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Welcome to the sign-up for our fifth game of Town of Salem! Sign up in this thread, and let's have us a good time. I'm changing a few things up for this game, so please read below.


-The evil faction in this game will again be the COVEN, this time by executive order. Last game was kind of stupid for both town and evil factions (as well as me as a mod) because everyone had some getting-used-to to do. Because I feel like we'd never have the Coven again if I left every game after the last one up to a public vote, I'm putting them in again and hoping that everyone's generally a bit more informed and can have more fun with it (and hoping that I'll be less confused as well).


-I am adding a (limited) version of whispering to this game. The EFL has incorporated whispers, with somewhat mixed results. In this game, I'll be doing a trial run of a different form of whispering which aims to preserve what helps while eliminating what doesn't, as far as a forum format is concerned. For details, see below:



-A whisper is like a DM to somebody else playing the game. You are not allowed to DM other players, but this gives you a legal way to contact another player directly and in private (with a few caveats).

-Each night, you may submit ONE whisper with your night actions. This will be a message to me, the moderator, stating the name of your target and the message you wish to send.

-In the morning, these messages will be sent. The target of your whisper will not be changed by any role that may cause you to take a night action on someone else (Transporters, Witches, Coven Leaders, etc.) and your whispers will not be blocked if you are roleblocked.

-Each whisper has a limit of 50 words. I'm not going to be super harsh about this and enforce it as a hard cutoff; just keep that as a general guideline and don't write someone an essay.

-If there is a Blackmailer in the game, they will be able to read every whisper.

-Along with the morning results will come a list of who has whispered to whom.


Your whisper will not go through if:

-You were killed at night

-The person you're whispering to was killed at night

-You were blackmailed (however, if you are blackmailed, you may receive whispers)

-You are a Mayor who has been revealed, or you are whispering to a Mayor who has been revealed



-The people who won the last game (those who received Town roles) may, as always, request a role via DM with me, if they'd like to do so. If a role is requested, you have a 30% chance to receive it--down from 50% in games previous. These people are listed below:


-Still want a 50% chance? You can get there! Not on that list but want a chance? Anyone can do this, regardless of whether they won the last game or not. Introducing...TOWN OF SALEM TRIVIA!

  • First of all, the link is here--and no, for once, that is not a rickroll.
  • Each question you answer correctly will earn you an additional 5% chance at receiving a role that you request, for a maximum of 50% for winners of the last game and 20% for non-winners, should you get all four correct.
  • If you do not want to request a role, but want to try trivia anyway, just specify that on the form.
  • Here's a hint: take a look at the spreadsheets I posted at the end of the last game! I'll have them in their own thread soon, but for now, that's the most convenient place.


That's all for now! Go sign up here if you're interested.

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Oh, and target start date: Wednesday night!


(Editing links to the rules and the wiki into this post as well because I don't want to double ping everyone up top)


List of those signed up:




Alex Bridges






















Edited by GustavMattias
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11 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

I won last game :( but you didn't tag me.  


I'm in btw


That's right, I just looked at the list of everyone who I had starting in a town role.

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I'm not really an active player in the VHL anymore, but I'll be happy to actively participate in the game here. EFL isn't picking their games of this up for a while

Edited by Caboose30
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3 hours ago, Caboose30 said:

I'm not really an active player in the VHL anymore, but I'll be happy to actively participate in the game here. EFL isn't picking their games of this up for a while

glad to see you back buddy :D

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