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VSN Presents: S85 VHL Awards


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Victory Cup

Warsaw was on a mission this season and took over the league and finished with a 51-15-6 record for a total of 108 points, 14 more than the second place Calgary Wranglers! Congratulations Warsaw on the season 85 Victory Cup!


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Continental Cup

They Finally did it! The D.C. Dragons have won the Continental Cup for the first time in their history! After finishing the season with a 39-27-6 record, the 3rd place team in the North American conference faced an uphill battle in the first round, taking on the 2nd place and cup favourites Vancouver Wolves who they made it past in 7 games! In the second round D.C. came up against Chicago who was coming off of an upset of their own against Calgary, they made it past the Phoenix in 6. In the finals the D.C. Dragons faced their biggest challenge in Moscow, who they absolutely blew out of the water, making it past Moscow in just 5 games to capture their first Continental Cup in franchise history! Congratulations @Enorama and the S85 D.C. Dragons!



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Each season the Alexander Beketov trophy is presented to the player who leads the league in assists, this award is commonly won by a defensemen and this season is no different with all of the top 5 players being defensemen; Tui Sova @v.2 , Jerome Reinhart @MexicanCow123, Bo Johansson @Shindigs, Jake Thunder @Thunder, and Brian Payne @Scurvy. In what was a 2 horse race up until the final couple of sims where Sova would just edge out Jerome Reinhart by 1 assist. The Winner of the season 85 Alexander Beketov Trophy is for the second consecutive season, Tui Sova with an impressive 76 assists!


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The Kevin Brooks trophy is awarded to the player(s) who leads the league in scoring at the end of the regular season. Similarly to the Beketov Trophy this award came down to a very narrow margin. In the final game of the season we saw 1 player edge out Nico Pearce @Spartan by one goal. The top 5 goal scorers this season are; Daniel Janser @Daniel Janser, Nico Pearce, Ronan Lavelle @Arce, Perry Laperriere @KaleebtheMighty, and Alex Johnston @Alex. The winner of the season 85 Kevin Brooks Trophy is… Daniel Janser with 51 goals!


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The previous two awards covered assists and goals, the Mike Szatkowski Trophy is awarded to the player who leads the league in points at the end of the regular season. Scoring as a whole has continued to trend downward recently, notably this season we only had 3 players score over 100 points, they were; Daniel Janser @Daniel Janser, Zach Kisslinger II @Kisslinger, and Brendan Marner @MetalToday. Compared to the two previous awards this one was won by a relatively wide margin. With Daniel Janser establishing a 4 point lead with 108 points over Zach KisslingerII’s 104 points. Congratulations Daniel Janser on winning the S85 Mike Szatkowski Trophy!


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Now how about them goalies? The Greg Clegane Trophy is presented to the goalie with the lowest GAA over the course of the season. Compared to previous seasons this award came down to a very narrow margin of 0.01 GAA, or 1 goal. This was by far our closest race, between Augustus Kennedy @InstantRockstar and Brandt Fuhr @Tate who had a 2.35 and 2.36 GAA respectively. Congratulations to Augustus Kennedy for winning the S85 Greg Clegane Trophy with an astounding 2.35 GAA!


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Possibly the most important award we will discuss this evening, the Fredrik Elmebeck Memorial Trophy is sometimes referred to as the ‘top member award’ as it is awarded to the member that goes above and beyond each season to make the league a better place for everyone involved. This season we had 3 nominees;


@jacobcarson877 - VHLM GM, mentor role

@leandrofg - VSN, VHLE GM, general engagement

@Shindigs  - VHLM GM, mentor role, JST



The winner of this season’s Fredrik Elmebeck Memorial Trophy is…


Leandro @leandrofg!


leandro - 8, jacobcarson - 1, Shindigs - 0


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With league scoring trending down someone might expect rookie scoring to take a dip as well, although it has gone down a bit, this season we saw 2 rookie players score right around a point per game, they were Molly the Cat @JCarson (36 G, 37 A, 73 P) and Phoebe Bridgers @GrittyIsKing (24 G, 47 A, 71 P). On the defensive side of the puck Mo Probert @Yahtzee had a great season with 57 points, 172 shots blocked, and 123 hits. Lastly in goal Clueless Wallob @DMaximus had a great season for Prague, finishing with a 0.925 SV%.


The winner of the season 85 Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy is...


Molly the Cat @JCarson!


Molly - 7, Probert - 2, Bridgers/Wallob - 0


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