - Gustav Mattias

3. With a big cake for the old man it was toffee flavoured

6. I hope that I can finally do something for the team and stop being such a let down

8. I went on a big parade through Buffalo showing them what it is like to win a championship (@Gustav )

9. I saw my Australian manager eat a bowl of WeetBix out of it before using it as a mug for Milo

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1. FIRSTLY, what was it like to win the cup? 
I did not. But was very happy to see the Bears win!

3. How did the team celebrate @Greg_Di's retirement? We had a big pool party at Bana’s house with pizza and pop

4. What moves have you been surprised about this offseason? Bana actually wanted me back 

5. What do you think of seattles moves this offseason? Very outstanding 

6. What are your thoughts heading into the next season for your player? I’m excited to hopefully go out on a championship team 

7. What are your thoughts heading into next season for the bears? Very confident and excited 



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On 5/27/2024 at 10:56 AM, Banackock said:

Bana's S94 Quick Q's - It's been awhile... :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page



This season's PC's:


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

1. FIRSTLY, what was it like to win the cup? 

2. Who was Seattle's MVP in playoffs?

3. How did the team celebrate @Greg_Di's retirement?

4. What moves have you been surprised about this offseason? 

5. What do you think of seattles moves this offseason?

6. What are your thoughts heading into the next season for your player?

7. What are your thoughts heading into next season for the bears?

8. How did you spend your day with the cup in your hometown?

9. What's the craziest thing you've seen one of the bears players eating/drinking out of the cup?



1. Like nothing else, we reached the summit and then some.

2. I'll say the our goalie!!
3. Throw a party at his home with the cup in there.

4. At this point if he can just get to 25 goals and over 50 points I'll be happy.

5. We totally have a chance to repeat!!

6. Toured the town with the cup, let people see it,

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On 5/28/2024 at 3:56 AM, Banackock said:

4. What moves have you been surprised about this offseason? 

5. What do you think of seattles moves this offseason?

7. What are your thoughts heading into next season for the bears?

4. That I haven't been kicked to the curb yet to be honest

5. I trust in Bana's judgement and that he will take us back to the promise land of the cup

7. I think we have big shoes to fill from last season but we will make playoffs


Q1- What has Calgary offered to the great man Simon T to get such a good start

Q2 - What was the weather like for you today, how did it make you feel

Q3 - With this question ask me a question for my podcast

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