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  1. Fire
    v.2 reacted to mediocrepony in is this a masterpiece or a disasterpiece?   

  2. Thanks
    v.2 reacted to bigAL in Israel - Palestinian 2021   
    It’s been 75 years since the Holocaust, we’re allowed to say fuck Israel without them playing the anti Semitic card now right? Because fuck Israel. 
    Looking at the whole history of the nation state of Israel, this makes sense. The Zionist movement had been trying to get the west to give them a Jewish nation since the late 1800s, the west was looking to protect their access to the black gold from the people who didn’t look like them. The Holocaust gave them all a reason to move forward with the creation of Israel in one of the weirdest forms of colonization. Usually a western power comes in and just straight up takes the land you’re on and calls it mine. This time, the UN goes into the land a bunch of middle eastern countries are on, takes it away from them, and gives it to their spoiled and entitled little brother. This new kid nation is a) stewing on 3000 years of lived experience that says “everyone in the world is out to get us all the time”, b) armed to the gills with leftover weapons from the war, and c) very mad that the muslims took over Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Sites. The Israeli are thankful for the gift from the west but are also salty that it’s not big enough and start to take matters into their own hands. Asking for forgiveness instead of permission (or sometimes not even that), they take by force big chunks of land from literally all their neighbours. The more militaristic neighbours like Egypt and Jordan fight back with varied levels of success, but places like Palestine get backed into a corner. 
    Looking through the colonial lens of the 20th C, Palestine is a nobody. They were a colony of the Ottoman Empire (rip) and became an orphan travelling from foster home to foster home after WWI. They tried and tried to get their own nation state, first from the League of Nations, then through rebellions, then through the United Nations, but no dice. The British took over the former Ottoman colonies and granted Jordan its independence in the 1920s, but not Palestine.
    The Brits and the UN made a plan to create BOTH a Palestinian Arab state and an Israeli Jewish state in 1948. On literally the last day of Western control - the next day would create Palestine and Israel - Israel was like “lmao no it’s actually all ours now” and declared independence and control of the whole area the next day. The west was essentially just over the whole thing and went “sure whatever”. Having a Middle Eastern ally, a country so grateful and happy about the western assistance in making this happen, was very advantageous as oil continued to become the most important resource in the world.  The Arab neighbours (Egypt, Syria, Jordan) were PISSED and immediately started a war with Israel. The Arab countries snagged a bunch of territory like the Sinai and the West Bank, and Israel spent the rest of their existence fighting wars to try to get all that territory back, and more. 
    Israel has since then acted like a North Korea, except with a big brother who watches out for them. They are a paranoid, aggressive, nation whose identity is essentially “not Arab”. They collective and existentially believe (not  always incorrectly, based on both 3000 years of existence and 70 years of constant war) that the rest of their Middlen Eastern world hates them and wants to destroy them in the same way Hitler did. When your mindset is that “we just got genocided and we are never ever going to let that happen again”, the collective psyche of the country becomes paranoid and aggressive towards everyone. They *needed* to fight Egypt and Jordan because they needed a buffer to keep them safe from the inevitable invasions. They *needed* to relocate and concentrate Palestinians onto the West Bank. They *needed* arms deal after arms deal from the States, lest their enemies become more militarily advanced than them. Developing, advancing, and using the military has been one of the primary goals of Israel literally forever. 
    It’s easy to fight Egypt and Jordan because they also have militaries. Palestine does not and never did have a formal military. Israel knew better than anyone that beating up on a poor defenceless peoples wasn’t kosher in the modern age anymore. When Israel trumped the Palestinian independence, and when their world turned into a war zone, the Palestinians ran. They became refugees in all the neighbouring Arab states. As soon as they left, Israel was like “you left willingly, so no coming back” and passed laws that gave all the Palestinian land that was given up to Jewish peoples from around the world eager to come “home” to Israel. The people that stayed eventually had the same things happen to them over the decades, their homes turning into war zones and being forced to relocate to refugee camps. Israel was kind enough to set up a colony of refugee camps on the West Bank and Gaza for Palestine, and continued to appropriate their lands outside of the camps. 
    Israel, like most of the world, wasn’t really a fan of taking care of their refugees. As the rest of the world developed, Palestine didn’t. They became a third world country within a first world country. Israel made the conditions purposefully bad to try to force Palestinians out, so they can take the land they “gave up”. For years (and still) access in and out of Palestine is controlled by the Israeli military. It’s literally a jail - people are trapped there unless their arch enemies allow them to leave, in which case they would probably never be allowed back. Clean water was scarce, and good food and medical supplies were tightly restricted. Palestinian rebels built tunnels to smuggle in supplies, and Israeli forces would destroy them (sometimes with people in them!) whenever they were discovered. 
    Understandably, Palestinians are pissed. They’ve had enough for the last 20 years. But, they have no real way to do anything about it. Due to their paranoid nature, the Israeli military is the second most powerful in the world (the first is their big bro USA who supports them and let’s them do their thing). When Palestinians fight back, they literally and metaphorically throw rocks and rockets at Israel. Israel laughs because they have a missile defence bubble that makes them never get hurt. But, when Palestine “starts it” by throwing a rock, that “gives permission” to Israel to come back swinging hundreds of times stronger than the initial attack. They are a grown ass man beating up on a child who kicked them in the shin. Trevor Noah did a great explanation of this last week (on mobile, someone Google) about the power dynamic between the two countries and how his mother taught him not to murder his toddler brother even if the kid punched him in the nuts. 
    And then, of course, religion ramps everything up to 11. In today’s shit, Israel cut off Palestinians from one of their most holy sites at the end of one of the most holy months. Understandably, they were pissed and protested. Of course, that protest of throwing rocks and shit warranted a reminder of who’s boss and led to the current rocket barrage from Israel. Israel pokes Palestine, Palestine tells them to fuck off, Israel punches them in the face and says they started it - all with the goal of moving them out of the West Bank and Gaza one way or another so those lands can be reincorporated into the Israeli state. 
    Its fucked. I work hard to understand all perspectives, and I get the Israeli insecurity and need to arm themselves to the gills. The best defence is a good offence and all that jazz. But the Israeli have been violating the human rights of Palestinians since the 1940s. America, with the second largest Jewish population in the world, is okay with this because of a) a powerful Jewish lobby, and b) the protection of American resource extraction in the area. Things that make us money >>> things that don’t make us money. When the global super power does nothing about the problem, the rest of the world just shrugs and agrees that it must not be a problem. I get the “no anti American sentiments” but time and time again American presidents, Republicans and Democrats, have gone out of their way to implement a foreign policy that allows and emboldens Israel to do exactly this all of the time. It’s only news now because the “war” (is it a war when only one side is armed?) has heated up more than usual. It’s important to know this never really cooled off, Palestinian protests and Israeli retaliatory bombings are just a fact of life there. It’s a horrible, awful way to live in our so-called developed world. 
    This shouldn’t be a political issue. No one should be able to argue for the bombing of civilians and children. But, when society is as fractured as we are, every opinion about anything deserves equal airtime for its counter opinion. 
    Humans suck and my heart breaks for the Palestinians. They just want to govern themselves for the first time ever, like literally every other former colony in the world has been allowed to. They just want to celebrate Eid at a Muslim holy site in their neighbourhood. They just want clean water and to not die from preventable diseases. They just want to go to school. But Israel be like *bugs bunny no gif*. 
  3. Haha
    v.2 reacted to VHL Bot in [S78] Calvin Harvey has retired!   
    Calvin Harvey has announced their retirement.
  4. Like
    v.2 reacted to Smarch in Your S78 Toronto Legion   
    As we enter the final few days prior to the posting of the Victory Hockey League Indexes for the Pros and Minors, the VHL rosters are finally starting to finalize as teams around the league are starting to slow down the normal off-season roster movement. After a return to the playoffs in Season Seventy-Seven for the Toronto Legion, the club is looking to take the nest step as we head into Season Seventy-Eight. In this weeks’ article, we would like to introduce the rest of the VHL to the players that will be donning the blue and white in the VHL to start Season Seventy-Eight.
    SS Hornet (S72 – Center)

    After spending the first twenty-two games with the Vancouver Wolves in Season Seventy-Six, Legion General Manger Rylan Peace wasn’t happy with the clubs start and pulled the trigger and acquired Hornet as part of a trade with the Wolves. Once Hornet joined the Legion last year, his points per game climbed from 0.95 points per game to 1.20 points per game, which happens to be the pest point per game numbers Hornet has put up in his seven VHL season with three different VHL clubs. Hornet also helped bring another scoring punch to the Legion roster when he was acquired, putting up twenty-four goals in forty-nine games with the Legion. Now Hornet will enter his first full season with the Legion, looking to hold down the top line center spot for the team with his 957 TPA to date. With his time winding down in the league, Hornet and the Legion brass are hoping for another gear from Hornet this season as both the franchise and player are looking for a long lost Continental Cup in Season Seventy-Eight.
    Oh Sens (S73 – Right Winger)

    As we were preparing to write the article to introduce the VHL world to the Season Seventy-Eight Toronto Legion roster, Oh Sens walked up to the podium in the Legion Locker-room in the Air Canada Center, to announce Season Seventy-Eight would be his last season in the VHL. Oh Sens was originally drafted Eighteenth Overall by the Helsinki Titans in the Season Seventy-Three VHL Entry Draft. After spending Season Seventy-Three in the VHLM with the Miami Marauders, Oh Sens was ready for his VHL debut in Season Seventy-Four with the Titans, but it was a short lived tenure in Finland. Thirty-Six games into his rookie season, Oh Sens was dealt to the Legion for two Season Seventy-Five and one Season Seventy-Six draft choices. Now as we await the start of the Seventy-Eighth VHL season, Oh Sens is coming off his best season in Toronto which saw his put up thirty-four goals and forty-nine assists in seventy-two regular season games, which both Oh Sens and the Legion hope he can duplicate in his swan song season in the VHL.
    Nicholas Sunderbrunch (S74 – Left Winger)

    A Second Round draft choice of the Legion back in Season Seventy-Four, Sunderbrunch is looking to improve in his fourth VHL season, after consecutive seasons of fifty points. Although fifty points in seventy-two games is a great stepping stone, Legion fans and management saw the potential that Sunderbrunch has during the Legions six game playoff appearance in Season Seventy-Seven, as Sunderbrunch put up 2 goals and four assist in those six games. Now as the Legion and Sunderbrunch prepare for the upcoming season, more will be expected out of the thirty-fifth overall draft pick from the Season Seventy-Four VHL Entry Draft.
    Jon Webber (S75 – Right Winger)

    Webber is coming off his rookie season in the VHL having put up thirteen goals and eighteen assists in seventy-two games with the Legion. Webbers VHL career got off to a different start than most players experience. Webber was drafted in the Fourth Round, Sixty-Third Overall, by the Helsinki Titans, a draft position that doesn’t often see VHL players come from those draft choices. Webber used his time in the VHL with Houston to his advantage after his draft season, putting himself in a position for a roster spot as the Season Seventy-Seven season was about to get underway. Unfortunately for Webber and the Titans, who were looking to make a championship run again, there wasn’t a spot for Webber each and every night, which led to Webber being traded to the Legion. After a few hours of the announcement of the trade between Helsinki and Toronto, Webber was on a flight to Toronto, only to be told once at the Pearson International Airport, he may be getting right back on the flight and returning to Helsinki. After some weird and tense moments, Webber was advised he was staying put in Toronto for the final year of his rookie contract. Webber was again about to leave Toronto in free agency this offseason, but once again as the clock was about to strike midnight on his departure, the Legion and Webber came to an agreement on a one-year contract for Season Seventy-Eight. Hopefully now with the dust settled, Webber will be able to see more ice-time and produce above his rookie points total in Season Seventy-Eight.
    Phoenix Dawson (S76 – Center)

    Dawson is another roster player that continues the trade trend for the Legion in constructing their current roster. Dawson was originally drafted by the Seattle Bears, Ninth Overall, in the Season Seventy-Six VHL Entry Draft. Dawson spent Season Seventy-Six in the VHLM with the Miami Marauders, putting up an eye popping thirty-nine goals and fifty-eights assists in his final VHLM season. Dawson and the Bears believed he was ready for his shot in the big league come Season Seventy-Seven and Dawson made the opening day roster for the Bears last season. As the trade deadline closed in rumors began to swirl out of Seattle that Dawson and the Bears organization were looking for a fresh start for the young Canadian Centerman. That fresh start came in the form of a player for player swap with the Legion, that say the Legion move Frank Funk Jr to the Bears for Dawson. At the conclusion of his rookie season Dawson ended the season between the two clubs with fourteen goals and twenty-one assists in seventy-two games, something Dawson is working hard to improve as he enters his sophomore season.  
    Gunnar Odinsson (S76 – Right Winger)

    As you likely would have guessed it, Odinsson comes from a long list of Legion players that were drafted by other VHL franchises and flipped to the Legion in various trades. Odinsson follows the trend of being drafted by the Helsinki Titans to be flipped to the Legion during his rookie season. Oddinsson was selected by the Titans, Eleventh Overall, in the Season Seventy-Six VHL Entry Draft, and jumped into the VHL right away that season. After thirty-seven games in the light blue and white, Titans management decided that Odinsson looked better in the Royal blue and white. On February 6th, 2021 the Legion send Seattle’s Season Seventy-Seven First to Helsinki in exchange for Odinsson. During his split season with Helsinki and Toronto, Odinsson put up seventeen goals and twenty-four assists, numbers that didn’t sit well with Odinsson. Odinsson took his rookie season personal and made sure he put in the off-season work heading in to Season Seventy-Seven to improve in his sophomore season. Odinsson did just that last season, as he increased his point total to seventy, putting up thirty-four goals and thirty-six assists in his first full season in Toronto. Now as the number one winger on the Legions anticipated lines for Season Seventy-Eight, we can only imagine that the point total will climb in Odinsson final year of his rookie contract.
    Asher Reinhart (S77 – Center)

    Our final forward to introduce to the VHL world is a trend breaker in the Legion books. Reinhart is only the second Legion forward that was drafted by the team that is still on the VHL roster heading into Season Seventy-Eight, alongside Season Seventy-Four draftee Nicholas Sunderbrunch. Reinhart was drafted Sixth Overall by the Legion in the Season Seventy-Seven VHL Entry Draft, and was a part of the weird sequence of events that saw Webber come over from the Titans, in a trade that was supposed to include Reinhart.  After the dust settled Reinhart would stay in Toronto for his rookie season, posting a respectable twelve goals and twenty assists, while seeing limited minutes on a veteran Legion roster. Now as his sophomore season comes around, Reinhart is closing in on 550 TPA, which should allow him to have more of an impact role for the Legion this season.
    Erik Killinger (S71 – Defense)
    It’s not often in the VHL will you have the ability to bring in the reigning Jake Wylde and Sterling Labatte winner from the previous season, but that’s what happened to the Legion this off-season. While Killinger will be retiring after the conclusion of Season Seventy-Eight, he still is an elite defender in the VHJL as evident in his season with London in Season Seventy-Six. With a relatively young defensive crop still maturing in Toronto, Killinger will be leaned upon many times in his final season, but he appears to be up to the task. After spending his first four seasons in Toronto, Killinger and the Legion brass hope the second time for Killinger and the Legion end in a championship raising.
    Jolly Greene Giant (S75 – Defense)

    Jolly Green Giant was the beginning of the elite defenseman the Legion would bring into the fold in the Season Seventy-Five and Season Seventy-Six VHL Entry Drafts. Giant was selected by the Legion with the Second Overall draft choice in the Season Seventy-Five VHL Entry Draft. Giant has been a fixture on the Legion blue-line since being selected Second Overall, putting up thirty-four goals and eighty-siz assists in his 144 games played since joining the Legion in Season Seventy-Six. Now Green enters his final year of his rookie season, with 732 TPA, which makes him a very dangerous defenseman for the Legion. With a younger defensive core for the Legion suiting up again in Season Seventy-Eight, Giant could be a key for the Legion improving over last season’s one and done playoff series.
    Scotty Kaberle (S75 – Defense)

    Kaberle was the second defenseman selected by the Legion in the Season Seventy-Five VHL Entry Draft, selected by the club Eleventh Overall in the draft. Kaberle like Giant finished his second full season with the Legion and is coming off an improved sophomore season that say his put up twenty-two goals and forty-seven assists for the Legion. Kaberle much like Giant has been working hard on improving each and every week, and now he will enter the season with over 700 TPA, which will allow him to keep improving on his point total each season. In his final season of his rookie contact in the VHL and with the Legion, Kaberle will be auditing not only for the Legion, but the rest for the VHL this season.
    Kristof Welch (S76 – Defense)

    Welch was the final piece to the puzzle for the Legion on defense when they selected him Fifth Overall in the Season Seventy-Six VHL Entry Draft. Welch joined the Legion right out of the draft, which saw him put up thirty-four points in his rookie season. While the thirty-four points for a defenseman on a team that missed the playoffs is nothing to laugh about, Welch wasn’t exactly thrilled with his performance and vowed to improve in the team’s off-season meetings. Welch took those words to heart and improved his point total from thirty-four points to sixty-five points last season. Now like his defensive counterparts that joined the roster full-time in Season Seventy-Six, Welch is looking to make the Legion and the league take notice in Season Seventy-Eight.
    Sirkants Klamasteris (S75 – Goalie)

    After being selected by the Riga Reign, Fourteen Overall in Season Seventy-Five, it’s final time for Klamasteris to be a full-time starter. Over the past three seasons Klamasteris has played in only fifty-eights games, a number he is likely to surpass alone this season. Although he hasn’t been the starter in Riga or Toronto, Klamasteris has been reliable when called upon. Klamasteris has posted a 11-17-3 record alongside a .923 save percentage and 3.03 goals against average. Now with no incumbent starter in front of him, Klamasteris is ready for a full workload with the Legion, hoping to prove the trade of a First Round draft pick was worth it for the Legion.
    For the weeks of:
    May 17-23 
    May 24-30
    May 31-June 5
    June 6-12
  5. Like
    v.2 reacted to dlamb in (S79) D - Zdeno Chara, TPE: 54   
    Hey @Agito! Welcome to the Victory Hockey League!
    My name is dlamb, and I am the GM of the Ottawa Lynx. We would like to offer you a contract! We can offer 2nd pair ice time, always with an opportunity to move up, with a friendly and growing locker room! Me and my AGM JB123 are both very active and willing to help with any questions you got, you just got to ask! Ottawa has a long history of developing top-tier talent, and you can be the next. Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX to join the Lynx!
    Have fun and good luck,

    Ottawa Lynx GM
  6. Haha
    v.2 reacted to Jubis in (S79) D - Zdeno Chara, TPE: 54   
  7. Like
    v.2 reacted to Dom in my best graphic so far!   
  8. Like
    v.2 reacted to Lazarus in Ottawa Lynx press conference   
    1. How do you feel about the offseason moves made by the Lynx? If you are new to the team, what are your thoughts on joining us?
    I'm happy to be a part of Ottawa, it was one of the teams I wanted to go to.
    2. What do you hope to accomplish this season here in Ottawa?
    Winning a cup is the goal, playoffs would be nice too.
    3. Any recommendations for a new channel on discord? @Juice said it was kind of lacking, so we want your input!
    I like  the idea of jersey numbers that Rask suggested. 
    4. What's your favorite NHL team? If you don't have one, what other sports/teams do you support? 
    Flames are my team so I'm in serious pain right now.
    5. Any players you look up to/idolize either in the VHL, NHL, etc.? 
    Iginla has always been my favourite NHL player, and for the VHL I like Andrew Su.
    6. To get to know you better, where would you rather vacation? A. Beach B. Mountains C. Golf Resort D. Hockey Town E. Other 
    In a  Hockey town if I get to play.
  9. Like
    v.2 reacted to oilmandan in [S78] Randy Marsh has retired!   
    One last run left in ole Randy
  10. Fire
    v.2 got a reaction from animal74 in Sova Rookie Experience   
    Tui Sova's Rookie Experience

    After being selected 7th overall by the Malmo Nighthawks in the Season 78 VHL entry draft, rookie Tui Sova prepares himself for the start of the season.  He is expected to slot into top 4 defence minutes, a spot that was not expected heading into the draft.  Sova was fine to remain in the minors for an extra season, but starting the year with the big club lets him gain some bearings quickly at a higher pace of play.  As of now, his primary focus is on conditioning and strength training to physically prepare for the start of the regular season, and be game ready right away.
    “I’m a very determined guy, and I like to make the most of opportunities that are given to me.  The last thing I’d want to do is disappoint management or myself by not coming correct, so I’m going to make sure that I start my season off strong.  I’m in Malmo now, my first time in Sweden actually, I love it here so far.  As much as I’d love to do some sight seeing and get to know the city, right now my focus is purely on diet, training in the gym, and practice at the rink.”
    Sova is unsure who he’ll be partnered up with to start his rookie campaign, but management and coaches are exploring all options.  Sova is known for his very strong shot blocking ability, and knows how to rack up points.  Expectations for him this season are to continue excelling where he did in Mexico City, but most importantly his coaches want him to just feel comfortable on the ice and with the new pace of play.
    “I’m getting to know all the guys.  Coaches are trying me on different line pairings, but it’s tough to establish any real chemistry until the season begins.  I like to consider myself a fairly versatile player though and compliment my teammates.  On ice communication is huge and I can tell that my teammates share many of the same philosophies of the game.
    The ceiling is high for Tui Sova in Malmo.  His drive to improve and love of the game are likely going to push him towards success.  The main goal is to eventually be the teams top defenceman and a strong leader in the room.
    “Im taking my career one step at a time, landing in Malmo at 7th overall was huge for me, and has boosted me to train even harder.  I surprise myself more and more each day, just pushing my body into peak physicality.  I cannot wait to get it going this season!”

  11. Hmmm
    v.2 got a reaction from KaleebtheMighty in Seattle Bears Logo Redesign   
    This is great now plz update Rigas
  12. Like
    v.2 reacted to KaleebtheMighty in Seattle Bears Logo Redesign   
    I've dibbled and I've dabbled, and why not take a stab at the recent S77 VHL Champion's logo and revamp it in KaleebtheMighty fashion?

  13. Haha
    v.2 reacted to Frank in (S79) D - Zdeno Chara, TPE: 54   
    Competition @Jubis

  14. Fire
    v.2 got a reaction from JB123 in Sova Rookie Experience   
    Tui Sova's Rookie Experience

    After being selected 7th overall by the Malmo Nighthawks in the Season 78 VHL entry draft, rookie Tui Sova prepares himself for the start of the season.  He is expected to slot into top 4 defence minutes, a spot that was not expected heading into the draft.  Sova was fine to remain in the minors for an extra season, but starting the year with the big club lets him gain some bearings quickly at a higher pace of play.  As of now, his primary focus is on conditioning and strength training to physically prepare for the start of the regular season, and be game ready right away.
    “I’m a very determined guy, and I like to make the most of opportunities that are given to me.  The last thing I’d want to do is disappoint management or myself by not coming correct, so I’m going to make sure that I start my season off strong.  I’m in Malmo now, my first time in Sweden actually, I love it here so far.  As much as I’d love to do some sight seeing and get to know the city, right now my focus is purely on diet, training in the gym, and practice at the rink.”
    Sova is unsure who he’ll be partnered up with to start his rookie campaign, but management and coaches are exploring all options.  Sova is known for his very strong shot blocking ability, and knows how to rack up points.  Expectations for him this season are to continue excelling where he did in Mexico City, but most importantly his coaches want him to just feel comfortable on the ice and with the new pace of play.
    “I’m getting to know all the guys.  Coaches are trying me on different line pairings, but it’s tough to establish any real chemistry until the season begins.  I like to consider myself a fairly versatile player though and compliment my teammates.  On ice communication is huge and I can tell that my teammates share many of the same philosophies of the game.
    The ceiling is high for Tui Sova in Malmo.  His drive to improve and love of the game are likely going to push him towards success.  The main goal is to eventually be the teams top defenceman and a strong leader in the room.
    “Im taking my career one step at a time, landing in Malmo at 7th overall was huge for me, and has boosted me to train even harder.  I surprise myself more and more each day, just pushing my body into peak physicality.  I cannot wait to get it going this season!”

  15. Haha
    v.2 reacted to JetsFan81 in Waste Of My Time   
    Mikey Markov Rookie Profile
    Today I was assigned to research into the hockey career of the Canadian child prodigy Mikey Markov. I learned some very interesting things about Markov and I will discuss them in this report. To get started Mikey Markov is a player of 5’5, 170 lbs frame. He’s a very small player but this has never stopped him from performing. Mikey Markov was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on February 17th 2005. He’s come along way in his young career. He’s played in several leagues throughout his hockey career and has impressed in every single one.
                At the age of 8, Mikey Markov began his league play. He started in the MJHL also known as the Manitoba Junior Hockey League. This is where he caught the eye of many scouts around the world from many different international leagues. Markov gave himself high expectations in return due to his very high level of play he showed. In this league, Markov played mainly against older and larger competition than him but he still dominated the league in scoring. Markov had 71 goals and 43 assists in 56 games and always seemed to find the back of the net whenever he shot the puck. Every team was on notice and always attempted to contain Markov but nobody could and so he simply kept dominating until he exited the league after the season ended.
                At age 15, Markov was granted exceptional status into a league known as the WHL based in North America. The young Canadian excelled in this league as expected and gave himself even more of a name. Markov was seen as one of the top prospects in the whole world during this stint and was even invited to meet with the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. In his WHL rookie season, Markov lit it up with 21 goals and 28 assists for 49 points in 56 games. This is the best rookie season of all time in any North American junior league for a player under the age of 16. He won the league mvp award and the rookie award which were his first ever hockey accolades. He was very impressive and it really helped his personality and confidence grow. He played another almost full season in the league where he registered 73 goals and 61 assists for 134 points in 49 games which is the best points per game in the WHL in the modern era and the highest all time for anyone under 18 in North America.
                Markov’s play in the WHL caught the attention of several teams in the VHL in Russia. Markov decided to pack his bags and head to Russia for the chance to play in this prestigious league. Markov signed a 1 year contract worth $1.5 million dollars in the minor affiliate VHLM. He played 1 regular season game with the Houston Bulls and 5 playoff games. He was a point per game during his short stint with the team. This seemed to impress other teams as well and he was selected 23rd overall in the s78 VHL entry draft. He was also selected 7th overall in the VHLM dispersal draft. Markov is a highly skilled player and will be a great addition to the teams who selected him.
  16. Fire
    v.2 reacted to Advantage in (S79) LW - Jerome Reinhart, TPE: 92   
    Hey @MexicanCow123
    I know you probably have a few potential favorites in the VHLM, but I'd love to see you in Mexico City.
    We have an elite goalie and a solid forward group already that would only benefit from having you.  I can offer top line minutes with PP/PK and maybe some extra stuff on the side.
    #MEXICANKINGS if interested.  
  17. Like
    v.2 reacted to .sniffuM in bellshrinky pack   
    two render meta be like

  18. Like
    v.2 reacted to Gustav in S78 - VHFL Group 15 (Complete)   
    Going to make a post of my own for easy edits/updates:
      1. Team KnightRiley
        F- Thomas Landry II
        F- Dominic Gobeil
        F- Robert Bouchard
        D- Battre Sandstrom
        D- Riley Knight Gee
        G- Grekkark Gyrfalcon
        2. Team Frank
        F- Timothy Brown
        F- Jeffrey Pines
        F- Venus Thightrap
        D- Tyler Walker
        D- Alex Letang
        G- Stone Wolski
        3. Team v.2
        F- Groovy Dood
        F- Andrew Su
        F- Dakota Lamb
        D- Erik Killinger
        D- Matty Socks
        G- Rara Rasputin
        4. Team Flex
        F- Christian Mingle
        F- Valtteri Vaakanainen
        F- Lee Xin
        D- Roque Davis
        D- Latrell Mitchell
        G- Zamboni Driver
        5. Team Matty
        F- Onde Sandstrom
        F- Aloe Dear
        F- Jim Bob
        D- Spencer Elsby
        D- General Zod
        G- Doug Dimmadome
        6. Team Gustav
        F- SS Hornet
        F- Taro Tsujimoto
        F- Robin Winter
        D- Randy Marsh
        D- Bob Tristan
        G- Jean Pierre Camus
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    v.2 reacted to JardyB10 in Jardy's Chodesode #4: How to Become a GM   
    I swear a lot.
    For the record, that warning is for the 13 year olds and whathaveyou.
    Runtime of 11:37, my chodiest 'sode yet. Today I:
    - Go over my hiring process, and give hot tips on how to get a GM position
    - Demand @Banackock steps down
    Mentions in passing: @InstantRockstar
    Actual Mentions: @Banackock@JardyB10
  20. Like
    v.2 reacted to omgitshim in S78 - VHFL Group 12   
    Can you change the text to Automatic color? This is unreadable on dark theme.
  21. Like
    v.2 got a reaction from Lazarus in 7OA   
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    v.2 reacted to Da_Berr in Looking back at Su in VAN   
    It's been a hell of an offseason for Andrew Su. After being knocked out of the wildcard round by LA in 4 games, Su has had a turbulent offseason. 
    The biggest change is that Su is no longer a Vancouver Wolf and is now an official member of the Calgary Wranglers. This trade was a blockbuster move for VAN as Su was their star player for the last few seasons. It also marks an end of an era in VAN. With Su being traded and Greg Stallion signing with the Warsaw Predators this free agency, VAN has officially gotten rid of every S72 draft pick they had. To recap VAN's S72 draft, they picked Gino DiGiannantonio 4th OA, Jungkok at 7th OA, Andrew Su at 13th OA, and Greg Stallion at 15th OA. Gino was traded to MOS in S74, Jungkok was traded to MAL in S73, and we have already covered Su and Stallion leaving this offseason. Despite Su being a VHL star, due to the cap situation of most teams, not many teams wanted to take on the ageing forward. [NOTE this was before the change in VHL CAP which happened literally 3 days after the trade :(]. As a result, CGY was able to get a solid deal for Su. They only had to swap 1st rounders with VAN, give up a 3rd round pick and Sheldon Juniper. Also huge shoutout to Fonzi for making the trade happen and getting my input every step along the way.
    Durning Su's career with the Wolves he played 6 full seasons, totalling 432 games. Durning an atrocious rookie season where scoring was down, and Su should've most likely stayed in the minors, he only totalled a measly 19 points with 10 assists and 9 goals. Su was also only playing 3rd line minutes behind both HHH and Louth during his rookie campaign. It was looking like Su was going on the pathway of being a bust. In his sophomore season, Su was finally getting some more minutes and was able to massively improve his on-ice contributions with 77 points from 43 assists and 34 goals. Su was even nominated for the Dustin-Funk trophy (most improved) that season but was beat out by an impressive campaign by Ray Shields. In S74, Su just kept on improving. With both Louth and HHH gone from VAN, Su found himself as the #1 center of the team. With that, Su had an explosive season where he finally got to 100 points with 56 assists and 44 goals. VAN even won the cup that year, and Su had 22 points in 19 games, good enough to get nominated for the Daisuke Kanou Trophy (playoff MVP). The following 3 seasons are when Su was at his peak. 106, 121, and 120 points. 63, 74, 73 assists and 43, 47, 47 goals. In this timeframe, Su won 2 Mike Szatkowski's (S76, S77), 2 Scotty Campbell's (S76, S77), and 1 Alexander Beketov Trophy (S77). He was also only 1 point away in S75 from claiming a 3rd Szatkowski in a row.
    At the end of the day, Su is the points and goals leader of VAN and is second-most in assists as well. Only time will tell if he will be as good in CGY.
  23. Like
    v.2 reacted to solas in one of those wacky lil dudes from despicable me   
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    v.2 reacted to ke1vi in Miklavz Signs Entry-Level / Expected to Play in VHLM   
    Miklavz Signs Entry-Level / Expected to Play in VHLM 

    Anze Miklavz with Riga management after being selected 15th overall in the S78 Entry Draft. 
    The Riga Reign have inked their top forward prospect Anze Miklavz to a 3-year entry level contract starting in S78. The Slovenian winger is expected to make $5.5 million over the next three seasons, with over half the contract ($3 million) coming in the first year. The structure of this contract means that Miklavz will be spending one more year in the VHLM due to limited available cap space on Riga’s roster.
    “Yea, after some discussions with @hedgehog337 about my future with Riga, it made sense on both sides for me to spend another year in the minors”, Miklavz confirmed in yesterday’s media availability to announce the signing. “I still have some other parts of my game to work on, and I think that needs to be addressed for a smooth transition to the VHL style of play”.
    Miklavz, the leading goal scorer in his draft class, notched 42 goals and 45 assists with the Mexico City Kings last season. With his commitment to the VHLM this season and former teammate Tui Sova @v.2 expected to play in Malmo, he’s now arguably the top ranked prospect in Sunday’s dispersal draft. The high ranking may not lead to a high draft choice though, and Miklavz knows that first hand. In Thursday’s entry draft, Miklavz fell to 15th overall after being ranked the 8th best prospect, leaving most scouts puzzled at the drop. When asked about the situation in yesterday’s availability, Miklavz had this to say:
    “I was pretty disappointed, and I think what happened was a curveball in the top 5 which trickled down through the first round and majorly affected me. I didn’t really talk to many teams and that was probably the biggest factor. I also understand team need is the priority in a VHL draft, but at some point, I feel like you need to consider player value. I know I’m going to be a lot better than some of the guys that got picked ahead of me and I’m really looking forward to proving that. With that being said, I’m extremely happy that I ended up in Riga. The locker room is great, and I think their management knows exactly what their doing, and I’m really looking forward to contributing to this storied franchise”
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    v.2 got a reaction from STZ in 7OA   
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