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Just now, bigAL said:

Can we lynch both tonight?


No, you only get to lynch one. 


I'm going to just spell it out to you: there's a second arsonist. This is 100% confirmed because there were two ignitions on N4. 


There is no Jester. Ricer is the second Arso. What Jester worth their salt wouldn't want to be lynched? You can't kill him with your bullet either since he has defense, but we can get him with the noose. 


The Mafioso, however, does not have basic defense. Shoot Spartan tonight after we hang Ricer and the game is over, we win. 

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7 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

You can’t vote for yourself 


You can, however, try to affect the vote off of yourself. It was a hot ploy, but I'm afraid the truth sizzled it right out. 

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3 minutes ago, Doomsday said:


You can, however, try to affect the vote off of yourself. It was a hot ploy, but I'm afraid the truth sizzled it right out. 

No we have confirmed in past games votes for yourself doesn’t count 

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  • Gustav locked this topic

Where is the joker?

Have you seen him around with his three-coned cap

That he wears like a clown?


@Ricer13, threatening to kill anyone who votes for him (and also begging for votes), is set to be lynched to wrap up the sixth day. You know the deal, he dead. He was...




Night 6 starts now; a probably very tired me will see you around 8 tomorrow.



List of those alive (4):


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*tired Gustav noises*


*double gunshot noises*


What's left of the town wakes up to the sound of @Spartan and @bigAL killing each other. In "I didn't get enough sleep to come up with a creative way to say this"-like fashion, Spartan was the MAFIOSO and bigAL, after everyone thought he was suspicious for the entire game, was a VIGILANTE.


The last two people left alive, @JigglyGumballs the SPY and @Doomsday the MEDIUM , look at each other and shrug. That's all folks!


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS, THE TOWN (and thanks to the ARSONISTS for making things a lot more interesting than they otherwise would be)!


We're done with this game! Time for me to go into hiding for a bit--like I said at the beginning of the game, my work schedule got flipped around somewhat and I'm still trying to get used to it and get all my school stuff done on time (which was a good part of the reason why some of you saw me up at 3:30-ish). I'll be ok, but don't plan on taking the time to set up another game until things get less hectic.


With that being said, thank you to every one of you for signing up and making this one of the most fun games I've run so far! I hope to see all of you (and more!) in it when game 13 rolls around.



Now to give this more pings than a VSN article:



















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  • Gustav unlocked this topic

Here's the game's spreadsheet


Safe to say there were a few nights where I did a lot of excited hand-rubbing.


Also I can confirm that Doom was indeed roleblocked on N3, and I did indeed miss the notification. I've done worse, though, and I'm happy that much wasn't the case here.

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3 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

@bigAL the knight in shining armor with the clutch shot!

headshot GIF



GG everyone, that was loads of fun. I joined the EFL (again) just so I could do it all over again. See ya there!

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3 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

GG everyone! That was a fun one


The EXE claim was a 200 IQ move and almost worked!

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2 minutes ago, chatfan036 said:

Thanks for running gustav! And BigAl I am so sorry for doubting you this whole time lol nice job!

My cryptic messages were cryptic, but served a purpose. Not that I had any skill at hunting vampires, but that's beside the point. I wonder if @Mr_Hatter knew who was the hunter?

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