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Status Replies posted by Banackock

  1. I’m genuinely confused if you think Joe Exotic is a good guy, maybe he is I’m just confused. This makes no sense I’m just confused, why am I so confused. Please explain I’m so confused. I’m just so confused man.

  2. I'm no longer over a point per game, but my 9 points in 9 games is still a solid start, after a rough weekend for the Hounds. 


  4. Fuck being on a team. That's overrated. Free Agency is where it's at. 


  6. Just got traded to Seattle so sad, and I miss Calgary to describe it in two words, it’s lit. ?

  7. Getting ready to sign. Gimme that cheddar. 

  8. Just want to apologize to the league for unleashing @Beaviss on you. That's my bad, and I'll forever carry that shame!

  9. Had a few convos. Had a few "would you consider" and "hows this for term" etc at this point I think Orion will finish his last 2 seasons a free agent. But we will see. Things change

  10. Had a few convos. Had a few "would you consider" and "hows this for term" etc at this point I think Orion will finish his last 2 seasons a free agent. But we will see. Things change

  11. Are you looking for something to fill in 18 hours 4 minutes and 42 seconds of your life. Check out the VSN Australia podcast HERE

  12. If this gets 10 likes ASAP @Beketov will double sim. LETS ATTACK BEKETOV! 

  13. If this gets 10 likes ASAP @Beketov will double sim. LETS ATTACK BEKETOV! 

  14. Let's get the hashtag trending #AussieUpdater


    I want to be an updater

  15. In the last thirteen games, Davos is 8-4-1. Ending on a high note at least?

  16. I am the giver of TPE. This week produced 3 podcasts all multi claims for the guest. Next week is 4 more podcasts get HYPE!


    Also make me an updater so I can be the TPE fairy overnight!

  17. I’m back probably won’t ditch in the middle of the season 

  18. Outside of just picking yourselves, who do you think would make good BOG representatives?

  19. Outside of just picking yourselves, who do you think would make good BOG representatives?

  20. Apparently I'm the third-most liked member of the past year? Wonder if I'll still be there in a month when I've actually been here a year...

  21. Talks between @Banackock and Orion Slade's agent Robbie Zimmers have broken down. No where close to a deal. But hey they talked. That's positive right?

  22. I've heard a shot in the dark. But Seattle wasted a pick on trading for Slade. Seattle holds a 1% chance in signing him. This seems to be anger stemming from "the vote" last offseason. Orion and agent have ignored any and all attempts by the team to contact him

  23. Who is this " Three Pete" guy I keep hearing about?

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