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Status Replies posted by Banackock

  1. 30 seconds after creating an SBA player my account is suspended - i havent posted on there in like 2 years. What an outstanding and welcoming site the SBA is

  2. Any updates on the WJC?

  3. You should join the Mexico city kings

  4. I accept the offer from mexico city

  5. A censored Robbie is not a fun Robbie

  6. A censored Robbie is not a fun Robbie

  7. Early VSN Change Impressions: Pretty impressive suite of features with some consistency early on. :cheers: to the team. 

  8. Who likes drinking under age?

  9. 155 shots against in 4 games.. I need ice

  10. Orion Slade contemplating signing during the season (if possible) or sitting it out totally

  11. Orion Slade contemplating signing during the season (if possible) or sitting it out totally

  12. I'm taking this 1st gen to the HOF !

  13. Have fun with half my players. They don't bite, I promise.

  14. Bears vs. Nighthawks for the Continental Cup. Who would have predicted that going into this season?

  15. Bears vs. Nighthawks for the Continental Cup. Who would have predicted that going into this season?

  16. Found something Mafia game-ish that I'd kick off if there was any interest. Is there?

  17. #BanADV cause I like hopping on bandwagons ?

  18. Uh. #BanADV? How does this stupid twitter thing work...

  19. What did ADV even do wrong why are we banning him?

  20. #BanADV 


    btw Bana I should get a doubles week for this

  21. Had to write something for theme week, so now that job pay thing is coming in TWO weeks and I can hype it up longer.

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