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I’m on mobile again and I hate it. 

@a_Ferk is dying; he was ESCORT. 















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Ain't that what living is all about? The Grand Poobah wakes up just before 1 and prepares for another day of referring to himself in the third person.


Here's ferk's last will because I'm stupid:




a_Ferk the Escort


N1: visit jhatty


N2: visit solas


N3: Abstained 


N4: visit Spartan


N5: Abstained



We got another death on our hands, and it's a big one! The MAFIA has decided they've seen enough of @BarzalGoat, and he's off to the other side. He was, as everyone assumed, the JAILOR.


Last will:


Pretty sure Doom and Hatty are last maf. Hatty is hypno and doom keeps claiming hypnos to make it seem like he is not mafia.



List of those alive (6):

Votes needed: 4

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I'm aware it looks terrible with Barzal's will, but I received the, "You activated a trap," Hypno message again .


Results on solas indicates innocent, but with the Jailor dying, I'm extremely suspicious of his claim now. 

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Okay, so I'll lay my cards on the table here.  Might get me killed by the mafia but I feel like there should be an explanation at least.

I used my bulletproof vest last night.  Obviously a miscalculation, but I've been on Barzal the whole game.  So I thought the mafia might target me or something.  My bad.

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Known mafia:

OG mafioso - dead (Mike)

Janitor - dead (bigAL? Idr)

Hyonotist - unknown


There can only be 4 maf total in all any game


I can only be a hypno if there are two. If doom is mafia, doesn't matter what kind,  then I am completely exonerated from being hypno, which means I am confirmed town. I hope you would trust me anyway at this point but I understand if you don't.  


I feel like Doom is just the hypno-turned-mafioso. Either that or eagles is lying.... did anyone get any hypno messages last night?




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46 minutes ago, ContinentalCup036 said:

Yea I was on barzal, and the only visitor was doomsday.


not sure wtf town protective were doing but doom is maf too

I’m an idiot that’s what I was doing. However this confirms doom and this should get us that win.


vote doom

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For the record I am driving home from college now (RIP its all over ?) so I will not be able to look at this thread until I get home, which will be after 6 PST most likely. Still include me because if I stop for food I will check, but likely I won't.  We got this town!

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1 hour ago, Mr_Hatter said:

Known mafia:

OG mafioso - dead (Mike)

Janitor - dead (bigAL? Idr)

Hyonotist - unknown


There can only be 4 maf total in all any game


I can only be a hypno if there are two. If doom is mafia, doesn't matter what kind,  then I am completely exonerated from being hypno, which means I am confirmed town. I hope you would trust me anyway at this point but I understand if you don't.  


I feel like Doom is just the hypno-turned-mafioso. Either that or eagles is lying.... did anyone get any hypno messages last night?




Doom claimed he got hypnod


which makes sense for your theory of hyno turned mafioso


unless he actually did hit a trap?

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Based on the lookout report and Barzal's will, I'm gonna have to go with Doomsday.  The hypno->mafioso theory certainly looks like it holds water to me.  If it's not him I'm not sure what to do.


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"I watched @Doomsday kill the Jailor!" says @ContinentalCup036. The town hears this, and naturally decides to hang @Doomsday, who's gotten by up to this point with claims of being the town SHERIFF. 


You know the deal--get enough votes and dead goes the target. Tonight is no exception. Was he a Sheriff?



NO! He was...



...a JESTER.

The game takes another unexpected turn as we head into Night 7!




List of those alive (putting up here because the last will spoiler wrecked the formatting and I can't type below it):




Last will:



Salem isn't a bad place to live. As a store owner in a small town, you're needed, whether you're liked or not. I don't particularly care for the town, they don't care for me. But they pay me for goods, and I keep my shelves stocked. Very mutually beneficial. But as long as I've lived here, Devise has been a constant blight. Whether his feral, untrained hounds are running loose and scaring customers, he's shuffling around drunk and making a mess of the place, or just rigging sims for Calgary. Ugh.


But there's a dark mood lately. Evil forces are gathering here, I can feel them plotting their work. Perhaps now I can finally be rid of Devise... no. I am not a trained warrior, I can't take a life. But the town is frenzied, panicked. I have seen a thick, sturdy rope hanging around the gallows again. If the evils do not dispose of Devise, if I cannot... then I will convince the town to do it for me. I will be his harbinger, his doom... his executioner.


N1: The calm before the storm. Another quiet day. Devise was drunkenly bickering with Mike today. Maybe if something happens to Mike overnight, I can convince the town that Devise was responsible.


N2: Awoke in the night in pain, managed to fall back asleep... woke up very late in the day. I am growing weaker, and I fear the evil forces have poisoned me over the night. I will likely be dead by the next morning. But fortunately, Devise has been accused of being a fraud, and the town seemingly bought it. I nudged them as best as I could, but it does not look like I will live to see the ruffian hang. Too bad.


N3: Today took an unexpected turn when I woke up today, feeling as healthy as an ox... and as dumb as one to boot. Mr. Hatter explained that it was a Hypnotist, which is a relief, for my mission can continue. The town appears to buy my claim as a Sheriff, and with Funk pushing Devise hard, I used my clout to further clear him and cast more doubt on that scamp, Devise. I wonder if we have the same mission? Either way, success seems very realistic. The town is very suspicious of Devise, but they won't quite commit to lynching him yet. Within one vote two straight days, so tantalizingly close, but he talked his way out of it. Looks like Nyko hangs tonight, and I supported it begrudgingly to keep my cover. It's a shame, he ain't a bad kid. He's quiet. Keeps to himself. I like people like that. Maybe Devise could take lessons from him.


N4: It seems I will no longer exact vengeance on Devise, for the evil presence that has permeated the town has eliminated him first. So disgusted by his presence, in fact, that they completely scrubbed his existence from the face of the Earth. Even though they have stolen my purpose and continue to mess with me (how does one activate a trap in bed anyway?), I owe my gratitude to them for their noble deed. I shall continue to sow discontent and chaos until my time comes now. They managed to get the town to hang DoktorFunk, a man I vouched for. Turns out he was exactly who he claimed to be after all too. I didn't support it, I could not endorse hanging an innocent man. This hell continues, unfortunately.


N5: Today, my quest to the gallows began with using my universally-believed role as Sheriff to paint a_Ferk as suspicious. He's suspicious, so I'm not exactly lying, but I really don't know if he's part of the mafia or not. Either way, it could be ill-received and paint suspicion on me. Even being far from airtight, and with Ferk nearly getting Hatter, who's also suspicious, hung, he was the one who was marched to the gallows. He was an innocent after all, and if I survive the night, I'm likely next. I was asked to investigate solas next, which will be easy to fake. He's either the Bodyguard or the Godfather, which both show up as innocent. Maybe if I'm lucky the town will notice I'm never actually leaving my house and vote my way to the noose.


N6: Woke up to unexpected news: Barzal, the Jailor, has been murdered by the mafia. It's a shame, he did so much good for the town, whose numbers dwindle evermore. With his will read, it became clear I wasn't quite as trusted as I believed. Presenting my "findings," I am immediately finding myself likely to be hung today... finally. ContinentalCup has made himself a marked man for my revenge, as he claims that he saw me visit Barzal.


I never left my house.


He's not who he says he is, and with my final actions, I will help this town I have grown on so much this past week by taking ContinentalCup to the grave with me as my last action.


To you, the members of Salem left alive, reading my last will... do not trust solas or Mr. Hatter, if my actions have not ended the game by morning. One or both of them are evil. But choose wisely, you may only get one chance.


Good luck, Salem. I believe in you.


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Dabbing noises.


Sun rising noises.


The sound of pure death.


Last night, @Doomsday, the JESTER, promised to take down @ContinentalCup036, who he had labeled as evil. Sure enough, upon further inspection, a pen and a big stack of paper is found inside his house, and there are hundreds of fake signatures pinned to the walls. He was the FORGER.


There are only three people up and walking today, and @jhatty8 is the other one missing. He was killed by a member of the MAFIA, and, to the surprise of nobody who's been watching, he was a VIGILANTE.


@solas, the GODFATHER, and @Ricer13, the HYPNOTIST, look at @Mr_Hatter, the town's last TRANSPORTER, and gesture toward the tree where four town members have already met their demise. 




I hope everyone enjoyed playing this game! Here is a link to the dead server for anyone (players and non-players alike) who would like to join in the postgame discussion.


Here is a link to the game's spreadsheet for all the nerds.


I'll see you in a few weeks--this is the last game for a bit, and this time I actually mean that. Until then, keep yourselves busy, keep yourselves safe, and consider joining a game in the EFL or the SBA should one start there!






















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Great game mafia, well played!


@BarzalGoat sorry for deceiving you so bad haha that's what you get for trusting me!


Also, @Doomsday why would you kill the guy who just helped you win? You should be rewarding me haha

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