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Posts posted by Jbeezy76

  1. On 12/30/2021 at 5:33 AM, Beketov said:

    Also of note as per usual: the game winners can pick a different game of equal or lesser value if they don’t want NHL 22 (we’ll be in touch with details) and people are always allowed to claim a lower tier than why they won. So if you won a game (tier 3) but just want a triples week (tier 2) that’s totally fine.

    I would like to get Far Cry 6 on PS4 (instead of NHL 22) will you guys be needing my address? Or do you give a digital code for the game ?

  2. On 7/9/2021 at 12:28 AM, Mr_Hatter said:

    Presser for July 11th


    1) What do you think is the easiest point task; podcast, graphic, or media spot?


    2) Do you consider yourself to be talented at graphics?


    3) What is your favorite point task contribution you've ever made to the VHL?


    4) How do you feel about Bleu cheese?


    5) What, in your opinion, is the best kind of coach?


    6) Do you rate individual awards or cups more for HOF chances?


    7) Least favorite city you've ever been to?


    1) For me I think the graphics point task are the easiest. 

    2) I do think I’m good at graphics because I’m an artist in everyday life. 

    3) I think my Erik Draven graphic point task for USA was my favorite.

    4) I’m not a Bleu cheese fan at all. 

    5) I like the coaches that give us roles and push hard and give us respect for our hard work.

    6) I honestly don’t care about individual awards I just think the Cup is all that matters and knowing we’re all having fun out there still. 

  3. On 6/28/2021 at 6:33 AM, Seabass said:

    The Seabasstard didn't have the best rookie season for a former Top 5 pick. There was even a point in the season where the Seabasstard was held off the point sheet for over ten games and fans were already starting to whisper the word "bust". Of course The Seabasstard seen a strong finish to the year after uniting with Philip Stein to form what ended up being a pretty hot duo at the end of the year. So he's not a bust just yet.


    The Seabasstard however has revealed over the weekend that for part of the season he was playing through some head injuries. Apparently he suffered a concussion when he wrecked his truck earlier in the season and was lying to team doctors and coaches about how he was feeling. 


    " Yeah my head ended up hitting the windshield pretty hard and I created a nice honeycomb pattern in window with my head as I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I was still picking small glass shards out of my skin a month later. I had some head aches and I couldn't turn my head around for a bit, but my concussion was mild enough and after week I found I was getting better. Then I got rocked in a game by Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76 and that fucked me up pretty good. I had a hard time recovering from that one, felt like I got hit by a train. That one I couldn't hide my symptoms as well and it turns out though the league actually doesn't give a fuck about injuries and still expect you keep playing."







    @SeabassYou hard headed bastard!😂Sorry about that hit I thought it was @Tbeez99 Glass!! 😜

  4. 2 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    Week of June 27


    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) Playoff time!!!!! Malmo forced a Game 5, will it take more?

    2) Who do you think will end up with the most playoff points for our team?

    3) What do you think our odds are for the cup?

    4) Do you expect any Titans to win regular season awards?

    5) Give me your best Rayzor impression 👀

    6) Yours truly is going on vacation this weekend; where would you like to take a trip?

    7) How are you best able to focus on training? 

    1) Yeah we need o win this series. 

    2) I suspect Valtteri will have the most. 

    3) It’s a tough run no matter who we play. 

    4) I will have to check and see who might qualify. 

    5) I don’t have any impressions cuz I don’t know him very well 

    6) I would love to go to the Pacific Northwest. 

    7) It’s easy you just get your ass moving and do it. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jubo said:

    New set of questions! :hel:


    1) We are in an intense battle with Prague and Malmo, do you think we avoid the play in round?

    2) Who has your vote for team MVP thus far?

    3) What will be your focus over the next week as we prepare for playoffs?

    4) The Titans made a big trade early in the week acquiring star dman Erik Killinger. What do you think he brings to the team?

    5) If the team were to play any other team sport, what do you think we would be great at?

    6) What do you look forward to most about the off-season?



    1) I think it’s possible to avoid the play in round. 

    2) Valtteri has been our best player all around. 

    3) To just focus on helping us win as many games as possible. 

    4) He is a huge asset to the team, that’s a very important acquisition. 

    5) I would like to see out other sport me football. 

    6) I look forward to those “ cheat eats” on the bbq grill. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    Another week, another set of questions!

    1) Do you think you have been performing up to your expectation this season so far? 

    2) Who do you think will lead the league in points by the end of the season?

    3) Right now we are sitting 3rd in the European Conference. What are the odds we catch London (3 points back), or even Warsaw (10)?
    4) What is more impressive in your mind; league leading goals for or goals against?

    5) Would you rather lose 10 games in a shootout, or win 5 in regulation and lose 5 in regulation?

    6) Do you think gorillas could ever learn how to play hockey? 

    7) What is your biggest hockey-related fear?

    1) Yeah I’m playing pretty good for being on the 3rd line. 

    2) Probably someone that has a ton of TPE. 

    3) We can probably catch London. 

    4) I think leading league for goals for is way better. 

    5) I would rather lose 10 in a shootout. 

    6)I’m sure there a some smart monkeys out there. 😂

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